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in the past

Peakuza 3. Unironically I love the combat and the story and substories were amazing. At the time I didnt like how slow it was at first but it wasn't that bad.

about half of the game is essentially mandatory side stories with the morning glory orphans but kiryu’s characterization is very good in this one and the villain is pretty good! the enemies blocking isn’t a problem once you get a decent moveset but for that first few hours it’s pretty damn painful. Not as bad as people make it out to be but its undeniably flawed

generally worse than its predecessors in every way
combat is clunkier and the minigames aren't very fun
i liked the morning glory/okinawa story parts a lot
but the rest of it is pretty messy, a lot of the plot twists make no sense

Gameplay may be a little bit dated, but the story is still good.

VERY overhated dude holy shit this game is fucking good

Probably the worst Yakuza game in terms of gameplay until now,but i consider it to be better than Kiwami 1 storywise.

Why did the orphans get more development than RYUJI LMAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Upon booting up this game, despite learning about its reputation, I anticipated a Devil May Cry 2 or Mega Man X6 equivalent within the Yakuza series with this third installment. However, after playing it, I was pleasantly surprised and kind of enjoyed it. As I continue my Yakuza journey, I expect this to be the weakest entry, but if the worst Yakuza game I've played is still a 6-7/10, it's impressive how consistent this franchise is.

The story and characters continue to give me so much joy, whether it's during lighthearted or intense moments that the main storyline executes so well, keeping my attention and investment. Unfortunately, I didn't feel the same excitement for the substories this time around, unlike in Yakuza 2. There were a few cool ones that caught my attention, but those were the exceptions.

I gotta say, the combat in this game, to me, is enjoyable despite the jank. The only thing that bugs me is how obsessed the enemies are with their blocking move. It can really drag out some fights. But other than that, I still enjoyed smacking down enemies, stringing together combos, and leveling up. Even though I've played Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, and both versions of 2 before, I still had a blast with the combat in this game.

The graphics in this game have definitely aged, with blurry textures that are noticeable when it comes to things like clothing, backgrounds, or some character models. The one aspect that I do appreciate about the presentation is how the lighting and skyboxes look depending on the time of day (shoutouts to Kamurocho at night), but you can tell it's a PS3 game.

It feels kind of anticlimactic now that I have played this game, and my thoughts are not really aligning with its infamous reputation. I'm not going to argue if it deserves that or not, but from my point of view, it wasn't as bad as I expected. It turned out to be an alright game that I really enjoyed, despite its flaws. Hopefully, Yakuza 4 will be a smoother experience, regardless of how I feel about Yakuza 3.

Here are my other Yakuza reviews:

Yakuza Kiwami 2

Yakuza Kiwami

i played all yakuza games from 0 to 3 yet and imo:
3 had the best ending together with 0
3 had the best story slightly above 0
3 had the best antagonist
i loved the orphanage stuff
but sadly the side content isnt really good and the gameplay can be terrible in some boss fights
a kiwami 3 would prolly be the best game in the whole series

La historia de este juego es una de las mejores historias que he jugado en las series de yakuza, facilmente podria estar por debajo de Yakuza 0 o Kiwami 1, lo que echa para atras de este juego es lo mal que ha envejecido y su gameplay (los fans lo suelen llamar blockuza)

La verdad, que de este juego solo me jugare la historia ya que es una gran barrera la hora del gameplay para poder completarlo. Lo tuve que modear para poder cambiar el combate ya que te pueden bloquear todos los golpes

En fin, este yakuza tiene una gran historia, una de las mejores, el combate es el peor de toda la saga. Espero que puedan hacer de aqui a no mucho el kiwami 3 (esta anunciado pero no en desarrollo hasta nosecuando)

Al fin y al cabo. Sigue siendo un yakuza

And what exactly did he do in Japan?
He was a gangster.

Love the Okinawa vibes. Kiryu running a beachfront orphanage is soul cleansing and good - it's the Yakuza storyline that mostly uninteresting and hard to follow

You spend a lot of time in this Okinawa game just running around Kamurocho again which, sure, new engine, PS3 Shiny, I get it. It is impressively detailed for the time. But yikes coming from Yakuza 0 - Kiwami 1&2 I just couldn't care about the city anymore.

