Reviews from

in the past

Sem dúvidas, há valores espalhados aqui e ali. Tem uma boa ambientação, que se aproveita bastante da câmera fixa, e mecânicas curiosas pro estilo de narrativa. Me chamou a atenção ideias tipo a dos totens, ou o uso do sensor de movimento do controle, que gera situações bem interessantes, como a fuga no final.

E, de longe, a melhor coisa deste jogo é as sessões com o Dr Hill. Embora não tão bem aproveitadas no fim das contas, são muito intrigantes as divisões de capítulos apresentadas pelos discursos confusos e metalinguísticos dele, que se intensificam e se tornam mais agressivos naquele cenário abstrato. Bem legal.

Agora, uma coisa que realmente não tem, é sutileza e naturalidade. Não apenas no aspecto textual, com personagens caricatos e diálogos ridículos, como no âmbito da direção das cenas mesmo. É visível o jogo encaixando os ocorridos e moldando as rotas, esse modelo de narrativa ramificada foi pouco polido e nota-se os personagens tomando ações forçadas só para ligar a próxima parte. Num geral, tudo é muito duro, até mesmo como a gameplay interage com a mudança dos sentimentos de cada situação.

E, por fim, a história em si que é conduzida através de tudo isso. Eu sei que eles estão simulando um terror americano genérico, mas não consigo ver a vantagem disso. Realmente não apetece o paladar reger uma atmosfera tensa com decisões cuidadosas, pra gerar uma imersão genuína, em um roteiro tão estúpido. É tudo tão caricato e forçado que simplesmente não dá pra levar muito a sério. "Clichê" e "cringe" são duas palavras muito eficientes em descrever grande parte do roteiro.

Com uma boa história e personagens, e polindo a construção da narrativa de rotas, teríamos um ótimo jogo, mas acabamos num terror pastelão e robótico. Até diverte e distrai, mas não passa muito disso.

It's a cheesy over-the-top 2000s horror flick in the form of a graphic adventure. The voice acting performances are top notch, the story is solid with some good twists and choices actually truly do matter and can effect whether a character lives or dies. A really fun and enjoyable experience, even more so if you play with a group of friends and take turns making the decisions.

this game sucks. ive played thru it 6 times.

A teen slasher type horror movie in video game form.

I wasn't too sure about this game originally as it's more a narrative adventure than a traditional game and regret my hesitation in picking it up because it's a fantastic little horror title. The story is simple, a year after two friends of a group go missing under mysterious circumstances, eight teenagers return to Blackwood Mountain to stay in the same cabin to honour their memory. Inevitably things don't go smoothly.

You control all eight of the teenagers over the course of the story and your choices and actions dictate which of them will survive to the end of the game, if any of them. It's a nice feature that logs key decisions you make as butterfly effect actions because what you decide will have consequences later. It adds some nice replay value to the title, I played through it a couple of times to try and save them all and realized on my first playthrough I missed a section of the game because the related characters were already dead ha ha.

The characters are all tropes of the teen horror genre like the jock, the spoilt girl, the geek etc. Though I think this actually works in this games favor as that is exactly what they were going for. Though serious it feels like a parody at times. The story is actually really well told, with key pieces of evidence to find that unravel exactly what is going on up in the mountain. I don't want to spoil anything but it follows different threads that all eventually link up towards the end.

The gameplay itself centers around exploration. Each chapter you are given a different character or more to play as and usually an objective which involves taking the teenagers to inevitably pretty foreboding looking places. I will say I play with headphones on generally cut off from the world and this game my first time through really scared the hell out of me. I jumped several times much to my girlfriend's amusement.

The atmosphere is fantastic, great art design. The graphics are superb in all aspects, the characters face models are especially impressive, incredibly detailed and the game uses lighting to great effect. The voice acting and sound effects are equally impressive. It's a well made game all round. My only complaint is that sometimes the camera angles are not very good. They have been placed to be intentionally freaky which at times works incredibly effectively but at other times simply hinders exploring and movement.

