Reviews from

in the past

Still more playable than 50 percent of late 90s early 2000s shovelware racers, I guess. Platformings fun too, and the musics spiralmouth so.

US version_v1

this has to be one of the worst racing games i have played this game is seriously clash with nina or N-Gin and just shoot the shit out of everyone you see and before crossing the finish line at the end of the race just unclash and take all the credit. you do this for the WHOLE game there are some mini games witch are pretty bad and you can run around the park with your wanna be twinsanity controls and there isn't even a final boss you just press square and win i give this game a 2/10

Lo que menos me mola de este crash son las carreras debido a la mecanica que pusieros de fusionar los coches. Luego lo de desbloquear, todo los colecionables con crash por distintas zonas del parque tematico esta bastante divertido.

Feel like it doesn't get talked about much, but it's a really refreshing take on Crash and on CTR. I remember having a blast with it. That being said, I don't think I played much of the racing. Mainly just going through the campaign. Got addicted to the bowling mini game.

as corridas eram muito chatas, mas as partes de exploração eram épicas

Probably one of the worst games I've seen the ending of. Crash really floundered in this generation huh?

Stupidly easy but at least kept kid-me distracted through school. Was novel having a hub to explore between races. One of those weird games that let you plug your PSP into a PS2 and play multiplayer that way.

Um horrível jogo de corrida com física de plataforma pior

My child-self thought that the tag team mechanics were pretty rad.

I didn't know half of the characters on this game but I enjoyed the tag concept as a child nonetheless.

it was nice (maybe bc i was a hardcore crash fan) even if i didnt get the point

Tag Team Racing has to be the most unfocused racing game I think I’ve ever played. In fact, I’m not even sure you can call it a racing game since the racing doesn’t take up the majority of the game. Instead the hub worlds and platforming take up a large chunk of it.

The platforming bits don’t tie in with the racing very well and only serve as a means of unlocking tracks and challenges, there are plenty of side quests to do and collectibles to grab, but once you unlock the tracks and challenges within the hub, there’s really no reason to keep exploring unless you’re aiming for 100%.

The racing itself is the most broken thing in the world. So the main gimmick and selling point is the clashing mechanic. Basically it’s so that you can merge with another racer and they’ll back you up by shooting at other opponents, or they can drive for you and you do the shooting. Some of these characters have ridiculously overpowered weapons like N. Gin’s rocket launcher. It’s very long range, has a lot of ammo, and can kill opponents in one hit.

It’s because of this gimmick and the fact that you can simply remerge if you run out of ammo, that Tag Team Racing ends up becoming an autopilot racing game of sorts. Kind of like how Miitopia is an auto-pilot RPG, though TTR is nowhere near as horrendously automated as that train-wreck.

The unlockables are the only real incentive to keep on playing. You can unlock a wide variety of costumes, vehicles, and short videos in the form of Gags, which depict Crash doing a bunch of silly things, sometimes at the expense of others, as well as Die-O-Ramas, which showcase Crash getting killed in the most over-the-top manners.

Oh and you can also make burps and farts on the loading screen… okay then…

Tag Team Racing can have its moments of fun, but it’s seriously brought down by a broken clashing mechanic and a hub that only exists just to pad out game time. TTR is easily the weakest of the Crash racing trilogy (Nitro Fueled doesn’t really count because it’s a remake). If you’re curious about this game, then I suppose there’s no harm in checking it out, but if you’re looking for a fun and frantic racing game with Crash Bandicoot, then just go play the original Crash Team Racing or Crash Nitro Kart instead.

i remember playing this game at a funeral and spammed the barf and farts while the volume was loud
best day ever

I'm surprised by the love for this game on the site. I do admire it for being so weird: a racing game that is also a shooter, with a pretty long platformer aspect as well.

I would have to play it again at some point to see how the racing compares to the other kart games of the franchise. I hate that they give the driver advantage over the shooter (If the driver decides to abandon the shooter, they can easily get ahead of them), that doesn't make any sense and it's one of the main things I remember about the racing.

This is the stupidest and one of the most wildly inconsistent games I have ever played. But that's kind of the charm. Nowhere near as good as Crash Team Racing, but a very unique title that combines racing and shooting elements in a way that... sort of works? Kinda? Also has platforming sections, because you can REALLY tell the dev team wanted to work on a mainline Crash game.

You should definitely give it a try.

brain dead kart game but entertaining atmosphere, i like watching that orange little rat die in various horrific ways

press button to fart during loading screen is genius. kojima take notes

Vou tentar escrever essa análise com o coração, porque 15 anos atrás Crash Tag Team Racing era um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida, foi inclusive um dos jogos que ganhei junto com o PlayStation 2, e por muito tempo foi o meu Crash favorito da plataforma.

Lembro de achar incrível todo o conteúdo do jogo, ter fases a pé, corridas com mecânicas novas, arenas de batalha, diversos mini-games e vários personagens, carros e roupas pra desbloquear. Ainda tinham os clipes cômicos que rolavam quando você interagia com alguma coisa específica nas fases, eu sempre parava pra assistir todos e gosto do humor que o jogo tem.

O esquema de fundir os carros pra um personagem dirigir e o outro atirar deixava o multiplayer muito mais divertido, lembro das incontáveis horas que eu passei jogando esse jogo com mais alguém, seja nas corridas ou no mini-game de boliche procurando como fazer strike em todas rodadas.

Mas me dói dizer que, parando pra jogar hoje em dia, vejo que esse jogo é um desastre. As fases possuem um design PÉSSIMO, são uma bagunça gigantesca, nada é coerente ou intuitivo, você nunca sabe exatamente o que você ta fazendo, os obstáculos são uma piada e ainda tem a incrível variedade de UM inimigo durante o jogo inteiro. E temos o outro destaque do jogo que são as corridas, apesar da nova mecânica ser divertida, ela é completamente desbalanceada, fundir o carro com outro personagem é vitória garantida e se você preferir correr "à moda antiga", que pena, porque o traçado das pistas não são nada elaborados, em nenhum momento ele exige que você use o drift ou sequer freie. Não acho nada prazeroso dirigir nesse jogo.

Ainda guardo esse jogo no meu coração, tudo de bom que apontei no início é verdade, aqueles são os motivos pelo qual continuo gostando de CTTR, e adiciono também que a trilha sonora do jogo é excelente, as animações são muito bem feitas e as pistas são visualmente únicas, mas os pontos mais importantes, que são as fases e as corridas, na prática deixam muito a desejar.


Crash sempre foi uma franquia mediana com uma boa dose de carisma. Esse jogo é o mais divertido por ser o mais variado em gameplay. Há bastante variedade em fases temáticas e modos de corrida. Diverte bastante.

Mi favorito de los Crash de carreritas. Ojalá algún día lo pelen de nuevo :(

era una mezcla rara entre un crash twinsanity y ctr, el diseño no es bueno y el juego se cae a los pedazos con las carreras, pero le doy un 6 porque en la pantalla d carga crash eructa o se tira pedos, no recuerdo bien

I liked this a lot when it came out, but after revisiting it I've gotta say my tolerance for bad games must've been extremely high. The racing itself is extremely barebones even without comparing to other kart racers, but what really killed it for me were the platforming sections on the park.

I still love the idea of going around the amusement park unlocking things but the actual platforming is ass. It's horrible. You have almost no control over the character and it makes the simplest jumps to a new area the most frustrating thing.

Super fun kart racer single player, and even better with friends. The combining mechanic really brings a whole new perspective to the mascot kart racer.

honestly the best part was exploring the park and platforming so they should've focused more on that instead.
also this is my 200th game logged 🥳🥳🥳🥳