Reviews from

in the past

Bit too simple and the "Persona Mechanics" aren't really well integrated. Had high hopes, but unfortunately - it's mid

this game is like what non-persona fans think persona is. sia is cool though

played the demo and thought it was funny so i bought the full game and it was pretty good! basic combat but the story is good and funny at times, the ending is kinda lame but whatever

Eu entendo as pessoas que não vão conseguir jogar esse jogo.

O jogo é bem cru em alguns fatores e a história é de certa forma mediana, mas a pessoa que continuou jogando isso depois das 2 primeiras horas, viu que o criador estava realmente tentando levar aquilo para frente. As músicas são boas (principalmente a final), os personagens são divertidos, e eu gostei da mecânica de social link inspirada em Persona.

Essa review não vai ser uma biografia do criador, mas Eternights provavelmente é a macieira que dará grandes frutos para o Studio Sai poder criar um grande pomar.

While the story is a little spotty and the mechanics feel under baked, the overall gameplay feels solid enough, there were plenty of engaging an emotional beats throughout the game, and the characters were likeable enough for me to get into this game.

plays like crisis core and is about as well-written.

funny how it actually manages to have a cool atmosphere, though - the game actually feels like something while playing it, which is more than i can say about a lot of games with the "anime but 3d" aesthetic.

I actually just wanted to have a first look at Eternights out of sheer curiosity and only play it for an hour or so. I had heard from a YouTube reviewer, whose opinion I hold in high regard, that there was this small indie Persona-like which he really liked and that it was essentially developed by a single person. As the game was currently on sale, I thought the time had come to satisfy my curiosity. I was half-expecting to make use of the refund function if it turned out to be a piece of crap :D But lo and behold, I actually really liked Eternights and I'm really impressed by what a single developer from Korea has managed to create here.

At its core, Eternights is really a simplified version of Persona with pretty much everything that goes with it. You have a daily routine in which day and night alternate and different activities are available at different times. Here you can deepen your social ties with other members of your group, explore the outside world or work on your character stats. As in Persona, character stats have an influence on how much you can deepen a relationship with a particular character. And yes, there are dating sim aspects here as well, just like in Persona. And just like in Persona, there are certain "hard" deadlines at regular intervals by which a certain objective in the outside world (basically the dungeon of Eternights) must be achieved. During these explorations, you fight your way through hordes of enemies with different movesets, strengths and weaknesses. The combat system is action-oriented, requiring the player to dodge, parry, time their attacks correctly etc. Then there are combo attacks with the party members and other skills that you can unlock bit by bit. That way, you fight your way through the world of Eternights, where social events and combat passages alternate and create a good flow until the end of the game.

Unfortunately, you can tell in many places that this is a single developer's first work, as the game does have some weaknesses. For example, I had to restart the game twice because I was softlocked. Once my character was stuck in a corner and another time, a cutscene didn't play and all the characters just stood around super awkwardly without anything happening :D The camera is also a real pain in the ass in some of the fights. It jumps around wildly, crashes into walls and really irritates the player. In general, the combat becomes quite chaotic when more than one enemy enters the fight. The lock-on system has a mind of its own from time to time and it's easy to lose track. Nevertheless, I had fun with the battles in this game. It took a while, but after some time I got into it and learned to handle the controls as best as I could. Some boss battles were pretty tough and presented me with somewhat hard challenges, which was fun.

Overall, I would still recommend the game, especially if you have a fondness for Persona, action RPGs and anime aesthetics as well as storytelling. Yes, the game has its flaws in terms of gameplay, the writing is far from perfect and the length of Eternights is quite short at around 12 hours for one playthrough. Nevertheless, the game also has its strengths - likeable characters, good humor, a fun combat system (once you get used to it), very, very cool monster designs and a generally very convincing dark atmosphere, which is underlined by the sometimes quite high level of violence. Even if Eternights doesn't have the highest production values, I wish that such passion projects would get more attention. Give it a chance :)

God forgive the guys who made this game, they tried, I'm not going to say that the team is shit, because you can see some qualities, but Jesus, what a boring game.

