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in the past

Beyond Good & Evil on the Gamecube is a captivating action-adventure with a unique blend of combat, photography, and exploration. You play as Jade, a freelance photographer uncovering a government conspiracy while fighting off alien invaders. The game's world is vibrant and full of personality, the characters are memorable, and the story tackles environmental and social themes in a thought-provoking way. The combat is a fun mix of martial arts and gadgetry, and the photo mechanic adds a refreshing twist to gameplay. While some may find the core gameplay loop a little repetitive and the ending a bit abrupt, Beyond Good & Evil is a charming and imaginative adventure that stays with you long after the credits roll.

Massive shame that relatively few people have played it since it felt unique and creative when it came out, and still has a vibe distinct from nearly anything else I've played. The combination of stealth and action is really enjoyable, and driving around in the various vehicles doesn't get old (despite some minor bugs). The soundtrack is another big highlight and the voice actors put in an amazing performance to really sell the story beats. Strongly recommend to anyone who hasn't played it before.

Beyond Good & Evil is one those titles that has been known and acclaimed for years as a cult classic despite not many people played it.

Being designed and directed by Michel Ancel, it carries a LOT of the elements that makes titles like Rayman 2 special. But also features a lot of thingsthat make it stand out compared to these other works.

It presents a grim but also enthrilling world, with really charming main and side characters and a narrative revolved around the struggle for survival against a menace from space.

It has a gameplay involved about combat, puzzle-solving and exploration that combines so many gimmicks and events that make it a really experimental title for its time, even if the often stiffness of the controls and the janky camera plays against it sometimes.

The open world aspect of it also makes it stand out, as you are free to explore this distopic land alo with the use of various vehicles.

It does a lot of thing and experiments with a lot of assets... sometimes those gimmicks feels undercooked, but still lead to a great experience that never bores you.

Give it a shot, it's a really cool underrated gem!

Absolute banger soundtrack!

I spotted this game in the toy store bargain bin and bought it with my saved-up money ca. 2004. It being Pegi 7+ I was sure it'd get my parents approval as I was already an avid gamer at 9. But nay, they analyzed it and let the axe drop. Confiscated it right after I had tried the first level. One could surmise that the spite this incident manifested in me would ensure I become a relentless gamer later on... and here I am! Thanks mom and dad.

This review contains spoilers

This was easier to get working than I expected on a modern PC, but getting a controller to work was surprisingly difficult for a game which was originally on console. I used reWASD which put a nice 7 day time limit on me to finish the game since I didn't want to pay to use it past the trial period. I managed to squeak in with about 20 minutes left before the trial expired! Perfect. I enjoyed this a fair bit but I don't quite get the 'best game of all time' critical acclaim it apparently has. It was a nice compact story and the gameplay was fun - or I imagine it would be very much so if it was using a native controller, rather than the dodgy setup I had. It has a nice semi-open world setup with extra stuff here and there to explore and find, and I can 100% imagine myself as a teenager playing this to death and getting all the pearls and such. I'm glad I finally played it but I can't say it blew me away. Jade is a good heroine though, I can see why people like her, and the humour is kind of on point. Good music, too, the spanish bar song is a banger. Ending is very abrupt with the smirk and the post-credits little tease is very lacklustre. After watching bloody Yahtzee's video on it of all things I am more aware of just how much was probably cut, but I wasn't too upset with the big loads of pearls being tipped into me at the end since I was kind of rushing to the finish. The big bad of the Alpha Sections is kind of introduced right at the very end and you're expected to know who he is. It nevertheless though seems like a cool universe which deserves further exploration. Hopefully BG&E2 happens sometime.

Beyond Good & Evil me lembrou uma boa e velha sessão da tarde. Uma história simples e bem feita com seu início, meio e fim bem redondinhos que agrada a todos, fora os personagens super carismáticos que deixa a trama da história bem legal de se acompanhar. Porém, se eu fosse dar a medalha de ouro para a melhor coisa do jogo serie sua trilha sonora! Cansei de me pegar cantando a música do Bar PROPAGANDA! E o Reggae que toca na oficina dos rinocerontes, simplesmente incrível!!

Apesar de ser um jogo antigo, recomendo muito para fugir um pouco desse universo de jogos atuais foto realista e com mais de 100h de jogatina.

Like pokemon snap but instead of pokemons you take photos of trade secrets

When Ubisoft actually made good games

Maybe it's because I am growing a bit of a distaste by the bad performance of the system I'm playing it on, maybe it's the fact that I have shit to do and thus have to cut corners in all places. Regardless, I just can't get into it. It's basically Jak & Daxter but with too many side quests and mini games that don't really offer a clear objective.

Absolutely love this game, but it's definitely aged a lot over the years. The art direction and music is incredible. It has a lot of little touches that I love... and the game's method of typing in passwords is brilliant. It's way better than just about any other controller based keyboard out there.

