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in the past

Not even gonna bother. I find paint drying on walls more entertaining than this.

BL3 engine just isnt built for me. I think this is superior to BL3 though.

It's borderlands but somehow more annoying and less fun to play.

i absolutely adore this game, while i wish the DLC was more then just the portals. ( maybe it is, i'll go back one day and look ) but me and my husband LOVED this game. from the guns, to the commentary, from getting more Tina, and seeing more of the OG borderlands characters.

One of the games I played but never finished. I'll have this game beaten.

A estética é bem incomum e bonita, a história é puro meme, os diálogos são muito engraçados, mas eu fadiguei, as batalhas ficaram muito repetitivas

The game does a lot right, especially keeping in mind the lower budget this game had, with that said the writing, characters and dialogues are so incredibly boring I almost dropped it before getting to the actually well crafted end-game.

Foi muito legal poder jogar em coop, porém, o jogo claramente não vale o q pedem, é um jogo muito curto, poderia facilmente ser uma dlc

As a Borderlands this one was okay. I've played Borderlands 2, 3 and the Pre-Sequel and found this one to be not as interesting as the others. Some of the humor was still the goofy, sometimes toilet style that I enjoy. However, this one just really didn't stand out to me in any way. The story, the characters, the missions; none of it grabbed my attention as much as the other games.

Primer borderlands donde de verdad me he puesto a experimentar con builds y a usar granadas (hechizos). Además Tina es un amor.

Very funny if you have some DnD knowlegde. Like the Magic Missile joke is actually hilarious as it’s also a callback to the Tiny Tina DLC in BL2.

I don't know how but they made a borderlands game boring, one playthrough was more than enough for me. The writing is atrocious and the Chaos Chamber is probably one of the worst things they added to the Borderlands games.

Borderlands with D&D??
Sign me up.

Eu amo Borderlands, então sempre tenho uma expectativa alta com qualquer jogo da franquia. Esperava a DLC da Tina do Borderlands 2, mas ultra melhorada. Confesso que me decepcionei um pouco. Vou logo pra conclusão sobre o jogo: é um jogo com um ENORME potencial desperdiçado. Se você é fã de D&D ou fã de Borderlands, vai curtir muito a história e mais um capítulo da construção de personagem excepcional da Tina. As piadinhas e referências seguem perfeitas e a história como um todo, apesar de curta, traz essa evolução da personagem e conexão com o universo Borderlands. Claro que por ser uma história "lateral", não temos evolução no enredo atual do jogo.
De qualquer forma, pelo fato da história ser curta (apesar de envolvente), poderia facilmente ter sido uma DLC de um Borderlands 3, por exemplo.Talvez seja o fato do jogo ter sido produzido durante a pandemia que traga também esse ar de DLC, mas não havia necessidade de ser um standalone. Falando em pandemia, lindíssima a mensagem passada no final do jogo, em um momento tão delicado para nós, como humanidade mesmo.
Por fim, a gameplay segue classe A, com a tela menos poluída, fluidez e ofertando muita diversão.
Agora vamos falar das coisas ruins. A franquia é conhecida por diversos motivos, sendo um deles o fator replay. Quem é aficcionado por ela, curte poder testar as várias classes diferentes, as trocentas armas disponíveis, variações de builds e chegar num ponto de min/max pra se tornar o mais OP possível. Aí que começam os problemas. Borderlands sempre teve o farm de itens como peça chave pra você pegar as armas e itens mais poderosos e se tornar um deus do joguinho. O que fizeram? Meteram praticamente todos os itens lendários dentro da mesma lootpool. Você quer farmar um item específico como fazia num Borderlands 2, por exemplo, e acha que é só ir em determinado boss que ele vai dropar? Não. Ta praticamente tudo como world drop, o que diminui consideravelmente suas chances de encontrar o que você mais quer.
Isso nos leva a outro problema relacionado ao fator replay, que é o endgame. Você termina a história e aí? Tem que ter arenas, raid boss, DLCs fantásticas, coisas a mais pra você fazer e seguir jogando com seu personagem. No entanto, tudo que encontramos são a Câmara do Caos e DLCs pífias. A Câmara do Caos nada mais é que uma repetição das Dungeons do jogo, enfrentando inimigos atrás de inimigos, aumentando a dificuldade com modificadores e no final, um boss. O loot fica mais forte, mas você cai na mesmice rapidamente e não da vontade de passar do Caos Level 20. Até porque, daí em diante você já tem que começar o min/max e aí caímos naquele problema do farm de itens.
A história das DLCs é até interessante em certo ponto, mas extremamente rasa. O conteúdo é pior ainda. 4 "mapas" em que você NOVAMENTE está na mesmice das Dungeons, matar inimigos até a próxima sala e enfrentar um boss final. O pior é que você tem que terminar cada mapa pelo menos 4 VEZES pra poder liberar todas as conquistas. Extremamente repetitivo e chato.

