Reviews from

in the past

i can still hear the song beeping in my head

me lembra aquele "o jogo mais difícil do mundo" do click jogos, muito bom

Reminded me of those "hardest game in the world" games I used to play in middle school on my shitty school-owned chrome book. Oh, nostalgia. Oh, pain.

Every 3DS needs to have this installed by default

The mechanics here are really fun. It's very short, but it's almost to the game's benefit since it would probably overstay its welcome otherwise.

Cavanaugh excels at making elegant, memorable games like this. It's a a precision platformer with a Metroid-y open-world map but no fancy character progression, just exploring a single core mechanic in different ways.

this was one of those games where as a kid i would pick it up and play like half of it and then never finish it on several occasions but today i finally just sat my ass down and went through it in entirety without putting it down and i loved it. a super creative game that plays with a few different ideas for each level and executes them all really well and sometimes in ways that made me remark how clever an idea was, like the trinket in the room titled "a prize for the reckless." i also collected all of the trinkets which was a fun detour that had some moments that really challenge you like the veni vidi vici trinket and the prize for the reckless one that i mentioned earlier, these trinkets feel so fulfilling to get after youve been trying at them for like 20-30 minutes and dying countless times. that said i didnt really bother much with the bonus content that you get from collecting all of the trinkets because i didnt really feel like doing time trials or grinding out the super gravitron for achievements, but still really neat that they added all of that bonus content. the game is also super charming with its little story and characters and the ost goes nuts, i kept thinking about one of the songs from the game earlier today and that's what got me to put the game on and start playing it and it was definitely one of the things that kept me hooked to play the game to completion. the only criticism i had of the game were some parts near the end where they have you bouncing up and down constantly without your control and it felt super disorienting at times when i would try to time my movements. overall though a fantastic little indie game that deserves the attention and praise its gotten ever since its release and on top of it all it's only $5 which is well worth it for what you get here

Better than what I expected, short and sweet experience and quit challenging sometimes.

A classic indie platformer, VVVVVV is a simple but challenging and fast-paced game, you can't jump, instead, you flip the gravity to get through tough obstacles. The story is simple - find your missing crewmates in a new strange dimension. The levels themselves are fairly linear with a few branching paths/secrets for trinkets, and some gimmicks, like wraparound or an autoscroller, as well as occasional intermission after you rescue a number of crewmates, but in-between you have a sizeable map that you'll have to explore and choose which levels you want to tackle in which order. It's like a mini-open world, which is neat. The music is fantastic and the graphics are simple, yet pleasing.

There are a couple of issues I have though. First, I think the game is a little too fast at times. There's one room early on called "Driller", where you have to fall down into a different room, but there are spikes down there that you have to weave around. It's basically a blind jump, there's no way to predict the hazards below and you'll likely die on your first playthrough, which does feel a little cheap. And I admit I did use the slowdown accessibility feature a couple of times because things were a little too tense. My second issue is that the physics feel slippery - for a precision platformer, the movement is somewhat loose, it was a common occurence to me to slide into hazards because you carry quite a bit of forward momentum. I think Super Meat Boy feels more polished in that regard.

Still, at the end of the day I did enjoy my time with it. It's also quite replayable the main campaign itself is just under an hour if you know what you're doing, or hour and a half if you go for all the trinkets (you don't have to collect them all again after you unlock the lab, so you can focus on any%) - try lowering your death count, which I did. On a replay I ended up with 162, which is decent enough. You can do time trials, flip mode, try your luck at Super Graviton, and a few others, as well as a level editor, so you can try custom levels made over the net. It's not amazing, but it's still quite a fun little title and overall a good game.

hey you should play this game it's called...

Creative as shit and very fun to play.

classic indie platformer. bangin' soundtrack and just some really interesting uses of the gravity mechanic. i want to study it

according to google there are 20 trinkets in warp zone... dont think thats true

VVVVVV doesn't waste your time; it knows what you're here for, and that's what it gives - a very fun and energetic short but sweet platforming experience

will always stick with me as such a clever and iconic time capsule of the early indie scene

i had the most fun on this game while cursing the dev for some spikes placement and the auto scroller stage i don't hate it infact i love it

Cool gimmick to build a game around. Doesn't overstay its welcome, only about an hour or two long.

A wonderful game!
Just as long as it needed to be to do everything it wanted to do. The soundtrack is filled with catchy earworms, and the thrill of exploration never got old. The mechanics are simple to understand but will take some patience to master in the hardest of VVVVVV's countless challenge rooms.
Everyone owes it to themselves to go through this game. It's a short 2-3h romp, nothing crazy, but I really loved my time with it!

Un juego indie que no muchos conocen, creado por dos desarrolladores que quizás conozcan por Super Hexagon o Getting Over It (muchos años antes de ese juego del diablo, no te vayas porfavor el juego ta bonito)

Un indie bonito, precioso, cortito e intenso.

pero no voy a hacerme todos los malditos logros eso si es del diablo no mamen

VVVVVV is an awesome platformer with gravity flipping mechanic as a main mechanic of the whole game. VVVVVV was one of the early retro-styled difficult platformers and definitely one of the best still. It's hard as nails and has challenge for most skill levels with easiest play through doable for most people and collecting all the trinkets hard enough for most skilled players. The controls are very good and there are no real unfair deaths, you always do have a feeling that you die because of your own mistakes. I replay this every couple of years it's definitely good enough for that.

Short but very sweet platformer with a unique concept in a badass C64 style!

The hub area of this game is great fun to explore, the music is very enjoyable, the game has solid replayability and several challenge modes, and the level design of this game is just very solid! Some games, by the nature, can only be so good, and I feel like this game pretty much hit its own ceiling. I enjoyed this game!

I beat this shit at least 3 times in high school on 3 different platforms each so its safe to say I liked this I think

Fire ost too

Absolute classic. Fun, difficult platforming, and an incredible soundtrack.

terry cavanagh you sly fucking dog, making games that are always so good

If there's any game I can point to and go "Your grandmother might be able to play it and say she's played a video game more complicated than pong", VVVVVV might be that game. It's incredibly simple. Ya move left and right, and instead of jumping you flip gravity to run on the ceiling. Or the floor...wait, was the floor the ceiling or is the ceiling now the floor...oooghh...

Long story short for a game as short and simple as VVVVVV, get it. It's 5 bucks normally and goes on sale a majority of the time as long as there's a sale available. It's one of the best 2D platformers ever made, and considering it's able to be beaten in an hour, that should say how fantastic the experience is.

A fun, tight platformer with a fun gravity control gimmick.

Pra Celeste ser bom era só copiar esse jogo

I'm a sucker for games with simple premises taken to extreme levels. VVVVVV has a weird name, but it is absolutely worth your time as an Indie title. Soundtrack also goes hard for no fucking reason.