One playthrough lasts about 9-10 hours depending on how thorough you are in exploring for clues on the way. It's likely though you won't save everyone and there are a lot of little scenes that change depending on choices you make so it's worth playing through a couple of times so for that alone it's got surprisingly good value. All in all Until Dawn was a really pleasant surprise for me. It looks fantastic, has a great atmosphere, and does some things I haven't seen in a game before.


+ Butterfly effect feature is a great idea.
+ Has a great atmosphere.
+ Superb presentation.

- Camera angles at times aren't great.

This review contains spoilers

Welp it's spooktober lads so obviously you play or watch something scary. I decided to play until dawn and man does this game do a great at job at being scary. Until dawn is a decision based game that takes place in blackwood mountain and it is divided into 10 chapters.You play as basically every character in the game except for 3 i think so there isn't really an mc. The characters in this game are Chris,Ashley,Emily,Sam,Mike,Josh,Jessica,Matt
Hannah,Beth,Dr. Hill and the stranger. The game introduces some of these characters in a pretty cool and unique way in chapter 1. Basically they have these intros that tell you about their personality and if they have a crush on someone or if their someone's best friend and girlfriend.
Sam is diligent, adventurous, considerate and she's Hannah's best friend.
Chris is humorous, methodical, protective and he has a crush on Ashley.
Jess is trusting, irreverent, confident and she's Mike's new girlfriend.
Emily is resourceful, intelligent, persuasive and she's Mike's ex.
Matt is motivated, ambitious, active and he's Emily's new girlfriend.
Mike is intelligent, persuasive, driven and he's Emily's ex.
Ashley is academic, inquisitive, forthrigh and she has a crush on Chris.
Josh is complex, thoughtful, loving and is Hannah and Beth's brother. Hannah,Beth, Dr. Hill and the stranger are the only ones without these character intros. This game definitely has a great cast. The story was great and interesting enough to keep me glued on the screen.If i had to name a problem about the story is that they didn't give Matt enough screentime. The decision making in this game really great. They actually matter in this game unlike in Twdg.Qte's are also handled very well. You don't need to have the fastest reaction time in the world but it also doesn't give any time to slack around and oh boy a failed qte in my playtrough literally got a character killed.Another interesting thing in this game are the totems. Basically when you pick them up they show you something from the future that YOU can prevent by making the right decisions. These totems are totally optional and i never really picked them up so i wouldn't know what could happen in the future. The visuals in this game are chefs kiss. The dark enviroments and the creepy sounds are definitely some of the things that make until dawn scary. Josh being the antagonist of the game was kinda predictable at first but the part where they make Chris save Ashley or save Josh made me think it was another person. And speaking of Josh he is absolutely a great antagonist. He basically pulls another epic youtube prank to all his friends because they were responsible for the death of his sisters. The sequences with him and Dr. Hill were very intriguing. At first you think Josh was the one who killed Jessica (she died in my playtrough) but then you learn about the scariest part about this game the wendigos. Their basically these orphan of kos looking monsters and whenever they appear the game gets filled with tension especially at the chase sequence with Emily and the part near the end where the lodge is crawling with wendingos. Don't even get me started on those parts where you don't have to move the controller. I would definitely recommend this to someone who likes decision based games or just wants to play something scary for halloween. Overall this is a damn good decision based game with great visuals, story, and characters. 9/10

Good game for a kind of watch party setting. I played this one with my mom lol

It's a pretty decent interactive movie kinda thing. It fully embraces horror movie tropes and runs with them, which is both charming but also kind of just makes everything a little too safe and predictable in a way, for the most part. It plays it safe until it goes a bit off the deep end in a more surprising direction, though I found that that change in direction kinda broke the experience a little bit.
The game also expects you to just accept certain things that are a liiiittle too convenient and far-fetched for me. There's also some revelations that are a little too obvious, while another one that also seemed pretty telegraphed, but less obviously so, never actually manifested. Like, for instance, there were some moments of especially bad acting by one of the characters that made me suspect there was something more going on with him than there ever actually was. It was just... bad acting. You know, instead of intentionally bad because of the character, in universe, being untruthful.

