Reviews from

in the past

Could honestly be five stars if Michael Ironside had returned and the lighting wasn't so often messed up.

O foco em ação particularmente me desagrada. Invés da movimentação cautelosa evitando alta visibilidade ainda permanecendo em silêncio, Blacklist opta por usar cover e maior uso de verticalidade, logicamente a escuridão ainda ajuda mas ela não camufla o jogador como antes, o que era muito mais interessante e o diferencial da série. Como ficou é basicamente um Metal Gear Solid 4 mais simplificado e fácil, menos satisfatório e de história pobre. Até a Vibe é fraca.

The very best melding of the panther style gameplay set by Conviction, with the methodical stealth mechanics of Chaos Theory, but with none of the slowness that fit that game, but doesn't fit modern Splinter Cell. A game that released at probably the worst time for a console game - but a wonderful experience and one that is being redeemed every day.

Shooting lights, scanning enemies with sonat glasses and shooting in the head with silenced pistol never gets old.

Committing warcrimes in the name of saving our country. 'Murica.

This game was too good, the spies vs mercenaries is a very fun concept and I still love it to this day. I really liked the modes such as extraction, blacklist, and uplink control. But the game died after I got it, but besides the lack of community this game has an amazing campaign and multiplayer modes as well as a nice co-op mode! Overall an amazing game!

never liked splinter cell like that

A healthy mix of the old Splinter Cell games and Conviction. :)

i still really enjoy these goofy action stealth games. i hope we see more splinter cell in the future plz ubisoft

Another one of the action-flavored Splinter Cell games. The co-op is incredible, and although the "three styles" thing was stupid, it was also kind of fun to specialize in one category and play to those strengths.

Pretty good. A very fun rendition of Spies Vs. Mercs. I just want more Spies Vs. Mercs, man.

A good, but not super memorable Splinter Cell. Well, there is one memory... the .exe process stayed alive in my tray when I quit for the last time, and it stayed there for 600+ hours before I found it and killed it. It climbed to the top of my Steam library most played list as a result.

It was supposed to be a sort of soft reboot and the new voice of "Sam Fisher" took a while to get used to. Confusingly he was supposed to be the same age yet sounded 20 years younger. Either way, it was fun and Grimm is really hot in this one.

Tom Clancy games are almost always good experiences.

While it still sucks that we lost Chaos Theory's beautifully methodical stealth, this certainly manages to be a better stealth AND action game than Conviction by a country mile.
For my money, Panther is easily the best playstyle - I adore the animations as you run past and slash people to bits with the Karambit knife, then just keep running while everyone is busy getting distracted by the new corpse you've created.
Unfortunately it doesn't always feel consistent - there were many times where I was somehow seen or heard when I didn't mean to, it makes the insta-fail side assignments a real pain when they had so much potential - some of the best level design is found in these.
Unnecessary progression systems are sadly here as a concession to Ubisoft's staple design philosophy to keep those gamers gaming!!!!11
Story was never much more than a backdrop to back up the stealth gameplay with a fitting conspiracy narrative, but they really didn't give a shit here. They somehow managed to make it even more basic with another TERRORISTS WITH EVIL DEATH GAS plot that you've seen a thousand times before. Sam's new voice actor sounds like a pitched up Joe Swanson. Grimsdottir once again looks pretty nice when the lighting doesn't reveal her freaky facial bumpmaps (sadly a preventable disease).
This just needed some tightening up and this could've been the smoothest stealth experience going. Still had a fun time even if this is barely the same series anymore aside from the green goggles.

jogar coop era muito bom, jogo solo também

Sorry, but no Ironside, no fun. I was so excited for this game, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I just didn’t believe it was Sam. At all. Sam’s story ends in Conviction. Period. Gameplay is alright, but not enough for me to want to come back.

História mediana mas tem uma jogabilidade ótima, principalmente no stealth.

Counter to what the community says this is the best Splinter Cell game out there. Though it is missing certain details from the past games, the superior map design and controls makes this THE Splinter Cell game to play if you want to enter the series

Man, this game is just cool you know. The sleek presentation, the cool spy-thriller story, it's all just nice to play.

I actually went to this one straight from Chaos Theory, skipping Double Agent and Conviction (both have less-than-ideal PC ports). The lighting thing being binary rather than having a meter like before is such an unneeded change, and so is the removal of the sound meter.

And Sam's voice, oof. Like, I get it: Ironside was treating cancer at the time and that fucking sucks. But then... why still do it with Sam Fisher? He not only sounds different, he acts and looks different too. He's kind of an asshole in this one, and with every passing game he somehow gets younger, huh. For crying out loud, just use a different character and say that Sam is fishing somewhere. A lot of the fanbase dismissed this game because of that, and that could've been easily avoided.

And this game is sometimes guilty of modern AAA trappings, like "immersive gameplay" (sections where all you do is walk forward and could've easily been a cutscene...). But credit where credit is due, this game handles the action setpieces quite well. They're not too frequent to be annoying or pace-breaking, and end up feeling electric and exciting, and plenty of them still have room for a stealthy approach.

The stealth was pretty alright, but got a bit repetitive and I prefer the sandbox maps of Hitman. Still pretty good other than the train yard mission and the final boss QTEs.

Great game but this really isn't Sam Fisher at all.

this game is worth it alone for the co-op but whoever decided to ditch normal menus that make sense for slowly walking around a dumb plane should have their cell splintered

It's not a bad game but it's by far the worst splinter cell