Reviews from

in the past

The video game equivalent of stillbirth.

Clipped through an elevator before the final boss and had to reset. Never mustered the will to try again.

they turned Spyro into Lord of the Rings and i kinda fuck with it

Great beat em up, very satisfying

Dont remember much about this game, just know i played it.

Combat is long and monotonous, but thankfully the enemies are VERY susceptible to fall damage. My gameplay consisted of searching the level design for even the smallest of ledges to toss the hordes off of, and complaining if there were none.

Absolutely love this trilogy because I grew up with it but while I love the story and lore I admit the gameplay grows repetitive in this one sorry Elijah Wood Spyro </3

I remember somehow breaking the game about half way in and no longer being able to follow the story, I then promptly search through the everything I had played to no avail.

la mejor puta saga de spyro y punto mejor q la original y todo

Lightning breath go shwweeessssh and throw monkey man off the cliff

A truly broken and poor experience. I played the game to completion as a kid and have positive memories associated with it. But in trying to replay the game I have found it is nothing but combat room after combat room with a Spectacle Fighter combat system that lacks spectacle, a way to dodge enemy attacks, and enemy diversity. The only joy I have gained from this title is the nostalgia of all the monkey sound effects and learning that you can stunlock enemies to death by spamming the fire breath.

Graphics: $300
Gameplay: $30
Elijah Wood: $100,000
Animations: $400
Enemy Design: $10
My partner loved this game growing up, and throughout high school we used to hang out and I'd watch them play it. I faintly remember renting it once and playing for 2 hours, but this is my first time really getting down into this septic tank.

I love Spyro, I think the PS1 trilogy is borderline perfect, Spyro is a fun little guy. The music slaps and the art is gorgeous, there's lots to love. Everything after Year of the Dragon though is woeful. I would feel bad even tearing into Enter the Dragonfly because it had such a tortured development cycle, and it's just unfinished and buggy.

This game though, really pissed me off, and the Browns lost yesterday, so I'm taking my anger out on this game. The tutorial sections are fucking ruthless, just half-hour fucking slogs teaching you how to fire a new projectile. Like this is the 2nd video game I've ever played and need help pressing circle. Also the combat in this game isn't goddamn Ninja Gaiden it's not that hard to just 3-hit combo everything to death. Oooh it made it SO IRRITABLE!!

Music is actually really good though, and the stunt-casting is misguided but fine. Why is every enemy a monkey though? Spyro kills thousands of apes in this game, it's absurd.

Also by my rating metric this game IS better than Code Veronica and I will stand by that.

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning attempts to reboot the classic Spyro series with a darker tone and more combat-focused gameplay. While the visuals are vibrant and the voice acting features stars like Elijah Wood, the story feels generic and the gameplay is repetitive. Exploring once-charming worlds is now replaced with linear levels focused on battling hordes of similar enemies. Despite some flashy elemental powers, A New Beginning feels like a hollow imitation of its predecessors, lacking the heart and platforming joy of the original Spyro games.

This review contains spoilers

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning takes the iconic purple dragon and puts them in a 2006 reboot. With the main idea being that Spyro is a purple dragon spoken of in prophecy, able to master all 4 elements and save the world...or something like that.

While the story is often viewed as the main selling point for the game, mainly due to the large amount of cutscenes and the talented voice cast, the game hardly takes advantage of it throughout the runtime. The main antagonist, Cynder, is often presented as this dangerous figure in the background who you only face at the final stretch of the game.

The ending is also not really my favorite for how all the elder dragons have lost their powers, Spyro lost his powers, the world is still under control of the dark army, and the true antagonist essentially won out in the end. Leading to a bittersweet ending that ends on a cliff hanger for the next game.

In terms of gameplay, the combat is rather unique. Having combo strings, launchers, and utilizing the 4 elements for utility. Being able to freeze enemies to turn them into snowballs and roll them off the map is pretty funny.

There's also some platforming and gliding sprinkled in, which I think is nice thanks to Spyro's new ability to climb ledges. Though this is also the same game that decided to add fall damage as well. Very minor, but does lead to this hilarious challenge to die in the starting area.

