Reviews from

in the past

Let's start positive here. This game has got some fun ideas. It has super wacky weapons that are fun to use and its really satisfying to just absolutely shred through massive hoards of zombies. This game is really really good at that. Just letting you go absolutely ham on SO many zombies. Its also got cute little capcom references here and there. Andddddddd thats all I got positively. I didn't play the games before this so many I would care more about the story if I had, but MAN did I really not care for this game's story. Very predictable, forgettable characters, not very engaging. The voice acting is also just not very good. The game also def looks like a launch xbox one game so take that for what you will. Navigating the overworld is also a massive chore because missions are usually across the entire world and you have to get there in a poorly controlled car slowly from point A to point B. Playing this game with a friend also makes is incredibly fucking easy. You just jump the shit out of zombies and bosses. Side quests and stuff really aren't worth noting. This entire game is just sort of okay at best. Im pretty sure the only reason I enjoyed it is because I played it with a friend, but I would be lying if I said I didn't have some sort of fun with it. If you are going to play this game, play with a friend and just turn off your brain.

Best Dead Rising game to me, just so much fun fucking around with friends.

Is this the best DR? in some ways yes but in other ways not so much.

Dead Rising is a classic franchise with all previous installments coming from that golden age of gaming when every 360 game was fun, simple and unique. Dead Rising 3 is the long-awaited sequel to Case West and DR2 following up a whole 10 years after Case West we follow a new character Nick in a new location Los Perdidos California.

Gameplay: Dead Rising 3 (like previous titles) is a 3rd person semi-RPG, open world action-adventure horror, comedy game with some big overalls in the gameplay and engine from previous instalments. For starters the combat starts out like the older games with various control and animation improvements with different inventories for each weapon type, which is a huge step up from DR2 you can now have guns, throwables and melee weapons in their own slot instead of just having one open inventory for everything. The combo weapon feature returns with different levels of combos like a ‘super combo weapon’ which is awesome and allows you to make something even more epic and ridiculous for killing zombies but the downside to this is they now made every normal weapon suck and not insta kill zombies, so you sort of have to use combo weapons to really kill things, Nick can also just make combo weapons on the spot since he is a mechanic and doesn’t need a work bench (which was a much needed improvement). They also made weapons last way longer, so you don’t find yourself needing to make combo weapons as often. Combo vehicles are now a thing and man are they awesome with very improved driving physics and mechanics. The unfortunate side to this is the map, there are a bunch of roadblocks everywhere, so you often have to get out and find a new car. Speaking of the map, this is definitely the worst map so far in a main title DR game. It is a big city, but the layout is like a giant “X” with small districts in each corner and a super confusing and broken highway going from area to area. The previous instalments were in a huge mall, A Casino resort mini city, (with a theme park added in Off the Record), and a Phenotrans lab in Case West (which since that’s an arcade game I don’t super count this one) but this one is in a very grey, bland ordinary city on the west coast with nothing really interesting to add. I always thought of Dead Rising taking place in colorful resort places like a wannabe ‘mall of America’ and a wannabe ‘Las Vegas’ as this whole idea of DR kinda like Dead Island or something, but I guess not since this is just a regular old bland city with a not great layout. There are still psychos and survivors in this game along with a sub psycho type where some random npcs just turn on you but aren’t considered psychos. The survivors escort themselves to safe rooms and you can equip them as help from random safe houses (not sure why you’d want to), most of the psycho fights are alright but for me personally they weren’t as memorable as previous ones and most of them are just cringy and feel like they make no sense but maybe I’m over thinking it. There are only like 15ish psychos in this game with the main 9 representing the 9 layers of hell for some reason which is kinda a huge step down from 2 which had something like 25ish psychos in it. A weird Xbox Kinect feature they shoehorned into this game is the ability to stun psychos with a prompt telling you to yell at the screen something like “You’re crazy” which half the time didn’t work and also at certain moments would somehow un-pause the game if I paused mid fight and left the room. The combat is fun, but it gets super easy early on because most of the upgrades make you almost invincible. I had to play on nightmare mode to even get a challenge out of this game but still found it easy as hell. The time limit is still here but you have more than enough time to do everything because this game’s story lasts like 5 or 7 days instead of the usual 3 or 4 from previous titles. I think the idea of having an easier time limit mode and a harder classic time limit mode or something like that is a great idea for DR but this DR is just flat out too easy with too much time and too good of upgrades, at some point you get an auto regen health ability so you don’t even need to heal all that much either. Co-op does return and is still great fun but unfortunately the co-op character Dick kinda sucks and isn’t really fun to play as but it isn’t a huge deal, I guess. (Better than having 2 nicks like DR2 did with its co-op I guess) There isn’t any extra mode in this game like sandbox (not like it needs it) or TIR multiplayer but it did have the “Super Ultra Arcade Remix” where you play a 4-player coop challenge mode with friends along with a weird smart glass app mode with bonus story and missions for the main story. You could control it from the smart glass app on your phone but I’m pretty sure that’s shut down now so you probably can’t experience that. It was kinda fun and mostly involved following a side story of a ZDC guy or something. There were a bunch of DLCs in this game where you play as other people during the outbreak, which is cool, I guess but they weren’t super memorable at all.

