Reviews from

in the past

"pienso seguir la trilogia, lo más probable es que hayan hecho un juego muchisimo más solido. Fue entretenido jugar este, de todas formas."

Esto fue lo que dije en mi review al primer TimeSplitters, y FUCK, tenía razón, el segundo es mucho mejor juego. Sigue teniendo el problema de que los ultimos niveles son más balaseras y las mecanicas de juego no soportan mucho ese tipo de diseño, pero mierda que en todos los demás lo mejoraron demasiado. Cada escenario tiene su propia gimmick la cual puedes explotar a tu favor y llega a ser muy retroalimentativo al gameplay, como por ejemplo utilizar agua o un extintor para apagar el fuego de tu cuerpo en lugar de esperar unos segundos, el que los barriles solo se vaciarán si le haces un agujero en la parte más baja de su pie, utilizar el entorno para derrotar a los enemigos a favor de ahorrar munición, niveles de escolta que debes minimizar tu armamento explosivo para que no dañes a civiles, crear caminos de polvora para matar estrategicamente a grupos grandes de enemigos, entre muchisimas otras cosas. Lo que siento algo inferior al primer juego es el autoaim, no sé si es por la sensibilidad del mando de Gamecube pero está mucho más impreciso, aunque por suerte no llega a lo injugable.

Nos vemos en Future Perfect.

Fantastic at the time, virtually unplayable now

Played it through OPL in forced 480p 4:3. Only played the story mode on easy. Much better weapons especially the handling when under scope. The graphics are much better and the game has gone from a CD based game that felt like could feasibly run on the PS1 to a full blown next gen PS2 game. The story is just you going back in time to stop aliens from getting the time crystals to alter time. Anyway you get them and then you destroy the time station and your love interest dies. I love the way the game looks. It's can look soft but in a very appealing way. The levels are also so much varied. The NeoTokyo level is a stealth level while there is also a bomb defusal level. Looking back every level is distinct. A level with crossbows that can be on fire. The boss battles are piss easy but I didn't want anything more than that. Might replay this at some point.

There's definitely a lot of charisma to this game, and I especially love how this game plays with tone in a really comic fashion - where I feel that each of the levels in this game are pretty much a masterclass in constructing a distinct tone to each of them. Like, there's just so much done here and it's also one of those games which is just incredibly massive - something that I must have sunk dozens if not hundreds of hours into just playing through and trying to unlock every single achievement and token and character.

But then it's also just a really satisfying shooter in general, especially with just how tight it feels for a console shooter - and also with how it expands upon gameplay elements established in games such as Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (this game was also made by developers who left Rareware to work on this game). Some of my favourite levels in this game include the very distinctly noir toned level Chicago and the western themes level Wild West - and it's very indicative that this was one of those games where it was heavily experimental. I think there's portions of it which don't quite fully work and it suffers a bit from some incredibly steep difficulty curves (like this game is hard and then some) but it's also such a fun game overall that it's well worth playing.

Also, you can also play a version of this game in Battlefront 2 (where you can unlock the full version by a certain cheat code) - and fans of the movie Shaun of the Dead (2004) would also notice this as the game that Ed plays, and is utilised somewhat as a visual gag in that film (although clearly in the script it was originally just any generic video game, noticeable with the non-existent 'Player 2 has entered/left the game' joke.)

Really great shooter, wacky, genre-bending, it's a great time.

this game is SUPURB on mouse and keyboard

that being said, i hate the cyberpunk level

play this game though its awesome

Name a modern FPS with this many features and this much content outside of a campaign. I'll wait.