Overall it's a bit hard to talk about the narrative here. For one, I don't want to spoil anything but also, it's a narrative that changes based on your choices and, to a lesser extent, your performance. There isn't much gameplay to speak of, besides some clunky exploration where you walk around and examine things marked by a shiny dot in a very linear way, and QTE's that can also be a little clunky.
Besides that, you just get presented with a few choices to make in a pretty short moment and while they don't always clearly mean what you think they mean, that only very rarely ends in any real frustration and if anything it just matches the vibes of having to make quick, rash decisions while panicked out of your mind, like the characters are in that situation.

The consequences of your choices are really impactful, though, which I love. There are some cracks where you can peer behind the curtain of how things are put together a bit too much, like how a choice just loads up a certain scene that doesn't always transition the most gracefully and doesn't take every nuance into consideration, but it didn't break my immersion all that often and was mostly just impressive, especially compared to other, similar games that came before this.
It really is like an actual modern (well, it's almost a decade old at this point, but you know what I mean) take on the kind of FMV game that was popular during the infancy of CD-based gaming.

Also, for a decade-old game, it still looks pretty dang good.

Now, one thing that didn't work for me at all was the scare factor. I guess this makes sense since it's supposed to emulate generic horror movies more than, say, a Silent Hill or Resident Evil game, and horror movies almost never have any kind of effect on me, but I was hoping the fact that I was (somewhat) in control of the action would be enough for me to feel... anything. But I didn't.
Jumpscares by themselves don't do much for me, except annoy most of the time, even when they work. But in this case, I didn't even flinch once. They all just felt really cheap and were way too obviously telegraphed for me to be taken by surprise at all. Plus, the beginning of the game had so many cliche fakeout "just a prank bro" scares that I was already jaded by the time those were replaced with real jumpscares.

I can't say the same about my mom, though, who is in her 60's and doesn't have much experience with horror stuff. They got her pretty good with almost every one of them. To the point where I was wondering if that's something I should subject her to lol. I didn't know there were gonna be that many jumpscares in the game when I started it :x
But anyway, your mileage may vary. If you get spooked by horror movies, you might get spooked by this one. But even if not, it's an enjoyable ride nonetheless.

i watched faze jev played the whole thing when i was 13 its basically the same as playing it

Jogo obrigatório pra quem curte filme de terror slasher com "adolescente".

Esse jogo é a prova de que ser clichê não é um problema quando o clichê é bom e bem feito. A história te prende mesmo assim.

A gameplay se resume em andar, coletar itens e claro, fazer escolhas. Escolhas essas que de fato impactam na narrativa, algo que você faz ou deixa de fazer no começo do jogo podem gerar consequências no fim dele, por exemplo. Se não explorar direito, vai perder itens que também podem influenciar em situações futuras.

A ambientação é sensacional, mantendo o clima de tensão sempre alto.

Minha única crítica ao jogo é que por algum motivo o áudio dele é MUITO alto, tive que abaixar o som do meu headset e ainda sim ficou alto.

É isso, se você curte esse tipo de jogo e principalmente, filmes de terror trash/slasher, apenas jogue Until Dawn.

One of my favorite memories will be my moving away party and all my friends played this game that night in one sitting. There was about 10 of us so we all picked a character and would switch about. It was so much fun screaming and laughing all the way until 4am or whenever.

I returned to the game during covid to get the platinum and I still had a lot of fun with it!

there were no gay sons and only thot daughters in the world’s shittiest supernatural narrative with like one character that was not unbearable

Love its campy b-horror movie tone. It's one of the first games that made me want to look over the internet for people's reactions to scenes from it.

Until Dawn weaves a pretty good story and a few solid performances into an interesting choose your own adventure style horror game.

