Reviews from

in the past

Bloodborne is my choice for best FromSoft game.

The world design of Yharnam is absolutely stunning, blending Gothic Victorian horror with Lovecraftian horror elements in an expertly paced and structured game. The music is incredible and lends to the atmosphere of the world, often with grand orchestral choirs and strings for boss fights or chillingly dark and creepy vocals for some of the areas.

Combat is fast and visceral, rewarding counterattacking quickly after taking damage to reclaim some of your lost hp makes Bloodborne a much more exciting game than some of FromSoft's other, slower games.

Bloodborne's story is mysterious and esoteric, in typical FromSoft fashion they very rarely tell you anything outright, requiring you to read item descriptions and completing npc side quests to learn more about the lore of the game for those who are interested.

A potential source of frustration (besides the challenging difficulty) is that your main source of healing, blood vials, are a consumable resource meaning you can run out of them. Running out of blood vials while trying to defeat a boss and then having to go out and grind for more breaks up the pace of the game and can be annoying.

The "Old Hunters" DLC is also a great expansion to the game with some of the most interesting boss fights in the whole game, I highly recommend it if you decide to play Bloodborne.

Overall I think Bloodborne is a masterpiece that any fan of FromSoft should play and I hope that we get a sequel one day so we can see more of what Yharnam has to offer.

Writing: 3/5
Gameplay: 5/5
Art Design & Visuals: 5/5
Voices & Sounds: 3/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 5/5

Will FromSoft ever surpass the raw horniness of this game? Almost certainly not.

I think Bloodborne has the best aesthetic and combat in all of the Souls-Bourne series - it just fumbles in some key spots for me.

I wish there was more level variety (too many city streets) and I wish the game was longer. It feels short compared to most Souls games. I enjoyed the Chalice Dungeons but not enough to fully complete them. I also wish there was more weapon and armor choices. You arguably get the best armor in the game in the first area and you kind of just stick to the first weapon you choose from the beginning. While you could say this makes you master that weapon - I just wish there was more choices in terms of builds. I love that you can Dark Souls with so many different whacked out builds, Bloodborne doesn't have that variety.

The pinnacle of From Software, a masterpiece through and through with an excellent story shrouded in mystery, a bloody, punishing, satisfying combat system, and an atmosphere comparable to the greatest works of Lovecraftian fiction.

i starts hunting since hollydays of 2017
ended in january 2019 lol

este es el ke mola mas de todos goat de ps4

Five years later and it's still the best game ever. The aesthetic is so on brand that it's like it was made for me. The gameplay is harder than I usually go for but it's well worth it for the atmosphere, story, and the thrill of success when you finally get the kill.

My sole mission in life is to convince my friends to play this game with me whenever I get the chance. Possibly one of my favorite gaming worlds to get lost in.

Wow man. dis game is so good man

I don't know why I didn't just give this a 10/10 this game is fucking perfect

Fuck no.
i hate this game and its cancer fanbase.

The best Souls game. Original setting. Art direction is top notch. Superb story. This game makes me Eldritch Nut.

Este juego tendría 5 estrellas si no fuera por un solo problema de diseño que odio con todas mis fuerzas y me hizo el inicio del juego innecesariamente frustrante: Los viales de sangre.

Bueno, y el pelo es feo y hay pocas builds.

Por todo lo demás, un auténtico juegazo.

The peak of Soulslike games.
A few come close, but nothing I've played compares to Bloodborne's story or depth of gameplay in the genre.

El magnum opus de Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Un gameplay que premia los reflejos y agresividad del jugador, acompañado de un exquisito soundtrack, historia, diseño y atmósfera que dan vida a la excelsa yharnam, haciendo de este uno de los mejores juegos de fantasía que el medio puede ofrecer.

Si Miyazaki me pide que le de mi sangre, me meto una pajita por la carótida.

Fun, challenging, gorgeous in its presentation. An era-definer.

i have respect for fromsoftware games but really they chose a small percentage of people and decided to make these games for them. i can respect that

sou uma putinha do Lovecraft e cadelinha do Dark Souls

One of the few games I can run through multiple times in a row and not get tired, amazing

O melhor jogo que ja joguei na minha vida,tudo nele é perfeito,a jogabilidade,a historia,a trilha sonora,o designer de tudo é incrivel,e te faz pensar bastante sobre a vida.
O mundo precisa conhecer isso
History 5/5 Gameplay 5/5 Visual 5/5 Ost 5/5

god tier game that invokes mystery & confusion like no other. probably peak fromsoft.

literally too easy beat most bosses first try