Reviews from

in the past

God what a good ending on both of these.

Dress Spheres are good and should be in more shit. Every class/job/role in every game should have a magical girl transformation with it.

I played a bunch of X HD. Didn't get too far. Would love to have re-beat it and try to get 100% as well as actually try to beat X-2. Oh well.

I've only ever touched FFX in this collection, but I'm sure I'll get around to X-2 someday, maybe.

Haven't played X-2, the score is for X

I will open with this; Final Fantasy IX is my favourite one. But after a long overdue replay of X? It's a much closer race than I realised. To think how close together they were released as well! Utterly spoiled in the early 2000s eh?

I didn't cane all the extra side stuff this playthrough, didn't even bother with Yojimbo, but even as a game you just march through from start to finish it's a masterpiece, and unadulterated top of its field standout. Love it. Adore it.

Being 11 and playing this game, I was a Rikku boy. In the intervening I thought I'd become a Lulu man. But apparently, the one I want most... Is a ride on ze shoopuff

otimo remaster do X e do jogo que não existe

The first 20 hours of this game are amazing, I enjoyed the first half of this game almost as much as FF VII, but then the game starts to drag a little bit at the 30 hour mark, and finally the last 10 hours take a dive from a writing/dialogue/plot/pacing view (after the date scene), causing the climax of this game to not land for me.

It really shows that 20% of players on Xbox got to the date scene (30 hour mark) but only 6% of players finished the game.

The battle system is my favorite of the 3d Final Fantasies so far (have played VII, VIII, IX), it felt fast for the first 30 hours of the game, but again, for some reason enemies at the climax have really long animations that hurt the pacing of this game.

Tidus and Yuna are great in general, the only problem I have with Tidus is his whole "this is my story" gimmick, it honestly doesn't make sense to me. In the case of Yuna its really noticeable that the voice director told the voice actress to deliver her lines in the most monotone way possible, which ends up affecting some dramatic scenes, though it kinda works for other scenes.

Seymour is by far the most pathetic villain so far in this FF games, he literally does nothing, he is just there, you end up killing him like 4 times. At first I thought the whole "uniting cultures" stuff was gonna be a theme with this villain, but nope, he just wants everyone to die, very disappointing villain.

The supporting cast is mostly alright, Wakka ended up being a standout, since I was surprised to have a racist party member lol, at least he grows out of it at the end of the game.

This game continues the trend of IX, which means, female npcs outfits are weirdly oversexualized, which is kinda yikes.

The general plot is typical FF non-sense, which is part of the charm of this franchise, but since this is the first FF game that uses 3D environments and almost no pre-rendered backgrounds it ends up really hurting the presentation, since most locations had really flat textures, which felt disconnected from the fantastical descriptions the game wanted to show.

I really dislike the trend of the final boss of this games having an unique mechanic that can insta-kill your party, I had a busted Yuna with double cast and Ultima and still had to look up how to beat Sin, since I didn't knew I had to use the talk mechanic and other stuff in a very specific way, it sucked the fun out of this last boss.

Finally the "last" boss of this game is a total drag, its pretty much a cutscene, but worse since its a slog of a "battle", again because of not knowing I had to cast reflect on the boss, it ended up taking me triple the time to defeat it.

If the Xbox version had the cheats of the VII, VIII and IX remasters, this game would probably be an 8 for me.

Finally, the trials are pure trash, Zelda wanna be puzzles that are complete trial and error non-sense, this trials alone docked and entire point.

I enjoyed it in general, but I will probably never replay this game.

I really don't like it. It feels way too linear, in an FFXIII kinda way, and I couldn't bring myself to care about most of the characters either. The music was definitely great though. I didn't even both with trying X-2 after giving up on X. ALSO, HOLY FUCK Blitzball is the worst goddamned thing to exist.

A solid game so far that's a straight up improvement upon the other games I've played in the series with much more tolerable gameplay and a fantastic leveling system. It may be hampered by a few bugs and poor design decisions but it is nonetheless a solid time investment. Most of the characters have potential thus far specifically Tidus however, Lulu seems to be the odd one out being hampered by gameplay and an uninteresting character that doesn't seem like it'll go anywhere. The setting is meh but a drastic improvement over the other games and I'm hoping it's built upon more. Shelved because I lost my save file and don't particularly want to start from scratch after 15-20 hours right now.

Both endings had me crying. But Final Fantasy X might take my place as the most beautiful game I've ever played. Although there are games which I can accept are better, there is just something about this game that just stands out above the others. From the lovable characters and their personal struggles, to the breathtaking story, the journey of FFX is one that I wish would be modernized for a new audience who are missing out on such a impactful story.

Final Fantasy X - Nobuo Uematsu deserves a special place in heaven for the soundtrack.

Final Fantasy X-2 - Does not exist.

Replay (solo del X de momento) en ps4 de uno de mis juegos más queridos, que fuera mi primer juego en streaming lo mejoró, platino en ps4 y después hice un par de trofeo que me faltaban en pc para el platino

Two great games, one great collection.