The game gets dragged down a bit by some uneven performances, characters that feel unimportant and massively underdeveloped (even by horror trope standards), and other characters feeling practically bulletproof for what they go through and still manage to survive (and despite your own choices up to that point). Until Dawn is fun enough despite these issues though and shows flashes of a potential classic from the team in charge in the future. The formula and some of the writing is definitely there.

A must-play for every horror fan who owns a PS4 or PS5. An interesting story, fantastic visuals and a clever use of the PS4 controller make this game an exciting and terrifying ride.

This game is fucking stupid and I hate it. 5 stars.

5.5 | Por mais que ainda caia naquele velho formato de terror clichê, se sustenta bastante pela experiência mega imersiva na ambientação.

Aproveita bastante da câmera fixa nos cenários e existem qualidades realmente interessantes na gameplay que enfeita o formato da narrativa por não ter apenas jumpscares previsíveis a toda hora. Me intrigava por exemplo o conceito bacana dos totens durante a progressão da história, ou o sensor de movimento que é uma excelente mecânica para causar um medo a flor da pele no jogador em ocasiões muito tensas(principalmente nos dois últimos capítulos).

Mas a coisa mais intrigante do jogo inteiro são as sessões melancólicas com o Dr. Hill. As conversas profundas introduzidas a cada divisão de capítulos acrescentam uma imersão legal pro espectador e deixa-lo hypado pelo o que vier.

Tem sim algumas ideias maneiras. Só uma pena mesmo o roteiro ser uma estupidez total...
Nada nesse jogo consegue ser natural ou orgânico e com bonecos EXTREMAMENTE CRINGES. É tudo tão artificial os diálogos e as ações dos personagens que faz parecer um filme genérico americano. A atmosfera assustadora e inquietante não combina nem um pouco com essa vibe de adolescente pastelão tendo probleminhas de relacionamentos. No quesito textual o jogo é patético demais.

Além de não conseguir polir com cautela os pontos das decisões na direção. Da pra perceber que grande parte das escolhas tomadas pra conectar as etapas do plot são forçadas e fúteis, pois não aproveitam o objetivo da premissa sobre as consequências pelos seus comportamentos de forma orgânica.

Num geral, tinha potencial para gerar um jogo de terror divertido e emocionante pela incrível ambientação e ótimas mecânicas. Entretanto decidiu fixar nessa fórmula de terror caricata e plástica. Diverte, porém é fraquíssimo.

Really loved this. Its just what It needed to be. Everyone dies ending unironically the best

while the rest of this game is fine, this five star review is specifically for the use of the line "understand the palm of my hand, bitch." poetry.

The thing about the Telltale-like Choose Your Own Adventure branching story games is that, if your game is fun and endearing, people kind of don't care if they can see the seams. Its true for the original Walking Dead game and its true for Until Dawn. Just a banger time hanging with some dipshit teens on their dipshit mountain.

This is everything I was hoping David Cage’s ‘Indigo Prophecy’ would be.

At least in the sense that it’s narrative and gameplay mechanics operate and function in the same manner, but instead of devolving it’s story from a mature and compelling mystery into a 13 years old’s wet dream… it actually keeps up its sophistication with well written plotting while continually making each moment equally consequential.

Fuck yeah.

What a trip this was. The way they utilize and manipulate player expectations to tell a more complex and interwoven story is awesome. It never goes too far, and it almost always keeps you guessing. It’s easily my favorite horror narrative in any of the horror games I’ve played.

Its atmosphere is unmatched, and its characters are all well written- even when they’re not immediately likable. Supermassive clearly knows what they’re doing. Time to play The Quarry.

its so funny watching bad things happen to those people

Basicamente um filme interativo com um roteiro propositalmente ruim e personagens bobos e fúteis. Mas pqp como esse jogo tem carisma e conseguiu me prender mesmo durante as situações mais ridiculas que a narrativa boba me proporcionava digna de filmes b dos anos 80/90! a experiência foi super divertida!

It's everything wrong with post-2000 Hollywood horror, thrown in a blender and regurgitated in barely interactive form. It's Blair Witch 2 meets Saw, and someone forgot to screw the lid on tight on the jumpscare shaker (look no further than a raccoon jumping out of a cupboard for the level of quality we are dealing with here).

