Reviews from

in the past

This was the first game I ever played. Lol

Un bon jeu à licence en vrai, mais se fini assez vite.

Repetitive beat-em-up with the incredibles, however I'll be honest and say it was more fun than the xbox version. Has more unique enemies than the Console versions, and is shorter yet not boring. You're always fighting like a regular beat em up game. The bosses in the game are fun, even if again, the omni Droid fights are repetitive. This game also uses stills from the movie, which is justified for the Gameboy version for using stills, and not just movie scenes spliced into the game. This is honestly the better version to play.

Good for a movie tie-in.
Pros: The pixel art and animations look nice, and Mr Incredible handles like a very well-rounded beat-‘em-up character.
Cons: the other family members are more like side characters with limited move sets. The levels are a bit long and tedious fighting only a couple types of enemies.

Don't really remember other than how i felt
It was fine tho

Such a fun little beat em up.
Easily my favorite Gameboy game.

Nothing amazing from what I played, but for a GBA game based on a Pixar movie...honestly not too bad.