Reviews from

in the past

Bogged down by it's weird, extremely punishing system, but it's good

Count on how many tries to 1cc: 5
Character used: Reimu

What a dissapointment for the first entry in the ''Fourth Era'' of Touhou Project, super easy game even on hard, the spirit gimmick is lame as hell, getting rid of shot options in turn to give BOTH shots to each character was not a good idea in my opinion.

Music was pretty good most of the part, and the cast was... Well, not my favorite but there are cool characters among them even the return of playable Youmu with a new combo slash weird thingy.

ZUN this is not the right beer. Too light, lacks resources, it's got spirits but the wrong kinda substance. A few solid songs but not as many as most. It alright but it started the "Touhou is Reclining" meme for a reason.

A solid touhou game. I don't really have that much to say about it since I don't really like or dislike this one. Also it's probably the one I've played the least of. Decent soundtrack with some nice highs but a horrible low (seriously how did Yuyuko go from the amazing Border of Life to the horrible Ghost Lead, possibly the worst track in the series.) The cast is overall pretty fine too. The return of playable Youmu but actually fun is a very welcome addition, thanks ZUN.

This game is kinda slow but then stage 4 kicks in and you just gotta start dancing

Another one I haven't played enough of on Lunatic to really form a solid opinion of the pattern/stage design of. Trances are very silly though.

1cc normal
compete com o 7 como o mais facil da serie
senti que foi bem curto , talvez pq eu tenha feito 1cc em menos de uma hora jogando
bom para iniciantes mas não se destaca em nenhum aspecto
Yoshika's Theme

Não sou mto fâ desse, mas tem a Futo e a Mamizou então eu to de boa

In vielen Hinsichten ein sehr seltsamer und etwas umstrittender Teil. Einfach alles ist komisch: Die Musik ist sehr ungewöhnlich und zum großen Teil sehr ruhig, es ist recht leicht (was von ZUN so beabsichtigt war, da er einen einsteigerfreundlichen Teil machen wollte), Youmu's Schusstyp ist extrem gewöhnungsbedürftig und die Mechanik mit den Trance-Mode ist sehr seltsam und das damit verbundene Ressourcen-System erfordert viel Plannung. Und ähnlich wie bei den Ufos bei Teil 12 wird man gerne zu selbstmörderischen Aktionen verleitet, wenn auch nicht so extrem.
Es ist, zusammen mit PCB und LoLK, trotzdem mein Lieblingsteil der Reihe. Wobei ich gestehen muss, dass es mehrere Anläufe brauchte, bis es richtig "klick" bei mir gemacht hat (selbes gilt auch für die Musik).
Gewissermaßen kann man es für Anfänger empfehlen, jedoch mit Einschränkungen.