Reviews from

in the past

I'm sure you could make some mildly interesting beats if you wanted to take the time to muddle through the intentionally obfuscated interface, but no amount of twerking pizzas or cacti could get me into this enough to look deeper.

What if we took the Mario Paint music editor except we made it intentionally obtuse with no instructions?

Not really a game but a super cute toy

It’s not a game as much as it is a little sequencer toy. And for that it’s pretty okay. Hook it up to some headphones and play around or if you want to incorporate the novelty into your own actual music, that would rock. But for me and the majority of people, I don’t think it’s what you’re wanting out of the play date. Cute and fine and fun for a minute, but there’s tons of simple loop music sequencers out there on less challenging hardware

MTV Music Generator this is not - a super basic sequencer which has already shown you everything it and you can do within 5 minutes. Even as a sideshow toy on the device it feels aimless and perfunctory.

I also know not every game needs to use the crank but it's just weird to me there's nothing mapped to it here. Feels like it'd be perfect for adjusting speed of what have you but nope, nothing.

Oof. It's a cute distraction, but I have no clue how a music works and it's honestly quite a miss for a Season slot.

If you're the developer of Boogie Loops and you're reading this, I don't want you to feel discouraged. This title has not gotten great reviews (including from me) but I don't want you to think that you did a bad job. You made a solid and somewhat intriguing music tracker, complete with fun animations and graphics. It's a solid piece of software. I use the words "software" and "title" though, because it's not a game, and I think there lies the problem. This is one of the first four games given away to all Playdate owners and thus is destined to be picked up, tried out, and within five minutes put down again by 99% of players. I frankly don't really know what I'd do with a music tracker. They seem neat enough, but playing around making beats isn't really something I'm interested in, especially on a platform like this. For some people though, they'll get a kick out of this, and I think those people will enjoy what you've made. For me personally though, it didn't leave much of an impression. Also you should've used the crank somehow.

Honestly couldn't tell you what's going on in this. Esoteric audio interfaces are one thing (I love my Pocket Operator and have been listing after an OP1 for years) and you'd think that shared Teenage Engineering pedigree in the hardware would help, but Boogie Loops is about as transparent as a brick wall. Impossible to know if what you're doing is even effecting the track without having spent multiple hours deciphering the UI. Not for me, this one.

De todas las cosas a las que este juego me ha recordado, ha sido 8Bit Music Power de Columbus Circle. Ahora bien, no veo qué aporta jugar a esto en una Playdate.


Of all the things this game reminded me of, it was Columbus Circle's 8bit Music Power. That being said, I don't see what playing this on a Playdate brings to the table.

A really fun synthesiser loop track, which perfectly fits the Playdate's portability and aesthetic

Eu entendo que não é um jogo e mais um aplicativo bonitinho pra fazer música, e que isso não é minha praia, mas parece que mesmo isso não conseguiram fazer bem? A interface é MUITO espremida (e 1/3 é com os bichinho dançando) e não ter nenhum tipo de ajuda ou instrução dificulta você experimentar e entender o que tá rolando. Uma proposta mais simples (ou um trabalho melhor de UX) me fariam ter mais tempo com ele do que 5 minutos.

I feel bad rating this low because it's obviously a good loop synth, but I have zero skill for this sort of thing.

It's charming as heck and definitely does what you wat... if what you wanted on your playdate was a loop synth...

definite props for originality, I like that they decided to add stuff like this into the core lineup.

Genuinely baffling as a seasonal game, especially one given to you so early. The first Playdate game I've ever bothered actually uninstalling.

Kein wirkliches Spiel... Fehlplatziert in einer season mit 24 Spielen.