Orphanage sections have some of the best moments in the series, very touching and incredibly successful at presenting a captivating narrative.

freakuza. play on easy, this one isn't very fun.

a good game + story i <3 okinawa but God this game is insufferable

Despite being known as one of the weaker games of the franchise and being actively warned by fans there’s a 50% chance I could be filtered by this I really enjoyed my time with this game. I will agree it’s probably the weakest of the yakuza games I’ve played so far but the story setting and characters really kept me coming back this time round. I particularly loved the setting of Okinawa which I feel may be influenced by growing up in seaside towns myself and while the chapters revolving around this area may feel a bit laid back compared to the other games but i really enjoyed getting to see Kiryu living a selfless quiet life outside of the Yakuza. The writers here really flex the ability to introduce new characters like the orphanages children and Rikiya immediately winning you over i don’t think I’ve seen a studio do this so effortlessly aside from games made by Hideo Kojima. Despite my praise I do agree the combat can be a little goofy and the biggest filter for fans in the early game but eventually managed to get the hang of it around chapter 5. Another issue I kinda have is how fast this story wraps up as soon as the main threat is established the game kinda ends which is a little shitty considering how good these villains are with their terrible engrish.

Muito bom, mas sinto que poderiam ter feito o kiwami 3.

Esse jogo tem um dos melhores quick times events da franquia até agora. Adorei o Kiryu nesse jogo.

while gameplay might be a bit dated. the story and cast really bring this a tier higher.

Yakuza 3’s become something of a black sheep within the community. It might be because of the jump from Kiwami 2 or the lack of a proper port of the original 2, but a part of the community seems to be so adamant about bashing 3, usually because of the combat, the story, or some mix of both. That being said, I’ve noticed that we’re kind of backtracking from that, as more and more people come to praise and appreciate 3, some even calling it one of the best. Personally, I do find myself liking Yakuza 3 quite a bit, though there are definitely a few missteps that hold it back from really sitting there with the other greats in RGG’s catalogue.

I just want to get one thing immediately out of the way as I get into the game’s combat: “Blockuza” is an overblown exaggeration. Kiryu has a lot of tools to get past something like that. With that being said though, Yakuza 3’s early game combat can feel a little miserable at times, especially with some egregiously bad boss fights like Tamashiro 1 and Rikiya. Once you grab the Komaki abilities though, it all really starts to open up for the player. Wall bounding with Kiryu’s moveset is fun, counterattacks like the Komaki Parry and Tiger Drop feel especially beefy in this entry, and 3’s engine allows for some neat off-the-ground tech if you know what you’re doing. While I don’t think it’s quite as satisfying as its predecessor Yakuza 2, Yakuza 3’s hits still feel hefty and impactful, with the aforementioned counterattacks being the big winners here. The sound design in the combat is still really solid, and I believe is something that usually goes underappreciated during discussions of this game’s combat (and in general, really). I also just wanna bring up the weird messed-up faces that appear after you use heat actions on the generic street goons. It’s very funny just how absolutely horrible they look after a fight, and it’s even funnier that this carries over to 4. One aspect that I do feel is a little lacking though is Kiryu’s damage in this entry. It’s weirdly lacking? And it’s not like bosses take too long, that’s not really my problem, but it makes heat actions feel oddly weightless despite the good animation work. Getting everything right for a heat action only for it to barely dent the poor soul you’re beating the snot out of just doesn’t feel the same. For comparison, Y4’s Kiryu feels like he does way more damage with his heat actions, and I think they feel better there because of it, which is interesting when you remember Y4 Kiryu is almost identical to his depiction in 3. Yakuza 3’s combat overall is pretty solid save for the early game. It’s far from the strongest this series has seen, but Kiryu’s moveset feels strong and is just pretty fun to mess around with. Props to Richardson for being the only actually enjoyable gun boss fight in the series. With that being said, please keep Lau Ka Long away from me.

Yakuza 3’s story arguably has Kiryu at his best. He finally gets to breathe in between constant Tojo feuds with some dad slice-of-life stuff at the orphanage, and all of it is just so, so cute. It’s a little slow, sure, and that might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I found myself so charmed by it all. My heart melts seeing Kiryu, who’s gone through so much, get to be happy with his little scamps. The characters really come through here, the stars of course being the Ryudo family. Rikiya’s the brightest one, a fun companion throughout who both contrasts and bounces off of Kiryu well. Then there’s Nakahara and Saki, a sweet encapsulation of the game’s themes of fatherhood. And there’s the kids themselves, all distinct and fun to simply watch run around with their Uncle Kaz. My favorite one is Taichi because he’s awesome.
The rest of the plot though, I’m a little mixed on. There are some genuinely great stuff here: Mine’s an amazing antagonist despite his small amount of screentime, seeing the Tojo so broken down after Kiryu’s shenanigans in 1&2 was interesting (the Nishikiyama family having KANDA as its patriarch is my favorite example of this), Majima’s characterized shockingly well, this game marking the start of him being taken more seriously, and Joji’s honestly a cool ass character despite being an asspull and a half. Unfortunately, Yakuza 3 has a few egregious mistakes that impede it from being an all-timer story for this series. For one, 3 falls victim to a lot of early writing habits that this series eventually broke out of over time. A lot of characters unjustly die for no good reason, Mine and Kashiwagi being the biggest offenders. It also has the big ol’ “Kiryu forgets to disarm the bad guy and said bad guy kills a valued ally” schtick, and it’s as infuriating as ever. Then there’s the “giant exposition dump” chapter, with Yakuza 3 having by far the worst case of it ever with Chapter 9: The Plot, which is almost entirely dedicated to Kiryu and Date sitting down and listening to some politician explain what the hell is even going on. Despite all of this, Yakuza 3’s story is still very enjoyable, and I think it’s very much worth it to endure all of its little shortcomings to appreciate its amazing characters, both new and returning faces.

