Reviews from

in the past

le jeu est assez addictifs, j'ai pas encore mis d'argent et je compte essayer de ne pas le faire...

AFK Journey, um jogo de gacha tanto pra pc quanto para celular que é muito divertido para passar o tempo.

Comecei a jogar a pouco tempo com alguns amigos e acho o jogo divertido, é muito bem construído, a história toda em si é bem construída, você não fica preso em uma coisa só até enjoar.
As recompensas ao longo do jogo te fazem querer jogar mais e o fato de não ficar presa em algo por tanto tempo ou ter que focar e pensar muito para ganhar as coisas me deixa mais animada com ele.
Falando sobre a comunidade, até o momento não tive problemas, além disso, o jogo tem um suporte muito bom.

Vale ressaltar como é incrível esse jogo conseguir ter gráficos lindos, uma dublagem bem feita e ainda sim ser muito leve.

Stopped giving a shit the minute I hit the wall

AFK has good potential to be a long running online title. I played through the first two chapters, doing daily tasks and collecting all the heroes but noticed more and more than I was not playing it anywhere as much as my other mobile titles. Much like the original AFK Arena I enjoyed it for a bit and then abandoned it.

If you want a good online RPG of sorts, this is a good title for that but if you don't play actively, your are not getting the full experience.

The presentation is amazing and the loop is as adicting as you would expect. Unfortunately the story is awful and actively detrimental to the experience.

it was fine, the character designs and world are all Really pretty and nice to look at but the actual gameplay didnt do much for me. just not my type of game unfortunately

Played through the whole story. Gameplay is decent enough for a gacha but it is a gacha. The game expects you to spend and that's definitely a turn off for a lot of people. The open world is nice but very limited and plays more lineally than you'd think. The main saving grace of this game is the art style, it is really gorgeous and I would love for Farlight to make a non-gacha game in this style.

Empregar todo esse talento artístico e usar pra fazer um gacha game devia ser uma violação de direitos humanos.

Eu ainda acho inacreditável que eu consigo jogar esse jogo sem gastar nenhum dinheiro.
Eu odeio gachas, eu tenho o costume de evitar esse tipo de jogo o máximo possível, mas quando eu fui testar AFK Journey pra ver se era um gacha nojento mesmo, eu só... Continuei jogando e jogando...

Existe um momento em jogos gacha que é extremamente nítido que você terá extrema dificuldade em progredir sem pagar nada. Geralmente, esse tipo de jogo oferece muitas recompensas gratuitas pelas primeiras horas, e então, eles te barram de jogar.
Eu fiquei esperando isso acontecer com AFK Journey, mas simplesmente não aconteceu. Eu cheguei até o 3° capítulo, consegui obter personagens fodas sem gastar um centavo sequer, e eu consegui upar o nível de todos os meus personagens com facilidade, e se ficassem difícil, eu só passava um dia sem jogar e recebia as recompensas do AFK pra upar... E... Eu consegui continuar jogando???!!!!

Eu acho isso inacreditável por mais que seja tipo O MÍNIMO que jogos gachas necessitam... Mas entre o mínimo e Genshin, eu prefiro o mínimo.

(Btw Carolina é uma FOFA EU AMO ELA e ela é minha MVP em quase todas as lutas... Na vdd eu amo todas as mulheres e Tumulares desse jogo então assim, difícil)

I honestly dunno why I bother trying them when I can't nor really want to justify playing another gacha game. But I always find there's the chance for there to be some redeeming or interesting element. Like here, the art's good, there's some characters up my alley, but it's still way too many little finicky, money grubbing menus to mess with.

[I didn't log my hours, due to this game not being on steam, but I did play it for MANY hours, ending up with Resonance Level 78 before stopping.]

I took part in playing this game because my friend needed help in regards to sponsorship and I try my best these days to avoid such games because of how I've had my account wiped out by these systems being far too effective at tugging at my brain and making me spend money. This was most common in Bloodlines.

Now to first focus on the good. The developers were offering quite a big bit of money as part of their program to spread word of the game amongst other streamers. Of course, this is simply to aim for those more likely to gain an unhealthy interest, just like all other similar games, but it's still quite appreciated.

For a start, the art is very beautiful and the wilder characters are adorable with being humans with animal body parts, mostly the ears with the fun bunny people you get to meet.

The story is about you being chosen as one of many "Merlins" from history, a title for the extremely well accomplished wizards and as you wake up your memory has disappeared, being corrupted and you get involved in stopping the fire at the nearby village that's burning and you have to fight off the monsters it attracts and get involved in what soon evolves into a massive conspiracy involving a greedy lord wanting to take all the lands for himself. It's funny how a game created to exploit your money is now lightly touching upon Capitalism. Probably because it's the easiest of plot hooks tbh.

Anyway, so the way the game operates is very similar to others out there where you can summon heroes of a variety of rarities and duplicates increase the base power and rarity of the heroes. I like how it's kinda cute where the items you use for summoning are envelopes that are thrown out and scattered to the winds to either attract heroes or arcorn warriors that are used for much higher levels to enhance your characters.

As is common with this type of game, this summoning can cause what we called "Ludo narrative dissonance" where despite the red-head witch getting arrested, I already had a few copies of her to use in combat whenever I get the chance to and creates the obvious issue that she shouldn't be around certain events and others you unlock long before meeting them, however I did also struggle to focus on the story and skipped some sections of it.

As the name suggests, there's a little idle timer for acquiring resources whilst offline or doing stuff in game. You can often get equipment and other such rewards to help boost your characters, though they genuinely level all together and with the equipment it's by class so you don't need to get every single bit of equipment for every single hero and making levelling up much quicker.

It pretty much is relaxed in regards to daily awards (for if you miss one, at least) but they have all kinds of daily events with rewards available and then there's also a battle pass called "Privilege Track" that gives you free stuff, however you need to pay to get the far better stuff available.

Ultimately I found myself having a lot of fun with this game, however, I had to stop because I cannot take on these kinds of games and NOT spend money. Be warned if you want to try this out for yourself as it will attempt to shake money out of you like so many others.

What's the deal with mobile games trying to stalk me via youtube ads?

I mean it's alright... I guess

After the 500th ad for this damn game I finally gave in and downloaded it. The art is pretty but the text is microscopic and the gameplay is predictably shallow. I've played much better AFK/clickers.

they call it AFK Journey because they were away and forgot to make the actual game

Es muy bonito, pero hasta llega el atractivo, la verdad. Un Idle promedio, sin nada especial que ofrecer.

Presentation is amazing for a mobile game.
Edit: Paywall makes it unplayable after a point

é divertidinho, mas cansa bem rapido

If you want a game to just turn your brain off to and watch numbers go up, this is the one. The art is nice, the characters are cool, the animations are flashy, and teambuilding is surprisingly in-depth. It gets very grindy very quickly and progress starts to slow way down, but if that's your thing, this is the game for you.

Un super jeu qui arrive à surprendre les joueurs, un must have en somme !

tiene los mejores diseños de personaje en un gacha, dan muchas tiradas y las historia está bien, aunque sin más, demasiado pay to win si quieres cosméticos y unidades más fuertes.