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DRAMATYCZNY skok jakości względem podstawki. Bawi, że jedyne, co trzeba było zrobić, to skopiować rozwiązania konkurencji i umożliwić więcej ruchu na polu bitwy.

I had a fun time with this DLC! I enjoy the new weapons, and the new enemies are also interesting and cool. The gameplay had more of a quick pace to it and I like how it expanded on the same locations as the main campaign.

My biggest issue here is the story, which I won't get into, but it just kind of makes the journey of Doom 3 feel a bit pointless.

This is kind of like what Doom II was to Doom 1993, although RoE is shorter.

Final verdadeiro de doom 3 em uma dlc que não fede e nem cheira, pelo menos aqui temos a super shootgun.


Better than the main game....barely.

Still far from my cup of tea, but eh, it was a bit better then the base game imo.
Level design was a lot more straight forward, which I prefer seeing as there's no map, and there were some pretty neat bosses

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Warning: spoilers

Great Add-On for a great game.

After the fantastic game that is Doom 3, I discovered the existence of this great DLC many years later.

The DLC, Resurrection of Evil is a nice add-on to the game. In this DLC your adventure continues with six new levels, some new enemy types like the Hunter and some new weapons.

In Resurrection of Evil, you play as an unknown marine that has been send on a mission to retrieve a very important artifact. You need to secure it before the invading aliens confiscate it. When found, you need to teleport the artifact (and hopefully yourself) back to Phobos Labs. Of course, this is not that easy.

You get the Artifact eventually, which lets you bend time so everything around you goes in slow motion while you walk around freely. You also get a gravity gun to push, pull and reflect stuff and the best of all: Your trusty double barred shotgun from Doom II.

It’s a nice addition and add some more fun playtime to the never ending nightmare of Doom 3.

Coming off of the main game, I decided on shifting the difficulty down for anxiety's sake. I think it was this choice, combined with RoE's addition of the classic, powerful double-barreled shotgun, that made playing the expansion a breezy diversion, even if it was basically DOOM 3 in a condensed form, give-or-take a few new weapons and powers. Story-wise, it's a handful of contrivances to justify returning to the setting, but honestly, who cares?

é um complemento bacana, a duração ajuda a não ser tão repetitivo, só achei as novas mecânicas mal exploradas e a supershotgun ajudou dms pq a shotgun normal de doom 3 é uma tranqueira

The lighting during the Phobos Labs sections was truly fantastic, really setting the mood of an infested space base. Unfortunately it kinda stops there? There are a bunch of new gameplay mechanics but they're never really explored. If you want more Doom 3 then it's perfect for you.

It has the gravity gun and the ability to slow time, making it actually a fast paced game. The best part of the Doom 3 BFG package.

Better than the base game, but its way too easy

Using the fully upgraded artifact and pretending to be Saitama is so much fun.
Alright expansion.

Pretty solid extension if you liked the base game, it's more of the same with some new stuff sprinkled on it. The artifact looks really cool and is fun to use. The grabber is also pretty fun and versatile, although I often found myself trying to grab objects that were static.

More Doom 3 love it or hate it. The gravity gun knock off is dumb.

the weird screen blur after using notgravitygun makes me feel like an imp jizzed in my eyes

Pretty good expansion, it's more of the already good Doom 3. The only new weapon is the super shotgun, it is really fun to go point blank and shoot demons in the face. The addition of the artifact is cool, even though it makes the game super easy. Just activate slo mo and go shoot everything up close.

- Played Doom 3 as a kid and enjoyed it a lot. It is a bit too dark and can attempt to jumpscare you a lot but i still have a soft spot for it.

More of that DOOM 3 goodness, but with Super Shotgun and a gravity gun gimmick. More of the good stuff and short & sweet.

DOOMATHON entry #15/20

The first expansion in this marathon so far to actually continue a story that was written with without the mentality of the infamous Carmack quote is, funnily enough, one that feels like a condensed retread of the base game rather than a full-on continuation. You're placed in the shoes of a new marine at the start of a new outbreak from hell, going through pretty much the same general structure of the base game in like half the time. The pacing benefits quite a bit from this condensed timeframe, but the straightforwardness of the new ideas here unfortunately prevents it from being an outright improvement over the base game.