Graphics, Voice Acting & Music: The graphics are of course a huge step up from previous DR games with it coming to Xbox one but unfortunately that colorful fun theme of the previous Dr game is gone and replaced with a grey, brown, grunge color pallet which is more realistic but kinda lame compared to how it was. The voice acting is still good like previous installments and most of the characters are pretty likable and interesting. As for the music I felt it sorta fell flat compared to the others. Some of the music was good but a lot of it didn’t hit well enough for me while I feel like all of the themes and boss music in the previous games especially 2 were all bangers.

Story/ Minor spoilers: Dead Rising 3 adds a bunch of new characters like Nicks boss (kinda stepmom but not really) Ronda and this dude Gary (Discount John Favreau) who is looking for Nicks love interest Annie for his mysterious employer. The co-op partner is this dude Dick that I guess just works with him at the garage or something and he pops up at random moments in cutscenes to give his 2 cents but pretty much doesn’t do anything other than exist and be a co-op partner. I’ve seen people say they love Nick, and I didn’t hate him but he wasn’t as charismatic as Frank or Chuck but I guess that’s ok, its safe to say there are a lot of good characters in this game and a lot of dumb ones too like Sgt Hilde Schmittenorf who is like this over sexualized old (discount lady Ga Ga) army general sadist lady with golden guns…. (Like the army would allow this lady to exist or dress like a stripper but okay sure). I know we’ve had killer clowns in previous games but that silly stuff never breaks into the main story and its usually funny side stuff but none of this stuff in this game comes off as funny just weird and cringy. Speaking of bad characters, I couldn’t tell you a single thing about the main villain Hemlock because he just sucks and isn’t interesting at all. The overall conspiracy this time around is that the government a few years prior forced everyone to get a vaccine microchip that tracks you and can also malfunction and cause you to turn and start an outbreak. People who didn’t go along with it like Annie are considered dangerous illegals, (GEE, this whole idea feels oddly familiar and aged like fine wine lol, ANYWAYS) this story goes deeper than this and I won’t spoil the full story or twist here. With the return of characters from previous games and plot threads that go back to DR1, if you are a long-time fan of the series this story is gonna blow you away with a little sprinkle of fan service but if you haven’t played the previous titles then there is a high chance you will be confused and find the story boring as hell, unfortunately. I personally, found the story awesome and one of my favorite parts, honestly some of the changes, story beats and ideas were amazing, but I think the execution in certain areas wasn’t too great and could have been better, it was still a good Dead Rising and is probably a lot easier to get into if you are a newcomer to the franchise.
Overall: 7.5/10

Not as good as the 2nd one but not godawful like the 4th one

I gave it 2 hours and I just can't do it. This game just kinda puts me to sleep. Its a game that innately makes me unhappy to look at.

Que má otimização em puta merda

One of the coolest zombie titles I've played maybe 3-4 years ago. I'm glad to have purchased this.

Semi-scuffed PC experience aside, decently fun game. Easy as hell to hit max level and kinda stomp your way through the game, but I feel pretty good that experiencing more challenge in a game that can be this janky and weird would just suck. Buy cheap (5-10 USD) and I'd say its for sure worth your time if you think you'd enjoy it.

My experience with this game was very brief, which was a shame as it was considered one of the last good Dead Rising games before DR4 kamikazed the entire series in a piping-hot shit explosion. My main problem from this game stemmed from the horrible camera, and made it unplayable for me. It swayed too much and was too close to the character. From what I played gameplay wise, it was fine. The weapon combos are alright, and killing zombies was as satisfying as it was in the other games.

The beginning of the end for the franchise sadly. I still quite enjoyed what I played. However this game lacks any of the charm the first two games had, and Los Perdidos is simply not as fun to navigate around as the Willamette Mall or Fortune City. The game is drained of colors, the characters are ok, but I think Nick is a worthy successor to Frank and Chuck at least. The push for combat vehicles was weird and i barely used it. Really enjoyed the new Combo Weapons, there were some really creative designs here.

Narrative: 4 - Gameplay: 5 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 5
Stars: 4.5

Despite some poorly aged game mechanics, I had a fun time with this one. It was just dumb fun, something I really was looking for.

The worst aspect was some of the characters/writing. It's not offensive, but some stuff really hasn't aged very well and makes you cringe a little.

I hate this game. This game has stripped away everything that is great about the first two and it sucks so much ass.

The escorting missions no longer exist. Survivors just kinda hang around until they die for some reason. The time limit exists, but they give you so much time that you'd have to be actively trying to lose in order to ever see a Game Over from it. I don't see Dead Rising in this game at all, it just has zombies in it.

