Reviews from

in the past

Dos de los pilares de WoW siempre fueron su historia y sus sistemas jugables. Ambas cosas están completamente desfasadas y en pleno 2022 eso es inadmisible.

Esta expansión no se sostiene por ningún lado: historia mediocre, desarrollo de personajes nefasto, un final de expansión pésimo, cero innovación y sistemas ultra quemados. Mucho tiene que cambiar en Blizzard para recuperar el rumbo.

launch was amazing.
denathrius was great.
zones were stunning.

thats it even blizzard knows they fucked up, lore is confusing as fuck and Jailer is the worst main villain we ever got, atrocious content like torghast, first patch added Korthia that felt dead on launch day, no content at all and Sepulcher of the first ones is just not the worst end raid only because Dragon Soul and Ny'alotha exists

they made fun of the lich king, they wasted a villain, theu wasted sylvanas as a bad guy, they wrote new story with their butts.

if they fail next expansion it is all over boys.

long live azeroth.

Ainda jogando, a história da expansão não acabou.

Atualização; 30/11/2022 A DLC acabou e para falar a verdade eu não joguei tanto o final, perdi muita a vontade de continuar entrando no jogo e ficar fazendo coisas repetitivas, tanto que nesta próxima expansão eu nem irei jogar. Uma pena o wow ter chego neste ponto e eu não pretendo ariscar mais na próxima DLC.

Started so strong and dropped the ball so fucking hard
it's been almost 20 years fuckers, stop making it bad
Fuck Blizzard

Managing to shit out an even more embarrassing trash fire of an expansion than BFA is a genuine feat of Blizzard quality™. This is far and away some of the least compelling content I've ever experienced across the entirety of the MMO genre.

Queria dizer que foi medíocre, mas não foi. Tentei dar uma chance, tentei ser mente aberta, tentei ser dedicado com as infinitas dailies forçadas, mas eles fazem o possível e o impossível para fazer você desistir, e, parabéns Act-Bliz, vocês conseguiram. Já tinha esse pensamento bem antes dos processos, depois deles, eu só percebi como meu dinheiro foi jogado no lixo. Na verdade, posso dizer que valeu a pena jogar ele, pra poder ver como outros são superiores só por fazer o básico, e também dizer que eu vi a queda de um dos maiores símbolos da indústria que demonstra tudo de pior que o gaming pode ser. Não só pelos seus criadores, como seus jogadores. No King Rules Forever.

Veremos como avanza la historia, de momento pinta muy interesante. Aunque como se marquen el "Sylvanas en realidad era buena todo este tiempo" me voy a cabrear.

It’s a really good turn for world of Warcraft and I hope to see more like this to come. The covenant system gives you a good amount to do and a reason to roll alts, the dungeons are fun and challenging and the new customization for characters is a very welcome one

I'm loving my time being a new player, but i fear that the endgame can't hold me forever.

World of Warcraft at the finest it's been in a long time but still plagued with everything that comes with the name. The Covenants and setting are a fun change of pace

From the trash of BFA to this blizzard has really gone downhill in every imaginable way...

Controversy aside, this expansion is a lot stronger than BFA. But the story is just atrocious.

You take the Lich King. The coolest villain in WoW and butcher him in your opening cinematic. Then you try and give one of the most un-redeemable characters around a chance of redemption? Bruh.

The content is pretty good though, I will say and I do like the zones. I just wish the story wasn't so crap.

I really hope with Microsoft buying Activision, Blizzard will finally wake up and get their heads out of their asses.

Fue una buena actualización. Esperando el DLC en el que Activision se arruina y Kotick va a la cárcel donde le cuelgan con las sábanas de la cama.

