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in the past

Knowing what I know now, if one of my friends wanted to play this over the slew of other co-op zombie games? Well the ranking would be like this.

1. Left 4 Dead 2 (Valve)
2. Left 4 Dead (Valve)
3. Dying Light (Techland)
4. Resident Evil Revelations (Capcom)
5. Nation Red
6. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (Capcom)
7. Resident Evil 5 (Capcom)
------------Quality Drops------------
8. Dead Rising 3 (Capcom)
9. Killing Floor (Tripwire Interactive)
10. Dead Island Riptide (Techland)
11. Dead Island (Techland)
12. Resident Evil 6 (Capcom)

The problem is the gaps in quality from the games on the lower half of this list. Dying Light is by far the most technical superior game where it has very minimal technical issues (glitches), clarity in missions, user interface; these are all things that suffer from the Dead Island games and Dead Rising 3. Dead Rising 3 also has a time limit that distracts you from the fun of what could have been killing zombies with all the objects in the world. Why would Capcom want to limit you like this? The final boss is barely a final boss. If you happen to get the C-Ending or F-Ending, the game just ends with a text crawl and brings you back to the main menu with options of starting a new game (no new game+) or skip to a chapter. There’s no casual roam the world option.

As far as gameplay Dead Rising is fun as hell. It’s very satisfying killing zombies with vehicles and weapons you can create with the hundreds of objects. The drop in and drop out co-op option is pretty great too. This is a must for games like this and I’m saddened to hear Dead Rising 4 will not have this option. The story element is a huge miss with Capcom- it doesn’t have to be a stellar story, just make it seamless and have it make sense!

Edit: 12/31/16 - To make matters worse, Capcom, for whatever reason, decided to make the DLC unplayable in co-op. This means that 50% of the game is single player and 50% of the game can be played co-op. (took me 15 hours to play through the main campaign, and 15 hours to do all four DLC episodes) So if you purchased the game for the co-op element, and expecting to play with friends, you will be out of luck playing through the Four Episodes. Makes little sense.

Another franchise I start at a sequel instead of the first game, but it was still amazing none the less. The campaign, side missions, collectibles, zombie kills and what's really stressful is the time limit you have to do all of it, which is possible. I don't care, I still had way too much fun with this game, especially with all the bizarre turns it takes.

Not as good as what came before but pretty damn fun in its own right, particularly co-op.

It's not terrible but it's not good either

100% mindless fun.

Adorava chegar em casa e desestressar atropelando um mar de zumbis

Now this is what I'm talking about!
The dark tones and gore that was missing in the second game.
Also Isabella you bitch!

I had a weird amount of fun playing this in co-op but honestly I don't think I'd ever have fun without that. It's not as whimsical as the first one but not quite serious enough to be a deep story so.. It's an odd game. Fun with a friend but that's about it.

This game was ultra disappointing to me when it came out, but coming back to it earlier this year, I have slightly differing opinions on it.

The game takes a LOT of strides to become more accessible and fitting in the 2013 open-world game landscape, and while a good chunk of them are appreciated and work really well, most of them I feel really detract from the arcade-like aspect that make the first two games great. The map is also a total downgrade from DR2's Nevada capitalist playground, turned into four separated city sections that don't do enough to warrant them not existing together, and, with that and other elements, makes the map feel weirdly restrictive.

Still though, this is a good game. The zombie carnage is even more emphasized here, and while the old crafting will be missed, it is admittedly a lot easier to make combo weapons, and the new ones brought into the fray are usually really fun to play with. The combo vehicles are also fucking awesome, and the story is pretty servicable.

Not a major thing also but this game has one of the ugliest UIs I've ever seen in a game. Not bad, but holy shit, is it ever bad on the eyes.

This review contains spoilers

Esp: "Este juego es bastante divertido, lleno de acción y zombies cual película americana, lleno de diseños raros de armas, un mapa muy bueno y jefes divertidamente más o menos memorables (como la señora del buffet o el del arma de miembro viril) y un multijugador entretenido. Juego para poner música de fondo mientras asesinas zombies." -Marco antes de conocer el lore de deadrising.