While the gameplay can be pretty fun, it does have some annoyances that do make replaying it a bit difficult. The camera is inverted on both axis, and you can only invert it up and down. Its also prone to getting caught on the environment, which can be annoying for one or two segments.

The game's difficulty is pretty laughable at times. Most of this is thanks to the game having hardly any punishment for dying. At worst you have to redo a phase of the boss fight, and at best you just respawn a few steps away from the fight and get to try again.

The linear nature really hurts the game's potential replay value. There are no major collectibles to look out for in the slightest, so exploration is only really for gems to level up abilities. Which also means the incentive to try New Game Plus is also hindered.

The real killer of replaying the game comes from cutscenes and tutorials. You can skip most cutscenes, but FMVs are very much unskippable. The tutorials also can't be skipped, even on New Game Plus, which makes the opening segment a real slog.

Final Thoughts
I believe A New Beginning and the Trilogy as a whole should be experienced if you're interested, but just know that the story won't be winning any awards and the gameplay is teetering on forgettable.

It's nice to play a Spyro game with some effort put into it after the last six games. The focus on combat is a little odd, no more collectables, and occasionally there's some platforming. Overall I had fun though, and I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the trilogy.

É um ótimo jogo, foi meio esquisito me acostumar com o esquema "novo" de gameplay (comecei essa trilogia pelo Dawn Of The Dragon) mas logo peguei o jeito e comecei a apreciar cada momento de jogatina.

Algo que tenho a criticar é o fato de que todas as habilidades além do fogo são quase que completamente opcionais, apenas sendo necessárias em situações específicas contra inimigos com vantagem contra fogo, mas fora isso, o fogo é literalmente uma das suas habilidades mais poderosas, literalmente banalizando qualquer luta contra uma horda de inimigos, apenas segure quadrado e aguarde, quando um inimigo morrer, ele te dá cristais de mana e você vira praticamente um lança chamas ambulante.

Além do fogo, a eletricidade tambem é bem útil, mas apenas pra arremessar os inimigos pra fora do cenário e evitar um confronto e simplesmente seguir em frente.

Outra reclamação que tenho a fazer é quanto ao chefe locomotiva da fase do vulcão, QUE CHEFE HORROROSO!! QUEM FOI O MAL AMADO QUE TEVE A IDEIA DE CRIAR UM CHEFE QUE CORRE MAIS RÁPIDO QUE VOCÊ, QUE TÁ QUASE 100% DO TEMPO NO SEU PONTO CEGO E QUE ALÉM DE UMA VIDA GIGANTESCA, JOGA TORPEDOS NAS SUAS COSTAS??? jeez! É literalmente mais forte que a própria Cynder (AKA Final Boss do jogo)

Enfim, apesar de todos os problemas, é um jogo divertido e bem humorado, perfeito pra passar o tempo! ^^

Who thought Spyro would make a good brawler?

A strange direction for the series. The gameplay is slow and clunky, but not in a good way. I would have dropped it if it wasn't for the unintentionally entertaining mess of a story. Elijah Wood sounds like he was asleep during the recording and Gary Oldman is so close to the microphone that I can practically feel his breath. Also Sparx calls Cynder sexy and it was so out of place and funny that I can't give this game any less than 3 stars.

Ill-conceived and poorly-executed. Who thought Spyro would make a good brawler?

It's a solid start to a trilogy, plagued by an overabundance of enemy encounters and fairly dull levels at the start. The game picks up once you've got all your abilities and there's some solid level design around the middle, but the final level's an unnecessary slog.

I do like the tone this game carries, though I wish Spyro had some more sass.

The fact that a Spyro reboot like this also had actors from The Lord of the Rings franchise feels like a fever dream.

Lowkey I do remember this being okay. It's the only Legend game I've played, though, so I don't know how it compares to the others.

I was emulating this and had a video playing in the background and every time I got an ad it slowed down the game and I have never converted to anti-capitalism faster than whenever that happened
anyway Funny elijah wood

As a kid I thought this was the most hardcore narrative ever told.

I am 98% sure this game turned me into a furry