The game's got some issues, though. Mainly that the Zelda-like dungeons start incorporating a lot of half-baked stealth sections and that the game has an abrupt ending. There's a lot of promise in the game's story, but it doesn't do a ton with it.

Last time I played it wasn't as good as I remembered, still solid though.

Ubisoft will never reach this height again and the sequel looks/looked abysmal and goes against everything this game is. Great Characters, engaging gameplay and plenty to do.

Jogos Triple A estão muito longe de serem o meu tipo de jogo, tanto por eles seguirem um padrão já determinado, uma fórmula que é certeza que vai cair no gosto do povo. Basicamente, são jogos feitos para todo mundo, mas é como mamãe já dizia: "Eu não sou todo mundo".
Eu costumo procurar sempre por obras que me trazem uma experiência única, e de tão acostumado com jogos velhos e peculiares, me surpreendo bastante com "Beyond Good and Evil".

"Beyond Good and Evil" é um clássico da sexta geração de videogames, sendo feito pela Ubisoft, que na época, ainda estava desenvolvendo seu estilo e experimentando seus gêneros. O ponto aqui é em como "Beyond Good and Evil" parece uma planta baixa do que iria se tornar os jogos Triple A.

Ele é um jogo mundo aberto, mas a maneira como você navega por esse mundo é com um barco mecânico que pode ser melhorado constantemente. Você pode ir por diversas ilhas, onde você faz missões com uma progressão mais linear, porém sem largar a parte de exploração.

Aqui você possui dois tipos de dinheiro, que é o crédito e as pérolas. Os créditos tem três formas de conseguí-lo durante o jogo, uma é batendo animais, quando você faz isso, eles dropam uma essência roxa que você pode vender instantâneamente e isso te dá alguns créditos. A segunda é apostando: em certos pontos do jogo, você pode fazer apostas, um exemplo é no Bar Akuda, que tem dois pontos que você pode apostar, uma delas sendo no segundo andar, onde tem um minigame de encontrar uma bolinha e o ou sendo no primeiro andar, onde você joga um minigame de discos.

Mas, a forma principal de ganhar crédito no jogo é com uma mecânica que vai ficar voltando sempre durante a gameplay, que é: Tirar Fotos.
Isso mesmo, a protagonista é uma fotógrafa, e ela trabalha tirando fotos de animais ainda não descobertos, e devo dizer, essa é uma das mecânicas mais divertidas do jogo. Você não precisa tirar foto só de animais, mas de diversos tipo de coisas. Se você encontra um mapa na ilha que você está, você pode tirar foto do mapa para poder explorar. Normalmente, suas missões se baseiam em tirar foto de diversas coisas, o que torna essa mecânica muito importante e bastante usada.

Eu ainda não comentei sobre as pérolas, né? Bom, você consegue elas de diversas formas. Comprando, Dropado por um Boss, Explorando, Apostando, etc. E elas são usadas para você comprar melhorias para o seu barco.

Durante o jogo você também vai ter parceiros, que só obedecem comandos especifícos, como abrir porta, clicar botões e coisas afins.

Dito tudo isso, é possível ver como mesmo sendo um jogo simples, ele tem mecânicas bem trabalhadas na gameplay. Não falei da sua estória e seus personagens, mas isso eu recomendo muito que você jogue para poder entendê-los, toda narrativa também é simples, mas tem camadas o suficiente para ter uma experiência divertida e se importar com ela, seus personagens são carismáticos e em maior parte são gostáveis.

É basicamente isso, toda a minha experiência com ele foi bastante divertida e acredito que você também possa gostar.

Won me over with the Jamaican Rhinos

Played it when I was a kid. I can't remember much but I think it was good.

Идеальная адвенчура с кучей геймплейных элементов. Лучшая часть игры - полуоткрытый мир, который интересно исследовать, искать секреты. Боёвка, стелс, мини-игры, гонки проработаны на поверхностном уровне, но их сочетание даёт чувство разнообразного приключения. Разочаровали только убогие уровни в пещерах и на заводах и кое-где тягомотный стелс.

Beyond Good and Evil is an enjoyable game with a charming open world and fresh and colourful ideas. The combat and annoying camera controls are the main fallbacks. A remaster/remake would probably be incredibly good.

This is my favorite game— hands down.

I’m always reluctant to admit it because of the confused responses I get in return.. but I’ve come to accept that only a handful of folks I know have actually played it.

The creature designs, story, relationships, voice acting, politics and my god the OST just hits differently each play through. It was definitely ahead of its time in the early 2000s gaming golden area of Jak and Daxter, Windwaker and Halo for kids.

I’m definitely biased as hell because of fond memories but also still on the look out for a new #1 favorite that hits as good as this hidden gem.

Criminally short and criminally underrated. Glad my high school girlfriend insisted I play it.

