Reviews from

in the past

actually amazingly good after all the years, and probably one of the best games ubisoft has ever made if not THE best

Beyond Good & Evil there is simply the truth.

This game is famous among quite a few of the game community though sadly for all the wrong reasons. It isn't known for unbelievable graphics, breaking selling records or innovation, no BG&E is simply known for being an amazing critically acclaimed game that nobody bought.

This game doesn't do anything special to push itself above the crowd, what it does have is personality, and one that makes you feel as if you are right there with it. The game is brimming with emotion and imagination that just immerses you into the universe that Ubisoft created, and few games have I played that can make them feel so personal.

The game focus's on a female reporter called Jade. She is a reporter struggling to get by in a war between her planet Hillys and an alien invader known as the DomZ that are tearing her planet apart. Taking a job to fund herself Jade gets taken into a bizarre series of events that lead her working for the IRIS network, a resistance of sorts that fight beyond sides, beyond good & evil, they fight for...the truth.

The story and characters to this game are wonderful, not to mention unique, full of emotion and humor to accompany Jade on her journey. I mean where else can you fight a pig with rocket powered flatulence boots?

The gameplay is similarly well crafted with just as much variation. The game for the most part plays like a 3rd person action adventure game. Jade can sneak, and hide behind walls to avoid unwanted attention in Metal Gear stealth like sections, but she can also fight using her staff should it come to that with some basic combos and a charge attack.

Jade and whoever happens to be with her as part of the story have a life bar of hearts that can be increased or decreased upon finding items up for the task, these items must be held by the character to be in effect. This includes gaining her life back as everyone knows eating nachos mid battle heals all your wounds :P

What kind of a reporter would she be if she didn't take pictures? So of course there are plenty of sections in the game requiring pictures to be taken, as well as plenty of optional photos in registering the planets wildlife for a lab which I thought was a really nice touch, and a lucrative one as there are camera upgrades and items to be gained for finding them.

The planet Hillys is formed of many islands over a sea so traveling on foot between areas is not an option. Instead for most of the game Jade and her pig uncle Pej will use a hovercraft. This vehicle is however quite versatile as it can jump as well as fire weapons outside of it's obvious "point A to point B" design.

These abilities allow for some of the games more thrilling events such as fighting a huge DomZ alien leviathan creature as well as some optional fast space pirate cave chases, the variation of things to do in this game never allow for a dull moment.

Throughout the game there are plenty of mini games to take part in from hovercraft racing to air hockey all of which can get you rewards such as pearls or money which allow Jade to buy a bigger life bar, healing items, one use speed boosters and hovercraft upgrades to get her though her story. The game is chocked full of various gameplay mechanics and despite this the controls are always simple and comfortable to play with no matter what the situation which impressed me greatly.

Graphically BG&E is a pretty good looking game for it's time though it won't blow anyone away. However the character and wildlife design are fantastic with all types of cat people, bull people, shark people as well as birds, penguins, space whales and plants to look at on Jades adventure.

Once again the sound is great with some terrific voice acting that really brings the characters to life, especially Pej the pig (have I mentioned he's awesome? XD ). The sound effects and music are also excellent though I admit outside of one great battle theme they don't really stand out either.

There are so many generic games that just don't aspire to be more then they are now days and Ubisoft have long stopped making games like this or taking risks. If you are reading this, buy this game and give it a whirl, this is a game that everyone can enjoy, and should.

+ Interesting characters.
+ Nice variety of gameplay mechanics.
+ Nice art design.

boy i wish i could play this game on any pc made after 2005

Le deseo a las personas que hicieron el port de PC una feliz viruela

i was vibing with the creative decision to have all spoken dialogue be in an alien-sounding science fiction conlang until i found out the steam copy is just broken to make the voice acting be in french

Mucha gente compara este juego con los Zelda y puedo estar de acuerdo pero este título es mucho mas mal rollero que cualquier juego que haya jugado de pequeño.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is never happening :’(

“Safe and Sound in its Shell, the precious pearl is the slave of the currents.”

