Reviews from

in the past

An engaging roguelike that catapulted it's genre into the mainstream, a true masterpiece despite it's flaws.

my favorite marxist video game

-O jogo rejeita totalmente a tal chamada "experiência cinematográfica" (só por isso já merece reverência) e constrói toda a narrativa por meio da linguagem dos videogames (level design, controles, mecânicas, etc).

-O jogo não é difícil por ser difícil (Dark Souls 2 que é), mas sim porque o universo requer essa dificuldade. Você, o protagonista, é um zé ninguém que vive em um mundo à beira do colapso habitado por deuses, demônios, mortos-vivos, etc. Este é um universo implacável e imperdoável, e isso se reflete na gameplay (forma e conteúdo em perfeita harmonia). Essa também é uma das razões pela qual seria inconcebível haver opções de dificuldade, já que o propósito do universo cairia por terra.

-As críticas dirigidas à omissão de eventos da história e da lore são tolas. Como já dito, uma das propostas do jogo é fazer o jogador se sentir insignificante perante o mundo ao seu redor. Logo, nós não temos o privilégio de descobrir ou presenciar todos os detalhes da lore. O jogador obtém apenas fragmentos, pois o universo do jogo é muito mais grandioso do que ele. Essa sensação não seria obtida se a história fosse contada de maneira convencional.

Esses são os pontos que eu acho mais cruciais para entender Dark Souls. Uma análise crítica cobrindo tudo o que essa obra tem a oferecer daria, sem exagero nenhum, um livro inteiro (Matthewmatosis chegou perto:

E só pra não parecer que eu chupei o pau do Miyazaki, eu reconheço que o jogo não é perfeito. Possui inúmeros bugs de colisões e áreas ruins e incompletas (The Great Hollow e Lost Izalith), mas a experiência final é tão sublime e única que se torna um crime não dar 5 estrelas pra essa masterpiece.

My first try lasted 42 hours just to be in Sif or Quelaag with the help of a guide and I quit for way too raging. After completing DS3, I came back here to complete the game in under 40 hours and loved it, despite some big frame-drop moments. The mood is really important on Souls saga.

The Anthony Fantano of video games. Ruined a whole generation of men.

Me encanto, dark souls es definitivamente el dark souls de los dark souls que estan inspirados en los juegos souls de la saga souls que a su vez se basa en la mitologia medieval que se usa en dark souls

A masterclass in action rpg design perhaps only held back by it's own reputation as impenetrable and unfair when it's really neither of these things

The entire first half of this game (up to Anor Londo) could definitely be the best example of perfect game design, and progression in gaming, it's seriously like crack. It still holds up on multiple playthroughs, the game structures its first objective of ringing the bells of awakening so well, that even on a third or fourth playthrough, it is still so difficult to put down. Dark Souls 3 may have polished the gameplay and elevated their boss design to such heights that it almost trumps Dark Souls 1 everywhere in the boss category, however it never tops the interconnected world and flow of Dark Soul's first half. An astonishing game design feat I don't see being matched for another decade or more.

Almost did not finish this game after I got stuck on the Taurus Demon on my first go. Good thing I got pushed to play on, fantastic experience.

actually the best fucking game ever tho??

First time I played this I accidentally attacked the guy sitting in Firelink Shrine and he permanently aggroed and kept killing me so I ditched the game in anger... only to give it a second chance and pick it up 3 years later and became one of my all-time favorite games.

How do I stop my fellow drug users with swords from attacking me.

It's really good even after years since it's release. I recommend to anyone that like a challenge.

Excelent mechanics and a completely terrible and forgetable story.
A great example of difficulty in games, but people often ignore how almost half of the game is a mess that throws everything it builds to the floor and then has an aneurysm over the shattered glass

From the beginning to getting the Lordvessel, a nearly flawless game. Incredible world and level design, solid combat mechanics, and good boss fights.

The second half is hobbled somewhat by slew of mediocre or downright bad encounters (Bed of Chaos, Pinwheel, skeleton dogs etc) and less tight level design, but is mostly enjoyable and still great in most aspects. A truly wonderful game

not my favorite of the souls games but still a great start to a great franchise

Game that invented difficulty apparently. A really fun and fulfilling experience that honestly nosedives in quality during the second half. I think the game is longer than it needs to be but the first time I played through it is a cherished gaming memory.

Yes, the lore is great and the combat a tense affair, but it's the sense of physicality and labour, the way Dark Souls is able to convey the depth of its obsessions that brings me back to Lordran every time.