This collection features two games both previously released on the PlayStation 2. Final Fantasy X originally released in the UK in 2002 and it's sequel Final Fantasy X-2 which was originally released in 2004. These games have been remastered with improved visuals at a higher resolution and full trophy support for both titles. In addition the majority of Final Fantasy X's music has been rearranged and both versions of the games are the international versions. (For the UK it means we got an additional gameplay mode for FFX-2 called Last Mission as well as some mini games for it).

Here's my breakdown of both games:

Final Fantasy X.

SquareSoft's (Now Square Enix) first Final Fantasy game on the PlayStation 2, the first game in the series to be full 3D with no prerendered back drops and also the first game in the series to use voice acting. Though a little linear and with occasional awkward dialogue Final Fantasy X is an otherwise gorgeous and engrossing game.

The lead character is a man named Tidus, he is a star blitzball player for a team called the Zanarkand Abes. One day after a game the city of Zanarkand is attacked by a city sized monster called Sin, Tidus is drawn into it during it's attack and wakes up to a world he does not recognize. Lost and extremely confused Tidus ends up helping a local summoner called Yuna and her guardians on their pilgrimage to defeat Sin while trying to find his way home. It's quite a nice little story with some really nice emotional payoffs as the narrative unfolds.

Where Final Fantasy X shines though is the gameplay. It's a traditional turn based Japanese role playing game so as you travel from place to place you will get into random battles. During each battle you can use three characters to fight with, but, and this is what makes FFX stand out, you can swap any of them out with the other four characters on their turn meaning you can change tactics depending on what enemies you face. This is especially important early on in the game as certain enemies are weaker to certain attacks such as magic or piercing weapons etc. so taking advantage of this will help you through battles as each character specializes in certain things at first. As you level up from fighting monsters your characters gain higher stats and new skills using a large sphere grid. Each character starts on a different part of the board and by leveling up you can travel around it unlocking new spheres with the upgrades. Eventually if you unlock the whole board every character will have equal stats and skills but that takes quite a long time.

The graphics to Final Fantasy X still look really superb, colourful and detailed. The new resolution and enhancements make everything seem really crisp visually and for such an old game it really holds up against some modern releases surprisingly. The voice acting was always something that impressed me originally and it's still pretty solid going back to it, there are some cringe inducing moments here and there (Tidus's laugh scene, I'm looking at you) but all in all the values are still impressive. The big difference between the original and the remastered release production wise is the music. While exactly the same tracks they have been rearranged with fresh versions and slight differences. I have seen mixed opinions on this but I thought the new versions of the tracks were excellent and Final Fantasy X always had good music anyway.

Depending on how you play, Final Fantasy X can take between 30-60 hours. It's a very linear game where you go from place to place however there are a lot of minigames, hidden collectables and things to do anyway. If you are going for the platinum trophy you have to do almost everything including all Dark Aeon hidden boss fights so you are looking at over 100 hours.

In addition this collection also has a very short epilogue movie called The Eternal Calm. It doesn't add a lot but it's certainly worth the watch if you're a fan of the game.

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X-2 was the first ever direct sequel to a Final Fantasy game. It's generally got pretty mixed feedback. I personally really enjoyed it due to it's excellent battle system and upbeat music. It's not without flaws though as it has very few new areas, pretty much the entire game is in the exact same locations as X and you visit them multiple times. It's also unbearably cringe inducing at times, like vomit inducing, but if you can ignore that then you should very much enjoy FF X-2.

Final Fantasy X-2 takes place after Final Fantasy X but this time focuses on Yuna. No longer a summoner Yuna has joined with her cousin Rikku and another woman named Paine in a group called the Gullwings. They are sphere hunters, they look for ancient spheres to try and unlock Spira's past and are rivals with the Leblanc Syndicate, another sphere hunting faction. The tone of the second game is a lot different to the fist, a lot more upbeat though it certainly can have emotional moments as Yuna tries to find herself.

The battle and level system has been completely overhauled from Final Fantasy X. The battle system is based on some of the older games in the series that had a job system. Each character uses "dresses" which totally change how the characters fight and how they look. Change into a warrior dress sphere, hit things hard, change from that into a white mage and you can heal. Each character gains experience with each dress unlocking new attacks and abilities as they use them more and can be changed on the fly so some fights are surprisingly tactical. It's a great system with a good dozen dresses to get, some of which are quite well hidden and possible to miss. As this is the international version, Yuna Rikku and Paine are no longer the only characters you can use as you can capture fiends as well as some other NPC characters who you can then use in battle should you wish. (Not something I really dabbled in).

The game plays over several chapters where the Gullwings will keep revisiting the same areas on missions and seeing cutscenes showing how much Spira has changed. Each action you do increases the percentage bar of the game. Reach 100% and there is a chance for the true ending but it is very hard to do. Much like X this game is a good 30 hours with over 100 if you are going for all the trophies (took me 116).

The music to FFX-2 takes an almost Jazz type beat to it during battles and scenes, it has some poignant moments though, I especially love the song played on the title screen Eternity: Memory of Lightwaves. A fantastic piano piece. To my knowledge, X-2's music has not been rearranged and is identical to it's original release. The visuals are much the same as X's, colourful, crisp and brought up to more modern standards.

