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in the past

yes I am indeed the greatest "Tunnel Rat" in all of southern Underrail, Born2Kill like any true Rocket-Propelled Game enthusiast. my locked&loaded 'N16' and break-action 'Thumper' should speak4themselves, but actual ACTIONS speak louder than "Persuasion"!!!! Iam now going on a date with a pretty bitty with a dazzling smile I met at JKK and it will be a more memorable occasion than anything in Your favorite Romantically Propensive Game, just you watch..! 😻 gonna tell her all about what I did to em freedomdrones.

Fun story but dang the difficulty is brutal if you don't min-max your build you will hit a wall at some point as I did and the only thing left to do is restart and make a new character would have loved to play more but I don't want to re play half the game.

Im kind of glad we left this type of gameplay style in the past, and with the uninspired, not visually appealing UI design (its not like its any better than the standardized boring UI designs of nowadays) it just lefts me with no desire to get past the start.

this game busted my balls and dragged me over the coals but DAMN if it isn't addicting to optimize your build down to the single digits

not to mention the super cool setting and the unravelling of mysteries...

don't get me wrong, there's a lot of frustrations with this game but fuck if it isn't a cool experience

Geniunely one of the best games I have had pleasure of playing. I have replayed this came multiple times and each playthrough feels fresh with how flexible the builds are and I am still able to discover something new each playthrough due to semi-randomized events that occur throughout the game.

This games idea of difficulty is a motivator and is honestly perfect. It captures and holds your knowledge to a standard which is why it is one of the best in the genre.

Now that I've had a little more time to think about it, I definitely consider this one of the all-time great rpgs. It's so lengthy that you end up taking it for granted by the end how thoroughly this game respects player choices and how detailed the quests are compared to the average game, not to mention that this game probably has the best turn-based combat ever.

Made it my 2021 new years resolution to not change my discord profile pic, which is one of the avatars in this game, until i beat it.
Big mistake.

UnderRail is about killing things and how you kill those things, for example, after gathering parts for a chemical blob pistol, I became a war criminal. My favorite way to kill the living is holding them in place with sticky acid that melts their flesh, and if that doesn't do the job I set them on fire, of course, this is not conventional at all, since most enemies can dodge acid blobs pretty easily, that's why I surround myself with caltrops imbued on paralyzing venom, if they can't move they can't dodge.

Fallout but with terrible writing and the entire world is empty tunnels

While this game seems really cool, indepth, and something to potentially sink 100s of hours into, I just could not get into it. Maybe one day, who knows

this helps when i want to harm myself

A wonderful gem of a CRPG. It takes what I love about the tactical nature of CRPG combat from the likes of the isometric Fallouts and adds a lot, such as traps, environmental factors, and mmo-esque invokable skills that can drastically shift the tide of a battle. There a good number of builds and each play radically different from each other. I personally went for a sneaky sniper build which proved to be pretty overpowered even by the midgame as I was able to kill multiple enemies from stealth and walk away to re-stealth in a single turn, only to return the next turn to do it all over again. As you can probably tell by how much I'm talking about the combat, the game is very combat centric. Having a weak unfocused build, ones that are jack of all trades, will straight up prevent you from passing certain combat sections of the game so it is critical that you carefully consider how the perks and skills you choose will factor into your playstyle. That being said, once you do make all the perk decisions, if chosen correctly, your character will be a highly satisfying unstoppable death machine as I previously described. Due to the nature of the combat the game is also pretty save-scummy so there's that. The story is pretty meh, but the variety in the types of combat encounters you will face along the way are where it shines.

I loved this game, although it can be really not fun if you fuck up your build, which is very easy to do if you're going in blind.
I liked the combat (the most fundamental mechanic of the game) but it can be reduced to whoever gets the first turn and/or manages to nullify the opponents turn wins, which can get repetitive and tiresome, so it may be not for everyone; patience is advised. Also, there are parts where frankly it all depends on luck and I think you'll have to savescum many times if you want to keep your sanity.
Besides the combat, I think the setting is the best of the game, everything else is pretty good too, the only think I dislike is the final direction the narrative took and everything related to Six, as I don't think it meshes well with the rest of the Underrail lore.
But for a game made by a very small team, is very cool.
PD: Fuck Deep Caverns tho, is the worst area by miles.

Extremely satisfying to get good at this game

Eu amo esse jogo. Eu não vou recomendar ele, mas vou expressar parte do meu amor com ele. Grande parte deste amor vem da filosofia da dificuldade desse jogo. Embora vá além de dano, o jogo em nenhum momento tenta te ajudar, mas sim deixa você ir até se foder e ter que recomeçar. Por que eu gosto disto? Bem, além de uma expressão única do criador com sua arte, também tem o fato de que não há nada melhor do que dominar um mundo desconhecido com seu conhecimento, com suas descobertas e com suas próprias experiências. É um jogo nicho, requer que você aprenda ele e melhore a si mesmo para sobreviver no mundo dele, mas é recompensador e é um dos melhores crpgs que joguei. "Mas mefisto, mesmo que eu seja deste nicho, qual motivo eu gastaria o limitado tempo da vida nele?" Não sei, mas se há curiosidade, vá e teste o jogo. Você vai sofrer, mas conforme supera os desafios, vai se apaixonar como eu.

