Reviews from

in the past

it really just feels like a step back from CSD 1 overall. in theory, i like most of the new mechanics like as the holding stations and pre-prepping food, it adds too many buttons to the mix, making the simplified control scheme of CSD 1 (one of its biggest draws for me) obsolete. it also really removes the money system as a whole, because now its only used to buy food the the main restaurant, and i hardly play that mode. which brings me to the best part of the game: the chef for hire shifts. they maintain a good level of difficulty and the earlier shifts well-suit you for the later shifts and its very fun to try and score golds on each of the shifts. overall, i'd still recommend it. heard CSD 3's supposed to fix a lot of these probelms.

love it! Played it together with Jason too

making a frappuccino in this game is sort of like defusing a bomb

While the QOL is a vast improvement over the first game, and the art is noticeably more appetizing, I just have absolutely no interest in making my own restaurant whatsoever because of how hard it is to make money for it. You gotta put in a LOT of time for that, and working at the same restaurants with similar foods can get pretty tiring.

That being said, I STILL LOVE THIS GAMEPLAY LOOP TO DEATH and the way it's designed is just so nice. Holding Stations are able to make the game a lot more stressful while still manageable, so it's a great time if you like Cooking Sims that have a bit more of an action pacing.

call me crazy but this feels better on a controller than it does on keyboard

making chinese food on keyboard is sort of like having an aneurysm

I sometimes scoff and roll my eyes when people earnestly call gameplay "addicting," but like, I think I get it with this one.

Maybe I haven't played enough of this game, but it didn't click with me the way that the original CSD did.

Very addicting for the first couple hours, then I gave up and will probably never play it again

Less stressful than the 3rd installation.

A worthy sequel to the first game with improved gameplay elements!

just like a classic webbrowser game but really blown out with features. dine n dash on crack.

Absolutely love this series of games. Very fun and challenging typing game about running restaurants. Easy to learn but with plenty to master. I've only got the extremely difficult final Contrast Coffee shift to gold medal, then I'm 100% finished with the game.

A memory and quick time event (qte) game with pretty visuals, satisfying sound effects, and exciting music. The first many times you make a dish you rely on your qte skills until you learn the recipe at which point you can execute the inputs with hardly any thought. Chef for Hire levels are the best part as they introduce new dishes and higher difficulty over time.

If you ever wanna learn where x and y are on your controller, this game will make you learn quick.

Chef puts the lid on the blender or she gets the belt again.

Easier on the eyes and with lots of improvements, but the progression is just so nothing. You never feel as if you're working towards something tangible

i like this game in theory, but in practice it gets kind of boring after a while? the gameplay can swerve wildly betweeen fun and stressful, depending on how complicated the meal you're making is. while this game does have more variety than CSD1 it has just as much grinding, if not more.

i like this game a lot but for me i probably play it once or twice a year if i'm really bored. maybe i should give csd3 a shot?

It's hard to describe the Cook, Serve, Delicious games in a way that makes them sound appealing but it is very fun and hectic to learn and fill the recipes as quickly as possible. Basically it's button memorization. The addition of co-op makes the game more fun. This is an excellent game for completionists or perfectionists. Very tempting to try to get gold medals on every level. My wife and I will probably go back and do that at some point.

make food as fast as possible before you fill up all the lines because of rush hour. USE A CONTROLLER

A sequel to Cook Serve Delicious that changes little. The basic gameplay of doing intensive demanding microgames is basically unchanged with the exception of the brand new holding station mechanic, which doesn't really add much to the proceedings. There's also now more personality in the restaurants that you're cooking for and more customization in your own restaurant, but these are largely ornamental. It's kind of just the same game but a tiny bit more elaborate. It's still good, very frantic.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this is one of my proudest 100%'s because of its extreme difficulty in some of the levels and the achievements. I loved this game so much, huge step up from the first game and so much fun. Great gameplay, love the introduction of set restaurants rather than your own. Can't wait to play the third one!

how I expected to feel while playing this game

how I feel while playing this game

It's still serviceable, but compared to the first one CSD2 isn't great. There's a tremendous lack of direction presented to you through some of the worst menu navigation I've experienced in a video game.

To their credit, they really upped the quality of the overall presentation of this one. The food itself looks great, there's a nice variety of customers, and actually making the food is still satisfying. Being able to customize your own restaurant decor is a nice touch (that I felt immediately overwhelmed by). The different restaurants that you can temporarily work at is also a great idea, giving you the option to focus on more specific food types. Holding stations so that you can prep food beforehand are a very cool idea, but the overall execution of the game itself is much more difficult to handle, and in a way that's less challenging and more frustrating.

A major gripe I have is that the overall pacing of progression is just not there. I can't imagine playing this game before the first one. There is no sense of gradual progression in building up your restaurant, as you can effectively choose to make any kind of food you can afford. It was nice being originally limited to corn dogs and pretzels when you're starting out in the first game so that you can get used to the way that the game works, focusing on a small handful of things at a time. CSD2 has similar progression with its new system of working part-time at other restaurants in the building, starting with a hotdog restaurant and moving on to more complicated eateries, but the pacing along with the medal system feels...directionless?

Most important, there are way too many god damned chores.

There's no way any restaurant would need to set roach traps five times in one day. There aren't that many roaches.

I don't hate this, but it's not as good as the first one.

I managed to get a 5-star restaurant by making nothing but egg drop soup with a side of egg drop soup every single day for a few in-game weeks so maybe this game stinks actually

The shifts that are presented to the player can be either very fun or very infuriating. If you decided to go down the path of working at chilly bowl or that sports bar, the game presents a challenging yet fun menu to overcome over the coming shifts, but if you chose something like the Chinese restaurant, it is exceedingly difficult beyond the point of completion, unless you want to waste hours upon hours practicing just one menu. The ability to open your own restaurant was a really cool concept, and, for the most part, it succeeded in creating a bubble of creativity that provided a decent amount of entertainment.

Fun, simple game. And it looks great and really adds to the experience. I didn't expect to like it and only grabbed it because it was on such a good sale but quickly got hooked.

Amongst a plethora of cooking games, none have the satisfaction in the sound design of Cook Serve Delicious. Putting a burger together or filleting a fish just feels so good, and CSD2 added some awesome new elements to the already hectic gameplay.

fun and relatively mindless, added a bit much busy work with working the menu IMO