Creo que nunca he vuelto a tener una experiencia como esta, el gameplay en su momento se sentía muy fluido. Hasta la fecha creo que su estilo visual es llamativo, se siente como un universo único y vivo.

Es un juego diverso, pero fuerte en cada uno de sus estilos (tanto en género de historia como en gameplay). Tiene momentos mágicos donde fotografías al estilo Pokémon Snap de las criaturas del mundo. Otros de suspenso y stealth donde te infiltras en fábricas del gobierno para tomar evidencias de corrupción gubernamental y momentos de aventura, que peleas contra alienígenas que quieren raptar a los huérfanos de quienes cuidas.

Hasta la fecha es mi juego favorito de Ubisoft y una experiencia que añoro volver a tener pronto, porque no le he repetido con ningún otro juego.

Magnificent game, despite some problems getting used to the game's dated camera, the gameplay is really fun, the minigames, the characters are charismatic, the story despite being 20 years old is still very current and the ending I thought was really good. Here's a recommendation for anyone looking for a short, retro and fun game.

Longtemps mis de côté, c'est à l'annonce du 2 (en 2017, genre ya bientôt 7 ans, une éternité) qu'il fallait bien lancer le 1er jeu. Donc acte.
Et si c'était compliqué de faire tourner ça correctement sur PC (nativement il n'y a que la version uPlay qui reconnaît la manette Xbox), l'aventure en elle-même était passionnante !
Avec Jade, armée de son appareil photo (et aussi de son bâton), le jeu nous transporte dans une aventure mêlée de puzzles, d'infiltration, d'aventure, de courses et de baston.
Si rien ne révolutionne le genre, le tout fonctionne bien. Mais on sent dès lors, avec les annonces du 2, les envies des créateurs, finalement limités par les capacités des consoles d'époque, pour faire leur grande épopée.
Il n'en reste que pour la huitaine d'heures proposée, le jeu est vraiment bon, se renouvelle souvent, par petites touches, et toute la quête des orbes saura tenir en haleine les complétionistes.

Had always wanted to check this one out and finally got a chance years ago but I got stuck on an area with a bunch of lasers you had to traverse through. I had to put the game back on the shelf but I hope to check it out again someday. Especially if the long awaited sequel ever materializes.

Fantastic. Lived up to the hype surrounding it and then some. Such an intelligntley designed game, and one I hope I never forget.

The World was so well designed, everything felt connected to another place. The areas you explore were fun and memorable, and the Puzzles, Enemies, and Missions you do in them were all pretty damn great.

Story was great, though I wasn't totally sure what was happening in the begining. I really thought Pey'j was dead there for a second. So many heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. Cutscenes were cinematic and transitioned well with the gameplay. The characters only amplified how good it was.

Characters wise, it's also great. Since this Universe has both Humans and animals living amongst each other, it allows for so much variety in their designs and stories. Jade is a fantastic protagonist, she's selfless, Heroic, Caring, and at times she has doubt in her self and if she is doing the right things, making her feel much more Personal. Pey'j and Double H are two great companions, and everyone else along the way are also just so well done.

The Voice acting for these characters is so good. Everyone gave it their all, and made the experience that much more immersive and enhanced the story telling.

The music was just phenomenal. Really set the atmosphere, and often helped convey the emotion of the story and the situation.

This is such an intelligent game. Every mechanic felt like they interviewed. My personal favorite would be taking Pictures and getting money. Taking pictures in games (and real life) is something I've always heavily enjoyed. Besides that, Combat was nice, Racing was a ton of fun, Flying a ship, Driving the boat, playing games, Stealth, solving Puzzles, all just great mechanics in the overall gameplay.

I decided to collect all the Pearls, rarely were they ever tedious. One of the best collectables I've seen in a video game. Not only are they fun, but the way you get them makes the player feel so smart. You can go on these heist like Missions that aren't even marked, and the game rewards the player for exploring and discovering. Maybe the best parts of the game involve finding these Pearls.

The last bit of the game, at least on the PS2, had some really bad buggy moments. Like restart the console bad. Just a lot of stupid stuff, that unfortunately hindered the experience a little. Despite that, not much to complain about, besides some frame rate drops here and there, nothing too bad until near the end.

So glad I liked this game this much. Really one of the very best I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Ubisoft might have peaked with this, I don't know I'll have to play more of their stuff. Music, Design, Mechanics, World, Story, Characters, Combat, Puzzles, Collectables, all great. If you enjoy stuff that is great, I'd recommend this game.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

A masterpiece game that deserved more love. I discovered this game when I was a child and it stuck with me for years.
An interesting world building, charming characters and an alien, mysterious and dark mood are the perfect mix for a story that stuck with me for all these years.
I completed this game so many times, with all the peculiar gameplay mechanics, that not many games are able to mix as well even today.
I've been waiting for years for the sequel, which may never see the light unfortunately. Meanwhile I'll still be playing this videogame masterpiece.