Reviews from

in the past

AAAAAAA the final boss of this game took me like 5 hours and that is no exaggeration. Holy fuck, it was horrible. I was probably underleveled or using wrong items or something but holy fuck I did it and I'm so happy.

That being said, this is a great game! I don't think it's as good as Aria of Sorrow, mainly for those awful touch screen gimmicks. But still this maintains the spirit of that game and even adds some new stuff to the soul system that's welcome. Amazing and memorable map and (for the most part) great boss battles. I don't really care much about the stories in these games, but that's ok, the gameplay makes up for it.

Great game, touch screen gimmick weakens the title.

I'm getting a little tired of having to google "how to get the best ending" every time I boot up one of these fuckin things. Just tell your story! No one wants to spend hours on a game, especially a non-linear one that encourages exploration, only to be penalized with a bullshit non-final boss because you didn't arbitrarily explore the right way. I don't really follow the games discourse nowadays but I really hope it has gotten to "abolish the bad ending" and moved beyond "game bad if there a tiddy y/n?"

Como Aria of Sorrow, pero más.

Primeira experiência com castlevania a gente nunca esquece

The soul system from Aria is still as fun as ever, and built upon in a fun way. The story and characterization is a bit weaker than Aria but the gameplay is still very fun. Except those dang Magical Seals. Great soundtrack and just overall a very fun play.

The single best Castlevania game. Like 50% as good as Super Metroid.

My first Castlevania game. Didn't really know what was happening in the story, nor did I know who any of the characters were, but the game was fun. Thought the whole gimmick of collecting enemy powers and being able to use them was pretty fun, though having the true ending locked behind this mechanic, which is entirely luck based, really sucked.

great metroidvania style game, only issue is its dumb touchscreen features really annoy, as you have to use them to finish off the bosses, so if youre emulating download the mod that gets rid of them

It’s a good game, but it was only playing it for the road trip for my vacation. So the next time I’m on vacation, I’ll give it a go

Not as good as Aria, but still very fun.

Probably my all time favorite game ever and I stumbled upon it by mere chance.

As a wee lad I owned a flashcard and my dad "knew" a guy that "knew" a guy that could get us a DVD with a bunch of DS roms. I don't exactly remember why the title of this game spoke to me but the rest is history. It's one of my most played games of all time and my entry point to what became my favorite franchise. My younger brother also shares this passion for the game and racing the game together has become somewhat of a yearly tradition.

I know it's not the best game ever but to me it represents so much more than just the game itself. As such it really does hold a special place in my heart.

A very solid sequel and metroidvania. The touch screen gimmick was tired from the beginning. THis games biggest issue is it could never be Aria.

conheci castlevania nesse demônio aqui e como é gostosin esse jogo... qualquer dia rejogo.

A great sequel that on the whole improves on Aria of Sorrow, expanding on it in all the right ways, touch screen gimmicks aside. It's just packed with atmosphere, creative abilities, and variety. I especially like how it mixes a little 3D into some of the backgrounds - it looks great every time. It also has a better end game than Aria of Sorrow, that area is really cool. I only wish it didn't have the touch screen seal minigame after each boss. Outside of that, this game rules.

Another great Igavania, I'm left with very little to complain about.

It maintains the same level of quality overall that the GBA trilogy had, but has improvements thanks to the extra buttons and increased graphical fidelity of the DS. I also really like the use of the top screen to either show the map screen or the status screen in real time, however I don't like how you can only see the enemies' names if you use the status screen instead of the map, I would've liked an option to have enemy names pop up on the bottom screen. The game has a great soundtrack, the improved sound card the DS has over the GBA works wonders for this game. I also really like the graphics, it still doesn't look as good as Symphony of the Night in my opinion, but still has amazing sprite detail and animations, there's also great use of 3D models in some of the backgrounds which look great.

My main downside for this game is the use of the touchscreen, which is generally shallow with it only being used for magic seals to finish off bosses and to break ice blocks, I found neither of these to add that much to the experience and imagine would be the bane of your existence if you played on an emulator. The magic seal adds intensity to the boss fights, as you have to remember the pattern and execute it to finish the boss generally, but it also makes you hold the stylus while fighting the bosses in anticipation of this which is really uncomfortable. The breaking of ice blocks is thankfully only prevalent in a handful of rooms so it's not a big deal, but it feels unremarkable even if they did everything they could with the concept without overusing it.

I also feel like the change in art style for character portraits is a little strange, I think it looks a little to cute for a Castlevania game, I liked Aria of Sorrow's art style more. I find Dawn of Sorrow's character portraits make the game harder to take seriously than I should.

I enjoyed the story, it's on par with and better than Aria of Sorrow's in some ways. It kept me interested and prevented me from stopping until I had gotten the real ending. I liked the different endings as well, it was kind of cool to see various potential resolutions to the situation at hand. I did have a hard time figuring out how to get to the true ending and had to look it up, but that might have been me being dumb. I still like the cast of characters and Soma is one of my favourite videogame protagonists, so it's always awesome to play as him.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is fantastic, metroidvanias don't get much better than this. It's pretty expensive to get a physical copy which is a shame, but I think it's still well worth the $100 CAD I see it currently going for online for fans of the series.

