Reviews from

in the past

Bastante entretenido e interesante, si Bethesda le hubiera continuado a la idea, tendrían tal vez su propio Overwatch.

In classic Bethesda fashion, Brink had a lot of promise, a lot of potential, and a lot of interesting ideas that wound up being marred by terrible and often-buggy execution. Brink really was unique, though. It had a gritty, rebellious style whose weird islandic touches helped separate it from the military-centric shooters of the time (intriguingly, the bad guys aren't even soldiers, they're cops being forced to fight like soldiers), The Ark is a cool-looking solarpunk-ish location with these stark, alabaster whites that dominate the spires and towers spread across the island in a way that makes the richer parts of the setting look almost clinical, the customization looked genuinely dope regardless of whether you were a bad boy or a boy-in-blue, the lore and worldbuilding seemed genuinely interesting, and the gameplay looked like it would be a fun take on Team Fortress 2's class-centric multiplayer. It had so much going for it.

And then it fucked it all up by feeling buggy & limp and looking ugly even by 2011 standards. The levels are conceptually pretty cool (big fan of the aquarium level), but running through them feels awful. The game's supposedly unique parkour system feels clunky and unsatisfying, the shooting is thin-feeling and saddled with some of the worst gun SFX in the business, the grenades are hilariously weak to the point where you might as well not even use them, and there's no point in swapping between classes unless the game forces you to because the Engineer is by far and away the best class in the game. Not only is the Engineer as good at shooting as everyone else, he can plant mines, disarm explosives, set up turrets, and basically carries the team harder than the medics do (and no one wants to be a medic because you get murdered so quickly). The only reason this game's even worth playing in 2022 is the campaign, and yet the campaign is really short on both sides and the difficulty scaling gets ridiculous the more you play it, with CPUs that just decide to fucking win almost at random, constantly forcing you to replay these long, long missions. The story isn't even all that interesting, the initially-solid setup and worldbuilding ruined by a lack of cutscenes, context, and interesting characters worth caring about.

Only reason I'm giving this a 2/5 instead of a big ol' 1 is because Brink actually tried to be something. It was more than just a TF2 clone - stylistically, it actually had something going for it, and you can see hints of that passion scattered throughout this janky, subpar shooter with a devastating lack of content. Uniqueness deserves to be treasured, so I'm willing to give Brink an honorary 'you sure tried, I guess' participation trophy.

Voy a cambiarme el nombre a brink cuenta de fans esta mu guapo

the game is not good but i think some people on this website are just haters, how do you even have the emotional capacity to have strong feelings about Brink (2011)

I remember a friend of mine gave me this game and 10 dollars for my birthday. I literally got paid to take this game off his hands and it still wasn't worth it.

We've captured a command post!

Biggest gaming disappointment of my life, I havent trusted preview gameplay footage ever since

This game blows. Bought it, played it for an hour, never went back

A game that may find a success if it release in 2000s instead of 2010s when there's too many competitor for this type of game.

the characters design was awesome thou.

Maybe if you played this at the time it came out you could have had some enjoyment out of the online aspects, but as it stands today it verges on unplayable. Playing it a bit last year was very bizarre, and felt generally not worth returning to for another session.

I actually really liked this game when it came out and loved the multiplayer mechanics but it's pretty much impossible to play nowadays. A real damn shame, love the aesthetic and general moment-to-moment gameplay when it did have some signs of life in it.

Loved this game back when I was a kid, didn't even know it was considered shit by people until much later lol.

Un juego que ha envejecido terriblemente mal, al principio la campaña puede ser un poco entretenida pero a la larga las mecánicas se vuelven muy repetitivas. La historia es muy simple a mi parecer, nos sitúa en medio de una guerra civil entre las Fuerzas de la Seguridad y la Resistencia por el control del Arca (la ciudad flotante). La IA deja mucho que desear, a veces muy fácil de vencer y otras hasta casi imposible.
Lo jugué por curiosidad ya que fue desarrollado por Splash Damage (desarrolladores de Dirty Bomb), pero no lo recomiendo a pesar de estar gratis ya que se nota que es un juego orientado al multijugador y este está ya casi muerto.

lmao who tf remembers Brink amiright?

Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain is still a joke in my old high school friend group

I still remember people who bought this game at full price. LOLOLOL SUCKERS.

I think I got this for either Christmas or my birthday, played it once, and never touched it again. Couldn't even keep 11 year old me entertained, which is saying a LOT given the amount of melodramatic explosions this game was full of.

Rating: 5.7/10 - Bad

I really like the aesthetics and the ideas behind this game but little is done with it. I feel like I should rank this lower due to how bad guns can feel but there's at least aspects I enjoy about it.

genuinely thought this game was fun

what's the most important aspect of any game? BEING ABLE TO FUCKIN' PLAY IT!!!

Idc what other people say this was super fun when I was younger