Reviews from

in the past

A slight downgrade but not my enough to make it not worth playing

Best Wii Series Game With Wii Party Original

The sequel to the Legendary Wii Party is pretty fun when it's not being the absolute worst.

Improvement on the original overall, could use more 3 vs 1 minigames

A sadly worse version than the original, but still pretty OK, I just wouldn't choose this over the OG.

Ok fine I admit it I really love Wii Party and Wii Party U. Is it perfect? No. Is it great? Not really. Is it good? Who even knows??? I'm just super biased I love this game

Mario Party Star Rush, but with tons of amazing minigames and somewhat fun modes. Also, I'm kind of surprised that House Mode works as well as did.

Wii Party U is like a cheap buffet. It has a LOT of options, and most of them resemble something you like. But you're not gonna find anything impressive here.

This really is just a boring Mario Party game, but a bit worse in every way. There's a surprising amount of content here (in terms of modes, minigames, and game boards), but none of it is likely to leave an impression or really pull you in.

The game is ok, but I want to highlight this genius mode you unlock after finding all the minigames called "Spot the Sneak," where you play a series of minigames where one player gets the ability to cheat (giving them an advantage in winning the minigame) but they can get their points revoked if the other players correctly guess they were the sneak. This mode inspires mindgames and metagaming tactics, like intentionally getting second as the sneak, or screen peeking to see if something about the other player's inputs are suspicious; it's a really cool mode that's never been attempted in another game.

This feels like the game they'd stick in a nursing home out of spite towards the old folk.

wii u games that make you pass the gamepad around so often get on my nerves

Very whatever compared to the Wii version which was amazing. Party modes get stale after only a game or two and none of the minigames are that unique or special. The bonus puzzle game and the wiimote the game came with are cool though

One of the laziest sequals to a game ive ever seen, the main bored is a long 's' in the middle of the ocean.... like cmon give me something a little more interesting. The other modes are alright, with my favourite being BALLDOZER but that mode has its own issues. Even though i think this game was lazily made the mini games really hold it together and actually make this worth a play with friends. Its not bad, far from it just wish more effort went into the modes so i feel a good reason to play the mini games which is by far the best part.

SUPER underrated. A legendary game to play with friends. Minigames were really fun, and a few of the boards were pretty solid (Highway Rollers was peak). My favorite game mode to play with friends was Spot the Sneak, just such a great idea. The music was really good too. I miss this Wii U era to be honest.

this game is awesome but all it is is just wii party. ideally you have both games and switch between them every time someone goes "wait is this the one that has x minigame/mode or is it the other one" and then you switch to the respective game to play said minigame

You will never understand the irreversible damage this game and its "Button Smashers" mode has done

I know that many will disagree with my opinion, but for me, Wii Party U, is the game that has given me more fun in my life, all modes, mechanics, mini games, to play with your Mii, it's all perfect for me, all the moments I spent with my family and friends playing this, were incredible. For me, the best game I have ever played in my life.

[Review written January 2014]

When it was first announced, Wii Party honestly looked to me like typical bad Nintendo casual game fare. Although it mostly was that, a few very creative modes and an excellent collection of mini-games allowed it to be one of the most frequently played games in the Wii’s later days and it was almost always played when somebody came over. I may have been one of the very few people in the world who were mildly looking forward to this, so how is Wii Party U? Unfortunately (but probably unsurprisingly), not very good.

Wii Party U is mostly set up in the same way that the first one was. There are a ton of modes, most of them being pretty bad game modes that have you play minigames that only give you a slight advantage due to random “luck”. I have always been suspicious of these type of Nintendo games for programming games a certain way so that even if you win or lose every minigame, the dice rolls will keep you close to competition whether it be ahead or behind. This is a careful balance that is put in a lot of driving games, including Nintendo’s own Mario Kart series. When done correctly, the format works fine. However, in a game like this it can be infuriating to lose even when you are doing everything right. A little luck is fine, a lot of luck is no fun.

This serious problem greatly brings down the fun I have in the main mode selection, and it unfortunately plagues the majority of these games. Nintendo has included some other stuff too, such as tabletop games that don’t require the TV. In theory, this could be a great idea, but none of the short little games have any lasting appeal, so unfortunately a throwaway. There are a few good ideas in the house party selection. We (me, my sisters, and my cousins) had a fun time with a “guess the facial expression” mode, and a goofy dancing game in which everyone boogies around the gamepad is terrible, but naturally fun. The best mode from the first Wii Party called Spot the Sneak, where you play minigames but one player is given a cheating handicap and must try to hide it while also performing well in the match, makes a welcomed return, and once again easily steals the show. Trying to play mindgames with your friends and get away clean with nobody picking you are the best moments I’ve had with this game.

The minigames are fine, but some feel a little bit unoriginal and again, too many of them force you to rely on luck to win. One of the few memorable minigames is a much more complex version of the horse race from the first game, in which now you get to pick from four different animals with different attributes. Learning just how much you can giddy up that animal without tiring it out is a very fun endeavor. I just wish that more of the minigames involved depth and required careful planning, but apparently Nintendo thinks luck is more suitable for the family audiences.

Overall, Wii Party U does have a couple of good ideas, but the minigame collection is pretty weak and I’m sorry to have to say that this is a step down from the Wii version. It does come with a Wii Remote Plus like Wii Play did for the Wii, so if you need an extra controller, it is worth picking up. Otherwise, I would say you shouldn’t bother.

Just a really fun pack of party games vaguely reminiscent of Mario Party. Nothing here is in any way going to blow your mind, but it’s still a ton of dumb fun.
Spot the Sneak is genius btw

Dude that karate thing is so cool

Wait this is the Wii party game I got from Nintendo for free for being a number 1 Nintendo cuck, not the other one. Ignore my Wii Party review

It's fine but I prefer the first one

I like Wii Party U a lot, but most of the multiplayer stuff just isn't that fun to me. And when I'm playing solo, there's not enough here to keep me interested after trying it once.

Fun, but not as good as the original. Less fun games to play, but a few gems in there. Would recommend the original over this.

A bit disappointed with this compared to the original, since I do prefer the original's game modes to this game. Still fun with friends though!