Sem me estender muito mais, jogue o joguinho. Curta a história, curta as piadas, curta as referências. Se tiver paciência, fique para ver a cagada colossal que fizeram com o endgame desse jogo. Depois que cansar, não se sinta culpado por largar o jogo no esquecimento, não vale a pena platinar. Se um dia der saudade ou vontade (ou aparecer um amigo pra jogar com você), teste outras classes e divirta-se.

First things first: Tiny Tina’s Wonderland isn’t as good as Borderlands 3. But it is not a DLC turned into a full price game either. It’s a fully fledged spin-off to the series that comes with a good chunk of new and varied content. The idea isn’t new, it picks up the premise of one of the most popular Borderlands DLC - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - and puts the player into a role-playing game in the Borderlands universe run by Tiny Tina as the dungeon master. The gameplay is still the same. Run around in varied and beautiful environments, kill hordes or different enemy types and get loot and level ups. It’s just presented as a tabletop RPG where Tiny Tina is the narrator including fun discussions between the other players. Even when the NPCs players never show up in the game itself, which feels a bit off.

The class system has been attuned to the new settings. The player can choose between different fantasy classes and even go multiclass later. Every class comes with its own skill tree. Grenades from the original games have been changed against magic spells which essentially work the same but are more varied and fun to use. There is also a slot for melee weapons that mostly consist of axes and swords. The main weapons are still guns. Some have been altered to fit the fantasy setting more but there are still machine guns, rocket launchers and pistols as well which don’t fit the setting. I would have wished for a more attuned weapon pool but then again, what would Borderlands be without machine guns and rocket launchers?

While the main story can be finished in around 10 hours there are tons of optional quests and content in the game that put it beyond the 25 hours mark. The problem many people have with the side content is that it’s mostly arena based. Many of the mini dungeons that can be found on the world map are just random arenas with random enemy hordes that you fight off in waves. I didn’t mind that because there is still a lot of variety in the encounters thanks to a good range of different enemy and area types. But I can see why people feel that this is a cheap method to offer content. Still, there are also lots of longer optional quest lines with extensive voice acting and sometimes even whole, large areas that aren’t part of the main story. There is even a rogue-like mode after beating the campaign. So selling this for full price is justified in my book and doesn’t feel like a cheap cash grab.

it's funny sometimes and tiny tina is one of the best characters in borderlands' lore but this game just doesn't work

Its like if you turned that one 5 hour dlc into a 20 hour long game, and not in a good way.

I love Dungeons and Dragons. I also love Borderlands (except for CEO Randy Pitchford, he, is a very very very bad word)
So when Borderlands 2 gave us a D&D inspired DLC featuring my favourite character Tiny Tina, I fell in love.
Years later, we have now been given a full length seperate tale of Tiny Tina as the DM for a new group of characters....
It's Borderlands. Everything you know and love about the series returns but with a fantasy twist. D20's act as loot increases, spells are here, in the overworld you are a minature on a game board.
It is at it's core, the same as the other games. It is all the same formula but worded differently to have a more D&D affect.
Which, it absolutely nails. It's fun watching live streams and listening to podcasts about D&D. It is also fun playing games like Divinity that so heavily are like D&D. However, I have never seen anything capture the memes and tropes of a real D&D game like this game does.
I laughed almost constantly at the satire that it manages to pull off with it's jokes. It really does make you feel like you're in a D&D game and all of your party members are real.
Wanda Sykes and Andy Samberg play your two party members, while Ashly Burch plays your DM, Tiny Tina and ALL of them do a great job at bringing you into this world and into the campaign.
Plus the villian is literally voiced by Bojack Horsemans VA, Will Arnett who is also incredible.
The all star cast doesn't distract from it's pretty basic ass plot though. I do love the simplicity of the plot. Go defeat the bad guy! Because it absolutely nails the general vibe of going up against a villian in a campaign.
With there being a very decent plot reveal that I do enjoy but didn't feel needed overall. As if the game couldn't just be for fun, it needed SOME plot to make you go "OHHHHHH"
Which gets a basic ending anyways.
The overall plot is pretty eh, however there are some great side quests.
There is one that jokes on Geralt from The Witcher and it is freakin glorious. So I do like some side quests over the main arching story.
Overall, this game is about D&D. It is a satire and hilarious view on the game that will make any player or DM laugh with how true it all is.
There is a whole side quest literally about derailing the main quest due to a cool looking NPC who has nothing to do with anything. So Tina creates his backstory and quest all on the fly.
Moments like those, made this game a treat to play as a D&D fanboy however there are some issues I have with the main story and it's usage of the same NPC faces that kinda bring it down just a bit.

Story 3.2 | Gameplay 4.8 | Audio 4.5 | Visual 5 | Details 4 | Entertainment 5 | Open world 3.9

Total 4.3

I think they told Randy Pitchford to PITCH in less for this one. It was a lot less obnoxious than BL3 and tbh I'm not someone who is that averse to it. But this game has done all the innovative strides right. It needs a lot more guns and the variety to them but it is an excellent step in the right direction.