A great classic that I had the pleasure of playing on my PS2.

By far the best feature of this game is the sense of godlike superiority you feel over the main characters who take forever to no-shit-Sherlock-out the fact that the scary fascist military group is actually collaborating with the scary aliens, a fact which is easily apparent to you within the first ten minutes of playing the game. I guess the cartoon faraway world here doesn’t have They Live or Soylent Green so they don’t know any better not to trust the government

I’m a bit disappointed that this didn’t become a game I would really love because Beyond Good & Evil has just about everything it needed to become a personal favorite. The weird European influenced SciFi/Fantasy world, many of the character designs, the linear action adventure vibe, the occasionally very ambient soundtrack which slaps, and the more calming gameplay features like taking pictures.

However, these concepts, while pretty neat on paper, aren’t done more than they should in the game to make up a more cohesive experience. The story is certainly ambitious in spirit but it never felt too fulfilling to go through and doesn’t leave quite enough intrigue to make me hyped for what would’ve been the next two parts of this planned trilogy. The actual combat isn’t what I, and maybe even the developers themselves, consider to be the real defining point of what makes this game good, which is why it’s pretty simplistic and fairly sparse compared to other gameplay mechanics which make up the experience. But the photography mechanic rarely has much fun outside of a couple mandatory points in the main story, and stealth still feels like it needs some better ironing out to be completely engaging. The final boss really culminated in these weaknesses by just straight up not being fun when I had to go through it the first time.

What Beyond Good & Evil really shines the best though is in its quieter and simpler moments. From taking in the ambient soundtrack while taking pictures of animals in various levels, wandering around the colorfully populated areas of the world, taking part in races while brash spanish music blares, and just vibing with the slick presentation of the game as a whole. Even if I didn’t strongly connect with the story, I do think this is still a pretty unique world worth adventuring in, and I wouldn’t mind having another chance to play around in this sandbox again.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 isn’t that at all so it’s just aimless daydreaming I guess.

20% of this score is nostalgia.

pretty fun! wouldve liked it alot more if it wasnt for the shoddy port job tho lol...thank u modders

Pretty great idea, I wish the Photo elements were utilized more and that they came up with better excuses to gate the player from progress that felt more organic, or had more things to do than cram a ton of collectables in one sidequest near the end for the final gate. Stealth felt off too and the final boss fight wasn't that good. I love the world and cast, and while the story is simple it is interesting to watch it unfold.

este es uno de mis juegos favoritos y honestamente tampoco es especialmente bueno. mecánicamente es pobre y la historia es decepcionante pero es aún así muy ambicioso en los demás aspectos, y esto siendo como la mitad de la mitad de la mitad del juego que querían hacer. ancel es un creador mágico a la hora de crear entornos inmersivos y divertidos de explorar, escuchar y observar. es un juego que se nutre de hacer mucho con muy poco (no dura ni 5 horas todo el juego) y de mantenerte siempre inmerso en el mundo. The Sequel Will Never Happen! Life is Pain!

It is the "Tomb Raider", the "Zelda", the pure distillation of adventure for it's time. BGE is a must-play.

For anyone who wants to play this on PC:
A lot of settings to tinker with but it's well worth the hassle!

My dad rented this game for me when I was like 5 thinking I'd be into the cool aesthetic and story but I told him i didn't want it because the main character was a girl. I probably missed out

BGE displays both excellent narration and gameplay within one compact world. A short adventure game with variety and high attention to detail. So about that sequel..

