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in the past

Pleasant Simil-persona action game, nothing remarkable but the humor was spot on.


In general, I liked it, 10 hours of play, with about 6 and a half hours of dialogue. The game starts slowly, but then improves.

Eternights is a very easy game to misunderstand. On one hand, it tries quite hard to channel an essence similar to that of older Japanese romance visual novels/dating sims. On the other hand, it also takes many cues from more recent games, especially the Persona series, which may have the same roots as those VNs, but ultimately has grown to be its own thing, with a different set of expectations. Eternights tries to be a lot of things, but at its core, just like the VNs/dating sims of old, it's fantasy fulfillment. It asks the question: what if you're the key to saving the world, and you can score some baddies in the process? It's a cliche that has been fantasized countless times, and yet Eternights stands out due to its earnestness in its goals. It's not trying to be something greater than it is, and it's a big part of the game's charm.

The story itself is nothing special for the most part, but what I like about it is that it keep things simple by not overexplaining things and having too much dialogue and exposition. It's not about the lore or other worldbuilding aspects, it's about you and the gang, getting closer to each other (and maybe getting real close to at least one of them), and being the heroes of the story. The humor is either chuckle-worthy or mildly cringe, while the romance feels appropriately cheesy and wholesome. There's also some stereotypically anime vulgar moments that might not be for many people's tastes, but they don't overstay their welcome. All in all, it's a casual story that doesn't take it self too seriously.

The cast of characters is pretty good overall. There was a short period in the first 2 acts where the MC's best friend was annoyingly unlikeable, but he's cool in every other time. I liked Sia's backstory the most out of all the girls, but Min's just too adorable most of the time. Yuna seems like the least interesting one for me, but I have a disinterest for showbiz stuff so it's not a surprise for me. And yeah, Yohan is a pretty good twink. I can't say I care for the villains at all though.

The combat feels very janky, but there's a lot of fun to be had here once you know how the game wants you to play. Your normal attacks can't interrupt enemy attacks, and it can mess with how you think about dodge timings and such. It promotes a more reactive approach, like only attacking after you dodged an enemy attack, rather than attacking first. The combat also starts pretty slow in the first hour, as you're very limited in abilities, but you can get more abilities later on, like being able to parry, throw energy waves, and so on. It doesn't take long for you to be able to commit the combat's most fun sin: being able to delete bosses within a short period after breaking their shields without letting them attack. It's quite a flashy display, but there's still a hefty amount of jank to get over. At least there's some okay-ish puzzles in the dungeons to take some weight off the combat's shoulders.

There's also confidant skills, which are extra skills you can perform (if the character who owns them are with you), like Yuna's healing ability, or Min's protective shield. You can upgrade or earn new skills by getting closer to each character. Each character also has their own elemental attacks, which are essential in breaking down bosses' shields. These are also upgraded in the same way, and it only adds to the value of advancing your relationships. The relationship system is very similar to the recent Persona games, so I won't explain too much other than that it is well made enough.

One of the lesser parts of the game is the overall audiovisual presentation. Most of the game's music is just unsophisticated ambient music that is barely good enough to set the mood. The environments are similarly one-note as well, it always has the same vibe of being in a neon-lit dark corridor. At least the characters themselves look more competent, even if their animations can be a bit lacking. There's also some other issues, like weird audio mix in some scenes. But considering that this is made by a very small group of people, it's something that I can and willing to look past.

As a final note, I have to say that the final act (and the little gimmick at the very end) made me bump up the score a bit. It's perhaps a good way to encapsulate the experience: even with all its faults, Eternights still hits the most important goals, and for a hyperniche game like this, it's something that can't be taken for granted.

There were some questionable design decisions, and I had some quit-rage moments. The transition from one moment to another was not that good either (It felt like the dev tried to put random pieces together). The combat was fun at first but then went bland and repetitive, not in any meaningful way. However, the game would get better later, and the characters were still likeable.

This review contains spoilers

FACT: 90% of Eternights players stop holding the hand right before they're about to unlock the secret best ending.

A game I wasn't expecting much from and I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would and it has a pretty endearing cast. Gameplay and graphics are kinda mixed for me but I thought they were fine for the most part. The romance options you get to choose from are pretty decent for what they are(I romanced Min and she's best girl fight me). Plus I gotta admit it's pretty cool knowing this game was made by a single developer and it was clearly a passion project and for what we got I'd say the work payed off well.

