Reviews from

in the past

A great game, if a bit short. Loved my way through it.

i can't really say whether i'd love this now nearly as much as i did when i played it back then, but i'll always remember the part where (uh, spoilers?) the photos you've taken as jade are used in a big story event. this might not seem like such a novel thing now, but at the time it really connected me with the game's world and felt super cool.

genuinely super pissed this game will never get a sequel.

This game was good. I would say too bad there's no sequel, but I don't trust modern ubisoft to make a good sequel.

Hardly remember anything about this game except it made me wanna play Jak II lol


A unique action-adventure game with excellent combat and a wonderful aesthetic that doesn't quite compare to anything else released since. It's not perfect however, and it could have used a stronger focus on either action, stealth or exploration. Its ending also feels rushed and unsatisfying.

The music is pretty brilliant as well as fitting.

I expected something like Tomb Raider Legend mixed with some photography and for the most part, that's what I got but I didn't expect as much combat as it has and it's not half bad. I didn't think I would even like the photo taking aspect especially with a GC controller but I ended up using it immensely (it's not always required).

There isn't really platforming or even a jump button unfortunately but I can tell that the people who put this together are gamers and put care into it because it's gleaming with personality and doesn't fall into common traps a lot of other games do. Take sidestepping for example, normally you can easily fall off the edge and many deaths in general are unjustified due to poor controls or poor execution. I never felt that with this game, sidestepping along an edge is literally just holding forward on the control stick, you don't get stuck, it's not insanely slow, and the puzzle like nature is actually pretty nice.

The vehicle controls are actually pretty accurate, I was easing through a minefield without breaking a sweat, the problem is the jumping and shooting. There's a certain boss you have to beat with the hovercraft (a few times) and it's hard to shoot at because you have to keep everything under control at once while keeping up with the boss.

Perhaps one of the defining features of this game is its tone. I would consider it an "inbetweener" it seems kid friendly for the most part but it's rated T for Teen, it has a dark side, which is mainly saved for the end but it's sprinkled throughout and not something I would expect to see in an average game style like this with its cartoony nature. Coming from the same guy who made Rayman, it starts to piece itself together, I can see why it's a cult-classic but I feel like you'd have to play it in order to see fully, especially with the sequel looking vastly different from this one.

For a good amount, I felt on top of the game because I had so many units, yet I never felt "underchallenged". Now, let's talk about the title. I'm not sure, why it's called that, I had a few fears with this game such as it being too edgy or raunchy for its own good but I don't believe any of those initial fears came to fruition. I would even play the sequel if it ever comes out. That ending boss was also pretty cool gameplay-wise.

I need to finish this. It's got a lot of really cool and unique stuff going on for it. It's not perfect, but wow. Nothing else quite like it.

Es un juego buenísimo, increíble y único. Toca muchos palos y los toca todos bien.

you're telling me this goes "beyond" "good" and "evil"? i don't think the game even got to any good stuff!

The scope and the graphics on this one blew me away. Ubisoft used to be something special.

Phenomenal. It contains a story a like a lot, as much as its characters and gameplay. Our reporters, for the most part, ain't shit unlike Jade.

Very 2000's, and very French. Honestly I do have a soft spot for this era of Sci-fi/fantasy, and seeing it done by the Rayman 2 people is a lot of fun. It's a really well done, if a bit flawed, take on Zelda, with characters I did not expect to become as endeared to as I did. Can't wait to play Beyond Good and Evil 2 in the year 20XX, when games can be played in your brain and they make Pey'j real.

I should prolly play this on a system where I get more than 10 fps, and the screen doesn't flash in an epilepsy inducing way.

One of my favorites.

Taking elements from Zelda, Pokemon Snap, Metal Gear and so many others - Beyond Good & Evil samples from so many genres yet mixes them seamlessly into a truly unique experience. The story and characters are also excellent.

havent played yet is this the one with willem dafoe

Maybe the real pigs were the capitalists we met along the way.

An absolute masterpiece that, I believe, was ahead of its time, and thus never got the attention and appreciation it deserved.

Played this twice. Best stealth game I've played. Also great story, gameplay, music, and characters. Ubisoft's best game. Not well-optimized, but that's ubisoft for you

Awesome game that never got a sequel but now it's sort of having, except not. Who knows? Still great game.

one of the most early-2000s games of all time (it's a near-perfect juggling act of so many elements that were staples of sixth gen games - collectathons, secret areas, platforming, cartoony visuals etc. with none of them overpowering or overused) and also one of the most "french sci-fi" games of all time (even if i didnt know this were a ubisoft joint i'd still have pinned it as a product of glitzy, millennium-era, luc besson-y fifth element-y type shit). was genuinely impressed with how well this blends a multitude of genres, nails them all, and manages to stick out as a truly one-of-a-kind endeavor - which i wish i'd have known when i passed on it years ago, mistakenly assuming it to be another bland action platformer. better late than never i guess

Beyond Good & Evil is a fantastic title. I’m not even trying to say that the actual game is amazing, but that the title itself is just wonderfully evocative. It pairs beautifully with the box art of the hero standing not with a gun, but with her camera, ready to capture the horrible truths at the foundation of a futuristic city. It lets your imagination run wild with the possibilities of what you may discover, and that’s exactly what bit me when I started playing. This game is hardly like what the box promises, striking a tone that’s more comedic and fantastical than it is mysterious. You spend a lot of time with quipping sidekicks, doing basic platforming and hitting fantasy monsters with a staff instead of uncovering dark truths. The stealth and photography that seemed like the main selling point are only a small portion of the game, coming to a total of about five pictures required over the course of the entire playthrough. It’s not that this difference from what was advertised makes the game bad, but it’s essentially a different form of the “is it a good sequel” problem. If a game sells itself in a way not reflective of the actual product, can people be blamed for being disappointed in spite of the game’s merits? If I played this game in a total contextual vacuum, I would simply pass it off as a mediocre fantasy platformer with a couple interesting ideas, but the product being so different from the more interesting version that was advertised cast a pall over my enjoyment. I kept waiting and waiting for the Beyond Good & Evil I had in my head, but it just never ended up happening. With how development of the sequel has been going, I’m starting to think that will be the main thing these games have in common.

Beyond Good and Evil é uma excelente aventura que cria um mundo curioso e cheio de personalidade, enquanto experimenta algumas mecânicas em conjunto com modelos já testados e amados.

É uma aventura bem escrita e bem desenhada e mesmo com o envelhecimento de seus gráficos, ainda diverte um bocado.


Ripe for a replay, tbh, especially since the sequel is never coming out

I was seriously impressed that Ubisoft of all companies managed to make something this good once upon a time. BGE has a surprisingly great soundtrack, fun gameplay, smooth setpieces, likable characters, well-written dialogue, and a compelling story. Collecting pearls is enjoyable, especially since they provide substantial upgrades, are frequently necessary for progression, and rarely require going through repeated or uninteresting content. Taking pictures of animals is also fun since the creatures are pretty unique and it gives you pearls. The combat is simple and most of the game is pretty easy to breeze through but killing enemies feels good enough to make up for the lack of difficulty. The stealth sections require more thought and balance out the braindead nature of the combat. The game has a nice enough artstyle for a gamecube game and the atmosphere of the world when traveling was wonderful. There were some frequent audio bugs where voice lines would overlap or cut each other off. The only other issues would be the game not really telling you that you need to get a flight stabilizer before the domz would attack the lighthouse, the last phase of the final boss being a big pain in the butt, a tad too many stealth sections, and the game ending on a cliffhanger that probably won't be resolved any time soon.