Reviews from

in the past

This was the first Touhou I played, so there's still a bit of sentimentality there. After playing most of the series, this one kinda gets lost in the middle. It's just more Touhou.

Ten Desires is unremarkable aside from its new character designs. It's easy, though I still think Imperishable Night is easier overall because you get so many more resources that you can just bomb half the game, but TD has by far the easiest bullet patterns in the series. The stages are barren and uninteresting compared to the frantic stages of 12 (thanks to the UFO mechanic). The music is low-key compared to most other Touhou games, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The title screen and Stage 5 themes are standouts. Also... why did it take so long to put Spell Practice back... only to be removed again in 14-16.

Pretty good game, but a step back from 12 and 11.

Was expecting this to be harder considering the two previous main line games, but at least Kogasa and Youmu are back

Kinda one of the weaker games in the series, but they DID give us the goat, Futo.

Why does this website have two entries for Ten Desires?

I quite like this game actually. I know some people are not a fan, and I can completely understand where they're coming from. But I adore the trance mechanic and just the overall pacing/feeling of the game. Frankly if given the choice I'd take the trance mechanic over the UFO mechanic every single time it's not even close.

The shot types are fun, and music is good, and the spell cards are neat. In particular, Seigas little gimmick with Yoshika stands out to me. But I also quite like Kyouko's bullet gimmick as well.

This game is very tight with resources though, and many find it unforgiving. You're just not really allowed any unneeded deaths like you are in other games. Though, you can still manage with one or two, just don't be reckless.

Overall, I consider it a good experience. Not worth skipping, but not a game I'd specifically recommend either.


Really easy and the trance mechanic is not the best, but it is enjoyable, and I love Seiga

My first Touhou 1cc was this game. It was as Marisa even though I was practicing Reimu.

We asked 50 "experts on problems" what Mononobe no Futo's problem was. Nobody could figure it out! Perhaps she isn't even born over 1400 years ago at all and just talks like a jackass because she's roleplaying.

i think this is one of the only touhou games with a gimmick that i hated. divine spirits really don't do anything but make the game worse - like its a massive gamble (and takes forever) to get more lives and bombs. plus trance mode is really shitty, and the game feels really easy overall. none of the bosses hit either, shit just doesn't feel great.

it's still funny shoot game, there really just isn't anything that this one does that other games don't do better.

This one is definitely a special game in the series, frankly speaking the atmosphere of this game felt like a breath of fresh air after the two epic and very intense last 2 games, I'm grateful for that.

The game felt more slow-paced, with less bullet density, as for patterns I think it was so-so overall but there were still some very interesting one, 4th stage boss' Seiga is amazing and Futo's lastcard felt like it came out of Shoot the bullet/Double Spoiler, loved it.

I'm not fond of this game's mechanics, it felt too similar to UFO while not being as dynamic. The fact that the ovnis bounce around make it possible to pick each of them well with good timing and preparation, it became a little game inside its own game to pick as much ufos as possible while still dodging bullets. On the other hand the divine spirits never move and just stay there for some time then disappear, I think it's a bit boring and they make the screen less clear to see.

As for the music it's definitely more calm and a bit less memorable than the previous games but I still liked it, notably
4th stage and miko's theme.

Overall Touhou Ten Desires felt like a transitional, more laid-back game between 2 era of Touhou and I can't wait to see what the next ones will be like.

somehow it feels the emptiest out of every single touhou game??? idk why. stages are barren, the way you get resources sucks, it's just.. a bleep in quality for the series.

Probably the easiest main game, perfect for new players.
I would've gotten a 1cc much earlier than i did if my cat didn't jump on my keyboard during Miko's last card.

Underwhelming music for a Touhou game and the scoring system is pretty strange but weirdly fun.
Stages are devoid of enemies, probably the most barren game in the series.

Going for Lunatic 1CC in this one didn't completely suck.

The extra stage is absolutely miserable though.

Seiga is so based I too would revive my dead gf then proceed to treat her like a pet