This review contains spoilers

اول لعبة رول بلينغ يابانيه العبها و اخلصها و الي ساعدني كونها لعبة اندي فمدتها واقعية مقارنه ببقية العاب الجانرا الي تعبر الثلاثين ساعه بسهوله
لعبه كان غير متوقعه بيها ميكانيكيات جميلة و احسها كانت مصنوعه بحب لان كلشي بيها جان عفوي و بنظري المطور سوه اللعبه الي هو يعتبرها مثالية بغض النظر عن الامور التقنية و الغيم بلاي
اللعبه بيها شقين للعب الاول قتالي يتمثل بالذهاب للدانجونز و الثاني هو تنظيم علاقتك مع الفريق بالقطار
الشقين متصلين ببعض فآدائك بالتقدم بعلاقتك مع بعض الشخصيات بالقطار يأثر على قدراتك القتالية و خصائص شخصيتك
قبل لا ادخل لكلامي عن هالشقين رح ابدي باول شي باللعبه الي هو الاكت الاول , اللعبه عموما بيها خمس اكتات الاول تقديمي و الاخير نهائي الشي الي يخلينا مع ثلاث اكتات فعالة بأستغلال كلا شقي اللعبه ( الثاني و الثالي و الرابع )
الاكت الاول يبدي مع البطل و صديقه تشاني اعظم صديق ممكن تحصله و احسن شخصية بالقصه بالرغم من انه "متوقع" لكنه كان ممتع اللعبه بعدها ترمينا في قلب الكارثه و بدون حرق نجد نفسنا مع اول شخصية من الشخصيات الفعالة بالقصه , عدد هالشخصيات اربعه وحده تظهر بالاكت الاول و اثنين بالاكت الثالث و الرابع بالرابع هذول الشخصيات هم الي يأثرون على لعبك و اسلوبك بشكل نظري رح اتفصل بيهم من ادخل بالاكت الثاني , بعد ما اللعبه تعطي التعليم عالاسلوب و تدخلك بالقصه يبدي اول دانجون الي كان بيه اكثر لغز مكسور باللعبه و بسيط و الي بصراحه ماله اي داعي بس هيج موجود لغاية الوجود مع وجود نقط حفظ داخل الدانجون للتنقل السريع الي عمري ما استعملته لان الدانجونز كلش بسيطه لحد انهائها بدون نسيان شي بيها امر غاية بالسهولة , تدخل الدانجون تتعرض للغز تواجه اعداء ثم يجيك ميني بوس بالنص و تالي بوس نهائي بآخر الدانجون و هذا يلخص كل الدانجونز باللعبه بلا استثناء . بعد اول دانجون ندخل القطار و يبدي الاكت الثاني .
مع بداية الاكت الثاني تبدي الخاصية الاساسية للعبة احد الشقين الي هو ( قسم المواعده) يب هذا القسم هو الي تقوي علاقتك بيه مع الشخصيات الي الي يؤدي لتقوية خصائصك المتعلقه بهالشخصية و تصير اقوى حتى توصل معها لأعلى الرومانس مثل ما تسميها اللعبه , هالقسم بيه عدة عناصر مهمة و أساس واحد .
- الاساس: هو انك تملك حد معين من الايام مقسومه بين صباحي و مساء تسوي بيها المهام الي تتقدم بيها بعلاقتك قبل لا تدخل بال"ديد لاين" الي يجبرك تسوي المهمة الاساس و تروح للدانجون على الرغم من انك تكدر تروحله بأي وقت و تكدر تخلصه بيوم واحد بس و تضل ايامك الباقية متاحه الا ان اشوف انك تخليه لاخر شي هو افضل شي و يبقى عنصر تنظيم الوقت محكوم و مضبوط و بسيط لان عندك صباح و مساء فتكدر بالبيوم تسوي مهمتين لكل منهم قبل لا تنام و هنا تكمن البساطه لكن اي مهام و بأي وقت هم يظهر عنصر تنظيم الوقت و احتياجات اللاعب
- عناصر اللعب: المهام هنا قائمة على الشخصيات الي وياك بالقطار كلامك مع اي واحد بيهم يعتبر انك تريد تبدي بمهمة مع هاي الشخصية و تقوي علاقتك بيهم كل شخصية الها رانك و قدرات و هجوم اساسي اضافه الى بعض الهجمات الثانوية و عدة تطويرات مباشرة لشخصيتك
هالشخصيات كل وحده الها ارك كلما تتقدم وياها تكتشف هواي امور عنها و كل شخصية تحتاج شعور خاص منك , هالمشاعر كلما كانت قوية عندك كلما كدرت تتقدم بعلاقتك وي الشخصية اكثر و طريقة تقويتها تكون مع اختيار اجاباتك اثناء الاحوار , بعضهم يحتاج شجاعه و الاخر ثقة و غيرهم التقبل لعبت عن نفسي بأتجاه يونا و الي تحتاج الى التعبير , كل شخصية ايضا الها عدة امور تقوي علاقتك بيهم فأما تتكلم كعهم بشكل عادي او تتمرن معهم او تستطلع لهم عن مواد يحتاجوها و اخر اثنين ينطوك عناصر مهمة بالتطوير و هذا موجود لكل الشخصيات الاربعه
