Reviews from

in the past

Zack, o brabo! Exemplo de Remaster! Toda sua gameplay foi remodelada e modernizada. O novo sistema de ataque básico ficou ótimo, assim como o reformulado e simples controle da câmera, diferente de como era no PSP pela ausência do segundo analógico.

A mecânica do Limit Breaker continua (particularmente eu amo essa aleatoriedade), mas agora dá pra pular as cenas - o que trouxe mais dinamicidade. Um ponto que detestei foram as missões secundárias, que são fraquíssimas e repetitivas, por mais que tenham itens que você consegue nelas - até você se deparar com eles nas lojas KKKK

A interface ficou igual à do FF7 Remake, o que foi sensacional!!!! Outro bom ponto é que redublaram o jogo e mantiveram os mesmos do Remake, pra manter a coesão de ambos, e adicionaram algumas falas de personagens secundárias. Só não entendi porque a Square não trouxe legenda em pt-br pra nós.

Lindo e gostoso de jogar, rushei e terminei tão rápido que nem percebi. E por último, mas não menos importante, tem a Tifa neném trabalhando como guia cowgirl! 🥺💜

Nota final: 78/100

The final part of the game is still absolutely fantastic but my god has the rest of it aged like absolute milk. The enhancements made to the combat system are great, but the extra amount of VO seriously hurts it because you get to hear some absolutely dreadful lines instead of just reading them. Also, it still has one of the worst super bosses in the entire franchise.

“Would you say I became a hero?”

First time playing Crisis Core and from what I've heard this is an improvement on the original CC. The story is forgettable except the ending, the game on hard is just boring cause they just give enemies more health then is worth dealing with considering how boring the combat is. 4/10

gameplay is great despite being a bit repetitive and/or choppy in its pacing, unfortunately nearly all of the story is complete bullshit (albeit with some cool momentary presentation and a handful of nice character moments)

systems in place work well together and make for a fun snappy experience you could (in the handheld version) easily use to tear through morning school busrides - generally a very psp game, and you can definitely still feel that in this remake

any criticism of the DMW should be disregarded - it's arguably the best part of the game, and viewing it as a bad thing should permanently sully your reputation

This review contains spoilers

It is downright unbelievable how lush they managed to make Crisis Core look, and it providing much-needed fixes to the DMW system instantly raise the game’s score. Beyond that, it’s near 1:1 to the original game so my previous review still stands. An awkward script leads the dialogue to suffer, the effect of which is heightened now that the graphics so heavily resemble Remake, but the main party of Zack, Sephiroth, Aerith and the Turks are charismatic enough to assuage those woes in the moment-to-moment cutscene experience. If I had any reservations about the Remake voice cast left this chapter surely quelled them. The new Zack honestly isn’t all that bad, so I’m able to appreciate without issue how the voice direction and models highlight Sephiroth’s old friendliness so much better than the original.

does improve upon the original but it's still monotonous

it's just nice seeing more into how Sephiroth went insane, how Zack was involved in the events that set up Final Fantasy 7

Screw the Genesis stuff though, it's all pretty much unnecessary nonsense that adds to the dumpster fires of Advent Children and all other 7 Compilation trash

Story sehr gut
Gameplay gut
Level- und Missionsdesign durchwachsen

Ein Produkt seiner Zeit neu aufgelegt und aufgehübscht, leider mit allen seinen Schwächen.
Es gibt zu viele Missionen die leider auch nur aus Gängen bestehen die von Kämpfen vollgepflastert sind.
Zum Glück sind die aber optional.

Leider ist auch das balancing nicht gut, ich habe 30% aller Missionen gemacht und konnte den Endfight innerhalb von 1 Minute beenden.

Trotzdem ein gutes Spiel das Bock auf FF7Remake Part2 macht

Aspects of "Crisis Core" are showing their age. Story beats seem to wrap up quicker than they should, the world feels small and constrained, it's peppered with small mini-games that seemed unnecessary and its attempts to add extra layers of depth to the relationships between Zack and the rest of the FFVII crew are a lot of times regulated to mail you'll get. The whole production just sometimes feels like a portable game from ages ago with a fresher battle system and a more pleasant presentation.

The main question definitely has its strengths and I often enjoyed seeing this lost chapter in the FFVII saga. I can see why it has an ardent fan base and while the writing felt lacking sometimes, this is wholly due to the limitations of platform it was originally developed for. These characters are all still here and just as special as always. The battle system is also fun and if you dedicate your time to it, you can break it in a lot of fun ways reminiscent of FFVIII. I even found myself very much enjoying the roulette system, which I've heard people argue about over the years, but for me it kept the battles popping and unpredictable. It does however have one major flaw and that's leveling up is entirely regulated to chance. You could potentially grind for quite a while and make little to no progress.

I was very happy to finally get to play this game, after never being able to play it on PSP. The FFVII world is up there with Middle-Earth in fictional universes that bring me a lot of nostalgia and comfort that I can always return to as a home away from home. With all that said though, this still often felt unnecessary. I could see why it hasn't really gotten a re-release until now. It enriches the overall fiction to an extent, but it doesn't really hold much weight on its own. With "Final Fantasy VII Remake" and the upcoming sequels, Square has made an exceedingly unique production that creates something wholly original for fans of the 1997 game while also paying homage to that games legacy. It's entirely possible that with "Reunion", "Crisis Core" will find a whole new life of relevance to the overall fiction. I can definitely see returning to this in a year or two and seeing it in a whole new light. As of today, it's a very blessed experience I was able to have that more often than not felt like it'd have impressed more in 2007 when the core game released.

