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in the past

This is the most Igavania-like indie game that I've ever played and that's a double edged sword. The fact it reminded me so strongly of Symphony of the Night and the GBA and DS Igavanias had me thinking of superior games, but it also executed on these concepts fairly well. The sprite work is gorgeous, weapons and spells are satisfying, and there are some neat enemy designs. The map felt strictly horizontal instead of being a more intertwined world, which hindered exploration slightly. I also found it to be pretty easy, with only a couple of accidental deaths when I wasn't paying close attention to my health. Last thing that stuck out to me was the story, which was all over the place and crammed with jargon--I didn't feel as though it executed well on its strong premise.

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A gameplay é bem legal se quiser evitar a CAVALO é só skippar tudo

Its fun to see an Indie metroidvania decide it wants to be a little more on the Castlevania side, and it doesn't overstay its welcome. We gotta stop indie writers though, the story is well meaning but quite embarrassing.

This is like if The Messenger had a little (lesbian) sister. One that loved Castlevania.

Competent Symphony of the Night clone with a very schizophrenic story.

Aunque no es perfecto, está bastante entretenido. Los orbes (armas) son mas o menos diferentes, aunque se nota mucho los que hacen más daño de los que hacen menos. Los niveles son demasiado parecidos, y las mejoras para ir a otras partes del mapa muchas veces están en un cofre escondido y ya.

Si bien le han puesto esfuerzo en la historia, creo que se cuenta un poco aturulladamente, y las misiones de matar X bichos hasta que suelten un drop aleatorio creía que lo habíamos superado en 2005 XD. Si estas cosas no te molestan, tienes ante ti un metroidvania con combates mas o menos interesantes que ojalá hubiese tenido más tiempo para limar asperezas.

Eu vou esquecer esse jogo inteiro daqui a 2h, e o pior é que nem é ruim

Um metroidvania muito competente com uma história ok. Claramente é um projeto pequeno, sem a pretensão de ser o novo Symphony of the Night, e atende muito bem a essa proposta.

a gameplay é boa mas tem muita lore e os personagens são todos 🐝🍵

TimeSpinner is a modern Metroidvania classic (more Igavania than Metroid) and is some of the most pure joy I’ve had playing a game in a while. Only real issue to some may be it's length and also not really doing anything new, however what it does set out to do it handles really well. It is also EXTREMELY gay, while also being handled in a very tasteful way. Would recommend everyone nostalgic for SNES era RPGs to give this game a go.

A Metroidvania game which is heavily inspired by the *Vania part of the name, in particular Symphony of the Night and the DS games. I really liked the presentation of the game; it has a cool variety of weapons, some really great spritework, and solid (if not terribly original) upgrades. I'm a sucker for games that allow you to play through the same levels but in different time periods, ala Chrono Trigger, and this game has some neat ideas on that. This game honestly was on track to be an A during the first two thirds but then it just... ended. The pacing suddenly ramped up and everything veered towards the conclusion and I didn't feel like the plot or some of the implications were as fleshed out as they should've been. If they added a third time period, I think this game would've been spectacular. The writing also falls apart at this point, with the character trying to take on a more "badass" tone and it really didn't work. But the gameplay remains solid the whole time, and I would definitely recommend it.

This review contains spoilers

Timespinner is a game that's unabashedly queer.

One side character is a trans woman. Polyamory is normalized. A monarch in a position of power we meet is a lesbian. Our main protagonist flirts with characters of all genders. It's something that is in every facet of it - the DNA of this game is queerness. While it's not particularly complex or compelling queerness - the characters are simply queer, the narratives surrounding them are not - it's a nice comfort at least.

What confuses me about this, though, is the story and ideas surrounding all of this. Timespinner is ostensibly a game about imperialism and colonialism, and how those systems destroy lives and perpetuate a never ending cycle. The monarchy which you set out to destroy at the beginning of the game, as it turns out, was created by the oppression of another monarchy one thousand years before. An ouroboros of systemic violence.

It's a pretty standard and accurate depiction of how these political structures sustain themselves. The cycles of violence that fuel empire. However, I don't understand why, through the game's analysis of race relations under these systems, it doesn't do anything meaningful with queerness. Queer characters simply exist. I can see the appeal in that. But when we talk about colonialism and queerness, it's hard for me to ignore the elephant in the room of how colonialism has consistently erased queer identities throughout history. This game ignores that there is any meaningful connection at all.

