Reviews from

in the past

As a big FEAR fan, I was pretty hyped for this game. The combat, visuals, and music are fantastic. That said, the campaign itself and the story kind of disappointed me a bit? They're not bad, just...underwhelming, I guess. That said, maybe the DLC will help. Either way, I still recommend it, but maybe wait for it to go on sale.

So I feel really mixed on this game but in a weird way. I think the story missions are really fun and give you a ton of cool locations to fight through while the story itself isn't amazing, but it gets the job done of giving you a reason to be doing what your doing. My actual problems with this game are that as cool as the gunplay and powers are, I feel it becomes a little bit bland and repetitive at a certain point due to a lack of different enemies that actually act different and a shockingly normal arsenal in a game with such heavy supernatural and sci-fi elements in it. I would suggest giving it a shot by playing the demo and if you like what's there and don't mind that almost being the rest of the game mechanically without change you should pick it. Because I want to stress that I'm giving this game a 3 star score less on it's quality and more on how I personally felt. Overall I did enjoy the game but felt somewhat disappointed with the gameplay by the end of it.

The gunplay in this game no doubt is the shining point of the game: it’s gritty and fast paced and will make you feel like a methed up super soldier. I think the execution of the later game enemies like the monsters was a little meh and I found the levels to be too dark at times. It’s almost as if they were trying to play into the horror element a little too much when the fun in this game comes from spraying down other gun toting bad guys.

You can tell that it's a proper successor to FEAR 2 and Crysis 2 and all your other favorite 7th gen tacticool shooters where the player can't lean. The game this is supposedly aping was a 'holistic creative product' down to the drab urban decay locales idiots complain about, birthed from the minds of software engineers with actual life experiences and a penchant for "kinography", while "the manchildren who liked FEAR" behind this cobbled together store bought asset extravaganza evidently have spent far more leisure time consuming internet mindpoisonS than watching good action movies. Whenever I make fun of a game looking too dark I will be referring to this from now, sry Doom 3, ur out of a job.............

Yeah, I should've played this one when it came out, 'ey?

Trepang2 is easily one of the best-feeling shooters I have ever played. Everything feels like an unstoppable death machine and the character dialogue all works in harmony to make the main character out to be the god of war that your abilities make you into.

A fun time but it feels like so much time was put into the central mechanics that everything else fell by the wayside. Borrows a lot from F.E.A.R. but misses that feeling of hopelessness and anxiety in favour of more power fantasy feelings. It's alright.

Liked it until the plant monsters or whatever

Played the demo way back and remember loving it. I must've just gotten older but this game is very underwhelming and not that good.

Only played the demo. Despite being inspired by FEAR it lacks basically everything that makes FEAR the best shoot ever. Arenas are nowhere near as tightly designed or cleanly readable, instead being blanketed in a lot of darkness and confusing clutter so you can't play and execute with the degree of simplicity that you might in FEAR.

The chaos of gunfights is also severely neutered by this over complication of design, as you will never ever get the sensation of blowing an office to a billion fucking pieces like you do in FEAR. Not to mention I find the arsenal not as compelling and too busy for its own good.

Also some SCP meme stuff going on. Whatever man, I don't care. Not buying.

~5 hours of fun fps combat. Nearly captures the magic of old F.E.A.R., but I think it falls a bit short. Some of the tense segments are a bit too long, and end up feeling tedious with no action, rather than suspense building.

This is a pulsating experience! With no f.e.a.r. experience , it was a fresh experience too. Trepang2 makes you really feel like a supersoldier, overpowering mobs and shooting them into a gorey pulp with ease and speed is too addicting. The gameplay is impeccable , it really is. The guns sound and feel satisfying and movement is crispy. The boss fights provide acceptable challenge and the game doesnt outlive its expectation.

The music does not work though. Doesnt fit as well as something like doom.

The story is basically non existent and for a story nerd, i kinda like it this way actually.
The only real misstep is that one sub mission at some abandoned house thingies where the baddies are basically snipers in an open terrain with your kit built for close range craziness. That was a weirdly boring mission.

Trepang2 is nothing groundbreaking , its the daily meal equivalent of video games, a staple. Something that feels satisfying and fulfilling, but not something i may remember for very long afterwards.

