Reviews from

in the past

An insult to the LGBT community clearly made only to bait profits with how bad the dialogue and characters are. I'm sure a few staff members poured their love into this game but it's all overshadowed by the mess of the rest of it. The main character is the generic nicest guy ever except on one single route where your the biggest asshole to the dad your trying to date for no reason.

This visual novel slapped. The characters are wonderful (Except for Joseph. He sucks.) and the cul-de-sac feels like a real community. I had fun trying to juggle being a good father while chasing after my dream daddies.

My only complaint is that for a game about dating, the story was surprisingly lacking in romance. The focus of the dates mostly leaned on building friendships with the daddies. Don’t get me wrong, I am a sucker for a good friends to lovers story; I just wish that we got to spend a little more time in the Lovers phase in Dream Daddy.

That being said, the dates are SUPER fun, and I highly recommend this visual novel to anyone who enjoys a good dad pun.

i REALLY wish they had gone with actual voice actors instead of an assortment of youtubers with microphones of varying qualities whose voices don't even fit the characters that well. Anyway,
playing this for the first time since 2017-- writing still (mostly) holds up, characters are still (mostly) pretty cool and interesting (the way they tackled Joseph's route still stands out to me to this day), the content they added after the release is fun and i just wish there was more of it, and the minigames are kind of bad but that's ok. overall, pretty good time!

The pokemon battle where you try outbragging another dad about your daughters was where I called it quits lol. Not really into the wholesome dating sim genre I guess.

Okay, so, a friend of mine that knows that I have a raging fetish with old men bought me this for my birthday, and I just finished it
It exacerbates my mental illness and I must say that I just speedran the dialogue cause I felt like it was too american for me to understand with all the references and big dialogues and whatnot

So I must speak (spoilers of course) about every daddy because I need to put my feelings into words

In the order I romanced them
Joseph: holy fuck he's the first I fell in love with, and his dates were like the ones that exuded romance the most out of all of them, but Jesus that ending just destroyed me
I'd still let him cuck me and use me only to cheat on his wife I don't care

Robert: I'm a sucker for "I can fix him" mfs and damn, I sexed him at the start but him crying on my shoulder was better than anything
His dates were pretty funny too but I must say I excercised my speedreading on his third date because I wasn't going to read all of that shit

Hugo: Pretty gimmicky, I guess it's pretty realistic that you do nerd things when you date a nerd and he felt pretty authentic but I don't think he really delivered

Brian: Also gimmicky, it was just fluff and I don't really like that but that last scene with him pretty much made me like him

Mat: The most boring out of them all, I must say I liked his ending and third date but he's just insufferably boring and I hate people who make music their personality so he didn't sit well with me

Craig: I don't really like him (newborn dad lmao) but I did like his relationship with the avatar, felt pretty authentic and it was nice to see him develop a little

Damien: Too feminine for me (since I'm also feminine and I don't like feminine men) but I did like his, idk how to say it, niche? of trying to be interesting when he's not, I chose him for last because he's the least attractive for me but I ended up liking him more than I thought

This game made an irreparable damage on my brain because it fed the monster that is my old man fetish so directly so I can't say anything wrong against this, I just speedread everything and ignored the cringe dialogue (pretty hard) so I guess you can say I turned off my brain to play this

öncelikle böyle mature dad type karakterli dating simler pek fazla sayıda olmadığı için övmeliyim. ki hepsi baba. karakterlerin geneli sevilesi ama daha fazla romantizm olmasını dilediğim birkaç route oldu. ki joseph routea hiç girmeyeyim şaftımı kaydırdı. öyle çerezlik eğlenceli bir oyun işte zaten her route maks 2 akşamda bitti bende. bir de daha fazla cg olmasını dilerdim


Jugar a darme el lujo de ser el folla daddys del barrio. Qué decir, me agarré a los dos que más me gustaban.