Beyond Good & Evil…yes I remember that, but for some reason, a certain game called Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was plastered all over TV and stores and B&E was, disappointingly overshadowed. B&E is a lovely and wonderful action/adventure game that was released during the peak of the last generation: 2003. B&E’s premise is something along these lines: You are Jade who is a caretaker of an orphanage on a futuristic (has a Star Wars feel to it) planet called Hillys. The Alpha Section are fighting a so-called war against the alien invasion known as the Domz. Jade and her pig uncle Pey’j must find out the conspiracy behind the Alpha Section and the Domz in order to bring peace and freedom to the planet of Hillys. You take on a job as a reporter/spy for the IRIS Network and along the way you take pictures of animals, take part in speedboat races, and play a familiar air hockey game to earn pearls and credits (the game’s two currencies) to find your way through the world.

A lot of the game is set up around two gameplay elements; stealth and combat. While the stealth is stronger than the combat both are enjoyable and evenly balanced throughout the game. Sneaking around the two major parts of the game to take pictures of Alpha Section’s activities is rewarding and easy to do. Crouching around corners and learning the guard’s patterns is a typical element of stealth, but the great part about the game is there’s no jump button…yes this makes the gameplay a lot more smoothly and you actually know what to do. If you see a ledge Jade can hop up on you know to go there instead of hopping around like an idiot trying to, hopefully, find some collision detection glitch and get up onto that ledge. Sneaking around the guards is also like a puzzle in itself since you have to figure out a way to open certain doors, hit certain switches and even get items without anyone seeing you. The stealth isn’t brutal and is pretty forgiving since if you run out of the area everything will calm down and go back to normal. Most guards have a weakness on their backs (a yellow jetpack) so this can blind them and makes things a little easier. Sneaking around the place is pretty typical and there’s not much to describe, but it is very fun squeezing between walls and ducking in vents and what not. Thanks to no jump button dodging lasers are really fun since you have a run button and a dodge button so you just run and jump over lasers and obstacles and it can be really fun.

The combat, however, is a bit weak since it’s so simple. You just mash the mouse button and Jade will beat the S out of everything with her magical staff; hold it down and you get a supercharged spinning attack. While you can dodge and roll around while running the camera is one of the major flaws of the game and the combat can get so tedious and boring. Thankfully there isn’t much fighting and you mainly just sneak around and do a lot of traveling. The only thing that keeps the combat from being a snooze fest is the unique way of having to kill certain enemies. Double H or Pey’j may be with you so you can order them to do their special attack and it will stun enemies or shoot them in the air. When they are in the air Jade will spin around and knock them across the room and this is good for taking out certain obstacles in your way.

Traveling around the world can be fun and frustrating since the map is useless and the game is very labyrinthine. Since you’re sneaking around everywhere you don’t really remember where you’ve been so if you forget to take a certain picture you don’t know where it was since the map is just a bunch of white blobs that don’t tell you where to go. Finding things like animals, pearls, and other items is pointless since they are big dots on this white useless map so hopefully you have enough pearls (used only at Mammago’s Garage to upgrade your speedboat) to finish the game. Finding all of the animals can be almost impossible since a lot of them are in spots you never knew you could even access, so earning big money in the game is a bit hard and can make you go hunting for items you have to know idea are there. This being the game’s biggest flaw can easily be overlooked since you’ll usually get just what you need by just playing normally. You can partake in four separate races, but they are impossible to beat since there is no speed upgrade for your boat and playing flawlessly, using speed boosts, won’t get you first place.

The races are seriously impossible even if you drive perfectly so this is just retarded. You can play air hockey at the Akuda Bar or a cups game which can be fun and challenging. There are items called MDiscs which you put in save machines to help evolve the story, increasing your health is done by finding PA1s, Kbup, and Starkos are food that give you health so you can see the game tries a lot of original things and is just a fresh world that has been overlooked by many many people. With the game’s unique story, great voice acting, and wonderful yet simple gameplay design you’re sure to spend a great number of hours on this short, yet sweet, adventure.

Picking up the game for any system has its ups and downs: The PC version’s controls are kind of funky for this type of game, the PS2 has a slowdown, the GameCube’s controller requires a contortionist to play, and the Xbox version isn’t backward compatible on the 360 so take your pick. Either way, you’re going to have a blast with this wonderful yet overlooked game. Look forward to the anticipated game next year as well.