Essa foi minha primeira experiência com Crisis Core em muitos anos. Categoricamente, é o mesmo jogo do PSP, mas com algumas melhorias aqui e ali. A Square ressuscitou esse jogo com um propósito e esse propósito será respondido nos próximos dois jogos da nova trilogia de Final Fantasy 7. Falando sobre o jogo, sempre achei CC divertido, a gameplay é bem fluida e leve, o jogo em muitos momentos é meio bobo, mas não deixa de ser um produto de sua época. Não confunda, isso não é um remake de Crisis Core, é uma leve atualização com uma roupagem muito bonita. Bela remasterização. Indispensável a quem se interessar pela jornada que o Remake abriu para a história de FFVII.

Crisis Core is a poorly aged game with a real messy script. I was not high in expectations, but I expected at least a steady narrative, given the reputation of the game's story. Sadly, it looks like they did not show any effort to improve any part of it after all. Besides the story, also the animations in cutscenes(?), and controls are nothing more than a disappointment. It is harder to overlook the mistakes of a game when the graphics are renewed entirely while the controls and animations play clunky as hell. What this game needed was not a remaster, but a remake.

I adored this on PSP in 2008. I liked it on PS5 in 2022.

It's much shorter and sillier than I remember. And my word, the Loveless bilge doesn't half grow tiring.

A lot of odd little plot holes too. But I can forgive all that as it's still a charming game.

Part of me wishes they'd never turned FFVII into an extended 'compilation' of games, movies, and other such nonsense. But here we are. Might as well enjoy the ride.

Except Advent Children. That can do one.

they didn't lie that core can crisis

A prime example of a product half stuck in the past. This means this is a PSP game, prettied up for a new generation but stuck in the past in terms of design. Level and world design is small and overtly simplistic, giving the game a claustrophobic sense of space and just got me wondering why the entire game isint just a save point where you choose missions. The battle system is the only thing that saves this game from being downright awful. It a action RPG with Offense, Magic and Defense options with a roulette wheel that can give you buffs. Its fun and responsive but its repetitive nature is not enough to carry an entire game.

If only the story and dialogue were good. This script is awful, full of anime cliches and the line deliveries are amateurish. Metal Gear Solid in 1998 had better acting.

This game will be loved by the nostalgia blind or FF7 diehards. The more sane will understand this is just a nice looking 15 year old PSP game and level expectations accordingly.

Formally inducting this game to the Waggo video game canon

My favorite game in the entire series made 10x better. Perfection.

I have played the og tons of times.

I must beat Minerva.

brb adding Zack Fair to my personality

Como juego base es igual que su original un 10/10 pero como remasterd se queda muy corto mejorando algunas cosas las cuales se agradecen como el movimiento y el sistema de combate pero son cambios nimios mientras que luego otros cambios como el V.O acting estan bien pero se sienten muy raro comparados con el producto original y lo de las cinematicas prerenderizadas en psp estaban bien ya que eran las cinemáticas chulas y tochas del titulo pero en 2022 con el motor grafico del FF VII Remake queda un contraste muy raro frente al juego normal y las cinemáticas ocurriendo curiosamente al contrario, ahora las cinemáticas prerenderizadas se ven peor que el juego base.
Aun así Me? Gongaga

Abrace seus sonhos
Crisis Core é uma parte fundamental do universo Final Fantasy VII e introduz importantes personagens e contextos para o jogo original. Por mais que ele conte com alguns sistemas datados e roteiro que por vezes é questionável, sua história é importante para o entendimento da saga de Cloud.

O jogo explora muito bem a relação de Zack e Cloud, além de contar com um desfecho que é considerado um dos mais impactantes e emocionantes de toda a franquia Final Fantasy. Se você é do tipo de jogador que devora lore e referências, Crisis Core é obrigatório.

Caso você tenha jogado o original de PS1, também recomendo o jogo pela forma que ele expande diversos acontecimentos que são narrados principalmente nos flashbacks que ocorrem, mas adicionando ainda mais informações.

Resta agora saber o que a Square-Enix prepara para Rebirth, a sequência do Final Fantasy VII Remake. Sabendo o quanto ela considera Crisis Core importante para o compilado, eu só consigo ficar cada vez mais curioso e ansioso por novidades.

Review completo:

The OG game was one of the few Final Fantasy games that I had awareness of back in the day so I knocked Reunion out in no time. I'm glad they fixed a bunch of the combat stuff those were always CC's biggest flaws...

Zack still remains one of the top protags to come out of FF

Can’t rate this right now as I’ll need to come back eventually but I’m shelving this game as I have already played the original and the fact this game just changed the combat slightly doesn’t help it to deter from the main problems this game has. Stuff like the level design, poor soundtrack outside of the battle music and the fact every line of dialogue is now voiced is more of a hindrance than a help.

I do definitely plan to come back and blitz through the rest of the game as the ending to this game is phenomenal and seeing it on a home console is going to be incredible, but for now it’s going on the backburner

Stellar game. As someone eho barely touched the original, the combat felt a lot smoother. The materia fusion thing was a really good idea I think, it lets you break the game if you invest in it. All in all, a good game

He llorao como llore hace 15 años asi que GOTY

PSP jank, but with a real combat system. What more could you want?

Never played the PSP release - I love this game. It's such a perfect handheld pick-up/put-down combat and story structure.

Weird but nice, you can go into any available mission from any save point. Nice if you need some grind or item as a break, but goofy in terms of pacing (not a problem since it's user-initiated)

Those who played it back then will still retain nostalgic memories of an unforgettable story that delved into the origins of Final Fantasy's most popular chapter. Reviewing those characters in a modern key, reliving their stories and retracing the highlights of everything that gave rise to the myth is something that is good for the heart. Especially considering that the work is unabridged, unremodeled and unaltered. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion finally got the respect it deserved and is now available for all to enjoy in its best version.