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in the past

cup head be like (but is not the same vibe)

Uma mistura de Shadow of the Colossus + Dark Souls pixelado.

Mais difícil do que parece, tanto você quanto os inimigos morrem com 1 hit.
Eu gosto de desafios, mas nesse jogo apesar de ir jogando, aperfeiçoando, decorando padrões de ataques dos boss e testando abordagens diferentes até achar uma que funcione, eu não senti aquela satisfação de vencer um desafio, com nenhum dos inimigos, apenas não senti nada.
Morri umas 200x até zerar, e a dificuldade em si não é frustrante, é um difícil bacana. Mas algumas coisas me incomodaram um pouco.

O rolamento do personagem é meio quadradão e não tão preciso no timing, não é fluído.
Os checkpoints são desnecessariamente longe da sala do boss, isso sim é frustrante, ter que repetir o caminho toooda vez que morre.

Num geral, não é um jogo ruim.
EU particularmente não gostei muito, mas reconheço que é bastante por opinião minha mesmo, outras pessoas podem sim gostar mais dele, então vale a pena experimentar.

Muito daora!! A movimentação é um pouco dura em relação aos padrões de ataque mas da pra acostumar

This review contains spoilers

I picked this game up because I was playing through Death's Door when I learned that Death's Door is a sequel to Titan Souls. When I played Titan Souls, I was surprised to see little connection between the two (the connection is only apparent on the post game of Death's Door).

This short game provides some unique challenges in the context in which it released. Everything, you and the bosses you fight, dies in one hit. Bosses end up being a short dexterity puzzle to shoot their weak point after sometimes needing to reveal it. The fragility of everything makes the game a quick sprint to take out your foes before they even so much as touch you.

The game could be improved by making the death and reload cycle faster. The screen takes a second or two to fade to black, then you respawn at a central point in the area only to run a short ways back to the boss. Given there are no other enemies, it would be better to just respawn at the entrance to the boss arena, especially since frequent deaths after short attempts are common.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the boss variety. Some of the bosses clearly take inspiration from Zelda. All of the bosses are unique enough from the others that it was fun figuring out the way to kill each of them. The last boss brought a twist, being the only creature to require 3 hits rather than one, which brought a nice final challenge.

The game had little dialog, which surprised me. I thought there would be more meditation or explanation for why you kill these creatures. There is only a few lines mentioning that your character searches for truth. I think the haunted/sacred atmosphere of the game provides a de facto story telling though that is welcome. In many ways, the game is reminiscent of the Shadow of the Colossus, the haunted/sacred environs included.

titan souls has an interesting idea, stunning graphics, and an eerie atmosphere, but it's not my kind of game. i'm not a big fan of memorizing boss patterns and relying on predictions over reactions, so this doesn't appeal to me. ultimately, the frustration outweighed the fun for me. i suppose i'm not a kaizo mario type of guy.

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

❌ Çocuklar
✅ Gençler
✅ Yetişkinler
❌ Oyuncular
✅ Hardcore Oyuncular

🌆 Grafikler 🌆

❌ Patates
❌ İdeal
✅ Güzel
❌ Müthiş
❌ Fevkaladenin fevkinde

📖 Hikaye 📖

❌ Hikaye ne demek
❌ Akasya Durağı ile kapışır
❌ Orta
❌ İyimiş
❌ Süper
❌ Etkileyici

💰 Fiyat - Performans 💰

❌ Parasına Değer
❌ Ucuz
✅ Orta
✅ İndirimde Al
❌ Pahalı
❌ Çok Pahalı

💻 Sistem Gereksinimleri 💻

❌ Tost Makinesi
✅ EBA Canavarı
❌ İyi PC
❌ İyi bir Ekran kartı ve İşlemci
❌ Nasa PC'si

⌛️ Oynanış Süresi ⌛️

❌ Tek oturuşta biter (1-2 Saat)
✅ Kısa (2-8 Saat)
❌ Normal (8-30 Saat)
❌ Uzun (60+ Saat)
❌ Arka Sokaklar