O bueno, esa era mi opinión antes de haber jugado previamente el 1, 2 y sus complementos.
Aún recuerdo cuando este juego salió acompañando a la, en ese entonces nueva, xbox one. Esa época navideña donde el regalo perfecto era esta nueva consola con muchísimo potencial para explotarse en juegos como este, "Rise: Son of Rome" y "Titanfall".
La aparición de este deadrising es casi un cambio fundamental en el DNA del juego mismo. Vemos unos controles diferentes, mayor versatilidad de objetos y combinaciones (armas y autos), y sobre todo, un mapa gigante a comparación de los anteriores. Aquí ya no hablamos de un centro comercial o un megacomplejo de casinos, sino de una ciudad entera "zombificada".
Si hay algo que diferencia desde el comienzo a este deadrising es la oscuridad y seriedad del mismo. Los desarrolladores se atrevieron a explorar el lado más serio y menos irónico de una epidemia zombie. Es cierto que al jugarlo te llegan flashbacks de nostalgia del primero, donde la dificultad se encuentra en el tiempo, y aquí el tiempo "sobra"; pero considero que hasta cierto punto es justificable. Pasamos de una época donde el videojuego debía ser un reto difícil a una época donde vamos viviendo la historia de forma más "sencilla" y donde los desarrolladores nos cuentan cosas increíbles a través de esto.

(Alerta de spoilers)

La historia aquí nos sorprende con Nick, el huérfano ya adulto que Carlitos como parte del plan de decadencia de USA decidió dejar "inmune", la cura.
Nick es un mecánico que sobrevive a la epidemia, es mordido por un zombie y se da cuenta de esta inmunidad.
La relación de historia es buena y directa.
La sección del museo nos habla un poco de la historia y de como sobrevino todo después del Deadrising 2, como Phenotrans "cerró" por los escándalos relacionados al comienzo de la epidemia Fortune CIty pero a la vez realmente nunca se supo nada de la participación del gobierno en esto.
El otro gran plot twist se da cuando, vemos a una Isabella ya cambiada buscando limpiar el nombre de su familia, cosa con la que concluye este juego. Se encuentra una cura, y ella la crea a partir de Nick. Es Isabella quien se lleva el crédito después de maldecir a Frank y Chuck por ser héroes, mientras que todos la recuerdan a ella como "hermana de quien inició la epidemia". Moral gris, área interesante.
Otra cosa sorprendente es ver a la hija de Chuck como Annie, Katey, un plus interesante.
Básicamente, podríamos hablar de una conclusión de la saga.

En los aspectos "malos" del juego resaltaría lo pésimo que es añadir a tu historia como programador cosas del estilo de las misiones de smart glass, añadir locaciones y misiones relacionadas con apps experimentales que quizá en el futuro cierren se siente muy mal. Para aquellos que nos gusta completar al 100% los juegos, que haya sitios inaccesibles por errores donde programadores le apostaron a apps extintas es una lástima.

Creo que el 1 y 2 nos dejan definitivamente con más momentos emblemáticos (sobre todo por la sensación producida de "encierro" de "escenario más pequeño + mayor conexión"), que aún así este tiene unos cuantos; pero el juego argumentalmente hablando no se queda atrás.
Se expande y lo hace bien, sobrevivientes serios, jefes inspirados en los 7 pecados capitales, una historia mucho más seria y menos satírica de USA. Se siente refrescante y de calidad.

Eng: This game is quite fun, full of action and zombies like an American movie, full of weird weapon designs, a very good map and hilariously more or less memorable bosses (like the lady from the buffet or the one with the manhood weapon) and a multiplayer entertaining. Game to put background music while you kill zombies.

Unbalanced as fuck and I finished the game with 3 days left while doing every sidequest so that's funny. Good game though drake claps and all that.