If you love classic Fallout, you have to play this.
Beware though, its tough as hell.

Dalo by se to sice zkratkovitě a rádoby vtipně popsat jako takový "Indie Fallout 1.5: Metro 2033 Edition by Spiderweb Software" a jakkoli by to bylo pravdivé a vlastně i výstižné, protože vliv těchto tří předobrazů je v tom poznat na každém kroku (Fallout herně, Metro 2033 zasazením i frakcemi a produkce Spiderwebu vizuálem/enginem), ovšem ani zdaleka to nepopíše, jak moc to je "ozajstný Fallout" pro všechny, kteří by ocenili skutečného pokračovatele stylu prvních dvou Falloutů a nikoli směrů, kterými se vydaly pohrobci od Bethesdy, Obsidianu či InExilu.

Ano, je to minimalistické (zásadnějším způsobem se na hře podílela čtveřice osob a další čtveřice drobnou výpomocí s ilustrací úvodní obrazovky, hudbou apod.) v produkčních hodnotách (jakkoli plně funkční, přehledné a sloužící atmosféře) a ano, nesporně to nejde hráči na ruku. Cíleně kupříkladu chybí mapa či waypointy. Jde však o záměr, který vás má více dostat do hry a být v roli... A tak se neustále budete vyptávat na cestu, zapisovat si "spojení" (nepotěší, že do herního deníku nemůžete vpisovat své poznámky čili nezbývá než návrat ke starému dobrému kombu tužka-papír) apod. Každému to po chuti nebude, ale oldschoolové cílovce tohoto titulu to stěží může vadit.

Systémem je to již zmíněný Fallout se vším všudy; upravený SPECIAL, perky, tahové souboje, hodně rozhovorů a možností odlišných přístupů... Snad jen ta specifická nadstavba v podobě černého humoru tu není. Napsáno je to více než obstojně. Literárních kvalit textů od Harebrained Schemes to sice nedosahuje, ale upřímně, které RPG (potažmo hra bez ohledu na žánr) ano. Je to tak na úrovni té zmíněné produkce Spiderwebu, akorát méně grafomanské a více k věci.

Jakkoli je to tedy paradoxní, tak ze dvou Falloutů roku 2015 je právě tento neoficiální tím pravým. Technicky, hratelnostně, systémově a prostě vším UnderRail zastydl na sklonku devadesátek. Jestli je to klad či zápor, to je věc samozřejmě jiná, ale pokud se přeci jen přikláníte k tomu že klad, tak vězte, že lepší a věrnější nástupce původních Falloutů tu ještě nebyl. A to není zase až tak málo, ne?

I usually play melee tank classes in these CRPG games and I got quite far into this game but it really punishes you for not taking use of ranged grenades and guns. Lost interest. Respect for the devs for making a nice CRPG though.

I get why people could like this. UnderRail is a unique combat-focused game with some very middle-of-the-road dialogue and storytelling, built on a very cool setting... that seems heavily "inspired" by the Metro novels and videogames.

I finished it after 53 hours, after initially quitting at 36 hour play time mark during my first try with the end-game area called "Deep Caverns". The game is not bad per se, I would argue it's quite good and I really would recommend it to others. However, I would consider this only after recommending some games I think are much better than UnderRail.

If you want an underrated indie gem with a unique world and brutal difficulty why not try Lisa: The Painful instead? Want a bleak, atmospheric underground adventure full of nightmares beyond your comprehension, why not Metro games (I highly recommend the books too!). If you want a game with similar combat to UnderRail, why not the XCOM series? Isometric game where you can flaunt your creativity in combat? Baldur's Gate. Do you want all of the above (minus the difficulty unless you mod that in), just play Fallout 1,2 and New Vegas. There are so many games that do nearly everything better than UnderRail to choose from it's hard to point at this game and say "just play this one". And this is not even an opinion, UnderRail is a VERY underground cRPG that will appeal to a very small number of players with a distinct taste. Just look how many people marked this as "played" on THIS WEBSITE, or the number of reviews on Steam, Metacritic, and so on. All this despite being in active development pretty much up to now since 2011, and getting a major expansion.

I initially wanted to rate this game higher than 3/5 or 6/10 but the end game area is atrocious with some of the worst design decisions in the whole game, the ending is just unsatisfying, ending on a cliffhanger and not answering some of the questions players had while overexplaining other things and making them lame in the process. I have never seen a finale nosedive in quality quite like this. I REALLY would like to rate UnderRail more because the POTENTIAL of the game is fucking great, but it just fails to deliver.

Genuinely an all time favorite.

I’ve only played this game to completion once but this is a game I can imagine myself going back to intermittently for the rest of my life.

There are some really rough edges, namely how a lot of plot threads and factions, even major ones, go absolutely nowhere and end abruptly. I really wish there was more/better visual customization of your character.

All that stuff doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things though.
This game is my favorite cRPG (my favorite game genre) in terms of character building, if not tied for my all time favorite cRPG.