But thats absolutely ok , and in fact actually its quite impressive from an indie dev. I dont see any reason you cannot have a fun 5 hours with trepang2 and smile maniacally at the end of it. Totally worth a try !

This feels like this was made by people who wanted to recreate FEAR 2 instead of the good one.

Un shooter muy normalito. Hay pocas armas y poca personalización, y el gunplay está bien. Para echar unos tiritos no está mal, pero creo que en dos semanas ya me voy a olvidar del juego.

Pretty decent FPS game. Felt like it should have gone more into the horror side of things and had more story front and center. Difficulty was also all over the place it felt like was either too easy or ball-busting.

Really fun. Never played F.E.A.R but now its on my list.

Trepang2 is at its best when you're living a super soldier power fantasy, absolutely slaughtering crowds of soldiers without even breaking a sweat. This part is endlessly entertaining but it seems like the developers wanted to lean hard into making this a horror game, with some slower paced segments that felt more like a drag than actually instilling fear. The story and setting is also underutilized, with some solid worldbuilding that doesn't seem to ever truly pan out. That said, I was certainly satisfied with the slaughtering that ensued throughout most of this game's runtime.

f.e.a.r. but for adderall addicted zoomers

its pretty good if you don't expect the game to play and feel like f.e.a.r. rather instead just think of it more as its own thing that borrowed a few things from f.e.a.r. but its still fun nonetheless aside from the predictable narrative and cheap horror

Es el shooter con el mejor gunplay que jugué, cada bala cuenta y premia mucho el headshot.

Algunos dicen que es un sucesor espiritual de F.E.A.R, pero este juego esta mas centrado en la acción y apenas tiene secciones de "terror"(No me generan nada)

One of the most insane FPS games in recent years and an amazing spiritual successor to FEAR

I can't really tell if this title wants to be like DOOM or Call of Duty, because it seems to try both and not quite hit a peak on either front. The two main abilities (cloak and bullet-time) are very fun to use in combat, but the weapons left a lot more to be desired. Every time I tried to use a different weapon I always just gravitated back to the shotgun, and the gap gets even larger on the game's harder (and downright unfair) difficulties.

Trepang2 also has a narrative that was more interesting than I expected, but still nothing to write home about. Some levels even focused more on this than combat, which I found pretty odd. At the end of the day, I'm playing a game like this to feel like a badass.

It's a fun time, but ultimately a missable experience.

A basic but still enjoyable game. Gameplay is rather good for a game that's flown quite under the radar but I can see why it would be considered underwhelming. I however set my expectations rather low as the game had been out a few months before I even came across it. The cloak and bullet time were both fun mechanics to mess around with, especially in the larger fights. The inspiration for FEAR was clearly evident though the game doesn't really hit the same level as that first FEAR game.

The story has nothing to write home about, mainly just there to justify the running and gunning. It does build up to a somewhat decent conclusion. A few things aren't really explained well unfortunately.

Some settings for the UI would've been welcome, namely and option to increase subtitle size.

Despite the shortcomings I'm considering picking up the season pass once a few of the DLCs are out. This is what I would call a proof of concept game so if there is a sequel I do look forward to seeing it.

Kinda give me the "coworker game" vibe. Got bored really early in the game but finished it anyway because it was a short game. Arenas are generic, levels are not original and really look like ShooterBackroomZoomer.exe. I don't even get the idea behind adding endurance to this game, like I want a fast FPS to be... fast. Last thing I want to adress is the horrible last boss that is way more boring thant the already boring other bosses.

High-octane and brutal gameplay. Don't get fooled by the game's atmosphere, it does not play like F.E.A.R. in most ways (except bullet-time and the shotgun being almost as amazing), do not expect the same tactical gameplay like F.E.A.R.

Extremely punchy weapons, all of which leave visible impacts on your opponents, a nice horror-esque atmosphere (don't worry, it's not a horror game for the most part), an interesting storyline accompanied by decent lore. Generally a more over-the-top tone.

Be wary of the highest difficulties, because they will kick your ass. A lot.

Solid shooter with some initially out of place segments which make sense at the end. Pretty fun but not perfect.

This game is a true FEAR successor once you remember that every sequel to FEAR sucks