مهمات الاستطلاع حليوه بس وجدت نفسي ابحث اماكن وجود المواد بالعم كوكل لان ماكو معنى ان ما الكاها بسبب حد اربعين او ستين ثانية و مهام التدريب حلوه لبعض الشخصيات و كريهه للبعض لان ما تدري شنو تسوي بالضبط ( نعم اقصد تدريب يونا الخايس الي بنهاية اللعبه يله عرفت شلون اسويه) , هاي هي المهمات و انت تختار تسويها اما الصبح او بالليل و التقسيم المنطقي هو انك تقضي وقت ع الشخصية الصبح و بالليل تسوي استطلاع او تدريب لان قضاء الوقت هو الي يرفع مستوى الشخصية اكثر من المهمتين البقية
توصل للنهاية و انت مضبط امورك مع شخصية من الشخصيات حتى الاكت الرابع و انت محصل على اعتراف و رانك عالي اللعبه رح تسألك السؤال المصيري " من تختار " بحالتي لان ركزت على يونا خوفا من ان اللعبه رح تعتبرني مع غير شخصية هملت بقية الشخصيات اذا كنت مقوي علاقتك مع بقية الشخصيات اللعبه رح تطرحهم كخيارات بجانب الشخصية الي كنت انت مركز عليها و تكدر تختار و الي .... مرح يغير النهاية ( رح احجي بهالموضوع اكثر بعدين)
هذا كان شق المواعده ممتع مضبوط و قصص الشخصيات كانت جميلة عنصر ادارة المهام و التطويرات و كل شخصية تطويرها يخليك تسلك نظام لعب مختلف كان شي ممتع
اما عن شق القتال فهنا يظهر كل تطوير الي تسويه على مدى الشق الاول مثل ما كلت اكو شخصية تجبرك عاللعب الدفاعي و شخصية على اللعب الهجومي وشخصية تكون متوازنه , كل شخصية الها هجوم خاص يكسر درع الاعداء و يخليلك هجوم خاص تكدر تسويه , اللعب هنا يصير هاك اند سلاس الا مع شعور سولز بيه لان من ناحيه ما تكدر تسوي كومبو بين السلاحين الي عندك عوضها عندك كومبو ثابت لكل واحد و من ناحية اكو تجنب مثالي و حتى تصدي مثالي للأعداء و لأني لعبتها على اعلى صعوبة فعلا حسيتها دارك سولز خصوصا مع بعض الاعداء الي بثلاث ضربات و يخلوك تودع الملاعب
الاكت الخامس: هنا نهاية اللعبه تدري انواع الاعادء تهاجمك و تظهر فائدة كل تطويراتك حتى تصل للزعيم الاخير و تقتله و الي قرارك بأختيار اي بنيه من بين البنات رح يأثر على شكل النهاية من ناحية منو بيهم رح تكون بيها لان النهاية مهما اخترت هي ذاتها لكل الشخصيات بس بالمشهد الاخير شيل وحده و حط الثانية هذا الاختلاف الوحيد و النهاية اصلا بيها هواي مشاكل ما غلقت القصه بشكل مقنع و كانت كئيبة للان من اتذكرها تجيني كآبة
اللعبه بيها موشيقى متواضعه لكن كافيه حتى تذكرني ان هاي الموسيقى تنتمي لهاي اللعبه و سوت هوية حلوه الها
الاداء الصوتي لعبه على الياباني لان الانكليزي زبالة و الياباني كان راقي كالعادة حسيت روحي العب لعبه حتى استديو ياباني ما يكدر يسويها لان غالبية الحوارات على آداء صوتي
الانيميشنز باللعبه جان يحتاجلها شغل بس ما ادري ليش اطلب اكثر من لعبة مسويها على محرك يونتي و اللعبه ببعض المناطق تصير ظلمة ما ينشاف شي مهما كان السطوع الي اخليه
السلبيات : مدحت اللعبه هواي الشي الي رح يخليني اخلي قسم للسلبيات XD
اول سلبية اللعبه تتجاهل اختيارك للشخصية الرئيسية , خل نكول اختاريت يونا و يونا تخصصها الشفاء فمبروك ثلاثه من اقوى البوسس باللعبه رح تواجههم بدون هيل.... و على اعلى صعوبة , ما اكدر اوفي حق الجلطة الي اجتني و اني اتعرض بهالموقف ثلاث مرات هذا غير ان البوسس يكون قتالهم كرايند بس حتى توصل للمرحله الي تكدر فعلا تسويلهم دامج
الانيميشنز مثل ما كلت جانت محلوه و بعض الاماكن ظلمة واكو لقطات اللعبه تخلق بيهم غموض بس ما تظهر اي نتيجه الهم
النهاية غير جيده و غير مرضية لا للبطل و لا للشخصيات و نهاية الشخصيات بالنهاية كانت غير مرضية