An entertaining spin-off from the Borderlands series.

Is it the best game in the world, not even close. But that loop tho...

- DA somptueuse, les niveaux sont colorés, riches de détails, avec une identité visuelle unique et parfois très originale(niv haricot magique). Le design des armes est aussi très réussi e t original.

- l'humour constant et forcé du scénario principal gâche un peu tout. C'est dommage car sur certaines quêtes secondaire on voit que le jeu est capable d'une belle écriture soutenue et riche en figure de style.

- Les combats sont fluide et dynamiques, la magie et les compétences de classe viennent ajouter encore plus de rythme à ceux-ci.

- il faut faire les quêtes secondaires pour découvrir toute les zones magnifiques du jeu

- Du contenu end game avec la chaos chamber qui permet de faire des runs d'encounter aléatoire en ajustant certains paramètres et gagner du loot a la fin

- Des références sympa à l'univers du jeu de rôle dans l'écriture et déroulement de certaines quêtes

Never played a borderlands game before this one. I like it so far!

I'm not a huge Borderlands fan, but I've played a couple of the games (besides this, I've played 1 and about half of 2). Accordingly, I don't know if this is an accurate read on the full series or just a consequence of how I've approached the series when I admit that I don't think Borderlands is compelling when strictly viewed as a series of FPSes.

Yes, there are a characteristic lot of guns, the game using a system for modular loot generation that lets it create literally billions of guns. Yes, many of these guns have pretty out-there effects. Yes, each class of character has a couple unique skills that make the experience of playing them different. Yes, the skill trees further embellish each character's whole thing, allowing for individual expression. Yes, sometimes guns will let you shoot things that you do not typically expect to come out of guns, and that never gets old.

...but, like, I'm never playing Borderlands because I find the mechanics interesting. I never look to Borderlands as a mechanically rich experience, one that teases out things you can do with guns. I never feel like I'm playing a transcendent video game with Borderlands. Gunplay is a means to an end, nothing more.

Nah, the draw for Borderlands as a series is its scenario writing and characters, and (starting with 2, maybe 1's DLC) the series does quite well at this. I skipped quite a few games, jumping from 2 to Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, so I'm sure I missed the natural progression, but holy moly is the writing in Tiny Tina great fun.

Borderlands by its nature plays a lot with absurdist worldbuilding and design, so playing out a story-within-a-story almost entirely unmoors the shackles that held the writing back. You need to have some tabletop familiarity to get some of the satire, as well as be tuned in to some of the pop culture it's referencing (bold choice, having a Monkey Island parody where Guybrush and LeChuck are lovers) - but it's SO patently silly and well-executed that even specific tabletop gaming grievances work just as character bits.

It's such a great framing device, too. Tiny Tina makes for a fun, hyperactive game master, with the cadence of the world changing to match whatever she feels like doing. Ashly Burch is a treat as always, really someone who gets into her characters' heads no matter who they are. Frette and Valentine make for fun other players, relegated to being mission control advisors because the former is too much of a metagaming munchkin and the latter doesn't know how to play. A ton of the moment-to-moment fun comes from Frette and Valentine trying to interpret Tiny Tina's offers, and it makes for such a fun alternative to having just a voice in a can monologuing to you the whole game.

But the real star of the show for my money is the Dragon Lord. Without getting into too many spoilers - this is exactly the type of character I love. His fight is kind of nothing, especially with a team of four players, but his writing and presence? Top notch.

At the end of the game, just before the credits, there's a little dedication explaining that the game was made as the team's lockdown project. How connectivity in face of a global pandemic was the most important thing the team had to keep going, and how tabletop gaming is a way to foster and preserve those connections. I think this explains a lot about the game (for one, the setup of Frette/Valentine/the Player being stuck in Tina's cave for an indefinite period of time) and about the overall sense of sentimentality to the game.

Borderlands isn't really what I think of as a "feel good" series, but... I dunno. There's something sweet about this game in particular that makes me walk away with the warm fuzzies.

this game took a really interesting concept and took 20 hours to do anything interesting with it. the writing has its moments, but overall i think this game has the weakest story in the entire story, besides 1. the combat mechanics arent memorable,the multiclass system is interesting but frankly still quite limited in scope, the world felt not fleshed out, and my wife and I decided to skip the post-game and DLC because it was THAT disappointing. This game does thankfully have good difficulty balancing so that i could safely do side content without overleveling, but said side content was mostly lackluster and theres almost no good loot in this entire game.

It's a looter shooter in its purest form

For those looking for a fun experience with a great story and addictive gameplay, this is the ideal game, a great evolution in the Borderlands saga.

Pretty fun, wacky adventure in a D&D world with the insanity of the borderland's humour, yeah something that I would recommend.