The super shotgun is a much-appreciated addition, pretty much a direct upgrade over the much-maligned standard shotgun (which I'll defend to my dying breath) that's offset by the addition of tougher enemies and the longer gap between shots. It looks great, sounds great, and feels great, just as it should! The grabber gun, however, is far too situational and gimmicky - it might as well just be a punchline that spells out the Half-Life similarities to anyone that somehow didn't get the memo from the base game. I found that it was best used during combat to dispatch mancubi and Barons of Hell without expending any heavy ammo by throwing their projectiles back at them, but doing so lacked snappiness that makes the Gravity Gun so fun to use. I suppose it's for the best you can mostly get by completely ignoring it if you so desire, which begs the question of why it's here in the first place.

Resurrection of Evil excels at simply being more Doom 3 for the most part, delivering an experience that, while not as unique as the oft-forgotten Quake expansions, is a very pleasant addition for any Doom 3 enthusiasts such as I.

Cross-posted on Twitter:

The base game should have had the super shotgun.

True Doom fans will always use the super shotgun, no matter how much it sucks ass

5 hours More doom 3 final boss really infuriating, heart thing was fun although I used it quite sparingly

don't listen to the haters this is fun as fuck

Played on the PS5 as part of the BFG Edition. Unless I'm missing something, there's no individual listing on the site for this expansion on non-PC/Xbox platforms.

Id saw Half-Life 2's gravity gun and thought "Hm, me too," and then did nothing interesting with it. What a game!

Seriously, there's not much to say about Resurrection of Evil. It's really just more Doom 3 with a few new weapons thrown in, including the aforementioned gravity gun which is rarely ever the best choice in a firefight, a dampened super shotgun (this is a crime), and a heart that can be used to enter slow motion and increase your damage. The latter is all but mandatory if you want to make the super shotgun as powerful as it deserves to be.

The new boss fights are at least a step up from the base game, and levels flow a bit better. A few areas in the base Doom 3 overstayed their welcome, comparatively Resurrection of Evil hits a near perfect pace. Then again, going off of howlongtobeat dot com, I finished this in half under par, so maybe I'm just built different. I got the sicko speedrunner gene, but it's only activated in Doom 3 and REmake. Point is, you might feel this is more of a slog than I did, because you aren't built like me. Sorry.

Overall, I'd say this is marginally better than BFG Edition even though the added weapons lack punch, but it still suffers from a lot of the same issues. At least it's short enough that you might as well jump right into it after finishing Doom 3 to tie up narrative loose ends, as Ressurection of Evil essentially serves as the true ending. If you care about that. I don't.

Not too bad of an expansion especially with the Maledict boss and being able to actually finish Betruger off. Did not like how going into this I was thinking we would spend alot more time in Hell instead of the labs and tram stations, but I was sadly wrong(Hell is the coolest part of this game to me). Felt like once you get the double shotgun everything else was meaningless to use, like it literally takes 3 shots from the shotgun to kill a baron of hell when it would take 5 rockets or 50 plasma hits instead. Still can't seem to figure out why the smg has the same clip size as the minigun lmfao.

It's fine.. artifact with the abundance of bodies kind of ruins the flow of the game though, makes it all super easy.

It's like Doom 3, but faster-paced and with a character who realized they could duct-tape a torchlight to their gun. So much, much better than vanilla Doom 3. But still not awesome.

Basically kind of like the Eternal DLCs/expansions, picks off where the original game ended in terms of difficulty and like those if you liked Doom 3 (I do) you will like this. The problems you had with Doom 3? They're not entirely gone here. I will say though the lowered camera fuckery when soldiers shoot you is 100% id realizing they made that shit mad annoying in the base game and thank god for that. Biggest major difference now though is the Super Shotty is back and after that point I never looked back at the awful Doom 3 base shotgun ever again. Not to say the SS is perfect since it still seems to have some issues with spread, but I'll take it. The new additional weapon "The Artifact" is cool with its bullet time effect, but I'm gonna be honest the Soul Cube stealing demons health and making it your own? Much cooler. Neat to see all these things become in game power ups in the new Doom games though. Once again proving those games don't distance themselves from Doom 3, but celebrate it just as much as the others.

Brisk 2 and a half to three hour playtime is perfect for this. Will be doing The Lost Missions next.

Dönemin bir sürü içeriğini ve mekaniğini alıp sıfır bir şekilde kullanan berbat bir DLC.