Reviews from

in the past

really hard to get into if playing alone imo.
spent my first experience getting insta-kill sniped. not fun

Same year as MW3, so I only played this for 10 or 20ish hours. Had a pretty awful time with it. Campaign was subpar too.

Absolutely dreadful in every way. The full star is for moderate technical accomplishment.

ah si meterse en cualquier partida y morir al instante :)

Visually unique and fun to play when bugs aren't hampering the experience. Stability has improved over the years. The bland campaign and shoddy co-op mode have not.

Bad campaign and bad co op. Ok enough multiplayer but I hate metro so I could hardly find a match in this game.


Engaging and exciting multiplayer as always, coupled with a brief but incredibly enjoyable campaign.

I played the campaign.

I can't stress enough how much of a technical achievement this is. Lightning shines everywhere and reflects every surface, particles fly through the screen and impact your eyes with immense force and sound. Every mission starts with a thunderous push that gets you immediately in action.

More real than life itself. It doesn't get any more realistic than this

um dos meus game multiplayer favorito que me deu muito tempo de diversão.

Someone called the metro map "metrosexual" once and that stuck with me. Also just watch this instead

the last game to ever make me think "wow this looks like real life!"

Probably my favourite First person shooter title ngl, at least non-rpg.

I finished the campaign in one sitting some years ago and I don't remember anything good about it to be honest. Multiplayer was fun and fresh though, played it for years.

Enjoyable campaign with an outstanding multiplayer that still gets me hooked to this day.

The multiplayer of this game was so good, I put 500 hours into it. The best Battlefield game, to me.

This is when I started to lose touch with the series. Still had some good times with it though.

I discovered BF3 with my PS3 on a really old TV where I couldn't even read the names of the other players. Whenever someone called at home phone I lost connection and the game. And still loved it. I played again on Xbox360 and PC. It's my favourite multiplayer shooter.

Impressions on my retina.

This is as expressive as I can get about Battlefield 3.

Kinda cool but, not for me. I'm in love with call of duty but, bf3 is not good for 2011 for later, no need to play.

I still love the AEK-971 assault rifle and the M40A5 sniper rifle bro.

Decent, just nothing special.