Adding onto its strange relationship with its own subject matter, the game does indulge in some fantasy racism. The demons are considered unequivocally evil, and a lot of time is spent on how they're the reason behind the previously colonized kingdom becoming the new colonizer. It was their use of demonic forces, the game argues, that led to their downfall. I'm not sure that I have to explain an entire sentient species being completely evil is an awful narrative choice in a game that's about the subjugation of groups of people. It's an awful narrative choice in almost any context, but here it echoes the propaganda that this game is attempting to criticize.

It ultimately ends up being a very conflicted experience. It seems to only wish to tackle the subjects it covers in very broad strokes.

For stories like this, we need a finer painter.

You're about to be mesmerized. It's here! It's wild! It's sweeping the planet! It's... "LACHIEMI!"

Cantoran: "Lachiemi...Like I don't know what it is but it's the coolest thing ever and I can do it!"

Hi, I'm Lunais and THIS is "Lachiemi". We're gonna show you how to unlock the secrets of "Lachiemi: the Magic Gravity Orbs". NO STRINGS! NO TRICKS! Magic? MAYBE! An illusion? YOU DECIDE! You can make "Lachiemi” defy gravity and appear to float in MIDAIR with maneuvers like the "Plasma Geyser", the "Colossal Blade", the "Lightwall", and so many more... It floats, it levitates, it will confuse the senses with its mind-blowing movements. Young or old, big or small - anyone can "Lachiemi" - from the minute they pick up "The Magic Gravity Orbs". And with a little practice, YOU can conquer "Lachiemi!"

Winderian townsfolk: "This is so amazing!" "I think it's fabulous." "I get it now!"

Everyone loves "Lachiemi"; and you don't have to be a Time Messenger. It's relaxing, even therapeutic. Best of all, it's just amazing!

Neliste: "It floats." "It's awesome!"
Queen Aelana: "Lachiemi. Hehehehehe."

From basic maneuvers to the advanced, even control more than one "Lachiemi" at a time! YOU can do this!! Mystify, amaze, and confuse your friends in just minutes! Now it's YOUR turn to master "Lachiemi".

Vilete soldiers: "LACHIEMI!" "It's sick it's so much fun I love it."

Genza: "IT'S AMAZING!"
Emperor Nuvius: "I LOVE IT!"
Genza: "ME TOO!"

Faron: "My son, he's 20, he would love one of those. I'm gonna buy it right now."

Call now to order "Lachiemi: the Magic Gravity Orbs" for only 1999 Entropy gems. And when you order, we'll send you a free memory that will teach you everything you need to know to unlock the secrets of "Lachiemi." Just pay processing. CALL NOW!

É um bom Metroidvania, não tem nada demais e nada ruim
Os gráficos são bem legais e a música é agradável
Gameplay é um pouco simples, mas isso não tira nada do jogo

As quests são beeeeem desnecessárias com umas recompensas meio ruins, mas elas tem uma interação legal entre os personagens
Provavelmente o maior problema é ficar preso a um final se não fazer backup do seu save no endgame, o que é bem triste já que a pessoa vai ter que jogar o jogo inteiro para conseguir o outro final

A wonderful Metroidvania with a gorgeous pixel-art style and an interesting (if not occasionally confusing) story spanning both the past and the present of the game's setting.

Um bom jogo. Divertido de explorar e com uma arte bem carismatica
É um metroidvania padrão, com pixel art bonita, musica mid e história boazinha

So fico triste que não de pra fazer os 3 finais desordenadamente, se fizer em uma ordem errada se quer, você pode so pegar 1 ou 2 (inclusive eu não consegui pegar um deles por conta disso :P)

Really nice game. Favourite part ending and last boss. Other bosses good. But the last boss best by far. Smooth animations good music and overall felt great to play.

One of the metroidvanias of all time.

A retro style RPG that explores the life of a young girl who is part of a secretive clan who have time control magic. Things have been peaceful for a long time but the rise of a new power hungry nation means your friends and family are in danger and you are destined to have to protect time or something.

The game is going for a metroidvania feel (emphasis on the 'vania') but the story takes itself too seriously. The fantasy setting has a lot going on with lore, factions, and politics at play but it uses obtuse fantasy names like 'Varndagroth' that no one but the D&D player taking notes will remember making everything as forgettable as it is overdeveloped.