The biggest addition though to this version is "The Last Mission". It takes place three months after the end of FFX-2 (It also assumes I might add that you got the 100% ending, I have warned you) This is a completely new game in itself and is a grid based roguelike where you pick between Yuna, Rikku and Paine and explore an 80 floor tower. This is, imo, really quite hard. You start off with just one dress sphere and have to explore each floor for more as well as items. Dress spheres have their own hit points and act as shields for your health, if they break, you lose them completely (though they can be found again.) As you progress, you can combine spheres of the same type to increase their hit points. Depending on which combination of spheres you equip, you get different skills and abilities which make a big difference because if you die, you go back to the start.

It's a really challenging mode at first though once you experiment with spheres and abilities you can find strong set ups to progress. It took me a good 15 hours to finish though. It was fun and added some insight to the girls lives after FFX-2. The original English voice actors have also returned to reprise their roles which was nice.

In summary this is a great collection. I've always been a Final Fantasy fan so to have these remastered to look their best, include all content for both games previously not released outside of Japan and with two full trophy sets was fantastic. Well worth the price.

+ Upgraded visuals and resolution look gorgeous.
+ Great value collection with two big RPGs and Last Mission.
+ Both games are fantastic fun with excellent battle systems.

- FFX-2 can be a little cringe inducing at times and retreads too many of X's locations.

Never finished X-2 but loved X and enjoyed every minute, except for one part (you'll know what I'm talking about)

I only beat X this time.
X- I liked most of the cast, the story was cool and it's something you can discuss, the setting was pretty cool, and the music I noticed.

X is by far my favorite Final Fantasy game. Such a great story, characters, and gameplay. Easily worth the price by itself.

X-2 is not as good but consider it a kind of post game extra and it's a nice bonus addition. Play if you want more but X is perfect standalone.

Last Mission is really boring IMO but it's literally such a insignificant extra that it's not even in the title. :P Don't bother playing it.

minus half a star for that cringy laughing scene in FFX


This review contains spoilers

I thought knowing that Tidus was dead before starting playing this was gonna make the ending less impactful, but nope, the tears came anyway lmao. I love the characters and the world of this game so much, I do not know why I didn't play this sooner, like c'mon me. I cheesed the final boss mixing with Rikku "Trio of 9999", because fuck the big rocks and the dark aeons that didn't let me get important stuff to power level. FFX is now one of my favourites FF.

This ain't even a review, just a story. One time a friend came over to my house and wanted to play FFX, and they accidentally saved over my save file. It wouldn't be so bad if it was like an hour or 2 in, but the file that was saved over was right before the final bosses. I never beat FFX because of it, it was just too debilitating.

Gostei tanto do X! Um FF com dificuldade muito equilibrada e história excelente!

Aún no jugué a la versión remastered de X-2, pero la del X es espectacular. Como el juego no cambia en nada más que en los gráficos, X-2 le resta nota :P

I have bought this game at least 6 times and I would still buy it again with little resistance.

Review Parte X:
Fifa fazendo eu usar hulkbuster de novo. A história é belíssima, tem uns momentos esquisitos de roteiro mas acho que são consequência dos outros problemas que ele tem. Música, padrão fifa também, To Zanarkand é sensacional e outras ao decorrer que não vou lembrar o nome agora.

Personagens ótimos, em especial, obviamente, os protagonistas, afinal a história é deles.

Infelizmente, não é um filme, livro ou série, é um jogo, e por ser um jogo sua função principal é a gameplay, que é realmente o ponto que o jogo peca, E MUITO. Grind é algo extremamente arriscado de se colocar, e geralmente, sempre deixa o jogo pior. Esse foi o caso. O sistema de leveling é esquisito e por mais que você "upe" ainda sinto que vou precisar de 20x mais pra chegar ao valor aceitável.

Outro aspecto é o HP das coisas, nunca mais chamo nenhum jogo de esponja, pq é insano comparar com esse.

Outro ponto importante, os puzzles, fruta que partiu nunca vi puzzles mais idiotas e mais forçados na minha vida, foram colocados para, junto do grind, estender as horas de jogo de maneira considerável.

É uma pena gigantesca um jogo que facilmente poderia pegar um 4.5 ou até 5.0, perder tanto por causa de aspectos implementados de maneira proposital para fazer durar mais. Se você está penando e joga a versão remaster, use os cheats, estará fazendo um favor para seu tempo, e para o próprio jogo, pois sem ele, talvez tivesse dropado na metade.

Review parte X-2:
Não existe. Acabou no X.

the 4.5/5 is mainly for ffx - ffx2 i only got 10hrs into, i'd give it more of a 3/5.

a classic that holds up beyond the nostalgia. great story, good characters (even Tidus!), great secrets/ endgame, really rich world, fun battle and level-up system (if you use the Expert Grid).

note: don't play on XGP, it's missing all of the great QoL additions that are present in other versions of the game.