Reviews from

in the past

O jogo estava todo em japonês então provavelmente eu não joguei vários modos diferentes que realmente deixariam o jogo super legal? Sim. Mas foi meu primeiro DDR, as músicas são legais e bem bonito.

Props to Detchibe for shooting me this

Why is DDR on N64? Why is DDR on N64 a licensed michael mouse gig? Fuck you mouse bring back my trip machine and kind lady

Anyway for real tho, it's, ffffffffffffffffffffine, but like, totally and only for kids - and not like, ninja turtles and owl house kids, i mean like, the teeniest tiniest ankle biters. The hardest tracks in the game are easier than most LIGHT charts from the main series.

Respect where due tho, they commit to the bit well. The music's pretty good - not as good as Disney's Rave on PS1, but still fun, peppy, and appropriate to the 'world tunes' direction. It would've been unreasonable to use full MP3's for the game soundtrack, so instead it's all on-hardware MIDI, and generally sounds good. This is probably half the reason the N64 never got a real DDR, their asses were NOT gonna transpose this accurately.

Also get a kick out of the 3D background dioramas for each song, that's a really cute touch. 2D dancers in 3D environments is a good combination, but it made me upset there weren't more 2D N64 games. :/

Just... a weird game. It feels wrong. Graphics suck. Wouldn't play it again.