Reviews from

in the past

eroge writers will create a masterpiece just to fill it with all their fetishes and yet reading it will permanently alter your brain and stay with you for the rest of your life

this was the first VN I ever read in Japanese, and it was an awful choice. Reading something meant to take 10 hours in 100 was NOT fun.

That said, I still abhor aoi, she deserves all that is bad in the world

This was definitively an experience. I do love all the fourth wall stuff and using the "meta of the VN" to tell a story about (maybe) true love. I don't really like any of the girls that much but I had a very fun time reading all this crazy story.

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The comparison to Doki Doki is tacky and overdone considering this predates it by about 4 years, but unavoidable.
When I played DDLC in 2017 I heard the ~whispers~ of this ~other game~ that ~wasn't officially translated at the time~. I saw some screenshots from a certain happy birthday, and moved on with life.

Now 6.5 years later with more VNs under my belt, more life lived, and with memories hazy enough to have not quite remembered being spoiled fully, I rounded back onto reading Totono.

It was certainly an experience worth that wait, and a great of example of using the meta of your genre to tell an extremely effective story. Totono builds its main heroines wonderfully over the course of normal play, making the choice between them feel hard to make even before the curtain begins to get pulled back. Being railroaded into Miyuki naturally makes you feel bad for Aoi, which leads you into her route, which leads to abandoning Miyuki's, which leads to everything falling apart as it does. Despite me pushing in Aoi's direction as hard as possible as soon as I had the ability, they still brought me back to almost picking Miyuki in the end. The emphasis placed on your choice really did make it hard to make in a wonderful way, no saves, no reloads, just a binary with no right answer capping off an extremely memorable commentary on the genre.

The blueprint to DDLC. Does it all better too.

i ended up getting stuck in a time loop and played the same part of the game for an hour straight. how did i get into college?

Pour moi c'est doki doki littérature club mais en mieux, plus long, plus dévellopé (tant au niveau de l'écriture de l'histoire et des perso que dans le coté "intéractions méta") et surtout plus impactant.

pouco susto muito sexo porem muito bom

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goodbye, aoi.

Not a long read, but not a short one either. I read it all in about a week and a half. It's a great visual novel with very intricate meta elements.

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better doki doki literature club but that's not saying much. i can't do much other than compare the two because they're so similar (and i played ddlc first). that being said the bait-and-switch is done a lot better and in a much more interesting way.

this also has the cool saya no uta effect where the narrative doesn't work without the sex scenes, but at the same time, boy do i not want the sex scenes! not for the same reason, but still. i can only wonder why this game really hit home for so many people. i've been getting recommended it for years and its just half anime bullshit and half.... a little less anime bullshit, with a real eye-roller for an ending. you have to be deep into weeb shit and deeply lonely for this to work on you i fear, like you gotta be DEPENDENT on dating sims for this to work on you. good lord.

anyway. it sure was a game. cuck/10

Changed my view on video games as a whole, was my favorite game for many years until I played persona.

porn disguised as a psychological horror domt believe them guys i literally edged so hard

watched and youtube and disappointed it was not gay but still a interesting twist

This one is an actual masterpiece.
Insanely interesting characters and a really engaging plot, with an extremely good plot twist and I love all of it.
Please play it. Play it before you get spoiled. It's great.

A piece of fiction with a central theme that most of everything ties into, and exhausts almost all dimensions of its medium to explore. The theme is that of Commitment and Regret and the way it explores this is through an eroge VN. That said, this game is dripping with so much empathy and emotion while being designed to be engaged with from the single perspective of YOU playing it. Spoiling or divulging anything would be a disservice to it.
Play the JAST USA version or the Director's Cut patched Steam version. Everything in this game is made with a purpose that feeds back into itself, so cutting anything down or out is unimaginable and just isn't the same experience.

Nunca mais lerei VNs da mesma forma

im dont regret because i played but i wouldnt want to play if i knew?

playing this made me mad at how reliant ddlc was on jumpscares. i found the slice of life lead-up to be actually enjoyable and well written, and the worldbuilding in both acts was strong. the true end was meh.

haru is best girl

i played this primarily because i had played DDLC on a whim, heard it mentioned, and yet again am a sucker for metafiction. i obviously won't go into the plot more than general strokes here, but Aoi's extremely, extremely endearing and i liked most of the slice-of-life stuff because of her. i liked a lot of it, and although the very very end felt mastrubatory, the majority of the last act was fucking insane, disorientating, and horrific.

oh, and for the record - most of the sex scenes made me crack up. however, for the purposes of getting the fullest experience out of the ending, i gotta suggest getting the patch if you get it off steam

wouldve liked it more if i actually gave a fuck about the leads

You and Me and Her: A Goon Story

I definitely do see where people say it and DDLC are similar but they both clearly had their own goals that just happen to look similar on the surface in some ways.

I actually quite liked the slice of life towards the beginning since it involved two very different girls having to interact, wanting to be friends, and even the romance stuff was done in an interesting way. And I thought Aoi in general was pretty funny.

The music was nice and atmospheric. Fit the parts it played in pretty well.

I basically can't talk about the rest without spoilers so...

Meeeeeeeeeeu amigo... Assim, se eu disser que é mal escrito, eu estarei mentindo. Mas... Sabe qual foi o problema? Eu esperei algo que nunca foi a proposta dessa VN e acabei me empolgando demais com o que falaram dela e acabei só hypando tudo. Quanto maior sua expectativa, maior também sua decepção.

Não fiquei com vontade de ver as outras rotas, sabe... Talvez mais tarde eu veja e talvez tenha outra visão da obra. Mas os sentimentos que ficaram em mim foram estranheza, desconforto e decepção.

Para um Eroge, ele se propõe a ser mais do que só mais um Eroge, isso realmente tem que ser reconhecido. Mas não era o que eu estava esperandokkkkkkkkkakakaa

Não sei, mano, se recomendo isso. Tô confuso. Eu reconheço a boa escrita e as pontas soltas que são explicadas quando você tenta outra rota e faz outras escolhas. Porém eu estava esperando um X, mas o jogo é Y. O que não é ruim, mas tamém eu não sei se queria ver, sabekkkkk

Review confusa, eu sei. Eu tô confuso, cara. Não sei.