بالنهاية ... اللعبه حلوه ما توقعت هيج تجربه من لعبه اندي على يونيتي بس يب لعبت لعبه احسن من هيل بليد هخخخخ , تجربه انصح بها

This game does nothing unique it's a mix of bayonetta's combat but with much simpler combos however the simplistic combat is very very satisfying with visuals which make you feel like you're doing more than left click.

The character system is very similar to persona where you upgrade your bonds by spending time for better stats and better abilities. The tropes are very predictable and something painfully cringe.
anyways the game play and ost is amazing 10/10 mastapeece

This is an incredible game! The gameplay mechanics are a really neat, tight combination of Persona time management and action roguelike combat (it's not actually a roguelike, but feels similar) and the writing is actually very good!

First off, I understand if anyone is uninterested because of the horniness, but it's way less leery than I would expect from any game, especially a dating sim. It reminds me of "Welcome to the NHK" in that it's talking seriously about pervy people, but the camera for the show/game itself isn't leery. The game also doesn't objectify the love interests as much as I expected? Most of the dating scenes are focused on the characters talking about their feelings and encouraging each other, which I really like.

The combat feels like an action roguelike to me because it's focused on perfect dodging attacks to create an opening and managing limited healing. I really like that there's no XP, so you don't get more powerful from anything in the dungeon, you only get more powerful by spending time with other characters. It's a neat little addition that adds a lot to the "My friends are my power" theme. This also means that you want to get through the dungeons as fast and clean as you can to get as far as possible in a single day fighting as few enemies as possible.

I like the time management stuff a lot better here than in Persona because this is a way shorter game, so I can easily replay it again later to see other routes, so I don't need a guide to tell me the optimal route and can instead just... play the game myself. The scenes are short and you can save frequently, so it's also pretty easy to redo anything that you feel like you messed up.

Some parts of this are slightly cringe and there were multiple times when I thought "Really? That's the joke we're making?". Combat is kinda simple but pretty fun nonetheless. As someone who just got into Unity, this is kinda funny to see lol. But for a developer's first indie game it's pretty impressive.

For a developer’s first game, it definitely isn’t bad in the slightest. I can tell what Jae Yoo was going for; an action RPG with social simulation, and it does pretty well in both departments. The combat is nothing to write home about and goes for a Dark Souls style of combat with precise dodging or countering used as a means to get a one up over your enemies.

The story, and in particular the characters, were what I can tell the main focus of development was on. I romanced Sia on my first playthrough and really wished I had more anime cutscenes (the best part of the game tbh) when compared to other characters like Yuna who they HEAVILY push to be your romantic partner. LGBTQ+ representation is always a plus and doesn’t feel as shoehorned in as other games I’ve seen tackle the subject. Story beats were very hit or miss, I found myself fluctuating between interested to not even remotely paying attention quite often and the game often made me feel like picking up a Persona game instead to fulfill my need for enjoying a above average story and characters. Again, the game was far from bad and I see potential and even look forward to the next game the developer creates with more hands on the project. If you like Persona and are wanting a quick game to satiate your wait for Persona 3 Reload or Persona 6, I think this might have the potential to fill that void. I’d also recommend getting this game on sale as if I had bought this game at full price I’d probably be singing a different tune tbh.

Game was FAR too simple in its mechanics, but it is incredible how much this dev did by himself. I enjoyed this game because of my love of the Persona mechanics -- even though they were often half-baked.

I hope to see more from this guy. Hope he can get the resources to fulfill his vision with his next game

enjoyable persona ripoff with queer romance options... shame it's kinda mid.

I haven't researched the team or this games development but it kinda feels like what went wrong was budget/experience related. It feels kinda like an amateur project with some experienced leads.

I'd be interested to see where this studio goes after this, I'd love to have competent persona-like action JRPGs with queer romance options be more readily available, as it stands, this isn't the best.

If you aren't looking specifically for queer romance options in a game like this I'd say you're better off just playing persona. But if the representation is important to you, give this a spin.

Half baked combat mechanics, middling cast of characters, meaningless and nonsensical story, bland level design and aesthetics, shockingly light dating elements considering how much of a selling point they were- this game disappoints on all fronts. The dialogue can be pretty funny sometimes, albeit severely lacking in taste. The game is also short enough that I was able to power through the simple combat encounters that make up the vast majority of the gameplay. Either way, just go play Persona instead. Hell, I heard Tokyo Xanadu is basically this but better.