É um jogo legal e divertido até... mas não sei se foi do jogo ou do fato que joguei um monte de Castle em sequencia, mas esse foi cansativo. Cansativo de passar alguma áreas, de explorar o castelo, de matar alguns chefes, conseguir evoluir no jogo.
Ao mesmo tempo que ele tem suas melhorias do Aria, parece que elas sempre vem com problemas.
O jogo tem mais almas, mas elas não tem muita variedade a mais.
Tem mais opções de armas, mas isso requer um farm miseravel.
o Castelo é maior, mas cansei de dar de cara com 300 portas trancadas após ter explorado uma área inteira pra descobrir que tinha que ir do outro lado do castelo tornando a exploração da onde eu tava irrelevante naquele momento.
Sprites são mais bonitos e bem animados, mas tem artes genéricas e sem identidade (por mais que não as ache tão horríveis quanto dizem).
Além da historia que é chata e desinteressante com 3 vilões que eu sinceramente tava pouco me importando.

Sin estar mal, no me parece suficiente destacable para dedicarle más tiempo.

- Es un Castlevania, con la profundidad de mapeado que eso conlleva.
- La mecánica de las almas sería interesante si fuera aprovechable.
- La música está siempre a un nivel altísimo.

- El daño por contacto, cuando los escenarios son tan pequeños y a veces los enemigos tan grandes, se siente inevitable e injusto.
- El ratio con el que los enemigos sueltan sus almas, una mecánica principal del juego, es ridículamente bajo.
- El plataformeo es demasiado simplón como para sortear con habilidad las trampas que a veces te coloca el juego.

Jogo tão anime que eu tinha sangramento nasal a cada 5 minutos jogando.

Dawn of Sorrow takes everything that was great about Aria of Sorrow and does it again. The enemy soul system is still awesome and the weapons system is expanded to allow you to fuse and craft new weapons from old ones which is a nice alternative to just selling all the useless gear that you get as you progress.

DoS gets a lower rating than AoS because the story is not as good and because the seal binding system is very irritating.
Even though I think it's a very cool idea, it's clearly just them desperately trying to do something with the DS touch screen that doesn't really bring any positive benefit to the game as a whole.

The post-game bonus mode allows you to play as three of the story's characters and swap between them on the fly which was very cool. I enjoyed this extra mode more than the base game.

the game that got me into metroidvanias in the first place, all around very solid and well designed aside from having to input android lockscreen passwords whenever you defeat a boss. just patch that out lol. Also has the best NG+ new character mode out of all other games in the series. very fleshed out and even has its own set of cutscenes and final boss. worth it just for that.

It can even be expressed as....

if you wanna enjoy the game, you have to beat once...

playin with julius belmont way more fun then main game....

also belmont/female magic/alucard, trio remind me castlevania 3

Sendo a sequência de Aria of Sorrow, acredito que seja difícil não ter expectativas que este aqui seja tão bom ou até melhor que o jogo que começou a história do nosso Soma Cruz. Infelizmente o Dawn of Sorrow não consegue ser melhor que o seu antecessor, tendo um problema importado daquele jogo e também vindo com um que pode quebrar um pouco a experiência hoje em dia(julgando que todos aqui vão jogar com um emulador), este sendo o uso do touchpad do DS para fazer alguns símbolos. Taís símbolos são usados especialmente em bosses, sendo algo como selar eles, entretanto é bem difícil os fazer num emulador e também é preciso fazer eles rápido mesmo que algum deles seja muito difícil de fazer.

Mesmo que permaneça como problema, isto pode ser retirado com um mod na iso, não causando tanto problema e deixando as lutas do jogo muito menos estressantes. O outro problema, este sendo o importado, é de que antes grindavamos por certas almas no jogo para nos ajudar, agora tal mecânica foi expandida para não só o uso contra inimigos, mas também para a evolução de todo armamento do jogo, indo de soqueiras á katanas. O em si não é ruim, fazer armamentos melhores é legal e, com este sistema, eles se livraram daquele bagulho de termos muitas almas e não usarmos.

As almas incluem também as de bosses, mas tirando a deles, ainda existe o problema de ter de entrar e sair de uma sala só para respawnar um bicho e matar ele. Meio chatinho, poderia haver uma maneira diferente, algo como colocar peças/artefatos por cantos do castelo, fazendo assim o jogador querer explorar ele. Tirando essas coisas, Dawn of Sorrow ainda é divertido e bom, as boss fights são divertidas e não me recordo de sentir que estavam sendo injustas. Dawn é um jogo que vale a pena sim jogar, principalmente se você gosta do Aria.

Tinha muito potencial, porém tem defeitos que deixam a gamplay chata em vários momentos , ainda sim é um bom jogo

ugly art and not Quite as good as Aria but goddamn this shit is good

Played with Castlevania: DoS Definitive Edition hack

A great Castlevania game! But ruined by dumb gimmicks...
I hate the weapon upgrade system with the souls it's dumb! Souls' drop rates are awful it's a massive waste of time to grind them, and we can't even find good weapons by exploring the castle. This gimmick ruined the castle exploration for me because it's not fun to try to find secrets just to get barely anything in return. You just find base weapon type in the castle and then the game just tells you to fuck off and waste your time grinding souls just to get good weapons. Though this game isn't super hard so it's not a huge issue (except for the final boss it's not super hard but really tedious without good weapons)

Also the DS touchscreen gimmick but you all know about it, just use the blessed hack that removes all touchscreen interaction of the game.

Also, the art style is weird it's like some shitty anime look.

Aria wins in the end!