Charming little low budget game, yeah it's cringe but it knows its audience

Eternights for me ended up being kind of like Persona but if it had absolutely NO shame. Sometimes it CAN be a good thing and be funny but sometimes it's just cringe. Aside from that, I think all the characters were decent enough (except Chani) and the combat, while very simple, was still fun before it overstayed its welcome. Oh and the ending was quite nice

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i kissed a dude and he died.

this is like persona if it was good.

Made BY Persona Fans, FOR persona Fans, where you play AS a Persona Fan who leads The Goontom Thieves of Heart.

Mi fa troppo ridere come persona che è un gioco con delle lacune ma che comunque rimarrà per sempre una ottima serie con ottimi spunti abbia portato a queste cagate di cui non posso dire quale sia il target perchè risulterei inutilmente edgy

esse jogo me dividiu, pois um lado meu queria dar uma nota mais baixa pois ele tem muitos defeitos, o do outro queria dar uma nota maior pois ele tem boas intenções e eu sou muito fraco emocionalmente kkk
mas falando de uma maneira mais técnica o jogo em si é bem medíocre pra ruim mas relevo pois o estudio é bem pequeno, tem nem 10 pessoas q trabalharam nesse jogo, ele tem uns personagens legais(SIA) e com potencial desses caras melhoraram no próximo jogo
acho q primeiramente precisam de um novo roteirista pois um dos problemas desse jogo q os diálogos muitas vezes parece um adolescente q escreveu, e melhorar MUITO na gameplay, de resto é um jogo jogável pra quem não ter nada pra jogar e é fã de Persona.

É o tipico jogo de ação feito na Ásia, gameplay simples porém bacana, história legal, muito dialogo, momentos esquisitos e de procedência duvidosa.
Joguei a demo e dei muita risada dos diálogos, o que me fez jogar o jogo e no geral é bem legal acompanhar o enredo dos personagens e a gameplay de combate.
Mas acho o preço dele é bem salgado pelo conteúdo do jogo, esperar uma boa promo de +50% me parece um bom negócio.

O jogo tem uma ótima premissa, no sentido de ser algo potencialmente muito divertido: salve o mundo e vá a encontros no fim do mundo. No entanto, senti que talvez o jogo pudesse ter passado por um polimento maior. Claro, foi um projeto feito por apenas uma pessoa, então isso deve ser levado em consideração. Mas acho que os diálogos poderiam ser melhores, especialmente em relação à Sia e a Min, que chegam depois e acho que foram introduzidas muito depressa e o desenvolvimento delas também foi um pouco forçado.

Por outro lado, a Yuna e o Yohan (mesmo sendo introduzido mais pro final) tem os melhores diálogos e uma apresentação mais trabalhada.

Em suma, o jogo é legal, acredito que faltou um pouco mais pra fechar bem, mas tenho certeza que, com mais recursos, o autor do jogo pode evoluir o que vimos em Eternight em todos os sentidos.

If you managed to find something genuinely enjoyable in this game, without a hint of irony, then you are truly the hero of this story.

Personally, I like playing and watching things that aren't good but they know they aren't good. So, yeah, I had some fun with this game, sharing screenshots and videos of its most stupid moments. However, once I paused, took a deep breath, and reflected on it, I couldn't help but think, "Wow, this is pretty terrible."

It's an indie game, and that fact is screaming at your face every time. There are plenty of indie developers out there who, aware of their limitations, endeavor to create experiences that prevent you from either finding them or unfavorably comparing them to similar bigger titles. Crafting a game that clearly draws inspiration from Persona but only incorporates its worse aspects is a flawed approach.

The point I'm getting at here is that I've spent a considerable amount of time discussing this game, which honestly shouldn't be the case. Let's move on. We've already got a strong contender for the title of "Worst Game of the Year."

this is the true no more heroes successor in that it's inexplicably greater than the sum of its parts

Persona if it was made by a porn addict western fanboy

Eternights is a sole developer passion project. While the game comes short a few times, it really feels like the main and only goal was to entertain the player, something modern games seem to lack. One of the first "Persona-Likes"; it takes the popular Social Sim element and combines it with hack and slash combat, and a zombie apocalpyse story. While the solo developer drawbacks are obvious while playing, it doesn't stop it from being fun.