⚙️ Zorluk ⚙️

❌ Babaannem bile oynar
❌ Kolay
❌ Orta
❌ Kolay - Zor seçimi var
✅ Dark Souls'la kapışır

🇹🇷 Türkçe Dil Desteği 🇹🇷

✅ Yok ama gerek de yok
❌ Olsa iyi olurdu
❌ Ameriga bizi kıskanıyor
❌ İnternette yaması var

🔮 Oyun Modları 🔮

❌ Multiplayer
✅ Singleplayer

😡 Bug var mı 😡

✅ Hiç Yok
❌ Rahatsız Etmiyor
❌ Cyberpunk 2077

🎮 Sarıyor mu 🎮

✅ Evet
❌ Ehhh işte
❌ Hayır

Arkadaşımın önerisi ve az biraz gazıyla alıp aslında hiç oynamamak üzere kütüphanemde tutmaya karar vermişken yeni kol satın aldığımdan kendi çapımda deneme amaçlı oyunu yükledim. Az biraz izlemiştim arkadaşımdan. İzlerken minik tatlı bir macera oyunu gibi duruyordu ama yükledikten sonra abartılanın hiç de az olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Oyun baya baya hardcore zorlukta bir souls oyunu. Türünü normalde ağlayarak oynasamda beni oyundan sıkmadı. Bir süre sonra sinirlenip 1-2 bossun nasıl kesileceğine bakmam dışında aşırı zor ama imkansız seviyesinde değildi. Oyunun genel hatlarından bahsetmemiz gerekirse oyun "Gidem bosslara 1 saat vuram canı düşsün" "Hata yaptım pat öl" tarzı bir souls değil. Her bossun zayıflıkları var ve oraya vurduğun gibi ölüyor. Oyunda zaten minyon düşman yok. Boss'u kes diğerine git boss'u kes diğerine git şeklinde. Mekanik desen zaten koşma , yürüme , ok atma , oku çekme ve roll'dan ileriye gitmiyor her şey senin kontrolünde. Her öldüğünde git baştan boss'a 15 sn yürü kısmı dışı sorunu yok. Hikayesi de yok zaten. Ama çok iyi. Müzikleri ise beni gaza getirdi baya kaliteli. Yapanlar kimse aşırı iyi iş çıkarmış.
Burdan öneren arkadaşıma teşekkür edip bende size öneriyorum. Puanı Metacritic'te falan az olsa da benim için baya yüksek 🥈🅖🅤🅜🅤🅢🥈

the perspective and having to run like 10 secs to the boss everytime you die is so awful garbage

Indie souls like de altíssima qualidade. Uma dificuldade elevada com gráficos pixel bonitos e chefes bem criativos com mecânicas únicas.

Amazing music, quick gameplay and great atmosphere.

A simple game with good gameplay and even better music.

This game was a weird but oddly good one. The premise is simple: You and a single arrow that you can call back, against huge bosses. Each boss is unique, and figuring out how to take it down is that this game is initially all about. Once you know how, though, you can tackle the game's various challenges: Speedruns, Hard- and Iron-Mode playthroughs, No-Roll mode... All of which are satisfying to complete.

se foda, simplesmente desisti de tentar platinar porque ainda vai ser um tempo e esforço e neurônios que NÃO VALEM a pena gastar

eu odeio esse jogo com todas as minhas forças, não por ele ser difícil ou pelas mecânicas ou qualquer coisa, esse jogo é simplesmente esgotante e frustrante, eu tive mais bugs e problemas (até matando os bosses do suposto jeito certo de matar eles) do que tive de horas de jogo, e saber que ainda vou precisar fazer speedrun desse jogo maldito, zerar matando todos os boss sem morrer e ainda fazer um New Game + sem morrer de novo, eu sinceramente prefiro cair de moto

Bastante divertido e desafiador, amei as musicas do jogo, literalmente todas são ótimas, os bosses são variados e esteticamente muito diferentes, é um bom jogo pra passar uma tarde só tem umas 3h de jogo

jogo bom, gráfico pixelado que é "ame ou odeie", acho a jogabilidade meio dura, não tão fluida igual Death's Door por exemplo, que é um jogo muito similar. Vale comprar, se gostar de um desafio a mais, ainda mais se tiver em promoção.

the souls of the titan games

i beated 1 time, but then i unlocked the hardcore mode... ha ha ha.....

