Reviews from

in the past

one of the shortest and sweetest power trips i've experienced in games

i just want more

Satisfying game with really great gameplay, loved the artstyle as well. Getting the highest score isn't for me but it was still worth the play

Amazing gameplay, good music, and unique ideas. I wish it lasted more than 1 1/2 hours.

A really fun movement shooter, albeit very short. That being said, it feels like the mechanics are fleshed out while also barely scratching the surface of what could be done with them; there's a very clear curve in complexity from the earlier levels to the later ones but I still wish there was more content to sink my teeth into because the core gameplay is really cool.

Jogo curto (2 ~ 2,3h) de um jogo de tiro em movimento. História muito simples e direta (praticamente nenhuma) com foco em vencer fases e ondas de inimigos e desafios. O jogo começa com controles fluidos, mas acaba com um ciclo de jogabilidade repetitivo. Você vai ficar principalmente atirando e desacelerando o tempo para mirar corretamente nos seus inimigos, o que meio que quebra a ideia de um jogo de tiro rápido e fluido. É divertido, mas fica velho rápido. Espere uma promoção para compensar.

Shame the studio behind this game went under, this is one of the most interesting FPS games I've played. Really loved everything except the final boss felt kiiiinda out of place. otherwise incredible time, really loved almost everything about this


Um jogo sensacional em todos os aspectos. Não joguei muitos games Indie nos últimos anos, mas esse aqui despertou minha atenção desde que o vi. Um excelente jogo, vale a pena demais.
OBS: Tinha interesse em platinar, mas o último trófeu (zerar o jogo TODO sem tomar nenhum HIT) é muito hard.

Fast paced non-stop action. One of the best movility based games I've played. The game is really short but it offers a surprising amount of content and challange. It doesn't have much abilities but the ones the game has, have a lot of synergy between them. The encounters and arenas are carefully designed so that you use the full range of abilities and synergies. The final boss can be quite chaotic but it plays in a very interesting way.

finished this in one night at 6am, i should've taken acid beforehand... good thing they have new game plus!!!!!!!!!

Haven't beat new game + yet, and to be honest Im working through it quite slowly. But this thing is a really well designed (yet short) unique movement shooter. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of migraine-movement shooter type game.

Sometimes a game doesn't have to be long to be a killer time. it just has to be SICK AS FUCK.

boomerang X is sick as fuck

Really fun, short arena fps where you basically fly and shoot in bullet time. The game is around 2-3 hours long, but surprisingly feels like the ideal length since otherwise the gameplay would become stale. I mean you just go from arena to arena, there's nothing in-between.
It's also the first fps I've played in my entire life that thought "this should be played with a mouse and keyboard".
I have finished hundreds of fps games with a controller just fine, but this one made my hands hurt. Even if you enable gyro and auto aiming the last level is brutal. Not the game's fault, it's just too hectic.

Visually stunning with amazing movement mechanics however it is far too short I wish I could play more

very good indie movement brawler i like the art style :)

this game was actually really good loved it

Boomerang X is an excellent movement shooter with simple, intuitive, fluid combat and an arresting visual style. New Game+ will leave you breathless.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. One one hand I really like short bit sized games that can be knocked out in a few hours and I really like the idea of a movement based boomerang FPS but I really didn't like the repetitive nature of it never felt satisfied with my move set. Sadly it wasn't really for me but it looks like I'm in the minority with this so take this with a grain of salt I guess.

An incredibly intense, locomotion-based action game that demands the player to battle seas of enemies while employing high-flying acrobatic movement. Despite its short runtime, it remains an “all killer no filler” experience. A tougher new game + mode encouraged me to launch headfirst into a second playthrough immediately.

Full Review:

Boomerang X is super fast and super fun but is dragged down by its length.

quite short
played through the game and ng+ in like 6 hours but it was very enjoyable

Um bom joguinho pra passar o tempo

The game is undeniable a fast and fun game, but it also has notable aspects that feel kinda crummy. On the one hand the enemy variety is amazing and introduced all throughout the game to keep things fresh. On the other, the areas feel video gamey in the worst way, artificially limited. The game is constantly introducing new gameplay elements to keep things fresh, but some feel more natural than others. The game is fast paced and fun and it feels like you're zooming all over the place, but also feels a little uncontrollable and imprecise. The fact that your main method of movement is also your main method of attack and sometimes you get stuck in a moment where you want to attack and move, but not in the same direction and you just can't do that. It's good, but I feel like the people behind this are really talented and their next game could be amazing. Too bad Dang! closed down.

A very fun and hectic game. every 20 min there is a new mechanic so its good the game is quite short. its also quite hard on a first playthrough but it feels like there could be alot of meat on the bone for subsequent playthroughs. I was let down by the last bosfight because the edge of the arena was not that well defined which let to some frustrating deaths and i would have liked to have had a switch up of tight and big spacesto enjoy the excelent movment in the end. great game. recomend.

An immaculately constructed action game with finely tuned escalation of mechanical density. This is an example of a pure video game. I'd have liked to be able to disable the crosshair, but sadly the developers have shutdown after failing to secure funding for the next game. The only other possible way this could be better is with an arena/level editor.

super fun and short singleplayer movement shooter. makes u feel like a total badass in the process of shredding waves

This was a great game, reminded me a lot of Superhot in terms of traversal and precision firing. However it is far too short. But it's definitely the kind of quality I expect from a Devovler-published game.