Side content is decently well-rounded for the most part in Y3. It introduced the series to Karaoke, for which we are all eternally grateful, of course. I really like the hostess songs in this entry, and it’s a shame that most of them don’t return for later games. 3 also has the hitman missions, which is a cool side-activity throughout. Additionally I hate Yakuza 3’s golf and everything it stands for
Yakuza 3’s substories consist of a lot of filler substories where not much really happens, but the ones that stand out REALLY stand out. You have a really unique substory that spans from Chapter 9 until the finale in Murder at Cafe Alps, you have some silly gag substories like Kiryu having to cross the street with 2 massive ice-cream cones. You have substories that flesh out characters from the main story, like the amazing Dotting the Eye with Rikiya, and the sweet Date’s Pride substory. You can also have Kiryu say “H e y , s w e e t c h e e k s” in English, if you so please. I love it! 1-4 all have substories that occasionally use full-on cutscenes, and you can tell how much care they put into them. Yeah, it still has that annoying thing from other early games where you can flat-out fail a substory and lock you out of them, but still. Quality selection of substories.

Lastly, 3’s soundtrack. I’m absolutely a sucker for this series’ soundtrack, so I’m not even going to pretend that I’m not biased. Yakuza 3’s music bridges the gap between the roughness and raw power of the original Yakuza 1 & 2’s almost grungelike style with the cleaner compositions of the later games, and I think it works out pretty well! You have your badass tracks like FM-Sound’s Storm, Bruise, and Hear this in the game. You have your intense, climactic songs like the fan-favorite Fly, the beautiful Lyricism Without Tears (which, as a bonus, gets one of the coolest track names this series has ever been graced with), and the underrated End Point. I find Yakuza 3’s OST isn’t really talked about all that much outside of the justified praise of Fly, which is a real shame, because there are some real quality tracks on display here.

Yakuza 3 stands as a very solid game in its own right, even with a few annoyances bogging it down. I don’t think it deserved all of the unending slander it seems to receive. I love my dad Kiryu, I love seeing him hang out with his kids, and, despite all the bad, I still love this game. Also, Albert Wesker’s in it, and I think that’s pretty funny.

Chronologically the 4th game in the Yakuza series, this entry sees Kiryu return for some more street brawling action!

Story wise the game holds up wonderfully, and the many plot twists kept me invested throughout the games chapters. However, the games block heavy combat shows its age and makes me wish this game got the Kiwami treatment like 1 and 2 did.

Man, I want to like this one because the story is just so good being shifted around the orphanage and seeing Kiryu become a father figure. Additionally, his background of being an orphan himself is just heartwarming seeing all the interactions with the kids is great. The antagonist Mine I just liked how that part of the plot unfolded dude is just raw as hell. Generally, all the side characters are developed well and I genuinely get the feels when reaching the climax of the story and when it hits that shit hits like a truck. Speaking of hitting umm… you can’t really hit enemies most of the time because for some reason someone decided to make block a nuisance. It's a severely block-heavy game. The combat is just irritating (Played on Hard) there are only so few moves to deal damage and one of them is grabbing enemies for most of the playthrough, oh if they have heavy enemies or bosses that reach a stage disabling your ability to grab them, good luck on slowing chipping away their health it’s agonizing it helps if you bring weapons though. I recommend experiencing the story but, just do yourself a favor and play on a lower difficulty.
I look forward to any changes they make for Kiwami 3.

Maybe combat is a bit frustrating, but it helped me to get better in yakuza series. Great story, but not perfect. Orphanage stuff is great (idk why a lot of fans complains about it). Okinawa is beautiful, but lacks things to do here.
Side content is weak, I don't remember any substory.
I'm not against Kiwami 3, but OG 3 still holds up.

Going from Kiwami 2 to this was a big change, but I still enjoyed the game for what it had. I loved the story and the new characters a lot, I liked how most of the story was Kiryu being a good dad. This and 0 are my favs as of right now. The game made me cry

mine carries the game heavily

Really rough. The combat feels clunky, the story gets a bit strange by the end, and the side content is generally pretty boring. It's got its fun moments, though.