Reviews from

in the past

Didn't get to play it much, but for what i did play it was enjoyable, just a couple of questionable things

I'm going to be honest here, yes, I gave it 4 stars mostly because of nostalgia.
This game is very important to me as it always reminds me of my best friend as he liked this game so damn much, and we played it a lot.

While City Folk surely isn't the Animal Crossing with most content, I love the city feature and I actually think it's a pretty solid entry for its time, that I very much prefer to Wild World.

It's pretty much an updated Wild World on console, so your enjoyment kinda depends on how you felt about Wild World.

One of my best friends and I used to go on a forum I found back then while playing this game where you could get ppl who hacked their game to give you stuff and do trades and all I'm saying is that I lived like a king thanks to these random ppl with millions of bells and hacked items. If you're out there ppl I used to trade with, you were a real homie to kid me <3

Kinda like Wild World but on Wii and better, if you don't mind standing up.
(nice soundtrack)

good and the city was good but also. idk. 4 stars

Este juego se llevó AÑOS de mi vida en la Wii y siempre tendrá un lugar en mi corazón.

No creo que haya envejecido bien, sobretodo al ver el Animal Crossing the Switch.

Known as "Let's go to the city" in the UK.

More like "Let's go to the shitty" am I right?

Mejor que la mierda de new horizons :v

Non mi piacevano i controlli

Mi primer Animal Croosing, tampoco tengo muchos recuerdo de el mas allá de las abejas picándome.

you never forget your first animal crossing-love. animal crossing will simply never feel like this again.

it's animal crossing, the staple mechanics'll never be bad so i cannot rate it any less, but the soundtrack is strangely the thing that kept throwing me off because it's the same as wild world's (with different instruments). this is a really subjective point, but it's strange, even with more updated instrumentation the very composition of wild world's soundtracks make me expect something a little smaller/minimal than a (comparatively) high framerate console edition (and the original compositions suit it really well!), but i'll put this down to association from years of playing wild world really lol. do also agree with the grass mechanics that the ground itself doesn't look as lovely, haven't played enough to determine if this really is the point where the dialogue went downhill but i've got my suspicions (!). not to mention how difficult i find adjusting to the wii compared to a standard controller for this specific kind of game, but again it's a subjective one. boy, this is a whole lot of complaining for an animal crossing game- well other than the grass the graphics are fantastically charming as always and fit right into the cosy visuals of the game for me, especially indoors, as always each object feels lovingly rendered - plus this game began pro patterns! definitely worth visiting on a tour of the older games especially for charm, but I'm not sure how well it'll age as an example of the series in terms of exemplifying its gameplay decades down the line.

Probably a terribly unpopular opinion, but this one was actually my favorite as a kid? I think it’s because I played it SO, SO much with my best friends compared to any of the other games (save WW) that I will forever be deeply fond of it. Like sure it’s not at all that impressive compared to what we have now but the addition of the city had me LOSING MY MINDDD when I was a kid, I would go to the city with my best friends every single day to fuck around. It’s admittedly not terribly different or much of an improvement from WW in most other respects, but I loved WW with a fevered passion, so that wasn’t at all a bad thing to me. Somehow I used to always get into situations where I didn’t save my game in this one, so this was the game that REALLY made me terrified of Resetti to the point of having nightmares as a kid LMFAO. The pretending to delete your save and cutting to the black screen prank with him made me cry as a kid it was objectively hilarious looking back. Again, I guess it’s not that impressive of a game in the series now, but to me it was everything as a kid and with how I played it religiously every single day for YEARS it’s easily the most hours I’ve sunk into any game ever (again, save maybe WW).

According to my cousin I somehow got a rare bridge layout when I created a town. Unfortunately this game never hooked me like New Leaf did so my town with a rare layout never saw the light of day.

the best animal crossing game (for me (out of nostalgia))

ppl who hated this are just mad abt the grass. its just wild world with a city on top and the city was ultra fun for a kid like me to go mess around in

I didn’t catch the coelacanth until 2018

this was my childhood AC, so I've got a soft spot for it even though it was kinda just Wild World again with a bit more content.

Probably my least favorite Animal Crossing to date, I can see how it was a good stepping stone between wild world and new leaf

i can't believe they made a credit card item in this game and never bothered to bring it back for the future animal crossing games. wtf

Wild World was better and it was played on a Nintendo DS

It's definitely outshined by other games, but it has its charm. I really enjoy how, unlike other games, if you play late at night your villagers are just out there, and you can talk with them as normal.

lmaooo this was TECHNICALLY my first animal crossing game ever but i was so young i didnt understand wtf was going on (also probably because i didnt know enough english) and i got genuinely so sad that all the cute animals were being so mean to me so i deleted it. also being in debt stressed me out a lot as a child and honestly? to this day it still does

Stale isn't strong enough a word. The content recycling is one thing, though disappointing given the years between this & Wild World. But the dialogue looping is inexcusable. The original Animal Crossing & its DS sequel both offered just enough variety in conversations across villagers to keep the game loop working. With your neighbors getting stuck on one damn thing so often in City Folk, the illusion's dispelled.

Then you see how, even with some added content like new holidays & collectibles, the city itself is just a demystified way to access previously event-only features. Sure, it's awesome that I can get my hair done anytime vs. the dumb unlocking method in WW. But why not simply give & tell players a way to get the hairdresser at Nookington's? Then you can stay in the village—you know, the actually relevant setting of the game. Instead of finding better ways to let players unlock & integrate new functions into the village, City Folk took the easy way out, and it's harmed it ever since.

The developers must have realized (or learned through market research) how badly they missed the mark on most players' expectations. New Leaf fixes so many of CF's omissions & questionable decisions. But for all the fun I can still have with this entry, it just has me pining for a WW decompilation so we can get proper content & mechanics mods for it already. I loved this as a kid, but would much rather play the idiosyncratic GC versions or WW for those neat villager hobbies & pictures. Even returning now with cheats & emulation niceties doesn't make a dent in CF's mediocrity.

I haven't even touched on dirt paths, barely improved online, using the pointer for typing, and other exhausting but well-trodden topics. All I can do now is ponder how much worse this could have turned out if not for the core developers' consistency in porting the working bits of GC & WW over. I'm just glad even the most mid of pre-New Horizons entries is still a little fun. (N64 is a glorified prototype, so I'm not counting it here.)

not as good as wild world imo. but the bus and city part really blew my mind as a child lol

not sure why i didnt log this earlier. played this a lot on release, enjoyed it for what it was but obviously does not stack up to WW or its successors.