I've always heard of Beyond Good & Evil as something of a cult classic; critically acclaimed, but not the system seller or series seller that Ubisoft's later works Prince of Persia: Sands of Time or Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory would become, and as a result Beyond Good & Evil got swept to the side, never to really be heard from again while Assassin's Creed got a million sequels. And it's such a damn shame that happened, because Beyond Good & Evil is so fucking good.

I don't think it's the most polished game out there; there are occasional moments of jank where your AI companion might take a little bit longer to get to your position (and for me, got stuck in the doorway once) and how corner hit detection during races and the goddamn pellet game messed me up multiple times. And the combat is servicable, not amazing; you can get by just hack and slashing most of the time, and this could have used a bit more depth. And yet I will choose to overlook these minor moments, because this is one of the coolest games I've played, and also one of the most thoughtful games I've played. It's just long enough to hide many snug little secrets around the world and make you put in the effort, but short enough to where it doesn't outstay its welcome. The plot is somehow interesting without becoming super convoluted, and it's just dark enough to take itself seriously and stay earnest without sounding overly gloomy or edgy. There aren't a ton of main characters, but the main cast has a lot of personality spread out through the game's relatively short run length. And the puzzles are simple enough to where you can easily figure them out on your own, but still manage to give you a real sense of satisfaction and excitement over how you just managed to piece that on your own. And all the collectibles are spaced apart well enough to where you're naturally encouraged to explore the whole world, with the tools necessary if you need that extra helping hand. Speaking of which, this is probably the first game where I genuinely enjoyed the stealth segments, which I honestly cannot say of any other game I've played up to this point. It's just clean, stylized, stealth that isn't punishing if you mess up yet gives off the feeling that you're being a sneaky secret agent fighting against dirty corporate overlords and seeking justice for those who have been wronged.

In conclusion, while I don't think Beyond Good & Evil looks like or plays like an exceptional game necessarily (it is a product of its age, after all), it's such a damn well thought out cohesive experience and was the Goldilocks of the action-adventure genre that I never knew I needed. Who would have guessed that combining photography with the Legend of Zelda model and throwing in effective stealth sequences would have done it for me? I lament that the game has been mostly forgotten by Ubisoft due to how difficult it was to finagle a working copy (ex: the PC copy has screwy camera scroll speed, the GameCube copy is letterboxed, and the HD Remaster on PS3 can't be bought on the store anymore to be played on PS4/PS5), because it is such a fun and satisfying title to go through. I'm glad though, that audiences are finally giving it the credit it deserves, and I'll happily join the crowd of dozens that are praying for Beyond Good and Evil 2 outside of development hell.

Classic PS2 title. Always had fun running around completing areas and get all photos before moving on.
Same vibe as Jack and Dexter, Ratchet and Clank or Sly. One of the greatest areas for games.
They've had a unique feel to them and all the classic PS2 adventure games.

An overly ambitious game with really good and fresh ideas

Shockingly enjoyable and holds up quite well. The combat is minimal and the design can get old. However, the linear feel of it is nice, and the music, voice acting, and switch from cinematic to gameplay all make it surprisingly enjoyable. Not super in depth, but it is just a good linear adventure.

This game is really ambitious and still pretty good for it but it fell short overall. It's immersive and that's probably what I liked most about it. The music is interesting. I wouldn't call any of it bad but it's got its own identity. The combat was uninteresting, but serviceable considering how infrequently it's necessary. That is except for the final boss, which got on my nerves very quickly. Jade is a boring protagonist and the only stand out character in my opinion is the pig. I found parts of it really funny when it wasn't necessarily trying to be. Nothing goes above and beyond in this game. I think it is just 'good.' No more no less.

Pretty good adventure. It achieves a cinematic feeling, something not that common back in the day.
Amazing animations and seamless transitions between cutscenes and gameplay. Fun combat and good level design. Really enjoyable.