- Fun combat system, with decent supporting systems
- Social side is entertaining if lacking some depth and a bit cliche
- Game doesn't overstay its welcome
- Voice Acting (Japanese) was excellent
- 21:9 Support

- Graphics are a bit janky, and while stylistic need a bit more polish
- The story is okay, but the pacing is subpar
- Social Activities don't feel time efficient or always worthwhile
- Music, enemy design, and level design are not noteworthy
- Characters need more depth

Its important to note that while this game has lots of cons on paper, its still a fun game. While the pacing of the story is okay, it doesn't overstay its welcome and lets its gameplay, systems, characters and story run their course, ending just as they get boring.
The combat is fun for a hack and slash. The game ends before the mechanics become boring, which is good because the combat and surrounding systems lack the depth for the game to continue further. The dodge system fully relies on looking for a flash of red, which means you spend less time watching enemies and more time waiting to dodge the flash of red from them.
The dungeons contain mini puzzles, that I found fun to solve. However if puzzle are not for you, they are easily solved on google in 2 minutes.
A short fun game. If you enjoy Persona, or hack and slash games you will definitely have a few fun hours. Personally I would wait for a sale, even though the game is fairly priced.
I am really looking forward to further projects from this developer, hopefully he can get a small team behind him. Eternights has a lot of potential here that just needs to be expanded on.

EXTREMELY entertaining to mock with your friends in a voice chat (What I did)

The game lacks polish in many areas whether its combat, story, or its generic dungeons. However, the game exudes passion in all of its dialogue from tons of jrpg references to some really good osts especially at the end of the game. That passion will always win me over even if the game could be improved in specific areas.

Eternights, un juego mitad RPG lleno de acción, mitad simulador de citas. Con una estética anime que me ganó desde el primer tráiler. Eternights es la ópera prima del estudio estadounidense Studio Sai y vio la luz el pasado 13 de septiembre en consolas PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 y PC.

No me escondo si os cuento que me gusta la estética anime desde que un amigo me descubrió las películas de Akira, Ninja Scroll, Urotsukidöji o Porco Rosso entre otras, hace la friolera de 28 años o cuando jugué a los juegos de MS-DOS Metal & Lace y Knights of Xentar. Así que cuando vi un juego RPG con combates y estas animaciones, unido a un simulador de citas, lo tuve que probar. ¿Habrá cumplido las expectativas Eternights? Acompañadme para saber qué me ha parecido.

El difícil arte de ligar en medio de un apocalipsis

En Eternights todo comienza como las buenas historias, dos jóvenes están tratando de ligar usando aplicaciones de móvil al más estilo de nuestra sociedad actual. Uno de ellos consigue su objetivo y tras una pequeña charla por chat se cita para el día siguiente. De camino al encuentro se produce una explosión a pocas calles de distancia, un muro de humo se levanta y la población empieza a infectarse y convertirse en seres monstruosos. El fin de los tiempos se aproxima como un tren a punto de descarrilar y te ha tocado convertirte en el héroe que se enfrente a la oscuridad que se avecina.

El argumento de este título empieza de manera muy tópica pero aún así te hace empatizar pronto con los personajes y el viaje que emprendes por salvar a la humanidad se torna muy interesante. Interpretas a un joven y a su mejor amigo que se dedican a sobrevivir, mientras intentan ligar con las personas que encuentran en su aventura. Pronto descubres que has sido bendecido con un don (un brazo-arma) y deberás usarlo para enfrentarte a tus enemigos.

Las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos personajes tienen historias secundarias que se descubren según las decisiones que tomas, en forma de romances. El único problema de este apartado es que a medida que avanza el juego la narrativa pierde solidez y hace aguas, haciendo que la emoción vaya a menos en la historia. Aún así os garantizo que merece la pena descubrir cómo termina la historia de Eternights.

Lucha y sobrevive

La principal mecánica en este RPG en 3D es la acción, deberás luchar mucho y derrotar a enemigos para seguir avanzando. El avance es lineal y salvo algunos secretos ocultos, el camino está marcado y solo deberás seguirlo. A medida que eliminas rivales poderosos acumulas cristales oscuros que podrás usar para aumentar tus habilidades con diferentes tipos de ataques. La otra mecánica, el simulador de citas es la que le da un punto de originalidad a Eternights. Y es que los días que no luchas los dedicarás a mejorar las relaciones con los personajes secundarios, lo que te permite mejorar tus estadísticas y los poderes de apoyo que te brindan tus compañeros en el campo de batalla.

El sistema de combate en Eternights es el punto más débil del título, y la tarea pendiente para Sai Studio en sus próximos juegos. Al principio no empieza mal, pero pronto aprecias que hay algo que no responde del todo bien. Esquivar justo en el momento preciso, con una pulsación perfecta, es donde reside la importancia del combate, así que con cada enemigo o jefe final deberemos esperar a que nos lance uno de sus ataques para esquivar justo en el momento oportuno, lo que hace que se ralentice el tiempo y te permite realizar cadenas de combos.