I can’t think of another RPG I feel more compelled to restart over and over again with different builds, had to tear myself away from this one.

The atmosphere is also completely unrivaled, there’s nothing quite like it. The world just feels so dangerous and unknowable.

It’s also fucking massive. The sheer scale of this game is insane. If you were the type of guy to want to explore the whole map it would truly feel like an expedition.

Amazing game overall

Absolutely insane effort from such a microscopic dev team, this is a phenomenal case of worldbuilding and strategic combat that builds out everything I wanted from an isometric fallout successor, while also having the longest playtime of any CRPG I've played (1.8% of players have actually even beat the game according to steam achievements).

But be warned, this game is brutal, certainly the hardest game I've ever played, making something out of yourself in this bleak setting is going to require you to fight for it and choose those fights carefully.

Also, too much of a wiki game in some places, it has that open-ended quest design that relies on picking up very small hints that make you feel like a genius when it does work out, but result in you spending 2+ hours walking around trying everything and ultimately capitulating when the hints don't click. Just go on the wiki if you don't get something, they try to hide spoilers, but make sure to at least give the hard quests a shot on your own, because some of them easily beat classic fallout's best.

the dark of souls out fall oven in out of

UPDATE: dropped to 3.5 stars bc I just entered DC and I'm immediately tired of it

No game has made me feel as hopeless as this. The last section of the game is so blatantly bad that you can tell the devs are doing it on purpose. They WANT to hurt you and give you pain. They want to make you backtrack through hostile zones with enemies that can eat your bullets and spit them back at you ten times as hard. My build is good, and I know that because I have been able to beat every encounter with the Faceless without much trouble. The problem is that each fight takes so long and is so mentally taxing that it drains you before you even reach the final boss. I fucking hate this game but it's also really good. Play it, have fun, and stop playing it the moment you don't have fun. It's not worth it.

Deep Caverns is not "difficulty is good" game design. It's just bad. Also I dropped 3 of the mutagens in some random place and I cant find them but I doubt I can beat the final boss without being super lucky so I might just quit LOL

EDIT AGAIN: okay I beat that fucker's ass. Ending wasn't that bad, you've got some choices and you've got some "choices". The storytelling in DC was honestly very good, the gameplay aspect was so poorly done that it soiled what was otherwise a very good game. Bumped back up to 4 stars and putting this bitch of a game to rest. PLEASE read guides and wikis and shit. Also never kill any of the faceless ever. Make sure you have 60 Persuasion before going into Buzzer's Shop in Rail Crossing. It will make this game a little better.

(Just get killed and reload) * infinity
Realise your build sucks
Start over

I like pain, but fuckin christ did this game hurt to play. Kinda had the same take with Wrath of the Righteous, but these types of games expect you to min-max the shit out of your character or suffer on even the standard difficulty modes. Ain't nothing wrong with that if you know what you're getting into but I feel really sorry for the people who weren't expecting to have to research or pre-plan their builds ahead of time. If you like DND 3.5, you'll like this game.

Few pieces of media (let alone video games) take place in a world so expansive, mysterious and plausible as UnderRail, and not only that, but it also just so happens to allow for a wide variety of different builds and playstyles. It does justice to the classic games that the developers cite as inspiration.
Now granted, most characters are gonna die, that's just natural selection, but any build that can get past the junkyard is good for the rest of the game.
This is also one of the few games where I never got bored of random NPC dialogue, and some puzzles are genuinely interesting and challenging.
Personally, I love this game. I believe it deserves recognition and I want more people to experience it.

Researching games before you buy them is critical if you want to be a smart consumer. On the other hand, it’s also important to know when to stop. It's good to get an honest assessment of a game’s strengths, but picking apart the gameplay mechanics and planning strategy is usually going too far. The only reason I’m saying “usually” instead of “always” is because of a game like UnderRail. This is an RPG that’s so demanding that if you don’t do build research and planning before you begin, you’ll almost definitely hit a brick wall and be unable to finish the game. Even with a Google doc that laid out exactly what I needed to do, this game was still pretty difficult, so I can’t imagine what it would be like going in blind. Actually, it’s fairly easy to imagine, given the hundreds and hundreds of complaints I saw during my research from people who made builds that weren’t good enough and had to quit before the end. The isometric, post apocalyptic RPG stylings may have made people think it would be simple like Fallout 2, but this game’s structure is very different. Most of the time your progress entirely relies on combat effectiveness rather than your capacity for clever approaches, and you’re not going to be able to talk your way through things with any reliability. If the idea of forty hours of isometric turn-based combat after a couple hours of build research doesn't immediately scare you off, then you need to seriously consider playing this game. The upside to having a game this complex is that it has a crazy amount of options to play around with once you know what you're doing. The reason why the research is required is so you can have the right skills to surmount a few difficulty walls, not because the whole thing is so punishing that it's impossible to play if you're not optimized. After getting through the first playthrough, you know enough to just make up fun gimmick builds and take the systems to their limit. For anyone that fits within the overlap between RPG fans, difficult game fans, and optimization fans, this is the game for you, but if you don’t fit into at least two of those categories then it’s best to give it a pass.