Wow. What a fantastic game. There are some things that could have been a little better (like speeding up text), but I'm very impressed by this game. The fact this was mostly made by one person is incredible.

This is like a small version of a Persona game (when it comes to the day to day stuff and relationships) with action combat gameplay and purchasable upgrades. Highly recommend.

A pretty decent game the ending was a bit lacking but i enjoyed the ride

I reviewed this when it came out and my tagline for the review was "What's the story? Warning! Horny!" and I don't think I've ever been as proud of anything I've done in my life.

Honestly if this is the studio's first game I am very excited to see their next one when they get to polish stuff up.

To start off with, the fact that this was made by such a small tean is nothing short of amazing, that being said although I wanted to really like this game, it fell very short for me in alot of areas

The inital concept and characters were great but the writing is too basic/juvenile to hold my interest.The fact that I needed to scan a QR code to be directed to a youtube video for the true ending was kind of jarring. The real killer of this game was the gameplay, I wasnt expecting the depth of something like Devil may cry but I also wasnt expecting it to be so dull, repetitive and downright broken in some areas

It feels instead of scrapping some ideas, as soon as the devs had a gameplay idea, they put it in the the game, I can only go hunting for a flamethrower at the local 7-11 or play a math mingame so many times until I become uninterested

Overall, a cool concept brought down by too many uninteresting gameplay elements and a story that doesn't stick the landing


This review contains spoilers

Boas ideias, porém mal executadas.

Eternights é um Hack N Slash bem simples, seu diferencial é a mecânica de romance e calendário (Igual Persona). Nada é excepcionalmente bom, combate simples demais, animações duras, UI feiosa, diálogo simples e algumas vezes, cringe.

Tudo isso pode ser de certa forma perdoado, já que a equipe do jogo é composta por basicamente 2 pessoas. Para o primeiro jogo de um estúdio independente assim, até que mostra um certo potencial.

Dito isso, o final é até bonitinho e eu pelo menos me diverti jogando. O uso do QR Code no final foi criativo.

forgot to review this initially so I'm doing it now, don't have much to say about it and it doesn't help that it's been quite some time since i played it, but while I'm only going to give it 2 stars I did enjoy eternights for what it was, even if what it is isn't that great, it's a persona inspired 3rd persona hack and slash from an indie studio with a ton of potential and it plays just like you'd expect, combat is fine, environments are lacking but do a good job and the soundtrack is average, for a debut title it's pretty good and far from the worst, the characters suck though, despite having some seriously talented voice actors on board not a single character interested me and the bootleg social links didn't do much to help with that, they got kind of annoying actually. The game is also really short, it took me just 17 hours to get the 100% I imagine you could easily beat the game in under 10. So yeah that's Eternights, neat but doesn't stand out.

The social aspects were very fun, voice acting was great....Heck the story was serviceable enough. The combat though....So lacking. I put it on Easy and still had a bad time throughout. QTEs are not cool.

Also that ending was super rushed....Though there was a touching moment between me and my sweetie. The developer has done a really good job overall! Recommended to all degenerates.

Lot of heart. I enjoyed it a lot especially considering how few people worked on the game. Can't wait for whatever Studio Sai's next project will be.
Also Min >

A decent little indie game that stops juuuuust short of being an actual good game, lol. Lots of people compared it to Persona when it was first announced, but it's really not all that similar to it beyond being a dating sim/RPG hybrid .w.

The story was serviceable even if the writing leaned too much into cringey, horny jokes in the beginning. I liked all the characters well enough - they generally fell into typical anime archetypes, but they had a teensy bit more depth than expected. The character designs and kiss CGs were also quite beautiful - the in game models honestly didn't do the artwork justice at all.

The dating sim aspect was by far the most enjoyable part of this game. Felt quite cozy and chill conversing with the characters between dungeons~ the inclusion of a male love interest in Yohan was surprisingly welcome and I think he was the one I liked the most. He was just so casually flirty and suave, lol.

The battle system on the other was by far the worst aspect ^^""" It was so incredibly clunky and frustrating; I borderline haaaated anytime the game forced me to go a dungeon xwx The dungeons themselves were also ridiculously repetitive and simply not fun to explore.

So this wound up being a mixed bag for me. Not the worst game I've ever played, but far from the best. I could see the vision they had for this one though and I think future games the developers put out would be worth keeping an eye on .w.

Sia I love you. Also, this game allows me to fart. Better than Persona.