Reviews from

in the past

As soon as you start playing you immediately feel that this is a game developed with a lot of passion by a small team and I respect that. However, it's more like reading a book or browsing Wikipedia pages than playing a game. Normally this wouldn't be a big problem for me and I could get used to an interactive gameplay based on reading.

Unfortunately, the fact that the game only supports English and not other languages makes the reading and understanding process very difficult if English is not your first language. Even if you know English very well, the reading and understanding process of the game is already difficult enough.

As far as I can see, the game was released almost 3 years ago. It was in early access for a couple of years before that. It didn't seem acceptable to me that there is still no work in other languages because if you are making a reading-oriented game, you cannot make the game popular worldwide with a single language support.

Even mindless FPS action games that don't require any reading have multiple language support, which is something that RPG games like Vagrus should already have. I think the developer should be working on language support instead of releasing additional content updates to the game because the game will never become well known and popular in this way, and the interest it has already received since its release proves that.

really strong conceptually but unfortunately tedious and a bit buggy. most of the supposed difficulty the game sells itself on comes from the extremely damaging nature of its negative events rather than the game's more tractable mechanics - if anything, it's too easy to find a profitable and safe groove and stick to it while shying away from far more dangerous attempts at exploration. game's enjoyable until you hit that point, but i was frankly hoping for a lot more given how positive my initial impressions were

I'll be honest, I really had some massive expectations for this title that... partially worked out, but not in a major way. I played the demo and enjoyed it a lot, as a fan of "management" like adventure-based games. Vagrus seemed right up my alley, but I feel that in the pursuit of a making a purposely difficult title, I lost a lot of that charm the demo showed off. In it's best bits, there is a lot of interesting dialogue, character decisions and really solid writing across-the-board... but all of that crumbles under how absolutely punishing the game is, and yes, I get that that's the point (that that's?). I kept giving it on and off chances from that point on, but never ended up finding myself enamored enough to stick to a slog-fest of monetary-grinding just to get a few licks of interesting story. For those willing to slog, this game you may love, but I'll stick my nose over back to other titles that aim for the same goal, but accomplish it a little better.

I really, truly did want to love this one, it's one of the few games that's taken clear inspiration from the Sunless series. The world is interesting and definitely unique! I didn't even mind the core caravan management aspects too much as they were reasonably intuitive.

But sadly combat is a fucking chore and in order to get anywhere close to the victory condition I picked, the one where you engage with the game's quests rather than buy low sell high ad infinitum, I would need to do a lot of it.

Ich finde das Spiel anspruchsvoll, aber bei Weitem nicht so schwer, wie die Entwickler es hinstellen. Und da bin ich auch froh drum. Denn oft von vorne beginnen und viel Text lesen sind 2 Dinge, die niemals zusammen passen werden.
Da es aber auch sicher nicht leicht ist, macht man sich über so ziemlich jede Entscheidung viel Gedanken. Und das finde ich sehr gut. Kein sinnloses rumgeklicke.

Ich war aber noch nie ein Fan vom Würfelsystem und werde es wohl auch nicht mehr werden. In dem Spiel habe ich wirklich jedes Mal geladen, wenn ich zu hart für Pech bestraft wurde.
Und warum auch nicht? Das Spiel lässt es ja zu.
Du wirst beim Rasten angegriffen?
Blöd, Kämpfe gewinnen ist immer ein Verlustgeschäft.
Also laden und der Kampf passiert gar nicht erst.

Du musst etwas in eine Stadt schmuggeln?
Eigentlich egal, du kannst ja jedes mal laden, wenn das schmuggeln dank der Würfel nicht klappt.

Man macht ja nichts falsch. Man kann nicht mehr machen, als die Chancen hoch zu halten, aber am Ende ist es Glück oder Pech. Ohne Einfluss. meh

Auch wird das Spiel nach ca. 20-30 Stunden eintönig.
Man war in jeder Stadt, man hat die beste Handelsroute gefunden. Und jetzt läuft man nur noch diese ab. Es kommt nichts neues mehr dazu.
Damit einem nicht langweilig wird, bestraft das Spiel einen einfach für alles.
Du hast zu viele Leute bei dir? Tja jetzt sinkt die Moral.
Warum? das macht nicht mal Sinn.
Du hast zu wenig Leute? Tja dann kannst du Stufe 4 Aufgaben nicht machen.

Also bleibt es doch bei der kleinen Gruppe und man bleibt bei den Transportaufgaben, bis man endloses Geld hat und eigentlich keinen Sinn mehr darinnen sieht. Ein bisschen schade, aber der Ansatz ist definitiv nett.