No es solo el hecho de buscar ese «timing» exacto, es que es una mecánica que se hace muy repetitiva y termina cansando. Además, la variedad de enemigos durante todo el juego es muy baja y te verás repitiendo los mismos combates una y otra vez. Es una pena que en Eternights no se utilicen más las mecánicas originales, pero escasas, que buscan innovar y que son las partes más divertidas del título como el uso del sigilo, el episodio en moto, cuando llevas a Min a caballito, la resolución de puzzles,…

La importancia de las relaciones en Eternights

Los elementos de simulador citas en Eternights consiste en una serie de conversaciones, mini juegos de ritmo o búsqueda de objetos que te ayudarán a mejorar tus estadísticas al mismo tiempo que subes el nivel de las relaciones con tus compañeros de equipo y consigues cristales de luz, los cuales usarás para mejorar sus poderes que pueden ir desde los curativos, los ataques elementales, escudos para protegerte,… es un apartado interesante, si bien es cierto que se vuelve repetitivo a medida que repites una y otra vez el farmeo.

Cuanto más mejoren los poderes de tus acompañantes más habilidades de apoyo dispondrás en los combates. Habilidades que por otro lado son necesarias para acabar con los escudos de los jefes, curarte,… lo que hace que haya en puntos que son imprescindibles. Aunque es cierto que una vez que dominas los tiempos de esquivar no he tenido que hacer casi uso de ellos. Es una lástima porque creo que sería más divertido si tuvieses que utilizar más a tus aliados y menos esquivar.

Un estilo artístico con luces y sombras

En el apartado gráfico es donde el juego es más irregular, como la propia lucha entre la luz y la oscuridad que se da en la aventura lo mismo pasa aquí. Por un lado las animaciones anime entre escenas son preciosas, pero por el otro lado los personajes durante el juego tienen unos rasgos pobres. Lo mismo pasa con el diseño de los personajes que tienen bastante personalidad pero sin embargo los enemigos son más genéricos. Los escenarios consiguen una ambientación oscura y sangrienta con zonas muy originales y bien diseñadas pero creo que abusan de ciudades vacías que repiten gráficos. Reconozco que en general la estética y la ambientación me ha gustado, pero tiene detalles que le restan puntos.

Sonoramente puedo deciros que tanto la banda sonora como los efectos de Eternights son un acierto. Incluso el doblaje al inglés suena coherente y bien. Las músicas orquestales son magníficas y ayudan mucho a crear una ambientación magnífica. Ritmos que acompañan a la acción en pantalla y que mejoran lo que pasa. Sobresaliente.


En conclusión, Eternights es divertido de jugar y cuenta con una historia profunda y unos personajes bien desarrollados. La trama se desinfla un poco hacia al final, pero sigue siendo interesante hasta el desenlace. En la jugabilidad apuesta de manera arriesgada por un sistema de combates basado en el timing perfecto para esquivar y los quicktime events, algo que divierte al principio pero que al final se vuelve monótono y repetitivo. El apartado de simulador de citas es entretenido añadiendo minijuegos y conversaciones con toma de decisiones pero aporta poco, es muy secundario.

El apartado artístico es notable, con unos gráficos de estética anime y una ambientación oscura y sangrienta que es original pero tiene luces y sombras. La banda sonora es sublime y suena de miedo, al igual que los efectos de sonido y las voces. Eternights me ha gustado, no tanto como podría haberlo hecho si hubiesen pulido algunos cuantos detalles, pero es una experiencia de unas 10 horas recomendable.

Unbelievably good, a masterpiece. But it seemed as if the elemental weaknesses of enemies weren't consistent, and I hate mashing as a mechanic.

An interesting take on the Persona Social Link mechanics and proof that you can make a short, well paced RPG.

Combat is simple but the shortened length allows for a steady stream of mechanics that coalesces into a satisfying set of abilities.

And shouts to the dev team for creating a same sex romance option that doesn't feel tacked on or comes at the cost of some mud slinging. It almost feels like the canon route, as it turns the corny harem cliches on their heads.Take notes, P-Studio.

I thought I was getting low stakes persona Devil may cry. Instead I got emotional trauma.

This short, solo dev game is not without flaws, but the story and characters make the journey absolutely worth it.

Dont let go.

lovely characters! i loved them all, yohan my dear boy, specially.
the settings, the aesthetic... gorgeous!
fun fights and puzzles! although they can get repetitive, i didn't mind
i'm mad about Sia and Yohan only getting 1 image, though. the other two characters had more, for some reason? a little bit unfair

overall, i recommend the game hehehe

yeah i'm thinking point five stars

Fun! Shout out to Studio Sai. Really well done for a first time developer by himself. It definitely scratched the persona itch.