Enfim, além disso...
O jogo é muito legal na maneira que se desenrola, sendo uma visual novel decentemente escrita que equilibra (de uma forma que eu gostei) o plot de você com a sua filha e o de você com os um ou mais pais que você tenta romancear ao longo do jogo, com personagens que parece que só precisavam de mais tempo de tela pra se desenvolverem mais e continuarem sendo expandidos de forma positiva, bem, pelo menos alguns deles. O jogo não se leva a sério e isso não é um problema, pelo menos em parte...

O que é de fato um problema é que o jogo se contenta em ser apenas isso, personagens majoritariamente cativantes em rotas pré-determinadas e imutáveis, onde na maior parte das vezes a suas escolhas se resumem a ter um encontro bom ou ruim, mas sem poder mudar mais que isso, e eu acho que isso arrasta demais o jogo e tira muito do potencial que ele tinha de ser uma visual novel com replayabilidade alta.

O sistema de notas é desnecessário se o jogo vai simplesmente analisar se o encontro foi bom ou ruim, pouco importa pegar um S nos 3 encontros se no final isso não vai me recompensar com nada a mais. O fato de que cada um dos pais tem basicamente uma história escrita e você tem poucas escolhas que se resumem a ser uma pessoa agradável ou um cuzão faz a experiência ser simplista e tira muito da profundidade que eu queria tanto que esse jogo tivesse, entre isso e falta de rotas alternativas com romances mais cedo ou simplesmente mudanças nos tipos de diálogos, faltou substância, e a ausência de mods é mais triste do que qualquer coisa, no final eu vejo como e porque isso foi um sucesso momentâneo, mas que, infeliz e justamente, acabou esquecido em pouco tempo.

Pra sempre um dos meus dating sims preferidos. Tem seus problemas, como a maioria dos jogos, mas Dream Daddy consegue ser engraçado, fofo, sexy e wholesome, tudo ao mesmo tempo, e não sei se dá para pedir mais de um jogo do gênero. É a primeira vez que jogo o Dadrector's Cut, que infelizmente não tem muito além de novas opções para minigames—ainda acho que foram covardes de não oficializar o final secreto com o Joseph cultista.

dad dating sim. cute and comfy

one day a nice gay person found a monkey's paw and wished for more positive queer representation in games, and this is the result of that detached hand's index finger curling inward
a game that is definitely queer representation, written entirely by straight people who either hate queer people or think they're the punchline to a joke. i think i would kind of prefer if the creators of the game just subjected me to a hate crime instead, to be honest; at least that would be sincere

let me sex the dads you cowards

Off of dating apps for a bit so I played this.

Anyway, I'm going to rank the dads:


Decided to play this after watching Tim Rogers' video on Tokimeki Memorial and wanting to test my own sense for the appeal of a dating sim. This one is weighed down by a mechanical simplicity, gratingly millennial sensibility, and a tenderqueer homonormative ideology that pooh-poohs hookup culture a bit too moralistically to feel authentic. Mostly cute and doesn't overstay its welcome, but it's rather sleight. I managed to play through all good endings and the two major hidden endings (one more interesting than the other, as the more sinister elements of a certain ending and their foreshadowing in additional lines of dialogue make it clear that, perhaps in a bit of inspiration from Doki Doki Literature Club, the crew got carried away by the idea of a dating sim's novelty in an increasingly streamable marketplace, giving a certain amount of credence to those who found the idea of the project a bit patronizing or pejoratively novel upon its announcement) and didn't feel like going back for the in-date shock endings. First game completed over spring break! Hopefully I finish at least one more; I'm thinking Kingdom Hearts.

Just a nice time with some nice dads.
(Damien my beloved)

Dating simulation games were fun when you had no love life. I remember this being fun but also im not a fan of reading based games so never finished it

this game is cute but it wont let me date joseph so it actually sucks

gay people and dilfs great game 10/10

Genuinely sweet and well-thought game that helped bring life to a pretty meager LGBTQ+ game selection. That, and it def paved the way for the Game Grumps to make and aid in a lot of fun games to come, such as Monster Prom