This might just be the best Dead Rising there is, at first I thought it doesn't sound that good but no! It's really good.

right off the bat, there's a binary choice to make here. either you opt for a traditional story mode, or you experience the los perdidos outbreak through the lens of 'nightmare mode' - a feature designed to bring the game more in line with previous dead rising entries. as a fan of the hectic hustle and bustle core to the franchise's dna, in which significant organizational sense and stringent time management were required to succeed, the choice hardly posed a dilemma for me. but nightmare mode more or less revealed an incogruous title on all fronts - appending a time limit to dead rising 3's broader framework shines a spotlight on the pervasive rot at its core. where previous titles succeeded in designing interconnected networks to immersive oneself in, with main arteries clogged by zombies, psychopaths and hapless survivors, dead rising 3 has almost zero semblance of focus. the game's insistence on depicting a city is part of the problem here. willamette was nothing more than a mall, content to function as quaint romero pastiche, and fortune city gets a pass as a somewhat believable gambling district, but DR3 devotes its attention towards depicting a citywide outbreak somewhere in socal, with the titles marketing boasting about los perdidos' size utterly eclipsing both willamette and fortune city. you can chalk it up to the typical western AAA developmental decision, largely in service of traditionally rigid AAA expansion (bigger! better!). im also gonna speculate that it was primarily to shine a spotlight on just how many zombies can exist on the screen at once with this new #tech, and, credit where credits due, there's a lot of em. scores and scores of them can be on the screen at any time, even, with no loss to frame rate on my decrepit laptop. however, thanks to the ease of play this time around, you're rarely put in a position where this is an actively stressful thing, nor is there ever enough incentive to utilize the games sparse strokes of verticality to traverse the environment too much. getting around rapidly in nightmare mode also means using a car a lot of the time, which chokes any interesting decision-making and essentially turns this into a game of going to marked waypoints in a vehicle that's half as slow because it keeps running into cattle. inventory management's barely a consideration since there's food everywhere and you can craft weapons on the fly. nightmare mode doesnt tell you where any save points are because the game was built with autosave in mind despite the mode adhering to traditional tenets of the series regarding save management ie if you die fuck you, reload your last save. the clock is way faster now which makes Doing Everything in One Shot, another series staple, virtually impossible, meaning to complete nightmare mode you have to jettison almost everything that isnt the main story. 'escortable survivors' have been reconfigured into 'stranded survivors' where the goal is to just kinda kill the zombies around them and let them escape on their own. the list goes on and on, beyond what im willing to critically focus on - it's not really dead rising, it's in an incredibly frictional state where it has to bow down to western design convention while simultaneously juggling series expectation which mostly results in some incredibly annoying, gimmicky bosses and incredibly strange design decisions. the end result is total gratuitousness, essentially dead rising as musou, and it's not even an interesting musou. dull as dishwater for the most part.

at most i suppose i should thank nightmare mode for being such a babymode breeze that i wasnt compelled to stick around this world for any longer like i otherwise might have in a normal playthrough. not touching the narrative with a ten-foot pole, a total bastardization of dead rising's playful sense of tone and humor to such an inexplicable extent that i remain unsure how capcom vancouver was responsible for dead rising 2 as well. weirdly misanthropic and tasteless game overall, there's a kind of collectible you can get called a 'tragic ending' where you just stare at a dead body while a piano plays and they make a pun about their death and it's all...lacking in harmony. nick kind of sucks a lot too. part of the appeal for this series for me has been embodying atypical protagonists - dour and often selfish schlubby everymen who overcome insurmountable obstacles with a servbot smile, and nick is just too naive, one-note, and inconsistently characterized for me to be invested in his plight. also jesus christ, this games ugly. something about this game's aesthetic and colour palette was revolting to me, made me have a headache trying to focus on everything, and the UI which bleakly resembles this infamous riff on modern AAA design does it no favours. this 'XBone Launch Title Art Direction', as i've come to call it, really produced some of the most nauseating games on the planet. lococycle, ryse: son of rome, panzer dragoon de puta, powerstar golf, and fighter within...the idea that this game has a sequel that people hold in even less regard scares the shit out of me. if i ever get around to it, dead rising 4 might just be the worst game i'll ever play. impressive!

they made the psychopaths in this game represent the seven deadly sins. fucking grow up

Boy did they go the wrong direction with this one. Instead of focusing on what people really loved with the first 2 games, they focused on just killing zombies. Arguably the most boring part of the games. The zombies were just roadblocks, moving through them was the interesting part, especially on a timer with about 6 survivors trailing behind.

Absolutely all difficulty is gone, the story is slightly less funny, there's next to nothing to do except the main story, Its annoying to go anywhere since you rely on cars so much and there's so many roadblocks, etc.

