Reviews from

in the past

O meu primeiro FF, talvez não seja o melhor por onde começar, mas simplesmente não consegui aguentar as tosquices da animação e da dobragem. As poucas horas que eu joguei, foram horas que eu passei a olhar para o teto.

Muy buen jueguito, así en general.

La historia, el mundo, y demás elementos de la narrativa son geniales. Una aventura de salvar el mundo de las de toda la vida, pero con toda la magia y fantasía que trae el ser un FF. Cada personaje principal está bien dibujado, cada uno con su personalidad bien marcada y que aportan su granito de arena a avanzar la trama. Me encanta Yuna, tiene motivaciones más allá de ser el interés romántico del prota, cosa que me gusta bastante de un juego japonés de hace más de 20 años.

Entiendo que es un remaster así que no puedo juzgar bien cómo era el original de play2 pero me parece una locura que este juego sea de 2001, la gente fliparía al ver este nivel gráfico en su momento. La banda sonora está a la altura, siempre lo está en esta saga y, pese a que me recomendaron ponerme la versión original, decidí poner la versión arreglada y me ha encantado, To Zararkand es de las canciones más bonitas jamás hechas.

No soy una experta en RPGs por turnos pero este juego me ha gustado mucho, tanto en ritmo como en variedad en los combates, así que pocas quejas en este sentido. El sistema de subida de niveles parece complejo al principio pero en cuanto le echas unas horas ya te acostumbras y está bien implementado y es bastante original.

Le debía a mí yo del pasado volver a este juego (no recuerdo ir más allá de las 2-3 primeras horas) y estoy muy contenta de que me haya gustado tanto.


Mesma coisa dos anteriores, eu não curto tanto final fantasy mas quis testar pra ver qual era! Gráfico lindo e trilha sonora tbm, um game bem melhor que os anteriores e aqui ele já tá com uma jogabilidade menos bugada e travada na minha opinião, uma coletânea de respeito

Provato più per dovere. Non il mio genere.

Final Fantasy X Only

The story is masterpiece, gameplay is kinda funny and most of bosses are gimmicky.
It aint a perfect score due to some lacks in QoL and to be honest it has so much cutscenes and talking than the "gaming" part.
X-2? whats that?

For Final Fantasy X Only

It happens to be one of my all time favorite games to come out. Mostly because of two things; The characters and the gameplay. The characters also branches out to the plot as well, it is one of the best told stories to be told in an RPG game, let alone any game. But you have a rounded out group that are all memorable and likable in one way or another.
The gameplay does away with the battle system from the SNES and PSX era, with a more tradition turn based system. The difference is that you can see who goes next in the next few turns and it can change depending on what attack or skill that you use. Also you can change your party members on the fly in the middle of the fight, making for more versatile.
They also did away with the normal level-up system with a crazy grid! Once you level up you can make around on this huge board and choose what stat boosters and skill you can to unlock for each character, and with careful planning, you can make an OP Tidus or Yuna by the time you are ready to take on some of the more challenging bosses.
Speaking of bosses, this game has some hard or nails fights once you get into the latter half of the game, they really test out your knowledge of what you are able to do in the game in a satisfying and frustrating way. It may be frustrating because on the one major hiccup this game has, unskippable cutscenes. It can make or break you're playthrough if yo might be stuck on a certain fight.
The other hit or miss portion of the game are the side quests. Some of them are fun to do as you are nicely rewarded with awesome end game weapons that can obliterate the baddest of the bad, but some of these quest can potentially take you weeks just to get that one McGuffin and get that one weapon, do them at your own risk!
Regardless of the blemishes this game may have, it is still one of the best of the best that needs everybody attention and needs to be appreciated!

I know people like complaining about this game's level design being too linear but I really dont see the problem. Imagine going down the best hallway in the world. Doesn't that sound awesome? Yeah this game is awesome

Sympathique, même si il y a un moment en particulier qui pousse à farmer comme un gros porc mais l'histoire vaut le coup d'aller jusqu'au bout

Par contre je chie sur X-2, nul nul, nul

this game has exceptional themes and story but some of the boss fights are actually the worst fights in history, a remaster coming out without QoL features like skipping 20 minute long cutscenes after you wipe to a boss or FMV cutscenes not being green is ridiculous
also braskas final aeon might be the worst fight in the series which is so unfortunate because the story is actually good

Complete change from when I originally played these on release. Back then, I am pretty sure I though X was fine and X-2 pretty great. This time around I really enjoyed X and the story hit way harder, guess that's just a life thing, whereas X-2 I found it hard to stick with. Just seemed disjointed. X though, liked the battle system and loved most of the story. And as a package it certainly isn't lacking in gameplay hours. I just watched the cutscenes from Final Mission, Rogue games not for me really, and the story itself seems, fine I guess.

