Reviews from

in the past

consequences of being mean to a girl

misericórdia nunca vi tanto personagem chato em desinteressante so minha princesa sam q se destaca, chegou um ponto que eu ja tava mais engajado pelos wendigos q pela história

Eu detesto jogos cinematográficos.

A-tier among the choice-driven adventure games.

You are rewarded for paying attention!
Someone suggested "play as if trying avoid 'horror movie character cliches' and the characters will live." Devs ensured this internal logic remains consistent with clues, reports etc.

Plot was nicely paced, filled with great branching choices. The actors were told to play stereotypes and the acted very nicely. Very well done visuals/animations and great OST from Dead Space composer Jason Graves. Nice use of PS4 motion controls + touchpad too.


- My playthrough - Saved Sam and Chris.
(Last played 3 months ago before now playing through to ending, so my judgement is clouded).
- I loved the way Josh went from a dick to genuinely great character (based on choices of course).
- Love how genre changed from Slasher to supernatural to psych ward horror to monster hunt. It kept the story so fresh. And pacing wasn't bad either.
- Butterfly effect mechanic is such a good cloak to over its choice-consequences system. Beats out Telltale's approach easily.
- Josh's backstory is sad though slightly dramatic.

fodase, cinco estrelas, esse aqui é bom pra caralho

I watched a playthrough of this back in 2015 but playing it was so much fun especially because me and my sister did it together

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Using this to track my playthroughs

1st play: matt died falling off cliff, mike and em died in lodge, wolf died, josh died in mines

2nd play: em died in grinder, mike died in lodge, josh turned into wendigo

3rd play: matt died on hook, sam died in lodge, wolf died, josh turned into wendigo

4th: jess gets jaw ripped off after mike chase, wendigo josh

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I played this in October 2023, and it was probably the first horror game I've actually seen all the way through. I like the slasher horror genre, and I really like the mystery genre - this game has both, so that part of it already really appeals to me. The entire game was gorgeous, and I'm interested in seeing how the upcoming remaster will make it look ever better.

The experience of playing as each character from the friend group was done really well, and while some characters were annoying or unlikeable, I still had fun playing as them. I also really like how it can be a "choose your own adventure" experience where you can directly affect who lives or dies. Mike's journey through the Blackwood Sanatorium was one of my favorite parts of the game.

The use of the controller's motion sensor as a way to increase the tension during high-stakes moments was revolutionary, in my opinion, and I'm honestly shocked I haven't seen it implemented into more horror games. There were genuine moments when the "Don't Move" prompt popped up on my screen and I went still as stone, even holding my breath, as the events unfolded. Maybe it was just my controller in particular, but it did seem a bit too sensitive during a few of those moments. I got two characters killed by the Wendigo in my first playthrough because the controller registered movement when I hadn't moved at all.

All in all, this may very well be a game that I replay yearly every Halloween.

"Co-worker Game"
Definition: A game with a broad enough appeal to where it can be enjoyed and talked highly about by someone with minimal experience with video games (i.e. a co-worker) that also provides minimal enjoyment to anyone with >2 functioning synapses

Suposo que el fet de jugar-lo amb tu em fa valorar-lo més ☺️

Esse jogo é INCRIVEL!!!!!!!
Ele consegue trazer a real e melhor experiência com o efeito borboleta. Nesse jogo você realmente sente que suas ações geram consequências significativas pro final do jogo. A história é ótima, bom desenvolvimento de personagem. Enfim, um 10/10

Es una muy buena historia, la mayoría de personajes están bastante bien escritos y logra momentos de tensión geniales. No es el juego más interactivo de la historia, porque se basa en cutscenes y diálogos, pero todos tus actos tienen una consecuencia y eso hace sientas como que formas parte del juego.

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Loved the game, prefer if it stayed more of a serial killer/killers hunting them instead of stupid wendigos though

they do NOT go easy on you with the jumpscares.

loved it all the way through, only thing that was obv is the josh reveal but other than that! amazing

Amazing choice game, not really scary but still probably the most stressful game I’ve played
Only played through it once and the only spoilers I knew was Josh was the psycho, managed to keep Sam, Mike, Emily and Jessica alive
My favorite characters
2. Jessica (would hate irl but she is so entertaining)
3. Josh (best boy idc if you disagree I’m right)
4. chris (man I would fuck this guy)
5. Mike (man fuck this guy)
6. Ashley (sometimes super annoying, very unlikeable, but at least I could talk about her for longer than two minutes)
7. Sam (very overrated character imo and is by far the most boring out of the whole cast)
8. Matt (don’t hate but I barely got to play him since he died so early in my playthrough)

Very fun title that has weird moments of poor acting/writing. Cinematic, replay-able, with likeable characters. Justice for Matt

I saved Emily, Chris, Ashley, and Sam

La retraite de golmon

Histoire cliché au max mais gameplay super sympa

Sauvez les femmes à tout prix

Good for the first playthrough, but as soon as you try again you see just how little you can change.

Samantha, Michael, and Emily CARRIED.

Sensacional jogo de escolha, a trama é muito bem desenrolada e o plot é bem feito pra cacete

I did not find a lot of consistency or fun during my first run, but when i was platinum running and finding little folders and files and all the totems, i felt much more immersed and enjoyed the experience

5.5 | Por mais que ainda caia naquele velho formato de terror clichê, se sustenta bastante pela experiência mega imersiva na ambientação.

Aproveita bastante da câmera fixa nos cenários e existem qualidades realmente interessantes na gameplay que enfeita o formato da narrativa por não ter apenas jumpscares previsíveis a toda hora. Me intrigava por exemplo o conceito bacana dos totens durante a progressão da história, ou o sensor de movimento que é uma excelente mecânica para causar um medo a flor da pele no jogador em ocasiões muito tensas(principalmente nos dois últimos capítulos).

Mas a coisa mais intrigante do jogo inteiro são as sessões melancólicas com o Dr. Hill. As conversas profundas introduzidas a cada divisão de capítulos acrescentam uma imersão legal pro espectador e deixa-lo hypado pelo o que vier.

Tem sim algumas ideias maneiras. Só uma pena mesmo o roteiro ser uma estupidez total...
Nada nesse jogo consegue ser natural ou orgânico e com bonecos EXTREMAMENTE CRINGES. É tudo tão artificial os diálogos e as ações dos personagens que faz parecer um filme genérico americano. A atmosfera assustadora e inquietante não combina nem um pouco com essa vibe de adolescente pastelão tendo probleminhas de relacionamentos. No quesito textual o jogo é patético demais.

Além de não conseguir polir com cautela os pontos das decisões na direção. Da pra perceber que grande parte das escolhas tomadas pra conectar as etapas do plot são forçadas e fúteis, pois não aproveitam o objetivo da premissa sobre as consequências pelos seus comportamentos de forma orgânica.

Num geral, tinha potencial para gerar um jogo de terror divertido e emocionante pela incrível ambientação e ótimas mecânicas. Entretanto decidiu fixar nessa fórmula de terror caricata e plástica. Diverte, porém é fraquíssimo.

love the characters! one of the scariest horror games I've ever played tbh

ESSE JOGO É TUDO DE BOM VSF. Ganhei ele de presente de aniversário do meu pai. Fiquei muito feliz de ter feito as escolhas certas e ter deixado todo mundo sobreviver até o amanhecer. Esse eu indico pra todo mundo.