How did they go so wrong with it. Its like everything people liked about the other games they took out and focused exclusively on the parts people didn't like.

The worst thing is I can see a great game in this. I can see a real dead rising 3 if they just took another 4ish months to add in survivors, calm down with the combo weapons, polish the level design with much less road blocks, and a few other things they'd be set.

The closest 4 that's almost a 9/10 that's ever been. Maybe they'll be a mod one day that fixes it all.

this is the longest week of my life

It works best if you consider it a different series to 1 and 2. Very fun game in its own way

A great game with a great story. Some cheesy bits, but it does part with a few of the features that added real charm to the earlier editions and that helps set 4 up to fail. Ultimately it was the main reason I got an xbox 1 and I wasn't disappointed.

Extremely anticipated, major letdown. Just couldn't get into it.

I want to give this a 6 as I enjoyed it quite a lot when I first got my X1 but playing it 8 years later it just doesn't feel too great. It wasn't the worst 12.6 hours of my life I wasted but there was really only one scene I liked and that's with the first optional boss.

Fleshing out the open world aspect might've seemed like a nice idea but for something like Dead Rising, it just makes the game feel more generic. Even as a 13 year old I thought driving around the city was boring as hell which it still is. No amount of combo cars will make it not boring. The zombies were never much of a threat when youre in a vehicle anyway, they remain a mere nuisance and the qte for them never changes either so when you see that animation come up you already know what button/key to hit and likely already are mashing it just to get it over with whenever the prompt pops up. Due to the more fleshed out open world of this game as opposed to previous titles, that also means that there are a bunch of collectibles all over the map. Fun.

Also people weren't kidding when they say the pc port sucks. It's not the worst port I've played but God damn, they could have at least patched it at some point.

At least I was able to bring myself to finish this game again. Couldn't even play a single playthrough of DR4, that game had no redeeming qualities that I saw in the 2.2 hours I played of it

I don't think any of the changes they made to this game is bad. The more openness, the more lenient time, not really having to escort people; sure, this doesn't really make it dead rising, but it's still not bad. The game isn't bad to play, the combo weapons/vehicles are fun.
The story has some bombshells that make me Pog. Nick starts off weird because he is such a pansy but he becomes a badass.
The worst part of the game i think is there are way too many roadblocks to stop your vehicles, specifically the top right district has no clear road to drive through, very fucking annoying.

This was the decline of the series. Maybe not as horrible as 4 but this game still sucks. No likeable characters, story takes itself too seriously, environments got more drab and uninspired from the other games. Its just not good

Jogo de zumbi, porem com a mecânica de combinação de itens, veículos, armas, algo interessante. engraçado

I dont remember much admittedly but I have yet to play another game as fun as this one

Bueno, en cuanto a la historia es una tonteria mas grande que la del 2, con situaciones que rozan lo watafac, y que el juego quiera tomarse tan en serio en las cinematicas no ayuda del todo, los personajes son estereotipos incluso, y los psicopatas no tienen nada memorable fuera del arma que utilizan.
El Gameplay es mas libre que en anteriores juegos, facilitando la movilidad tanto por vehículos como por tierra, y esto tambien se refleja en el apartado de creación de objetos de los planos-combo, la cual puede ser en cualquier momento de la ciudad y no en mesas e trabajo como en el anterior juego (Lo cual es bueno).

Y en cuanto a optimización, ayayai, que paso aqui??

Back in 2014 I played Dead Rising 3 a bunch on my One fat. Now, I decided to get this game on Steam.

The PC port of the game is horrible. A lot of bugs, you can't play the game with unlimited frames and sometimes the game crashes.

The combo weapons are without a doubt the best thing about the game. Almost everything in the scenerario can be a weapon. The plot is awful, but who plays Dead Rising expecting a rich story?

While it's changes don't always land, it's a commendable game for the changes it tries and a decent entry in the DR series.

A really great entry into the Dead Rising Franchise, with cameos/returning characters from 2. Great Crafting, zombies, and Psychopaths'. Also unique survivors and characters, a great entry to the Dead Rising Franchise but not as Good as 2 or 1 in tension.