The cast is incredibly uneven, starting with Peter Stormare, miscast with his thick Danish accent making him sound funny more than scary. The guy they replaced him with for the anthology sequels was an incredible step up and definitely the high point of those disappointing messes.

It also features the worst series of plot twists ever seen anywhere: three of them, not only they are incredibly easy to call from ten miles away, but they also consistently blueball the player by doing absolutely nothing with the revelations, de facto negating what little good there is to find in the way they attempt to subvert audience expectations. Absolutely abject narrative failure at its finest.

Points awarded at least for very basic but ultimately acceptable creature survival action and a good polyphonic rendition of the folk song "O Death".

Give this a pass unless you really enjoy the braindead cinematic material it draws from.

Aggressively 2015 if that makes any sense. There's few sequences in modern horror more iconic than witnessing Hayden Panettiere, bearing only a towel and a dash of courage, fight off a masked clown lunatic in a labyrinth-esque lodge, consistently escaping his clutches by a hair only to face yet another obstacle in the way. The choice-based gimmick lends itself to fascinating philosophical readings but what interests me the most is how the game's overall framework of being a playable slasher/creature feature deconstructs cinematic language and reworks it to fit with how a player's logistical instincts interprets environmental clues and moments of empathy allowing for complete interactivity and engagement with their choices. There are parts of this that are absolutely excellent even if its first half struggles to maintain footing. Its stark winter aesthetic and clever use of fixed angles traps the player (and the characters they play) in an almost oppressive box of looming mortality. The developers execute this with intensely calculated and visceral visual control, cleverly stacking jump scares, eerily washed out lighting, and tonal shifts with ease. The second half didn't come to be as jarring as before because of how seamless the character progression was and how fluidly everything moves along. When this ensemble transformed from being insufferable and needlessly cruel to being some of the most strong willed protagonists I've ever seen in the genre, it feels like a miracle at work. Some of the stuff here remains as effective as I remember although performance issues such as awkward character model gestures and janky frame rate did hamper the immersion. I'm also not much of a fan of the recaps between episodes but there's a special charm to this game's dated nature. iI's something I'll probably end up returning to again and again in the future until something dethrones it as the prime choice-based horror adventure.

Slightly ableist, but overall I loved it. I love choice dominant games, and this did not disappoint. And Rami Malek is amazing as always.

When I arrived at grad school in Charleston, I didn't know anyone. I tried to make friends by joining a bunch of clubs, and the one that stuck was the Quidditch team. That Halloween I invited everyone at large to show up to my apartment to try out Until Dawn, which was something I had been wanting to check out for a long time. The people who happened to show up became our friend group, and some of them are still my closest friends in the world. I have played this game 4 times through with different groups and never gotten even a little tired of it. This was a master stroke and I can only hope and pray the Quarry is as good.

simplesmente um dos melhores jogos de escolha já criados, a mistura com o terror faz ele ser simplesmente um dos meus jogos favoritos da VIDA.

só tive a oportunidade de jogar quando comprei um ps5, mas, antes disso, já tinha visto gameplay de quase todos os youtubers possíveis e mesmo assim a minha experiência foi fantástica.

esse é o tipo de jogo que você não pode morrer antes de jogar.

the entire cast of this game would literally push each other off the nearest cliff for a dollar i love it

que jogo divertido! definitivamente uma das experiências mais legais que eu tive com jogos de escolha depois de detroit e esse jogo me prendeu bastante! por mais que eu não ache a mecânica uma das melhores, eu passo um pano porque claramente o foco do jogo são as escolhas que você faz.

particularmente eu fiz muita escolha idiota e completamente imbecil pra tornar esse jogo um filme slasher dos anos 90 e não me arrependo! divertido demais e pretendo platinar ainda esse mês, só não curti muito a dublagem em português, as vozes são ótimas mas achei que faltou um pouco de localização e adaptação pra lingua

sam te amo