Reviews from

in the past

This game did flop but I think it had potential. They should've gave more incentive to tackle side objectives, as I remember those being pretty irrelevant to the main objective. Pretty sure one body type dominated over the others, which also helped stagnate things. Parkour ended up not being that big of a deal, despite the game pushing it so hard in its advertising. Game's premise and lore was cool, and I liked the island accent of the Ark Security commander. Anything was better than yet another military shooter aesthetic, especially in the timeframe that this game was out.


this game pushed me to the brink

this game is probably the fastest dying multiplayer shooter that has ever released. it just doesn't have enough standout mechanics in it to be worth playing and what content it did have was overshadowed by the fact you'd be playing it again and again with little to no actual variation of how the matches played out. just not fun, and also, it's just dead now

A passable first person shooter that simply doesn't stand out enough to survive in such an overcrowded genre.

I've never been on the brink of ejecting a disc out of my console sooner than when I started this game

I was so hyped and wanted so much from this, rather disappointed. Game had some real potential

I bought this game at a flea market when I was little. I thought it looked really fucking cool. Even though I was a child that had no taste, I still thought the game was horrible.

Brink had so much potential - Brink had style, Brink had slick movement, Brink had a gorgeous art direction and ambient score, Brink had interesting characters and cool weapons, Brink had what happened?

Brink is tragic tale of a game that was supposed to be everything we wanted and more, yet completely failed as the sum of its parts. From the dreadful launch, the lack of content, the absence of a story, and the limited scope of delivery for each of the promises culminated in one of the biggest disappointments in gaming I have ever had to swallow. I didn't just lose $60 that day...a little piece of me died inside.

I was 13 when this game came out and it looked like the coolest thing ever. I was really excited for the customization and I hadn't ever seen an FPS with this cool post-apocalypse anarchist aesthetic and I thought it looked really good.

That artstyle has now become extremely commonplace in video games today, and that wasn't the only thing this game pioneered that ALL triple-A studios have now continued to follow: because Brink was also shipped in a state that was completely devoid of content.

eh didnt really do it for me, but was fun when i first played it with friendo's

a lot of cool ideas and cool art direction but it just didn't deliver on it's high ambitions. which is a same because it could have been so dope.

I actually didn't mind this game. It was broken in some ways, but the creativity shined through in others. It was ahead of its time and clearly a little too ambitious for its own good.

Like many others I was hyped beyond belief for this only to be let down by unbalanced gameplay and some extremely janky shooting. An absolute shame but at least Dirty Bomb built off this base a lot better.

hahahahahaha this fucking game

Its a mess but it had so much potential.

Played the campaign only, nice art.

I paid full price for this game.

can't say a genuinely interesting concept and artstyle got my teenage self to ever ignore quite how bad something looks and plays (which is like dogshit) for quite as long as this game did

You didn't like it cuz you were bad at it.

It takes like entire drum mags to kill people

This is one of the worst games I've ever played. I got this from a friend and he refuses to take it back. I've been trying to give this game away for 8 years and no one wants it. Awful gunplay, no idea what's going on, boring ass story. Never got past the second level, so I didn't technically beat it but it deserves a 0 star rating

In my review of Fallout 4 I said it was the most disappointed I've ever been in a game relative to my hype. I take that back, I forgot about Brink. I was so hyped up for Brink and holy shit.

Played through the campaign just to justify purchasing it. There were some interesting concepts but the gameplay was fairly clunky.

i was so excited for this game when i was younger and i had my dreams crushed

Surprisingly fun and underrated FPS, kept alive by offline AI matches. Nobody will see the potential in this game as much as you or I do.