Reviews from

in the past

Desenvolvi problemas sérios de confiança com a física

This is actually a well crafted, difficult co-op game. It's a cool experience that really forces you to engage with whoever you're playing with, and isn't just a cute gimme game for one person who plays games and another who's never touched one before. There are similarities to Getting Over It, but with Bread & Fred, you aren't actively fighting against the controls to win.

There are a lot of accessibility options if the game feels too frustrating, and it's quite rewarding being in total sync while mastering the simple mechanics the game throws at you. There are some intense moments of frustration when you realize a pitfall takes you so far back but the game doesn't begin feeling prohibitively difficult until the last section or so. What ends up hurting it most is the length considering how simple the mechanics are.

joguei com a minha amiga
num tem muito oq dizer, só é fofinho e legalzinho :D

solid time! for sure one of the best "rage" games i've played. it looks great and is fun to play. the checkpoint assist was the most fun way to play for me. not abusing them, but using them sparringly (whenever we reached a new area) made it feel rewarding to get past a new area while not making it too baby easy and there still being big falls to make us mad.

if there were maybe some more fun gimmicks i'd maybe rate this higher, it really only has like 4/5 ideas it uses throughout the whole game. to be fair i'm sure they had more ideas but realized it was too frustrating/demanding for a co-op game like this but still that's my main low point. all in all very worth the pickup, super playable with parsec/steam remote play as well if you both have solid connections!

I think my bf had a worse time than I did

Você só descobre se são amigos mesmo
depois de cair mais de 100 metros

tried to squeeze this in before one piece time... never again.

They hid the checkpoints in the assist mode. Fuckin smelly ass penguin game.

Cute little game with multiplayer mechanics that actually requires clean and concise communication and familiarizing yourselves with the controls and physics. It's definietly leaning into the rage inducing climbing featured in Getting over It and Jump King, but the flag as a customizable checkpoint is a great accessibility option that lets players play with the exact level of intensity they want. That being said, there are very, very few gimmicks to play with, only about 1-2 for each level, which seems a little inadequate. The game is also plagued by technical issues, with connectivity problems and visual bugs. The lack of creativity is a small problem, but the latter is a big deal in a game about timing. It resulted in me and my friend ending our session early, it's very frustrating and disappointing. Maybe a future patch can fix it, but until it is done, the game is unreliable and hard to recommend to people experiencing even just a hint of network troubles.

Pre release is impossible in solo

mutilate urself and ur family or play this game

It really doesn’t vary itself mechanically very much so later stages are just combining previous gimmicks, but a sold (2P) time

played the demo with my friends but ngl it really just enraged us.... never again.

La discordia entre saltar o no saltar

fun but struggles with not being annoyingly hard and punishing and way too easy with check points, i have only played the demo

FUN (ale o chlopie latwo spasc)

fun, cute, way too difficult but short

la recomiendo jugar, mientras quitas la musica del juego y la sustituyes por 'depilate' del artista 'tito escroto'

tiene version catalana asi que le resto 5 puntos

jogo bosta mas amo minha namoradinha

se nao fosse repetitivo ate dava vontade de continuar (e se eu nao caisse 100 metros a cada dois minutos tambem porRRa..)

Lag so massive that you can't even play, tried this with my boyfriend and we only had a 20ms gap. The main menu is absolutely bugged, and it doesn't recognize my controller, which works fine with all the other games.

I love 2 player games which feature a difficulty curve, and when I saw the trailer for this game i thought i'd love it. And I did, for a while. The characters are amazing, laughing and making jokes about your ability to climb, everyone completely crazy (Edgar has to be the most memorable npc I met in the game). The visuals are crisp and match the game very well and the idea of the mechanics are actually pretty cool.
But then I realised all the problems this game still has; the inconsistencies, the lag, the randomness in your swing, not always working as an anchor (and sometimes working on ice?), the problems with Jeff's mechanics, the problem with anchoring on moving platforms, etc. And most of this would have been forgiven in any other game, but this is a rage game, a climb where you can fall, far, far down if you make a mistake, or if the game just gives up on you, though luck. Games like these should never have inconsistencies in their mechanics, it's not acceptable, if you fall it should always be your own fault. That is the sole reason I had a bad time with this game, its mechanics are not finished and unpolished.
After reaching about 280 meters in multiplayer mode, with no previous problems, we got constant lagging and delay up to three seconds, and couldn't continue our climb. That's when I started my single player climb (which I just finnished) and experienced most of the game’s inconsistencies.
And yes, I know that this game was originally a couch co-op and that the couch co-op probably doesn’t have as many problems as single player and online multiplayer has. I think I am going to replay this game at some point, when all bugs have been fixed, and mechanics polished, and I think I’m going to enjoy it, but right now these are my thoughts.


You gotta be chill and ready to laugh it off or you're just getting angry with this one.

played this with my girlfriend and had a great time whenever we weren't plummeting 100 feet to our doom.

Could have been really good, but after the first 200m the game doesn't change much and becomes extremely time punishing.