The gameplay is a platformer that employs the 'floating orbs' style of magic you may recognise from Sindra in LoL or the Phantasm horror films. You can throw the orbs to deal damage, cast magic spells, and stop time. The time stop mechanic is in constant use to turn enemies into platforms, interrupt enemy attacks, and solve puzzles but otherwise the game plays a lot like a castlevania as you explore each setting and zip through different time periods as the story requires.

I played a ways into this but grew bored fairly fast. The story is a bit over the top, the main characters don't have much personality beyond their sexuality, and the writing is all very melodramatic. It feels more like I'm playing through someone's AO3 Chrono Trigger fan fiction. That said the artwork is very pretty and the music is passing. It just seems to assume I should be invested rather than actually working to make any of the characters or setting likeable. I can see there's effort here and maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but I just wasn't hooked at all.

um metroidvania bom, eu sinto que poderia ser muito melhor, a arte é bonita, a história meio confusa mais muito boa, os personagens são bem gostáveis, e a gameplay é bem o que se espera, e o combate se baseia em obter orbes que tem efeitos próprios e podem ser combinados, mas mesmo assim sinto que faltou algo, na primeira run já fiz o 100% sem muita dificuldade, no fim não é um jogo ruim, só me falta algo, quem sabe se em alguma sequência surja algo mais "ousado"

The gameplay is fine, though it's easy to get lost sometimes. I can't say this game is really bad or that I didn't enjoy it at all. But literally every character in this is game is either LGBTQ+ person or mean male who doesn't like good characters. I understand what you're trying to say, game, but please let's not get from one extreme to another.

I wouldn't call this game bad, but I wouldn't call it good either. The writing is kind of hokey, the music is unmemorable, and the gameplay is pretty by-the-numbers. It's a very pretty game, though, I'll give it that.

A disappointing mess of a game that absolute fails to make its mechanics of messing around with time actually enjoyable to use in combat. The only really thing I can say it has going for it is its art style, which admittedly does look nice. Am I being especially harsh on it cause I bought it physically online for $70? Maybe, but cmon, how do you manage to make time stop lame

I'm convinced that the secret reason the devs decided to make a Castlevania inspired game with a ton of LGBT characters was to make a Transylvania pun and you can't convince me otherwise

Honestly, I'm a bit torn on this game. It is a well-polished game with great controls, a solid soundtrack, and beautiful pixel-art visuals. However, it is exceedingly derivative that I often thought: "I should just play Castlevania instead." The story is the one aspect where it vastly departs from its inspirations, but I didn't care enough about it to comment on its quality. As such, this game is a good choice for those who played the Castlevania games- the "iga"vanias in specific- to death and want more of the same. However, for the rest, there are better choices out there.

Completed with 100% of collectibles, all quests completed, 100% map exploration (all possible single-playthrough 'feats' completed). Combining one of my favourite game genres - the 'Metroidvania' - with a time-travel based plot, which I always find intriguing, Timespinner sets itself up strongly as a game that appeals to me, and didn't disappoint. The game sees Lunais, assuming the role of protector of her tribe against any disasters that might befall it through her mastery of a 'timespinner' device granting time-travel abilities to those able to use it - which she is forced to do in the game's introductory sequence.

Very much resembling Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in its mix of platforming, combat and RPG elements, Timespinner was a very satisfying experience, with level-ups bring noticeable stat increases alongside a nice variety of weapons (seen here as orbs). Key to the success of any 'Metroidvania' is of course the world in which the game takes place, which here is very intelligently-designed, with satisfying but not excessive use of time-travel based puzzles to aid traversal, an interesting plot and well-written characters - all leading up to an end-game choice that feels meaningful. Wrapped up with excellent presentation and beautiful pixel-art graphics, this is a great package all around.

Decent SotN ripoff, I wish it did more with the time stuff instead of just kinda forgetting about it and doing the standard metroidvania upgrades.

está ok! no se si tengo mucho más que decir

This game was my first metroidvania that I finished and I had good time. It's like what if Castlevania Symphony of the Night (which I need to finish) was about a time traveling psychic on another planet, with fun powers, actual time travel affecting the story, multiple endings, characters that are more fleshed out than I was expecting after first meeting them.

Some of the platforming was more percise than it needed to be, and there is often a fair bit of backtracking. But I loved exploring and finding out how far this path goes only to discover it was like 3 dungeons long, haha. Anyway fun game and it isn't very long.