- used magus sisters to wipe jecht idgaf!!
- i worked for rikku and yuna's celestial weapons (also tried for tidus and got 0:0.1 for the race like dpmo please) but i was just over it
- overall ok like voice acting was janky but it was 2001 so what could they really have done. my only other gripe is the long dialogue that couldn't be skipped
- but this is my second favourite ff mainline believe it or not i think it's just because it was newer in relation to titles i played that released before (just vii)
- but i'll be playing x-2, viii and xii in that order while juggling p3r and rebirth. curious to see if this will move down my ranking

beautiful game, made me cry so much

X: Precisa muito de um remake, é bem na cara o quanto esse FF foi limitado pela época. Apesar de tudo, ainda é um dos meus favoritos, com uma história linda e com uma das melhores OSTs de tudo que já joguei (principalmente To Zanarkand).

X-2: Não tem motivo para existir.

FFX is a great JRPG experience with a great setting and fantastic music. Completing the Monster Arena will cause you to go through Ego Death

The Remastered version makes this game one of the most newcomer friendly games in the series, the ideal way to begin your Final Fantasy journey.

One of the best old Final Fantasy games, Tidus is a very charming character, and his romance with Yuna is done perfectly.

The story is incredible with some tear-jerking moments, and the music is fantastic and fits well with the game.

The gameplay mechanics are solid but a little bit outdated, and the grinding can be a very annoying. Also there are many difficulty spikes which make some parts of the game frustrating.

Still, the game holds up pretty well for a turn based JRPG, and if you're a fan of the genre this is pretty much a must-play.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I would say this is the best story-telled game.
The characters are elaborated and accompany the story, the music is very good, it has the most elaborate secondary minigame (blitzball) and its story is very deep and emotional.
It has many HARD side content too.

FF X-2:
The gameplay has improved and the "jobs" are back, but what about the story.
It works as a direct sequel to final fantasy X but it's pretty bad.
Yuna becomes an idol and sets out to find Tidus with her friend Rikku and... Paine?
Anyway, the story is really bad and it doesn't get better with time, but the gameplay and the affection for the characters half saves it.

lo que me gusta a mi un peregrinaje

0/10 too much water

Has a slow start but ramps up really fast. The world they live in is fucked up but so beautiful at the same time. Twist's and turns that you don't really see coming. Characters are very fleshed out and of course the music is beautiful and classic.

+1000000 points because Yojimbo is cool as fuck in this game

(as for X-2 I never completed it all the way through .....)

For Final Fantasy X, I had a good time with it. The gameplay was a pretty cool throwback to how much of the JRPG genre used to look. I liked the characters and the sphere grid was a pretty interesting mechanic. The story was good too.

For Final Fantasy X-2, I think it's intersting. I liked how it literally takes place at the same time and has the same characters. I also liked how it included only women as the main characters, a change for the franchise. Overall, other than that, it wasn't outstanding.

It was nice to experience it again in HD, although the PS3 version didn't look that much better^^ But now that there's also a PC version, I'll play it again when the time comes, I'm in the mood again.

Final Fantasy X - 4/5 (Feb 10, 2024 - March 2, 2024)
- beautiful ost
- amazing story
- if only cutscene and intro can be skip after failing a battle

O final fantasy x tem a minha historia favorita de todos os ff's atrás dos final fantasy 6.
Só não quis jogar o x-2 para não estragar a minha experiencia

Final Fantasy X was my first old Final Fantasy game. At first, I was slightly concerned because it's an old game, but after the first few hours, things got much better.
Anyway, the story is actually amazing; it's surprisingly well written and very emotional, arguably one of the best stories I've seen in a JRPG.
The gameplay holds up perfectly well; it honestly plays like a modern turn based game, still really fun and as deep as it needs to be.
The main characters are very good and they got even better in the process, even the characters I wasn't sure I would like.
The Sphere Grid is very interesting and the RPG elements are completely serviceable.
The music is awesome, the set-pieces are very nice and the CGI cutscenes are quite impressive even to this day.
Unfortunately though, the level design is extremely linear, and some minor elements in the game are outdated, like the puzzles, annoying difficulty spikes towards the end and voice acting.

+ Fantastic storyline
+ Great characters
+ Enjoyable gameplay
+ Sphere Grid
+ Beautiful music

- Very linear structure
- Outdated minor elements
- Difficulty spikes

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Even after all these years, Final Fantasy X is still an impressive JRPG, as well as one of the most engaging, fun and technologically advanced games in the entire series. Some elements haven't aged very well, sure, but the journey as a whole is so beautiful, it makes the experience worthwhile.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but mostly to those who enjoy turn based combat and JRPGs.
Must-play for Final Fantasy fans though.

Amazing game and an amazing remaster!