Reviews from

in the past

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holy shit the bit where Miyuki said a walkthrough wouldn't have helped because all the security questions were randomized blew my mind

I thought that the "2d character breaking the 4th wall" trope might be a bit overdone but they did it well in this game I enjoyed the story. Ramps up exponentially as you play through and I played the final 4 hours in 1 sitting and my ass hurts now

and that ending man

Não importa em quantas realidades ou visual novels que eu jogar, nunca me esquecerei de nosso encontro Aoi, e nunca me esquecerei de você também. Até logo.....Bye Bye.

miyuki: quieres que te cuente el cuento de la buena pipa

The "vns will be 50 hours long then have a message about going outside" meme but its like 10 hours and on crack

I finally lost my virginity. Thanks, Miyuki.

This is my favorite Denpa.

Miyuki did nothing wrong.

Fantastic, I have no words.

If you dont normally like eroge VNs I wouldnt play this though, I feel like a lot of the negative reviews are because people played this and dokidoki and nothing else since dokidoki ripped a ton from this game - but if you do, this is one of the best and most unique ones.

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imagine doki doki but better and NTR i still can feel the pain.
miyuki better tho dont mind me

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Very interesting subversion of eroge and dating simulators with much to think about and mull over, sadly the sex scenes were written by someone who has never seen or touched a woman in their life and I do not understand if it's intentional or not. Either the writers somehow made a game supposed to criticize the exact type of people they are and just didn't realize it, or it's intentional and this game is incredible.
I don't know.
Worth playing anyway.

bom jogo
no final de tudo e uma historia de amor mesmo.

Powerfully designed and with good characterization. As expected, once you remove the extremely overblown, uninteresting action, the things the writer is good at shine brighter.

Totono, también conocido como cuck simulator. Al igual que otras VNs de Nitroplus, yo no lo consideraría una VN perse, sino una experiencia.

Me encanta este tipo de vns donde se trata de una "historia lineal" y no solo de rutas y heroínas (ironico, ya que el gimmick es ese, un simulador de citas), aun así, no lo considero una obra maestra, es una VN corta, pero ofrece una experiencia diferente a lo que este medio nos tiene acostumbrados, con personajes bien escritos.

Lo he lei en una PC con linux y los gimmicks funcionaron perfectamente

PD: el virgen y sobrevalorado DDLC vs el chad y mainstream Totono.

It does a lot of very silly things andd looks very very smug about it, thinking ts actually genius, which makes me want to hate it utterly.
But it also does (a small number of) things very well, so hate it I can't.

The real love story was the gamer brain we got along the way

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Um dia falarei mais a fundo sobre (especialmente porque preciso de rejogar), mas por enquanto recomendo o vídeo do Steendy.

This visual novel wasn't for me. It seems more theme driven than what I usually come to VNs for (character writing) and still, the characters are all very flat for what they are. I did like the horror but outside of that it didn't interest me much. Also, I'm one of the small parties who liked Miyuki. She was pretty fleshed out compared to others. Still, wasn't for me. I'll update this if I ever feel I want to replay it- but I doubt it.

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Miyuki better because she doesn't cheat on you.

this game is basically doki doki if doki doki was a decent game

This feels like it was made very specifically for people who like the eroge aspect of eroge, which is decidedly not me

Criou o sexo, taxou o sexo, taxou todos os fãs de sexo games, cuspiu no prato que come, limpou, pediu desculpa, fez um carinho e ficou tudo bem.


don't mind me just here to pledge my undying loyalty to Miyuki

That final choice was probably the most memorable and difficult I've ever had to make, holy fuck

Completely iconic and genre-subverting VN, probably advisable being somewhat familiar with the medium before going in

Bit of a hard sell considering its subject matter but god I loved the shit it pulled at me.

Has some strong aspects to it, but there are some flaws that drag it down a bit.

Unfortunately, I can't go into much detail about the good parts of the game without significant risk of spoilers. Just accept my word that there are good things about it and those are best experienced blind.

As for the flaws, my biggest issues are with the prevalence of sex scenes and issues with replaying. On the first point, while I'm not a prude or anything, there are just way too many sex scenes that take way too long to actually end. I understand their role in the story and wouldn't suggest removing them, but their importance is dwarfed by their actual length.

As for the 2nd point, the game can often lock you out of certain routes via a point-of-no-return sort of mechanic. I'll spare the details, but my issue is that these points are too easy to trigger and it can be very easy to lock yourself out of other routes before you even get a chance to understand what's going on. Essentially, its very easy to reach the 'true' ending without having experienced most of the actual choices available and, once you're on that path, you cant go back and try any of the alternatives.

Some of these issues are understandable given what the game was trying to go for, but they still create significant issues. I tepidly recommend this game on account of its many strengths, but I don't think it quite qualifies as a must-play sort of experience.