Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo de beat'em up okay, bons comandos e gameplay fluida, mas é um dos tantos bons jogos no meio da biblioteca de arcada lançados na decada de 90, nada muito memoravel. Vale a jogada descompromissada para quem curte este tipo de jogo.

If you pick up baby pigs, they instantly turn into footballs!

Bon là je suis sur le cul.
Je viens de jouer à Violent Storm et omg la claque. Ce jeu est incroyable. Je comprends pas comment je n'en ai jamais entendu parler avant de lire ce topic. C'est juste indescriptible, tout est fou dans ce jeu.

Déjà le style graphique, mais bordel OUI OUI OUI je veux voir ça. Ces sprites avec des tons décolorés presque pastels, mais bon sang c'est sublime. Pourquoi on voit rarement (jamais ?) ça ?

Le jeu est top, les musiques filent une patate de malade, y'en a même qui sont chantées, c'est incroyable. J'ai pas encore regardé la date de sortie du jeu mais wouahou je ne m'en remets pas.

Putain... 1993. Wahou. Mais comment. C'est pas possible, quand je regarde Cadillacs et Dinosaurs sorti la même année mais y'a juste pas match. C'est incroyable.

Le jeu a l'air super touffu en plus, plein de détails, une movelist qui déborde, les animations sont folles, y'a plein de petites touches comiques à gauche à droite (ça faisait un bail que je m'étais pas marré seul devant mon écran).

Wouahou je m'en remets pas. Vivement demain que je fasse un run avec un autre perso.

Honestly outside of some of the bosses being kind of annoying especially the final boss, this is a pretty fun game. It reminds me a lot of final fight especially stuff like the character's moves. Personally I like it more then Final Fight. This game also has that 90's as heck music with even a couple of vocal songs. While It's not Denjin Makai II levels of great, it's still an enjoyable time. Weird that Konami never brought it out of the Arcade.

Pretty solid. A bit of a Final Fight ripoff but it totally knows it is, personally on single player I find this a bit more enjoyable. There's this hilariously bad rap on stage 3 that like doesn't rhyme at all and it's super corny, it makes me wonder if it was from translation errors or something. Get a load of this shit

Completely unashamed Final Fight rip-off (they even drop you into a wrestling ring at one point!!) that is miles better than 99% of Konami's other arcade beat em ups. At the time this probably seemed like a bit of a relic but who cares, it's fast, it's satisfying to hit stuff, the music rules and Konami even manage to mostly keep a lid on their dirt worst credit stealing tactics until late in the game. Also Wade's jump kick is just the Double Dragon jump kick which is very good to me

this may be the closest thing to konami's own final fight. on style alone, the post-apocalyptic pastel punk of this wins. the sprites are HUGE and the music is LOUD.

Konami's sort-of-overlooked answer to Final Fight, with brighter cartoon-punk art direction, breezier movement, and a generally greater sense of forward momentum (if maybe not tactical depth). Has marginally less bullshit than FF, too. Tons of style!

Mixing Street Fighter/Final Fight game mechanics with bright colourful animations and backdrops.. Simplistic addictive button bashing at its most fun.
I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Violent Storm é um belo beat'em up que eu nunca soube da existência, jogo lembra muito o Final Fight clássico mas acho que ainda é superior em alguns aspectos tive uma experiência muito boa e jogaria tranquilamente ele novamente (jogado via steam deck).

This game has not one but TWO cheesy 90s ass songs with lyrics. This game is a masterpiece.

probably the best final fight ripoff of all time, infact i enjoyed it more than i did final fight. Stages look great, character sprites are huge and full of personality, and the soundtrack is fun. Gameplay is more interesting than OG final fight as well as theres special moves involved so the characters are all unique.