Took what little goodwill I still had for the franchise and threw it out the window.

it's like blizzard tried to do Legion again but completely forgot what made it so enjoyable.

content-wise, at least from a casual dude's perspective, it's pretty much Legion but just "okay". torghast is pretty fun and the zones themselves are pretty cool even if they're just basically hell, basically heaven, basically purgatory with vampires, bootleg emerald dream, and "look, the scourge had to get their aesthetic from somewhere". covenants are pretty neat even if they lack the appeal that legion's class halls had. also venthyr best covenant.

as for the story, hoo boy. it's like they looked at infinity war, was like "we can do that too", and tried making wow's story seem more "epic" by (once again) overcomplicating the cosmology and making it seem like every single event in wow's history was, for the most part, orchestrated by the jailer (warcraft thanus) in a grand scheme to i guess take over the universe and possibly character assassinate sylvanas moreso than after WOTLK. or something. good earthmother herself, fucking blow me.

make fun of the vulpera all you want, they're arguably the best race to play for this xpak because it completely takes the piss out of wowcraft's writing like it rightfully should.

and uh. considering what's been happening at blizz lately, i really wonder how they're gonna save face in later patches.

hoo boy

9.2 EDIT: wow that sure was a conclusion that ultimately means fucking nothing because WOW THERE'S A BIGGER BAD GUY THE JAILER WAS TRYING TO SAVE US FROM I GUESS?

pretty ballsy of blizzard to retcon several millenia worth of lore in their own universe in an attempt to orchestrate this game of cosmic chess with a payoff that ultimately means nothing and feels like a slap in the face to anyone who was genuinely invested in the story, god damn

danuser, it's on sight

blizzard sucks ass at writing nowadays, how did we go from legion to this

Why does no one want to play with me

Good for a while but the end game gets to be a little stale. You have one Raid to run, again and again, for all eternity... Good for a while but definitely not WoWs heyday anymore.

Even with the pushback release, still a mess to play.

its fine. the game itself is in the best state its been in in years, and there are no major pain points so far that tend to flare up with games that ask so much of the player. however, it just feels fine. by far the most excitement i have felt so far is the expansion launch ritual of seeing all the old clan again after a couple years.

in all likelihood, i'm going to follow the same pattern of playing this for a couple months and then wandering away again like i have for the last 3-4 expansions. that being said, unlike the last expansion, i'm not going to be walking away out of frustration.


Version 9.0

● L'idée des Covenants
● Quelques beaux endroits
● Activités end-game pas trop intrusives et optionnelles
● Game-design global équilibré (pas de système qui pourrit le jeu)

● Les Shadowlands (les zones) :
- Un manque de cohérence et d'unité
- Des zones isolées, étriquées
- Des thématiques qui ont un goût de déjà-vu
- Pas d'immersion : un côté artificiel, le sentiment
que c'est des maps de jeux avant d'être des lieux de
● The Maw, ratée à tous les niveaux
● Torghast, concept intéressant, chiant à la longue
● Oribos, la capitale :
- Mal intégrée dans l'univers, un hub central artificiel
- Artistiquement peu inspirée
- Très mauvais level-design
● Les features mécaniques des Covenants (Soul-binds, Conduits, capacités), pas toujours très excitantes
● Techniquement de moins en moins convainquant, le moteur mériterait d’être remis à neuf
● Bonne musiques, mais un léger manque de variété dans les compositions et instrumentalisations.
● Toujours la même routine depuis Legion...
● On se sent pas vraiment dans Warcraft...

"Pour moi le problème vient autant de Shadowlands : entre l'Ombreterre que je n'aime pas, les zones isolées/étriquées, des thématiques déjà-vu (dans WoW ou ailleurs), le manque global d'immersion, l'impression persistante de ne pas se sentir dans Warcraft. Des features comme The Maw et Torghast qui sont des corvées. Les mécaniques pas très excitantes des soul-bind/conduits...

... Que de la formule actuelle de WoW, qui est la même depuis Legion : toujours la même routine à base de farm de world-quests, farm de mythique+, farm de réputation, rempli ta jauge d'AP/Azerite/Anima, débloque la puissance de ton Artefact/Coeur d'azeroth/Covenant, avance ta campagne > repeat.

Comme WoW Retail veut absolument nous servir le même plat à toutes les sauces, j'irai sur BC Classic histoire d'avoir enfin un menu différent."