Fun to play with friends, but the control is kind of hard to get used to. Aiming with the gamecube controller doesn't feel as good as Metroid Prime, and precise shots aren't happening. I had fun, but it's hard to go back to it.

absolutely amazing until you beat Atom Smasher, then its kinda fuck

So to start off, there’s a handful of ways to actually play this game on modern systems. If you have an xbox one this game is actually backwards compatible and still being sold on that platform digitally. Alternatively, people have gotten mouse injection via dolphin to play, but the project seems to have been abandoned. It’s been recently discovered that Homefront the Revolution contains a completely functioning hd port of timesplitters 2 via an easter egg, this is probably the most accessible version. The following is a link to a mod for the PC version of homefront that allows you to launch Timesplitters 2 directly and deletes homefront files:

Timesplitters 2 makes me think a lot about content and how I perceive value in games. I used to play a lot of timesplitters 2 and future perfect on the gamecube. As a child, timesplitters felt like a toybox of parameters and encounters to play endlessly. Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect each offer a decently long co-op campaign, 20+ challenges, 30+ arcade league challenges, robust multiplayer options, and a mapmaker. Halo aside, I don't believe any fps on consoles comes even close to how much content is on offer in any of the timesplitters games. But is any of it good or worth playing today?

A bit of history: During the last stages of Goldeneye's development, Steve Ellis implemented multiplayer without management or nintendo knowing. Despite its legacy, multiplayer was never a priority during Goldeneye's development. Rare was unable to secure the bond license which led to the conceptualization of perfect Dark. It’s around this point that Ellis and a few others left Rare to form Free Radical.

I bring this up because I feel it’s the reason timesplitters is beloved so much in the sense that it WAS an improved version of goldeneye in terms of multiplayer. Sixth gen console controllers that have 2 analog sticks each and the game itself running at 60fps go a long way to make timesplitters seem like a much more refined version of goldeneye. However, when comparing timesplitters to rare’s 2 previous fps games, you begin to notice just what was lost in this shift in priorities. What stuck out most to me is just how ‘gamey’ the levels were. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark’s levels were all imagined as actual places first and then the team thought of fun objectives to do in said levels with an emphasis on intractability and multiple objectives akin to something like an immersive sim. Completing a level in Perfect Dark feels satisfying and makes me want to immediately replay the level to get a better time, clear on a higher difficulty, or just attempt a new strategy. Completing a mission or challenge in timesplitters makes me think “great, now i'm never doing that again”, due to increased enemy vision coupled with a gross lack of options for stealth. I’d say this is a quality vs content situation but it’s more like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark had BOTH but timesplitters has so much content that its only redeeming qualities were its framerate and more modern control scheme. Timesplitters made sense as an expanded port of Goldeneye's multiplayer to modern systems of its time, but when you consider that many of its improvements were eventually brought to Perfect Dark and Goldeneye via emulation, official ports, and even fan projects like Goldeneye source, there stands little reason to revisit timesplitters.

if timesplitters was a movie cortez would be played by the rock

Classic FPS. I have a really soft spot for this entry. The campaign is great and the amount of modes and characters is crazy. Plus a map maker where you can create your own campaigns. Where is this franchise now man! I had notebooks full of map designs and ideas. Such a complete package this game is.

Borrowed this game from my friend in middle school and never gave it back. Sorry man.

The game was pretty fun though!

KB+M make this so good, I recommend getting the mod

The peak of the series content-wise.
The most balanced experience. The most multiplayer.
The weirdest of weapons.

The original SnapMap. Cried many tears when my Xbox died and lost all my maps.

First Halo, Now This?

The Goldeneye-esque control might be a turn off for some in 2020, but adjusting is fairly easy and the game's auto-aim is forgiving enough to make the control negligable.

What does make TimeSplitters 2 more difficult to enjoy in a 2020 replay is the lackluster mission design after the third or so level - The game goes from dense and complex in the opening stages to uninteresting, unintuitive, and uninvolved throughout the rest of the bunch.

TimeSplitters 2 does get points for having a dense amount of content by any standard with different challenge modes and bot-enabled multiplayer - TimeSplitters 2 definitely scores some for having custom bind-able controls in 2002; Something modern shooters seem afraid, or just don't care to offer.

This is the only FPS that I‘ve actually enjoyed. It’s fun, creative, doesn’t take its self too seriously... I want a remastered version and a Timesplitters 4 so bad.

I bought that brick-ish 4-controller PS2 adapter just for this game.