Muito bonito e conceitualmente muito interessante. Nunca peguei pra jogar sério, mas o que eu joguei me divertiu bastante

Je vais pas dire que c'est nul à chier mais je le pense.

I'll start by saying that I haven't finished it, and in fact I won't put a rating, but I don't think I will finish it either. My intent was, after Death's Door, to just taste Acid Nerve's first work, without expectations.

And in fact I had no surprises, but that doesn't make it a bad product: a sweet debut game, with a pixel-art artistic style that works.
I played for just under an hour, passing the first macro-area, and I was able to understand what the game was based on (at least in the first section): boss-fight, boss-fight and boss-fight, ah, and you die on the first hit.
The combat system is more than basic: you can only shoot an arrow, and after shooting it must be recovered (with the possibility of calling it back to us). The fights against the "Titans" are puzzles: the game is in understanding where and how to hit them with your arrow.

My first hour was... nice. I got to defeat the first 4 bosses, and sample the next area.
These puzzles are simple but still stimulating, but it must also be said that you die many times. And herein lies my lack of desire to continue it: with each death, you have to retrace the map for about 20-30 seconds to return to the boss arena. The frustration due to this banal and stupid design error is unfortunately greater than the modest enjoyment deriving from the fighting.

quem sabe algum dia eu tenha saco pra continuar isso

Jogos difíceis são desafiadores, e desafios são realmente empolgantes! No entanto, sabe o que não é nada agradável? Ter que percorrer o mesmo caminho toda vez que se morre. Não gostei muito; em alguns casos, você não tem tempo para aprender o que fazer contra certos inimigos, começando já com a derrota. Portanto, é preciso percorrer todo o trajeto novamente até não aguentar mais.

It's immediately obvious that Shadow of the Colossus influenced Titan Souls: a mostly empty overworld, restrained and simplified controls (two buttons, used for a roll and shooting/recalling your single spirit arrow), and gameplay centralization around the thirteen boss fights are all reminiscent of Team ICO's most acclaimed work. Unfortunately, Titan Souls is nothing more than a poor man's carbon copy, because its boss designs leave something to be desired. Bosses go down in one hit, and so does the player: there's no room to learn on the fly when any hit will end the fight and respawn you outside of the arena, forcing yet another trek back. This devolves into spamming "all or nothing" attempts via trial and error: dodge through attack patterns until the boss displays its pink weak point, taking your shot when the moment presents itself and ending most fights in a minute or less. As a result, the game fails to create an engaging difficulty curve and never hits that sweet-spot, because there's just a sudden jump between struggling and breaking through, replacing the journey in-between with sheer tedium. It's the classic mistake of conflating difficulty with punishment, made even more flagrant in hard mode by simply accelerating enemy attacks/throwing out more projectiles instead of utilizing trickier and unique patterns to stratify different playthroughs.

Most importantly, Titan Souls lacks Shadow of the Colossus's ability to create a realistic feeling of presence. There's no intimacy to be found due to the brevity of fights and the absence of any other significant NPCs, and the game fails to build up any anticipation due to how condensed the overworld is (resulting in little travel time), failing to provide any cooldown or catharsis for similar reasons. After all, volume swells cannot exist if there are no punctuated moments of stillness to break up the action (something that this game desperately needs, considering how background tracks are constantly playing throughout the overworld). Ultimately, Titan Souls is yet another indie imitator that will forever live in the shadows of its influences: it appears to capture the surface appeal well enough, but fails to emulate any underlying details that would elevate it beyond a homage to something greater.

dificil pra poha vtnc

dito isso: adorei, jogão

Very cute and tight experience