Reviews from

in the past

Still remember flipping out when I saw the commercial for this game on TV, and flipping out again when I saw Banjo and Kazooie split up for the first time. Game thankfully didn't disappoint when I played it as a kid, but looking back, I think I'd take BK over BT if i HAD to.

Thankfully I don't, and BT is a solid sequel that just gives more of what I loved about the series. They got a lot more creative with the worlds, but there were some stinkers in there. Glitter Gulch was pretty meh, Terradactyland had that annoying main tower to climb, and Jolly Roger's Lagoon being primarily a swimming level was pretty tedioius. Bosses were a great addition though the final boss was kinda anticlimatic, especially after BK's final boss. Think they did a better job overall with the cast in BK compared to BT, as I can't think of anyone else besides Jar-Jar that I'd like to see in a 3rd game.

Outside of that, BT is sick. Classic Rareware were godlike devs.

A hell of a lot more ambitious than Banjo Kazooie, which leaves it with a lot more imperfections. As they say though, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and Banjo Tooie is the bigger, fatter, grander sequel that everyone asked for... for better or for worse.

Mi juego favorito de la vida
Mejora basicamente TODO lo malo de Kazooie y lo vuelve un juego mas complejo y a la vez satisfactorio de pasar, ademas tiene un multiplayer buenisimo.
De un tiempo para aca se ha ganado mucho hate, sepa la verga porque, yo culpo a Yooka Laylee

the sharper and edgier writing actually does a lot to really nail down a good personality for the game, but ultimately it's an incredibly ambitous game that just can't deliver on the 100s of ideas and massive, stretched out levels it has

Person at the rental place kept trying to tell me it was called Banjo Kazooie 2 because that's what was in their system. Showed them when they found the cartridge

this games ost fuckin suuuucks

Frustrating game but so damn good anyway. Give it a remake with a mini-map

Bigger is not better, though I think I liked the bosses more.

It's good, but not great. Better than other bad collect-a-thons like DK 64.

While I really adore the enormity of this game, it's really one of the weaker sequels ever made. They regularly struggle to find fun outlets for the player, and technical showcases are basically just examples of overblown scope. They should have tightened up this whole game. Still love it and the trademark charm is totally present.

Good game, but it has flaws. Levels feel like they were focused more on being "big" than anything else, leading to a lot of time being spent walking through similar-looking areas with nothing in them. I really don't like how much longer it takes to access the first level in this game as opposed to in Banjo-Kazooie. Now it's time for me to complement the game. I love the interconnected structure, and I would love to see more games do this. I appreciate how they put the effort into giving each world a boss, even if they are hit or miss, and I like the "metroidvania" approach. Not as good as the original, but still fun.

If you look at this game as a 3D platformer then it is a very flawed game. There is little actual platforming and instead a lot of backtracking. If you look a this as a 3D metroidvania then it is amazing and way ahead of its time. The worlds connect in very unique and creative ways and the new power ups have a lot of interesting uses. This game is less for Banjo Kazooie fans and more for Metroid Prime fans.

legitimately impressive that rare made an entire game without including level design

this game has higher highs and lower lows than Banjo-Kazooie, but ultimately it ends up being much more messy and fun

Personally I think Kazooie is better, it's more straightforward and simple. Tooie is more complex and requires you to think and wander around places you've already been looking for ways to do things that will earn you jiggies.

On paper, everything a sequel should be. But it has a couple of flaws that I can't look past, such as the awful framerate (though this is fixed in the Xbox version) and the fact that everything feels so slow. It's just so SLOW at times and it really bogs it down for me.
Another thing, which I can appreciate, though it becomes a detriment in the long run, is that the game is too ambitious. Particularly the first person segments, they are simply not fun to play. From the latter half of the game, collecting all the Jiggies starts feeling like a chore rather than pure fun.

That being said, I still fucking love it, almost as much as Kazooie. The worlds still feel inspired (maybe even more so) and I love how they all feel inter-connected. The addition of bosses is really cool too.
Anyway, unforgettable game that will always be in my heart.

Makes a lot of unfortunate choices in terms of level design and what it asks you to do for jiggies, usually involving lot's of backtracking in large worlds that are very easy to get lost in. Also, why does this game look so much darker than the first one, why do that to this series? The Banjo charm and fun of collect-a-thons sometimes shines through, but it's disappointing.

I appreciate that this one was supposed to be more challenging than BK, but I mostly found it frustrating. Let me clear out each level in a single go!

As the only one in the universe who doesn't mind backtracking I think this game is significantly better than the first. I love how big it all feels, how its all connected, its wonderful. One of my favorite games ever.

Worse than the first game in almost every way

Jogo "platinado" — todos jiggys, jinjos e etc coletados. Melhor que o antecessor, sem dúvidas. Eu diria que, apesar de ser um ótimo collectathon, é um platformer apenas ok. Explico-me: explorar as fases em busca de itens é legal e os colecionáveis estão bem distribuídos, além da quantidade deles ser na medida. Movimentar-se pelas fases, entretanto, não é lá essas coisas. Banjo é lento e com um moveset focado na resolução de problemas específicos em vez de aumentar seu leque de acrobacias. Se contrastado com um Mario da vida, a diferença é gritante. Enquanto em Mario a movimentação (platforming) é um fim em si mesmo, com level design incentivando o jogador a demonstrar sua destreza, em BT (e BK) a movimentação é uma ferramenta para coletar itens. Não há nada de errado nessa abordagem e entendo perfeitamente quem gosta dela, mas eu prefiro muito mais a de Mario 64 — um platformer com vários itens para coletar, em vez de uma aventura em busca de itens mediada através de fases de plataforma 3D.

While Kazooie is still a personal masterpiece, Tooie's notably harder to go back to thanks to a lot more dodgy design choices, infinitely more backtracking, and some pretty asinine sections like the FPS levels or first person flying stages. Still a good time even if it's too big for its britches.

this game is just as good as the first yall are just mean

This game is one of those that I love but can nitpick to death. Still like playing this more than DK64.

Very good game once again featuring our favourite bear but not quite the OG imo. Still, so many fond memories of this game and the charm of the series certainly isn't lost here

Some really cool levels, but also some really poor ones, suffers from being on the N64 due to awful frame rate issues. I think it's still worth going through if you really like the first.

This is the James Corden of video games