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Great Add-On for a great game.

After the fantastic game that is Doom 3, I discovered the existence of this great DLC many years later.

The DLC, Resurrection of Evil is a nice add-on to the game. In this DLC your adventure continues with six new levels, some new enemy types like the Hunter and some new weapons.

In Resurrection of Evil, you play as an unknown marine that has been send on a mission to retrieve a very important artifact. You need to secure it before the invading aliens confiscate it. When found, you need to teleport the artifact (and hopefully yourself) back to Phobos Labs. Of course, this is not that easy.

You get the Artifact eventually, which lets you bend time so everything around you goes in slow motion while you walk around freely. You also get a gravity gun to push, pull and reflect stuff and the best of all: Your trusty double barred shotgun from Doom II.

It’s a nice addition and add some more fun playtime to the never ending nightmare of Doom 3.

Still far from my cup of tea, but eh, it was a bit better then the base game imo.
Level design was a lot more straight forward, which I prefer seeing as there's no map, and there were some pretty neat bosses

Better than the main game....barely.

Final verdadeiro de doom 3 em uma dlc que não fede e nem cheira, pelo menos aqui temos a super shootgun.


I had a fun time with this DLC! I enjoy the new weapons, and the new enemies are also interesting and cool. The gameplay had more of a quick pace to it and I like how it expanded on the same locations as the main campaign.

My biggest issue here is the story, which I won't get into, but it just kind of makes the journey of Doom 3 feel a bit pointless.

This is kind of like what Doom II was to Doom 1993, although RoE is shorter.

DRAMATYCZNY skok jakości względem podstawki. Bawi, że jedyne, co trzeba było zrobić, to skopiować rozwiązania konkurencji i umożliwić więcej ruchu na polu bitwy.

The base game should have had the super shotgun.

DOOMATHON entry #15/20

The first expansion in this marathon so far to actually continue a story that was written with without the mentality of the infamous Carmack quote is, funnily enough, one that feels like a condensed retread of the base game rather than a full-on continuation. You're placed in the shoes of a new marine at the start of a new outbreak from hell, going through pretty much the same general structure of the base game in like half the time. The pacing benefits quite a bit from this condensed timeframe, but the straightforwardness of the new ideas here unfortunately prevents it from being an outright improvement over the base game.

The super shotgun is a much-appreciated addition, pretty much a direct upgrade over the much-maligned standard shotgun (which I'll defend to my dying breath) that's offset by the addition of tougher enemies and the longer gap between shots. It looks great, sounds great, and feels great, just as it should! The grabber gun, however, is far too situational and gimmicky - it might as well just be a punchline that spells out the Half-Life similarities to anyone that somehow didn't get the memo from the base game. I found that it was best used during combat to dispatch mancubi and Barons of Hell without expending any heavy ammo by throwing their projectiles back at them, but doing so lacked snappiness that makes the Gravity Gun so fun to use. I suppose it's for the best you can mostly get by completely ignoring it if you so desire, which begs the question of why it's here in the first place.

Resurrection of Evil excels at simply being more Doom 3 for the most part, delivering an experience that, while not as unique as the oft-forgotten Quake expansions, is a very pleasant addition for any Doom 3 enthusiasts such as I.

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More of that DOOM 3 goodness, but with Super Shotgun and a gravity gun gimmick. More of the good stuff and short & sweet.

- Played Doom 3 as a kid and enjoyed it a lot. It is a bit too dark and can attempt to jumpscare you a lot but i still have a soft spot for it.

Pretty good expansion, it's more of the already good Doom 3. The only new weapon is the super shotgun, it is really fun to go point blank and shoot demons in the face. The addition of the artifact is cool, even though it makes the game super easy. Just activate slo mo and go shoot everything up close.