You would think that an expansion of the sandbox would open up possibilities for greatness, but it instead holds the game back. Every single inch of the map is littered with mid-tier weapons, you don't even have to explore to find anything in this game and I hate that. The cars are strategically placed to be in areas where the car you're already driving would explode, so that way you can just get into a new car immediately. Most of the playtime is driving back and forth down the same 3 highway ramps. Why?? It's like playing baby mode.

Exploration is shafted by the random roadblocks laid about everywhere. The combo weapons are egregious and you can simply duplicate the shit out of them using the safehouse lockers. The bosses are wildly unimaginative. I enjoy the callbacks to the rest of the series, but the plot points are so ridiculously stupid. Nick is the worst protagonist of the series. The missions require you to run across the city back and forth constantly while you get your dick mobbed by zombies left and right. Wow!! Isn't the Xbox One so cool!!!

It's an infuriating experience in single player, made even more infuriating in co-op. The game barely functions at all with a friend, constantly crashing and breaking the survivor AI.

It's a massive slogfest made entirely by people who complained about how difficult the other games were, so thanks for that guys. The identity of Dead Rising to me at this point is gone and I still haven't played 4, so don't mention it. Didn't play the DLC, don't care to.

cuando este juego fue anunciado estaba viendo la conferencia extremadamente borracho y a la mañana siguiente pensé que me lo había soñado

no fue un sueño

Le meilleur jeu de zombie, t'es dans un univers complètement décalé avec des armes sorties d'un jeu Valve, des boss qui font limite peur parce que ils te montrent à quel point les humains en quête de pouvoir dans un pays sans lois peuvent être cruels, franchement c'est un excellent jeu dans lequel tu t'amuses et on ne cherche que ça

This game is decently fun to go with, especially with a friend but fails miserably as a Dead Rising game being trivial in difficulty and lacking a lot of the style and tough but engaging gameplay that the series is known for, as lovable as Nick is as a character.

Why did I finish this again for the third time

Solid zombie killing sim. Doesn't take itself too seriously, looks pretty solid for being an xbox one launch game, and has lots of fun tools and gadgets to slay zombies with. Get a little tedious towards the end but still a fun time overall.

The first two are much better

I actually really like this one, the combo weapons are so much fun to just make out of junk and go on a zombie killing frenzy with a friend.

i wish this game wasnt shit on pc, but pretty fun

My experience with “Dead Rising 3” was a hard one to pin down. Even as I write this I’m not sure how to feel about it. I ran the full gamut of emotions during my play thru. I missed this game at the initial Xbox One launch and if I had played it then I might have a different opinion of it now. Today though, it just feels dated. It does some meaningful tweaks to the formula laid down by previous games. I also never really found the story and characters that interesting and while it does put most of its good qualities on the back-end I had sort of checked out by then. There was also one element to this game that always looked off-putting and that was the visuals. From an artistic standpoint this game is ugly and drab to look at. There’s so many technical hiccups and frame rate drops also. When it first released, the breadth of zombies on screen and an open world with no loading times was a technical marvel. Now it doesn’t impress at all. The Dead Rising goofiness is still here and when those moments happened I laughed, but I had too many push and pull moments in this game to have truly enjoyed myself.


Fun for it's time but I don't think I'm ever going to replay this one again. It's great but in comparison to the first 2 it doesn't have the same amount of impact for me. Combo weapons and story are super fun though.

Ir por ahí con un vehículo tuneado, enfrentándose a una horda de zombies, ha sido el equivalente a cuando estás reventando las burbujas del papel de burbujas: GRATIFICANTE. Los combates son bastante originales, cada uno de ellos inspirado en los siete pecados capitales. En cuanto a la historia, bueno, es bastante continuista, con algún giro aquí y allá, pero no es algo significativo. Otro aspecto que me gustaría destacar es el tema de las misiones. Aquí no te sentirás tan abrumado, preocupado de que no tendrás tiempo para rescatar a los supervivientes. Lo que menos me ha gustado del videojuego, quizás, ha sido el mapa. Prácticamente me sentía perdido en los perdidos.

It could have been a decent follow up to second game, but the fact that almost everything in the game is timed and constantly rushes you to do the main story missions makes third game one of the most mediocre games in the series and among similar games.

Adding an open map and side quests to explore and making them playable in a limited amount of time is probably one of the worst game developer ideas ever. I don't want to see this nonsense in any game ever again.

Games are made to be played and every gamer has a different play style. If you don't want us to play the game way we want, then don't make games.

Fun game, I love the way it looks and how they advanced the weapon combos, FUCK those roadblocks kindly tho. Also I couldn't care less about the DLC about the side characters lmao, dropped that shit pretty quickly, too bad the actual fun DLCs like the Capcom one are stuck on the Xbox One, thanks Capcom and Microsoft :/

Played on the Apocalypse Edition