Reviews from

in the past

childhood game. some of the most fun i've had with a fighter. great stages, memorable characters, and awesome aesthetics all around. if doa still had this much personality it'd rival tekken and soul calibur in terms of popularity

This game. It really is something, I'll give you that. Dead or Alive 4 is a solid fighter. At the time, it was a demonstration of the 360's impressive graphical abilities, and also managed to retain the excellent and well-received combat mechanics of DOA 3. The game has a nice roster, a memorable cast full of both returning and new (at the time) characters, and visuals that hold up to this day. HOWEVER, DO NOT pick up this title if you are a newbie to the DOA series. Opt for DOA 3 instead. WHY? Cause this game, while attempting to shake up the DOA formula, throws in ridiculously unforgiving cpu opponents, counter moves that are more difficult to execute, amongst other things that just make the game a chore to play at times, if your new. This was my first proper introduction to the DOA series, and the amount of times I raged was ridiculous. If you are a beginner, come back to this game when you've become more used to the DOA series' mechanics. Still an excellent game, with a decent amount of content, but beginners, you have been warned.

boobie fighting game with ninja

Fun time. I like DOA more than tekken when it comes to 3D fighting thanks to the cute girls, artstyle and smooth animations. The newer DOAs look good but I have a soft spot for the older artstyle since I played a ton of DOA dimensions on the 3DS when it released. Also I do miss having the newer characters like honkers, marie and mila but nicole is a cool addition at least. The story is still absolute nonsense which makes for some funny cutscenes and endings. Zack's cutscene where he's climbing the doatech tri tower just because it's there truly encapsulates fighting game stories as a whole. While I did enjoy fighting through the stories for the most part, the harder AI opponents can be very frustrating due to the hold system and relatively long throw animations. ALSO I HATE ALPHA 152. WHY would you let a fighting game boss take off more than 50% HP in a single combo? Nande?

The peak of the series. I pretty much lived on this game. The flashiest moves you will ever see in a fighting game (KOF Rivals it.) Tag team action, lots to do, it's perfect to me.

the Best of fighting games, especially in characters and stages

One of my all-time favorite fighting games.

One of the most fun, deep and competitive 3D fighting games, with the most well-crafted stages, oh, and also the most exagereted boob physics you'll ever see in a video game.

Criminally overlooked

Ryu Hayabusa and (not) Master Chief in a fighting game where you can get launched into the middle of the street, and get run over by a car????

Same as my review for DOA2. It's a fighting game that does not feel like there's much finesse to the mechanics.

oh wow, another jiggle physics fighting game iteration. Dead or Alive games play like copy paste's of the former. The story makes no sense and the character's are little more than eye-candy. It's just an alright game.

I got so mad at this game one night I fell off my balcony

Might have liked it more now that I kinda like Tekken 7. I just remember being disappointed Ryu Hayabusa didn't have cool ninja moves and just had punches and kicks like everyone else.

Scuba Steve is the best character in the game.

Once again the DOA series comes at the launch of an xbox system and shows the world how cool games can look while also being a darn solid fighting game that I suck at. Theres also tits somewhere in there as well for those horny folk. Like a lot of other 3D fighters, this game doesn't take itself seriously with its characters and story and it's a lot of fun because of it. You can even play as a halo character which goes hard. shoutouts to my boy itagaki

I really liked it but damn the AI can be annoying to deal with lol

Review in progress:
A lackluster single player like with most
fighting games. The boss can be beaten by mashing one button. I wish this (and other fighting games) had an actual tutorial. This genre is very hostile to newcomers. The graphics are only slightly better than the Xbox entries. I know it's a very early Xbox 360 game, but they could've done a lot more.

Unlockables appear to be bugged for me. I would get a message saying I unlocked a movie or costume only to find it not available afterward.

This game would be awesome if it wasn't ridicilously mandatory hard now, why? And I love how they removed the option to choose anything lower than easy, thanks guys! Ugh, ruined the game for me to say the least. Everything else is fine, the visuals, story, so on but I don't feel like suffering through it's difficulty to get there.

Atleast you can experience a version of it on Dİmensions with 1, 2 and 3

I NEED Nicole to crush me to death

When they showed a cutscene of Kasumi as a Mermaid, I felt that shit

all the stars are here:
ninja gaiden
an actual real life tengu
master chief
da alien
Macho Man Randy, uh, Armstrong